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Gayathri Devi Pilli ◽  
Karthikeyan Elumalai ◽  
Vijey Aanandhi Muthukumar ◽  
Palani Shanmuga Sundaram

Abstract Background This is an objective critique to give an in-depth description of Nano suspensions. This article is attempting to address the issue of whether or not Nano science is realistic with respect to price, with regards to item costs being added to the endeavor and Lipotropic drugs have proven to be rewarding and Lipo-immunotherapy has proven to be beneficial. In modern times, drug marketing and promotion have become crucial to efficient commercializing of successful molecules, pharmaceutical companies often work to increase the chances of promoting successful drugs, these included cardiovascular drugs because of their widespread usage. Main body Nano suspension is a Nano metric Colloidal Suspension system i.e., Nano suspensions, in the solid form reaches the bloodstream and Nanoparticle colloids readily available to the target cells. All research on Nanostructures is focused on the four primary dimensions, composition, homogeneity, heterogeneity, elasticity, and agglomeration. Researchers are devising ways to deliver medication and other substances to a damaged cell and diseased region, as well as diagnose the body to pinpoint disease and defects, by way of Nanotechnology. Short conclusions The vital analysis of Nano science experiment on Nano suspension is working to achieve the goal of reducing product cost by using Nanotechnology in product development, as it wants to examine the probability of development by utilizing Nanotechnology. The usage of the top-limited technology allows the development of cardiovascular drugs classified under the biopharmaceutical classification system (Class II and Class IV) to use two approaches namely top-down and bottom-up methods.

Molecules ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 512
Xuzeng Wang ◽  
Zhaogai Wang ◽  
Tao Feng

In order to screen out Saccharomyces cerevisiae suitable for table grape fermentation, and compare it with commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae in terms of fermentation performance and aroma producing substances, differences of fermentation flavor caused by different strains were discussed. In this experiment, yeast was isolated and purified from vineyard soil, 26s rDNA identification and fermentation substrate tolerance analysis were carried out, and the causes of flavor differences of wine were analyzed from three aspects: GC-MS, PCA and sensory evaluation. The results showed that strain S1 had the highest floral aroma fraction, corresponding to its high production of ethyl octanoate and other substances, and it had the characteristics of high sugar tolerance. The fruit sensory score of S3 wine was the highest among the six wines. Through exploration and analysis, it was found that compared with commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the screened strains had more advantages in fermenting table grapes. The flavor of each wine was directly related to the growth characteristics and tolerance of its strains.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Qi Chen ◽  
Yanpeng Wang ◽  
Zhijun Zhang ◽  
Xiaomin Liu ◽  
Chao Li ◽  

Arginine plays an important role in the nitrogen (N) cycle because it has the highest ratio of N to carbon among amino acids. In recent years, there has been increased research interest in improving the N use of plants, reducing the use of N fertilizer, and enhancing the tolerance of plants to N deficiency. Here, the function of arginine in the growth of apple (Malus hupehensis) under N deficiency was explored. The application of 100 μmol L–1 arginine was effective for alleviating N-deficiency stress. Exogenous arginine promoted the absorption and use of N, phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) under low N stress. The net photosynthetic rate, maximal photochemical efficiency of photosystem II, and chlorophyll content were higher in treated plants than in control plants. Exogenous arginine affected the content of many metabolites, and the content of many amino acids with important functions was significantly increased, such as glutamate and ornithine, which play an important role in the urea cycle. Half of the metabolites were annotated to specialized metabolic pathways, including the synthesis of phenolic substances, flavonoids, and other substances with antioxidant activity. Our results indicate that arginine promotes the plant photosynthetic capacity and alters amino acid metabolism and some antioxidants including phenolic substances and flavonoids to improve the tolerance of apple to N deficiency, possibly through the improvement of arginine content, and the absorption of mineral.

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-9
Othmar Horak ◽  
Wolfgang Friesl-Hanl

Addition of iron oxides, lime, clay minerals and other substances can be used to decrease the plant availability of toxic heavy metals such as Pb, Zn, and Cd. Extractability and consequently plant concentrations may be reduced in some cases by more than 50%. The assessment of remediation processes is supported by biomonitoring methods in the field with Plantago lanceolata and in the greenhouse by barley test experiments, in combination with extraction by ammonium nitrate.

Diversity ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Sergio R. Roiloa ◽  
Fei-Hai Yu ◽  
Rodolfo Barreiro

Management of invasive alien species is a high priority for biodiversity conservation. Here, we studied the effects of glyphosate application, at 0.06 g/m2 concentration, on physiologically integrated basal and apical ramets of the invasive clonal plant Carpobrotus edulis. Physiological integration allows the transport of resources and other substances between connected ramets in clonal plants. We found a significant reduction of growth and photochemical efficiency both in basal and apical ramets of C. edulis after glyphosate application. Interestingly, we also observed a significant growth reduction in untreated basal ramets when they remained connected to apical ramets treated with glyphosate. This result was interpreted as a cost for basal ramets due to supporting severely stressed apical ramets. Therefore, local application of glyphosate to apical ramets of C. edulis can negatively affect not only their own growth, but also the growth of their interconnected, untreated basal ramets. Our results suggest that glyphosate effectiveness can be maintained when applied only to one part of the clone so that the amount of herbicide used in eradication programs can be greatly reduced, which can minimize the negative impact of chemical herbicides on ecosystems.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Bharti Mangla ◽  
Shamama Javed ◽  
Muhammad H. Sultan ◽  
Waquar Ahsan ◽  
Geeta Aggarwal ◽  

Drug delivery using oral route is the most popular, convenient, safest and least expensive approach. It includes oral transmucosal delivery of bioactive compounds as the mucosal cavity offers an intriguing approach for systemic drug distribution. Owing to the dense vascular architecture and high blood flow, oral mucosal layers are easily permeable and can be an ideal site for drug administration. Recently, the transmucosal route is being investigated for other therapeutic candidates such as vaccines for their efficient delivery. Vaccines have the potential to trigger immune reactions and can act as both prophylactic and therapeutic conduit to a variety of diseases. Administration of vaccines using transmucosal route offers multiple advantages, the most important one being the needle-free (non-invasive) delivery. Development of needle-free devices are the most recent and pioneering breakthrough in the delivery of drugs and vaccines, enabling patients to avoid needles, reducing anxiety, pain and fear as well as improving compliance. Oral, nasal and aerosol vaccination is a novel immunization approach that utilizes a nanocarrier to administer the vaccine. Nanocarriers improve the bioavailability and serve as adjuvants to elicit a stronger immune response, resulting in increased effectiveness of vaccination. Drugs and vaccines with lower penetration abilities can also be delivered transmucosally while maintaining their biological function. The development of micro/nanocarriers for transmucosal delivery of macromolecules, vaccines and other substances is currently drawing much attention and a number of studies were performed recently. This comprehensive review is aimed to summarize the most recent investigations on needle-free and non-invasive approaches for the delivery of vaccines using oral transmucosal route, their strengths and associated challenges. The oral transmucosal vaccine delivery by nanocarriers is the most upcoming advancement in efficient vaccine delivery and this review would help further research and trials in this field.

2022 ◽  
pp. 21-23
Магомед Эминович Ахмедов ◽  
Мафият Магомедовна Рахманова ◽  
Амият Фейзудиновна Демирова

Проблема повышения пищевой ценности консервируемых пищевых продуктов в герметически укупоренной таре может быть успешно решена на основе интенсификации процесса тепловой стерилизации. В работе представлены результаты исследований по совершенствованию технологии производства консервированного компота из винограда с использованием самоэксгаустируемой тары и интенсификации процесса тепловой стерилизации, являющейся наиболее широко используемым методом консервирования пищевых продуктов, совершенство которой во многом определяет пищевую ценность готового продукта. Известно, что продолжительность и температурный уровень стерилизационного процесса существенно могут изменить качественный и количественный состав витаминов, белков, углеводов, минеральных и органических кислот и других веществ, что зачастую приводит к снижению пищевой ценности продукта. На основе оценки традиционного стерилизационного режима разработаны и предложены новый способ и режимы стерилизации, которые обеспечивают сокращение продолжительности тепловой обработки более чем на 30 % и повышение пищевой ценности готовой продукции. Установлено, что предварительное повышение температуры продукта и использование самоэксгаустируемых стеклобанок обеспечивают сохранение витамина С в готовом продукте на 0,8 мг/% выше, чем по традиционной технологии. Полученные результаты представляют интерес для реализации на предприятиях по переработке растительного сырья. The problem of increasing the nutritional value of canned food products in hermetically sealed containers can be successfully solved by intensifying the process of thermal sterilization. The paper presents the results of research on improving the technology of production of canned compote from grapes using self-exgaustible containers and intensifying the process of thermal sterilization, which is the most widely used method of preserving food products and the perfection of which largely determines the nutritional value of the finished product. It is known that the duration and temperature level of the sterilization process can significantly change the qualitative and quantitative composition of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, mineral and organic acids and other substances, which often leads to a decrease in the nutritional value of the product. Based on the assessment of the traditional sterilization regime, a new method and modes of sterilization have been developed and proposed, which provide a reduction in the duration of heat treatment by more than 30 % and an increase in the nutritional value of the finished product. It was found that the use of a preliminary increase in the temperature of the product and the use of self-exgaustible glass jars ensures the preservation of vitamin C in the finished product by 0.8 mg/% higher than by traditional technology. The results obtained are of interest for implementation at plants processing plant raw materials.

2022 ◽  
Paulo Cumbane ◽  
Abrão Estivila ◽  
Isabel Magaia

Reactive species, such as the free radicals produced during cell metabolism, are described as the main cause of oxidative stress, a process responsible for the development of degenerative diseases. Thus, the investigation of natural products containing chemical components with antioxidant capacity becomes necessary, since the frequent ingestion of these products may prevent the occurrence of this adverse event. In this perspective, total phenols (<b>TPC</b>) and total flavonoids (<b>TFC</b>) of the crude methanolic extract (<b>MCE</b>) and ethyl acetate fraction (<b>EAF</b>) obtained from <i>Gladiolus dalenii</i> bulbs were quantified and their antioxidant capacity evaluated and compared with that of gallic acid (<b>GA</b>), tannic acid (<b>TA</b>), pyrogallol (<b>PyG</b>), n-propyl gallate (<b>nPG</b>), quercetin (<b>Qtn</b>), rutin (<b>Rut</b>), butylated hydroxytoluene (<b>BHT</b>), 6-hydroxy-2,5,7-tetramethyl-chroman-2-carboxylic acid (<b>Trolox</b>) and ascorbic acid (<b>Asc)</b> using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl hydroxyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging method. The study revealed that the antioxidant activity of <b>MCE</b> (EC<sub>50</sub>=6.550 ± 0.31 µg/mL) and <b>EAF</b> (EC<sub>50</sub>=5.960 ± 0.61 µg/mL) was higher effect than <b>Rut</b> (EC<sub>50</sub>=9.110 ± 0.04 µg/mL) and <b>BHT</b> (EC<sub>50</sub>=11.18 ± 0.03 µg/mL), and in turn lower than that of the other substances analyzed. The antioxidant activity found for <i>G. dalenii</i> extracts may be due to the high level of TPC found in this species.

2022 ◽  
pp. 026988112110667
Grant M Jones ◽  
Matthew K Nock

Background: Depression is a major mental health issue worldwide, with high rates of chronicity and non-recovery associated with the condition. Existing treatments such as antidepressant medication and psychological treatments have modest effectiveness, suggesting the need for alternative interventions. Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the relationships between MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine)/ecstasy and psilocybin use and major depressive episodes (MDEs). Methods: This observational study used data from a large ( N = 213,437) nationally representative sample of US adults to test the association of lifetime use of MDMA/ecstasy, psilocybin and other classic psychedelics (lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), peyote, mescaline), other illegal substances (e.g. cocaine, phencyclidine (PCP)), and legal/medicinal substances of misuse (e.g. pain relievers, tranquilizers) with lifetime, past year, and past year severe MDEs. Results: Results revealed that lifetime MDMA/ecstasy use was associated with significantly lowered odds of a lifetime MDE (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 0.84; p < 0.001), past year MDE (aOR = 0.84; p < 0.001), and past year severe MDE (aOR = 0.82; p < 0.001). Psilocybin was associated with significantly lowered odds of a past year MDE (aOR = 0.90; p < 0.05) and past year severe MDE (aOR = 0.87; p < 0.05). All other substances either shared no relationship with a MDE or conferred increased odds of an MDE. Conclusions: These results suggest that MDMA/ecstasy and psilocybin use is associated with lower risk of depression. Experimental studies are needed to test whether there is a causal association between use of these compounds and the alleviation of depressive symptoms.


Background: Mental illness symptoms can trigger substance use cravings, which are strongly associated with relapse. Aim: Our study examines differences in substances craved among adults entering inpatient mental health (MH) and substance use disorder (SUD) treatment programs in 2018. Method: Our sample includes 2,486 adults; 1,686 adults admitted to MH programs and 800 adults admitted to SUD programs. We conducted chi-square tests and Fisher’s exact tests to determine group differences, with a Bonferroni correction to adjust the alpha for multiple tests. Results: We found that patients programmed to SUD services more often reported alcohol (39.99 vs. 49.63%; x2 (1, N = 2,488) =20.56, p<0.001) and opioid (8. 00% vs. 35.88%; x2 (1, N = 2,488) =299.48, p < 0.001) cravings. Patients programmed to MH primary more often reported cannabis (16. 35% vs. 1.00%; x2 (1, N=2,488) =299.48, p<0.001), stimulants (10.25% vs. 6.13%; x2(1, N =2,488) = 11.36, p < 0.001), and “other substances” cravings (21.45% vs. 3.25; x2 (2, N = 2,488) =136.52, p <0.001). Both groups mostly did not report secondary cravings. Conclusions: Because cravings can negatively impact treatment success of patients with co-occurring disorders, cravings should be assessed upon admission to mental health or SUD inpatient treatment.

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