clifford group
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2022 ◽  
Vol 29 (01) ◽  
pp. 99-112
Thomas Guédénon

In this paper we define the notion of Brauer–Clifford group for [Formula: see text]-Azumaya algebras when [Formula: see text] is a commutative algebra and[Formula: see text] is a [Formula: see text]-Lie algebra over a commutative ring [Formula: see text]. This is the situation that arises in applications having connections to differential geometry. This Brauer–Clifford group turns out to be an example of a Brauer group of a symmetric monoidal category.

Quantum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 581
Seth T. Merkel ◽  
Emily J. Pritchett ◽  
Bryan H. Fong

We show that the Randomized Benchmarking (RB) protocol is a convolution amenable to Fourier space analysis. By adopting the mathematical framework of Fourier transforms of matrix-valued functions on groups established in recent work from Gowers and Hatami \cite{GH15}, we provide an alternative proof of Wallman's \cite{Wallman2018} and Proctor's \cite{Proctor17} bounds on the effect of gate-dependent noise on randomized benchmarking. We show explicitly that as long as our faulty gate-set is close to the targeted representation of the Clifford group, an RB sequence is described by the exponential decay of a process that has exactly two eigenvalues close to one and the rest close to zero. This framework also allows us to construct a gauge in which the average gate-set error is a depolarizing channel parameterized by the RB decay rates, as well as a gauge which maximizes the fidelity with respect to the ideal gate-set.

Quantum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 580
Sergey Bravyi ◽  
Ruslan Shaydulin ◽  
Shaohan Hu ◽  
Dmitri Maslov

The Clifford group is a finite subgroup of the unitary group generated by the Hadamard, the CNOT, and the Phase gates. This group plays a prominent role in quantum error correction, randomized benchmarking protocols, and the study of entanglement. Here we consider the problem of finding a short quantum circuit implementing a given Clifford group element. Our methods aim to minimize the entangling gate count assuming all-to-all qubit connectivity. First, we consider circuit optimization based on template matching and design Clifford-specific templates that leverage the ability to factor out Pauli and SWAP gates. Second, we introduce a symbolic peephole optimization method. It works by projecting the full circuit onto a small subset of qubits and optimally recompiling the projected subcircuit via dynamic programming. CNOT gates coupling the chosen subset of qubits with the remaining qubits are expressed using symbolic Pauli gates. Software implementation of these methods finds circuits that are only 0.2% away from optimal for 6 qubits and reduces the two-qubit gate count in circuits with up to 64 qubits by 64.7% on average, compared with the Aaronson-Gottesman canonical form.

David Gross ◽  
Sepehr Nezami ◽  
Michael Walter

AbstractSchur–Weyl duality is a ubiquitous tool in quantum information. At its heart is the statement that the space of operators that commute with the t-fold tensor powers $$U^{\otimes t}$$ U ⊗ t of all unitaries $$U\in U(d)$$ U ∈ U ( d ) is spanned by the permutations of the t tensor factors. In this work, we describe a similar duality theory for tensor powers of Clifford unitaries. The Clifford group is a central object in many subfields of quantum information, most prominently in the theory of fault-tolerance. The duality theory has a simple and clean description in terms of finite geometries. We demonstrate its effectiveness in several applications: We resolve an open problem in quantum property testing by showing that “stabilizerness” is efficiently testable: There is a protocol that, given access to six copies of an unknown state, can determine whether it is a stabilizer state, or whether it is far away from the set of stabilizer states. We give a related membership test for the Clifford group. We find that tensor powers of stabilizer states have an increased symmetry group. Conversely, we provide corresponding de Finetti theorems, showing that the reductions of arbitrary states with this symmetry are well-approximated by mixtures of stabilizer tensor powers (in some cases, exponentially well). We show that the distance of a pure state to the set of stabilizers can be lower-bounded in terms of the sum-negativity of its Wigner function. This gives a new quantitative meaning to the sum-negativity (and the related mana) – a measure relevant to fault-tolerant quantum computation. The result constitutes a robust generalization of the discrete Hudson theorem. We show that complex projective designs of arbitrary order can be obtained from a finite number (independent of the number of qudits) of Clifford orbits. To prove this result, we give explicit formulas for arbitrary moments of random stabilizer states.

2020 ◽  
Vol 101 (6) ◽  
L. C. G. Govia ◽  
D. Bunandar ◽  
J. Lin ◽  
D. Englund ◽  
N. Lütkenhaus ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (10) ◽  
pp. 4483-4500
T. Guédénon

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (03) ◽  
pp. 2050004
Oscar Perdomo

Let us denote by [Formula: see text] the Clifford group (the circuit or operations generated by Hadamard, [Formula: see text] phase and the controlled-NOT gates) and by [Formula: see text] the set of qubit states that can be prepared by circuits from the Clifford group. In other words, a state [Formula: see text] if [Formula: see text] where [Formula: see text]. We will refer to states in [Formula: see text] as Clifford states. This paper studies the set of all three-qubit Clifford states. We prove that [Formula: see text] has 8640 states and if we define two states [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] in [Formula: see text] to be equivalent if [Formula: see text], with [Formula: see text] a local transformation in [Formula: see text], then the resulting quotient space has five orbits. More exactly, [Formula: see text] where the orbit [Formula: see text] is made up of states with entanglement entropy [Formula: see text]. For example, the first orbit [Formula: see text] contains the state [Formula: see text] and corresponds to the unentangled Clifford states. We say that [Formula: see text] is a real state if all its amplitudes [Formula: see text] are real numbers. We also say that an operator is real if all the entries of its matrix representation with respect to the computational basis are real numbers. In this paper, we also study the set of real Clifford 3 qubits and the way this set splits when we identify two real Clifford states [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] to be equivalent if [Formula: see text] where [Formula: see text] is a local real Clifford operator. An interesting aspect that follows from this study of Clifford states is the existence of two real Clifford states [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] that can be connected with a Clifford local transformation but they cannot be connected with a real Clifford local transformation. This is, the equation [Formula: see text] for [Formula: see text], does have a solution in the set of local transformations from [Formula: see text] but it does not have a solution among the local transformations from [Formula: see text] that are real. We go a little deeper and show that the equation [Formula: see text] does not have a solution for any local operation (not necessarily Clifford) whose entries are real numbers. Finally, we show how the CNOT gates act on the set of Clifford states and also in the set of real Clifford states.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Waldir S. Soares Jr ◽  
E. B. Silva ◽  
Emerson J. Vizentim ◽  
Franciele P. B. Soares

This current work propose a technique to generate polygonal color codes in the hyperbolic geometry environment. The color codes were introduced by Bombin and Martin-Delgado in 2007, and the called triangular color codes have a higher degree of interest because they allow the implementation of the Clifford group, but they encode only one qubit. In 2018 Soares e Silva extended the triangular codes to the polygonal codes, which encode more qubits. Using an approach through hyperbolic tessellations we show that it is possible to generate Hyperbolic Polygonal codes, which encode more than one qubit with the capacity to implement the entire Clifford group and also having a better coding rate than the previously mentioned codes, for the color codes on surfaces with boundary with minimum distance d = 3.

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