Shalakya Tantra is an important branch in Ayurveda which deals with the diseases of the supraclavicular region. Eyecare is described under "Shalakya Tantra”. The eye is the most important and sensitive of five sense organs in the human body. Ayurveda also gives prime importance to the eye and primarily aim at the prevention of disease and promotion of positive health. Some of the faulty lifestyle exposures like sedentary habits, smoking, alcohol consumption, fat, sugar-rich diet, junk food, high carbohydrate food etc are notably associated with the risk of developing eye diseases. Association of eye diseases with Dinacharya, Ritucharya, Aahara-Vihara, Mind, Occu- pation, and Aging process are also important. Factors like continuous hours spent reading, watching TV, using mobile and working on computers take their toll on eye health. Ayurveda possesses vivid information about the lifestyle leading to healthy living and also the preventive strategies in general. For eye diseases, a few daily regi- mens like Aschyotana (eye drops), Anjana (Collyrium), Nasya (nasal application of drugs), Abhyanga (oil massage) are promoted as high-end measures for the maintenance of eye health, Various Netra vyayama (eye exercis- es), Yoga, Pranayama and Satkriya (Neti, Trataka etc) are also an effective therapy for healing of eye disorders.
Keywords: Dincharya, Ritucharya, Aschyotana, Anjana, Padabhyanga