recursive formulas
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10.37236/9887 ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
Beata Casiday ◽  
Selvi Kara

Let $\mathcal{D}$ be a weighted oriented graph and $I(\mathcal{D})$ be its edge ideal. In this paper, we investigate the Betti numbers of $I(\mathcal{D})$ via upper-Koszul simplicial complexes, Betti splittings and the mapping cone construction. In particular, we provide recursive formulas for the Betti numbers of edge ideals of several classes of weighted oriented graphs. We also identify classes of weighted oriented graphs whose edge ideals have a unique extremal Betti number which allows us to compute the regularity and projective dimension for the identified classes. Furthermore, we characterize the structure of a weighted oriented graph $\mathcal{D}$ on $n$ vertices such that $\textrm{pdim } (R/I(\mathcal{D}))=n$ where $R=k[x_1,\ldots, x_n]$.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 380-395
Jiramate Punpim ◽  
Somphong Jitman

Triangular numbers have been of interest and continuously studied due to their beautiful representations, nice properties, and various links with other figurate numbers. For positive integers n and l, the nth l-isosceles triangular number is a generalization of triangular numbers defined to be the arithmetic sum of the formT(n, l) = 1 + (1 + l) + (1 + 2l) + · · · + (1 + (n − 1)l).In this paper, we focus on characterizations and identities for isosceles triangular numbers as well as their links with other figurate numbers. Recursive formulas for constructions of isosceles triangular numbers are given together with necessary and sufficient conditions for a positive integer to be a sum of isosceles triangular  numbers. Various identities for isosceles triangular numbers are established. Results on triangular numbers can be viewed as a special case.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Radek Erban ◽  
Robert A. Van Gorder

AbstractProperties of divisor functions $$\sigma _k(n)$$ σ k ( n ) , defined as sums of k-th powers of all divisors of n, are studied through the analysis of Ramanujan’s differential equations. This system of three differential equations is singular at $$x=0$$ x = 0 . Solution techniques suitable to tackle this singularity are developed and the problem is transformed into an analysis of a dynamical system. Number theoretical consequences of the presented dynamical system analysis are then discussed, including recursive formulas for divisor functions.

Fateme movahedi

Dendrimers are highly branched monodisperse, macromolecules and are considered in nanotechnology with a variety of suitable applications. In this paper, the matching polynomial and some results of the matchings for three classes of nanostar dendrimers are obtained. Furthermore, we express the recursive formulas of the Hosoya index for these structures of dendrimers by their matching polynomials.

Telecom ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-41
Ioannis D. Moscholios

In this paper, a link of fixed capacity is considered that services calls from different service-classes. Calls arrive in the link according to a Poisson process, have an initial (peak) bandwidth requirement while their service time is exponentially distributed. We model this system as a multirate loss system and analyze two different multirate loss models. In the first model, named probabilistic retry loss model, if there is no available link bandwidth, a new call is blocked but retries with a lower bandwidth requirement and increased service time. To allow for the fact that a blocked call may be impatient, we assume that it retries with a probability. In the second model, named probabilistic threshold loss model, a call may reduce its bandwidth requirement (before blocking occurs) based on the occupied link bandwidth. To determine call blocking probabilities in both multirate loss models, we show that approximate but recursive formulas do exist that provide quite satisfactory results compared to simulation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 178 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 1-30
Florian Bruse ◽  
Martin Lange ◽  
Etienne Lozes

Higher-Order Fixpoint Logic (HFL) is a modal specification language whose expressive power reaches far beyond that of Monadic Second-Order Logic, achieved through an incorporation of a typed λ-calculus into the modal μ-calculus. Its model checking problem on finite transition systems is decidable, albeit of high complexity, namely k-EXPTIME-complete for formulas that use functions of type order at most k < 0. In this paper we present a fragment with a presumably easier model checking problem. We show that so-called tail-recursive formulas of type order k can be model checked in (k − 1)-EXPSPACE, and also give matching lower bounds. This yields generic results for the complexity of bisimulation-invariant non-regular properties, as these can typically be defined in HFL.

Mathematics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Yu Yang ◽  
Long Li ◽  
Wenhu Wang ◽  
Hua Wang

The BC-subtree (a subtree in which any two leaves are at even distance apart) number index is the total number of non-empty BC-subtrees of a graph, and is defined as a counting-based topological index that incorporates the leaf distance constraint. In this paper, we provide recursive formulas for computing the BC-subtree generating functions of multi-fan and multi-wheel graphs. As an application, we obtain the BC-subtree numbers of multi-fan graphs, r multi-fan graphs, multi-wheel (wheel) graphs, and discuss the change of the BC-subtree numbers between different multi-fan or multi-wheel graphs. We also consider the behavior of the BC-subtree number in these structures through the study of extremal problems and BC-subtree density. Our study offers a new perspective on understanding new structural properties of cyclic graphs.

2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (07) ◽  
pp. 915-928
Nataša Jonoska ◽  
Masahico Saito ◽  
Hwee Kim ◽  
Brad Mostowski

A double occurrence word (DOW) is a word in which every symbol appears exactly twice. We define the symbol separation of a DOW [Formula: see text] to be the number of letters between the two copies of a symbol, and the separation of [Formula: see text] to be the sum of separations over all symbols in [Formula: see text]. We then analyze relationship among size, reducibility and separation of DOWs. Specifically, we provide tight bounds of separations of DOWs with a given size and characterize the words that attain those bounds. We show that all separation numbers within the bounds can be realized. We present recursive formulas for counting the numbers of DOWs with a given separation under various restrictions, such as the number of irreducible factors. These formulas can be obtained by inductive construction of all DOWs with the given separation.

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