archaeological site
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О.В. Ковалева ◽  
П.Б. Амзараков ◽  
П. М. Леус

Статья посвящена итогам исследований археологического памятника «Курганный могильник Абакан-7», проведенным в 2018 г. в рамках охранно - спасательных работ в центре г. Абакан. Несмотря на разрушение большей части культурного слоя, произошедшего в результате разновременного освоения городской территории, под техногенными напластованиями удалось обнаружить нетронутый участок, включавший частично сохранившийся курган раннего железного века с более поздним впускным погребением. В результате раскопок выявлены конструкции четырех погребений, содержавших 18 изделий из бронзы и кости (ножи, шилья, вток чекана, наконечник стрелы, украшения) и 8 фрагментарно сохранившихся керамических сосудов. Выявленный курган относится к подгороновскому этапу тагарской археологической культуры (8-9 вв. до н. э.), а впускное погребение - к тесинской археологической культуре (2-1 вв. до н. э.). The article is devoted to the results of the research of archaeological site “Abakan-7 burial ground”, which was conducted in 2018 within the rescue operations in the center of Abakan. Despite the destruction of most of the cultural layer, caused by the development of the urban area at diff erent times, under technogenic layers, researchers could fi nd an intact deposit, which included a partially preserved barrow of the Early Iron Age with a later inlet burial. As a result of the excavation, the structures of four burials were revealed, which contained 18 items made of bronze and bone (knives, awls, a handle spike of a pickaxe, arrowheads, jewelry) and 8 fragmentary preserved ceramic vessels. The discovered barrow belongs to the Podgornovo stage of the Tagar archaeological culture (8th-6th centuries BC), and the inlet burial belongs to the Tes archaeological culture (2nd-1st centuries BC).

2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 897-910
E. V. Podzuban

The article introduces prehistoric artifacts from the sites of Karasor-5, Karasor-6, and Karasor-7 obtained in 1998. The archaeological site of Karasor is located in the Upper Tobol region, near the town of Lisakovsk. Stone tools, pottery fragments, a ceramic item, and a bronze arrow head were collected from a sand blowout, which had destroyed the cultural layer. The paper gives a detailed description of the pottery. The stone tools were examined using the technical and typological analysis, which featured the primary splitting, the morphological parameters and size of plates, the ratio of blanks, plates, flakes, and finished tools, the secondary processing methods, and the typological composition of the tools. The nature of the raw materials was counted as an independent indicator. The pottery fragments, the bronze arrow head, and the ceramic item belonged to the Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age. The stone industry of the Karasor archeological cluster proved to be a Mesolithic monument of the Turgai Trough. The technical and typological analysis revealed a close similarity with the Mesolithic sites of the Southern and Middle Trans-Urals, as well as the forest-steppe part of the Tobol-Irtysh interfluve. The stone artifacts were dated from the Mesolithic to the Early Iron Age.

2022 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-95
Margherita Bufalini ◽  
Domenico Aringoli ◽  
Petros Didaskalou ◽  
Marco Materazzi ◽  
Fabio Pallotta ◽  

Neste estudo no sítio arqueológico grego de Selinônte foram realizados levantamentos geomorfológicos e geoarqueológicos detalhados com o intuito de reconstruir a evolução da paisagem que ocorreu antes e durante a antropização do sítio e para verificar as possíveis correlações entre mudanças geoambientais e eventos humanos que caracterizou quase quatro séculos da história da cidade. Utilizando uma abordagem multidisciplinar e diferentes técnicas de levantamento, este estudo testemunhou o papel desempenhado pelo clima, configuração geomorfológica e georrecursos no condicionamento do desenvolvimento da cidade e a estreita relação por vezes observada entre os acontecimentos históricos e os processos naturais. Isso incluiu a polêmica e nunca descoberta obra hidráulica de Empédocles, que em 444 a.C., conforme as fontes textuais, resolveu um problema de saúde pública ligado à presença de áreas pantanosas.

2022 ◽  
pp. 223-240
Milica Maksić Mulalić

This chapter researches the possibilities for the sustainability of cultural heritage in inland territories, focusing on the case study of two archaeological sites in Serbia. Two plans, the plan for the archaeological site of Gamzigrad-Romuliana and the plan for the archaeological site of Caričin grad (Justiniana Prima), were analyzed from the aspect of sustainable development. These plans were prepared in compliance with the principles of preservation, protection, revitalization, and use of immovable cultural property for the purposes of science, education, presentation to the public and tourism. The conflicts between cultural heritage protection and development of tourism were analyzed. As a result of the analysis, recommendations for the sustainability of cultural heritage in inland territories are given in the chapter.

2022 ◽  
Vol 137 ◽  
pp. 105515
Sieczkowska Dominika ◽  
Ćmielewski Bartłomiej ◽  
Wolski Krzysztof ◽  
Paweł B. Dąbek ◽  
José M. Bastante ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 119 (1) ◽  
pp. e2114213118
Vasıf Şahoğlu ◽  
Johannes H. Sterba ◽  
Timor Katz ◽  
Ümit Çayır ◽  
Ümit Gündoğan ◽  

The Late Bronze Age Thera eruption was one of the largest natural disasters witnessed in human history. Its impact, consequences, and timing have dominated the discourse of ancient Mediterranean studies for nearly a century. Despite the eruption’s high intensity (Volcanic Explosivity Index 7; Dense Rock Equivalent of 78 to 86 km) [T. H. Druitt, F. W. McCoy, G. E. Vougioukalakis, Elements 15, 185–190 (2019)] and tsunami-generating capabilities [K. Minoura et al., Geology 28, 59–62 (2000)], few tsunami deposits are reported. In contrast, descriptions of pumice, ash, and tephra deposits are widely published. This mismatch may be an artifact of interpretive capabilities, given how rapidly tsunami sedimentology has advanced in recent years. A well-preserved volcanic ash layer and chaotic destruction horizon were identified in stratified deposits at Çeşme-Bağlararası, a western Anatolian/Aegean coastal archaeological site. To interpret these deposits, archaeological and sedimentological analysis (X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy instrumental neutron activation analysis, granulometry, micropaleontology, and radiocarbon dating) were performed. According to the results, the archaeological site was hit by a series of strong tsunamis that caused damage and erosion, leaving behind a thick layer of debris, distinguishable by its physical, biological, and chemical signature. An articulated human and dog skeleton discovered within the tsunami debris are in situ victims related to the Late Bronze Age Thera eruption event. Calibrated radiocarbon ages from well-constrained, short-lived organics from within the tsunami deposit constrain the event to no earlier than 1612 BCE. The deposit provides a time capsule that demonstrates the nature, enormity, and expansive geographic extent of this catastrophic event.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-116
Yustina Sri Ekwandari ◽  
Aprilia Triaristina ◽  
Henry Susanto

This study aims to examine the Pugung Raharjo Archaeological site as a source of learning history. The location of the Pugung Raharjo Archaeological site is located in the village of Batanghari, Sekampung, East Lampung Regency, Lampung Province. This research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques through literature study, observation, interviews, and documentation. The data validity technique uses source triangulation, for data analysis using interactive model analysis. The Pugung Raharjo Archaeological Site is a site protected by the Cultural Conservation Preservation Agency. As a source of learning the history of the ancient site Pugung Raharjo has historical values in the Praaksara/nirleka era with its relics, namely; Punden terraces, earth forts, stone with holes, stone axes, stone corpse complex, megalithic pools, beads, and household utensils. Classical era or Hindu-Buddhist relics, namely; Bodhisattva statues, Polynesian type statues, Humpback Inscriptions, and Ceramics. During the Islamic period, his relics were; Dalung Inscription, and Tombstone. The Pugung Raharjo Archaeological Site can be used as a source of history learning, one example is by learning history through the arrival and spread of early people in Sumatra, especially Lampung because this is the forerunner to the formation of a province of Lampung or often called the earth of Lampung. The process of utilizing the Pugung Raharjo site as a source of learning local history can be done by means, students can directly visit the object by doing/field trips. Thus the Pugung Raharjo archaeological site is very important for students, where students can participate in caring for and preserving historical relics in the vicinity. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji situs Purbakala Pugung Raharjo sebagai sumber belajar sejarah. Lokasi situs Purbakala Pugung Raharjo terletak di desa Batanghari, Sekampung Kabupaten Lampung Timur, Provinsi Lampung. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi pustaka, observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik keabsahan data menggunakan trianggulasi sumber, untuk analisis data menggunakan analisis model interaktif. Situs Purbakala Pugung Raharjo merupakan situs yang dilindungi oleh Badan Pelestarian Cagar Budaya. Sebagai sumber pembelajaran sejarah situs purbakala Pugung Raharjo memiliki nilai-nilai sejarah pada zaman Praaksara/nirleka dengan benda-benda peninggalannya yaitu; Punden berundak, Benteng tanah, Batu berlubang, Kapak Batu, Komplek Batu Mayat, kolam megalitik, manik-manik dan peralatan rumah tangga. Zaman klasik atau Hindu-Budha benda peninggalannya yaitu; arca Bodhisatwa, arca tipe Polinesia, Prasasti Bungkuk, dan Keramik. Pada Masa Islam benda peninggalannya yaitu; Prasasti Dalung, dan Batu Nisan. Situs Purbakala Pugung Raharjo dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber pembelajaran sejarah, salah satu contohnya adalah dengan pembelajaran sejarah melalui kedatangan dan penyebaran masyarakat awal di Sumatera khususnya Lampung, karena ini merupakan cikal bakal terbentuknya sebuah provinsi Lampung atau sering dikatakan juga bumi Lampung. Proses pemanfaatan situs Pugung Raharjo sebagai sumber belajar Sejarah Lokal dapat dilakukan dengan cara, mahasiswa dapat langsung mengunjungi obyeknya yang dilakukan dengan melakukan karya wisata/fieldtrip. Dengan demikian situs purbakala Pugung Raharjo sangat penting bagi para mahasiswa, dimana para mahasiswa dapat turut serta dalam merawat dan melestarikan peninggalan-peninggalan bersejarah yang ada di sekitarnya.

Radiocarbon ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Nabanita Naskar ◽  
Kaushik Gangopadhyay ◽  
Susanta Lahiri ◽  
Punarbasu Chaudhuri ◽  
Rajveer Sharma ◽  

ABSTRACT This study is on the absolute age dating of a multicultural site of Erenda, East Medinipur district, in coastal West Bengal, India. Charcoal samples were collected and measured using the accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) facility at the Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi, India. These samples were collected from secured stratigraphic context of two excavated trenches. A careful collection of samples from two trenches provided us with the first calendar dates, 950 BCE and 1979 BCE, of protohistoric sites in coastal West Bengal. These calibrated calendar dates not only have wider significance in terms of archaeology but also methodological implications to understand the relevance of application of AMS from the dynamic coastal landscape in the humid tropics during the late Holocene period.

Minerals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Fernanda Carvalho ◽  
Pedro Sousa ◽  
Nuno Leal ◽  
Joaquim Simão ◽  
Elissavet Kavoulaki ◽  

The study of building materials constituting cultural heritage is fundamental to understand their characteristics and predict their behavior. When considering materials from archaeological sites, their characterization can provide not only relevant information for a broader understanding of the site and its importance and significance but can also increase knowledge about ancient materials and their performance. The Palace of Knossos is a very important archaeological site in the European history context, and its preservation benefits from the characterization of the constituent materials. Samples of mortars from this monument were collected under the scope of the H2020 HERACLES project, where a multi-analytical approach was chosen using established protocols for the different sample typologies. Instrumental techniques such as optical microscopy (OM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and simultaneous thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis (TG–DTA) were used for the chemical, mineralogical, and morphological characterization of these mortar samples. The results indicate that the majority are lime mortars, both aerial and hydraulic, but gypsum-based mortars were also identified. Differences in the chemical composition of the samples in distinct areas of the monument allowed us to reflect on the variety of materials used in the construction of the Palace of Knossos.

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