random segregation
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2022 ◽  
Laurence Howe ◽  
Humaira Rasheed ◽  
Paul R Jones ◽  
Dorret I Boomsma ◽  
David M Evans ◽  

Previous Mendelian randomization (MR) studies using population samples (population-MR) have provided evidence for beneficial effects of educational attainment on health outcomes in adulthood. However, estimates from these studies may have been susceptible to bias from population stratification, assortative mating and indirect genetic effects due to unadjusted parental genotypes. Mendelian randomization using genetic association estimates derived from within-sibship models (within-sibship MR) can avoid these potential biases because genetic differences between siblings are due to random segregation at meiosis. Applying both population and within-sibship MR, we estimated the effects of genetic liability to educational attainment on body mass index (BMI), cigarette smoking, systolic blood pressure (SBP) and all-cause mortality. MR analyses used individual-level data on 72,932 siblings from UK Biobank and the Norwegian HUNT study and summary-level data from a within-sibship Genome-wide Association Study including over 140,000 individuals. Both population and within-sibship MR estimates provided evidence that educational attainment influences BMI, cigarette smoking and SBP. Genetic variant-outcome associations attenuated in the within-sibship model, but genetic variant-educational attainment associations also attenuated to a similar extent. Thus, within-sibship and population MR estimates were largely consistent. The within-sibship MR estimate of education on mortality was imprecise but consistent with a putative effect. These results provide evidence of beneficial individual-level effects of education (or liability to education) on adulthood health, independent of potential demographic and family-level confounders.

Genes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (9) ◽  
pp. 1338
Filip Pajpach ◽  
Tianyu Wu ◽  
Linda Shearwin-Whyatt ◽  
Keith Jones ◽  
Frank Grützner

Segregation of chromosomes is a multistep process occurring both at mitosis and meiosis to ensure that daughter cells receive a complete set of genetic information. Critical components in the chromosome segregation include centromeres, kinetochores, components of sister chromatid and homologous chromosomes cohesion, microtubule organizing centres, and spindles. Based on the cytological work in the grasshopper Brachystola, it has been accepted for decades that segregation of homologs at meiosis is fundamentally random. This ensures that alleles on chromosomes have equal chance to be transmitted to progeny. At the same time mechanisms of meiotic drive and an increasing number of other examples of non-random segregation of autosomes and sex chromosomes provide insights into the underlying mechanisms of chromosome segregation but also question the textbook dogma of random chromosome segregation. Recent advances provide a better understanding of meiotic drive as a prominent force where cellular and chromosomal changes allow autosomes to bias their segregation. Less understood are mechanisms explaining observations that autosomal heteromorphism may cause biased segregation and regulate alternating segregation of multiple sex chromosome systems or translocation heterozygotes as an extreme case of non-random segregation. We speculate that molecular and cytological mechanisms of non-random segregation might be common in these cases and that there might be a continuous transition between random and non-random segregation which may play a role in the evolution of sexually antagonistic genes and sex chromosome evolution.

Cells ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 1465
Mareike Sieler ◽  
Julian Weiler ◽  
Thomas Dittmar

The phenomenon of cancer cell–cell fusion is commonly associated with the origin of more malignant tumor cells exhibiting novel properties, such as increased drug resistance or an enhanced metastatic capacity. However, the whole process of cell–cell fusion is still not well understood and seems to be rather inefficient since only a certain number of (cancer) cells are capable of fusing and only a rather small population of fused tumor hybrids will survive at all. The low survivability of tumor hybrids is attributed to post-fusion processes, which are characterized by the random segregation of mixed parental chromosomes, the induction of aneuploidy and further random chromosomal aberrations and genetic/epigenetic alterations in daughter cells. As post-fusion processes also run in a unique manner in surviving tumor hybrids, the occurrence of novel properties could thus also be a random event, whereby it might be speculated that the tumor microenvironment and its spatial habitats could direct evolving tumor hybrids towards a specific phenotype.

Fanny Rusman ◽  
Noelia Floridia-Yapur ◽  
Nicolás Tomasini ◽  
Patricio Diosque

Trypanosoma cruzi, as other kinetoplastids, has a complex mechanism of editing of mitochondrial mRNAs that requires guide RNAs (gRNAs) coded in DNA minicircles in the kinetoplast. There are many variations on this mechanism among species. mRNA editing and gRNA repertoires are almost unknown in T. cruzi. Here, gRNAs were inferred based on deep-sequenced minicircle hypervariable regions (mHVRs) and editing cascades were rebuilt in strains belonging to the six main T. cruzi lineages. Inferred gRNAs were clustered according to their sequence similarity to constitute gRNA classes. Extreme diversity of gRNA classes was observed, which implied highly divergent gRNA repertoires among different lineages, even within some lineages. In addition, a variable gRNA class redundancy (i.e., different gRNA classes editing the same mRNA region) was detected among strains. Some strains had upon four times more gRNA classes than others. Such variations in redundancy affected gRNA classes of all mRNAs in a concerted way, i.e., there are correlated variations in the number of gRNAs classes editing each mRNA. Interestingly, cascades were incomplete for components of the respiratory complex I in several strains. Finally, gRNA classes of different strains may potentially edit mitochondrial mRNAs from other lineages in the same way as they edit their own mitochondrial mRNAs, which is a prerequisite for biparental inheritance of minicircle in hybrids. We propose that genetic exchange and biparental inheritance of minicircles combined with minicircle drift due to (partial) random segregation of minicircles during kDNA replication is a suitable hypothesis to explain the divergences among strains and the high levels of gRNA redundancy in some strains. In addition, our results support that the complex I may not be required in some stages in the life cycle as previously shown and that linkage (in the same minicircle) of gRNAs that edit different mRNAs may prevent gRNA class lost in such stage.

2021 ◽  
Valerio Vitali ◽  
Rebecca Rothering ◽  
Francesco Catania

Amitosis is a widespread form of unbalanced nuclear division whose biomedical and evolutionary significance remain unclear. Traditionally, insights into the genetics of amitosis are acquired by assessing the rate of phenotypic assortment. The phenotypic diversification of heterozygous clones during successive cell divisions reveals the random segregation of alleles to daughter nuclei. Though powerful, this experimental approach relies on the availability of phenotypic markers. Here, we present an approach that overcomes the requirement for phenotypic assortment. Leveraging Paramecium tetraurelia, a unicellular eukaryote with nuclear dimorphism and a highly polyploid somatic nucleus, we use single-cell whole-genome sequencing to track the assortment of developmentally acquired somatic DNA variants. Accounting for genome representation biases, we measure the effect of amitosis on allele segregation across the first ~50 amitotic divisions post self-fertilization and compare our empirical findings with theoretical predictions estimated via mathematical modeling. In line with our simulations, we show that amitosis in P. tetraurelia produces measurable but modest levels of somatic assortment. In forgoing the requirement for phenotypic assortment and employing developmental, environmentally induced somatic variation as molecular markers, our work provides a new powerful approach to investigate the consequences of amitosis in polyploid cells.

2020 ◽  
Jarno Mäkelä ◽  
Stephan Uphoff ◽  
David J. Sherratt

SummaryThe Escherichia coli structural maintenance of chromosomes complex, MukBEF, forms axial cores to chromosomes that determine their spatio-temporal organization. Here, we show that axial cores direct chromosome arms to opposite poles and generate the translational symmetry between newly replicated sister chromosomes. MatP, a replication terminus (ter) binding protein prevents chromosome rotation around the longitudinal cell axis by displacing MukBEF from ter, thereby maintaining the linear shape of axial cores. During DNA replication, MukBEF action directs lagging strands towards the cell center, marked by accumulation of DNA-bound β2-clamps in the wake of replisomes, in a process necessary for the translational symmetry of sister chromosomes. Finally, the ancestral (‘immortal’) template DNA strand, propagated from previous generations, is preferentially inherited by the cell forming at the old pole, dependent on MukBEF-MatP. The work demonstrates how chromosome organization-segregation can foster non-random inheritance of genetic material and provides a framework for understanding how chromosome conformation and dynamics shape subcellular organization.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
pp. 1811 ◽  
Jessica Dörnen ◽  
Mareike Sieler ◽  
Julian Weiler ◽  
Silvia Keil ◽  
Thomas Dittmar

The biological phenomenon of cell fusion plays a crucial role in several physiological processes, including wound healing and tissue regeneration. Here, it is assumed that bone marrow-derived stem cells (BMSCs) could adopt the specific properties of a different organ by cell fusion, thereby restoring organ function. Cell fusion first results in the production of bi- or multinucleated hybrid cells, which either remain as heterokaryons or undergo ploidy reduction/heterokaryon-to-synkaryon transition (HST), thereby giving rise to mononucleated daughter cells. This process is characterized by a merging of the chromosomes from the previously discrete nuclei and their subsequent random segregation into daughter cells. Due to extra centrosomes concomitant with multipolar spindles, the ploidy reduction/HST could also be associated with chromosome missegregation and, hence, induction of aneuploidy, genomic instability, and even putative chromothripsis. However, while the majority of such hybrids die or become senescent, aneuploidy and genomic instability appear to be tolerated in hepatocytes, possibly for stress-related adaption processes. Likewise, cell fusion-induced aneuploidy and genomic instability could also lead to a malignant conversion of hybrid cells. This can occur during tissue regeneration mediated by BMSC fusion in chronically inflamed tissue, which is a cell fusion-friendly environment, but is also enriched for mutagenic reactive oxygen and nitrogen species.

2020 ◽  
jarno makela ◽  
Stephan Uphoff ◽  
David J. Sherratt

2019 ◽  
Vol 144 (2) ◽  
pp. 130-140 ◽  
Jason D. Lattier ◽  
Hsuan Chen ◽  
Ryan N. Contreras

Althea (Hibiscus syriacus) is a shrub prized for its winterhardiness and colorful summer flowers. Altheas are tetraploids (2n = 4x = 80); however, breeders have developed hexaploids and octoploids. Previous studies report anatomical variation among polyploids, including stomata size. The purpose of this study was 4-fold. First, identify genome size and ploidy variation in cultivars via flow cytometry and chromosome counts. Second, create a ploidy series consisting of 4x, 5x, 6x, and 8x cytotypes. Third, investigate the ploidy series for variation in stomatal guard cell lengths, stomatal density, and copy number of fluorescent ribosomal DNA (rDNA) signals. Fourth, investigate segregation patterns of rDNA signals in a subset of pentaploid seedlings. Flow cytometry revealed most cultivars to be tetraploid with holoploid 2C genome sizes from 4.55 ± 0.02 to 4.78 ± 0.06 pg. Five taxa (‘Aphrodite’, ‘Pink Giant’, ‘Minerva’, Azurri Satin®, and Raspberry Smoothie™) were hexaploids (6.68 ± 0.13 to 7.05 ± 0.18 pg). Peppermint Smoothie™ was a cytochimera with tetraploid cells (4.61 ± 0.06 pg) and octoploid cells (8.98 ± 0.13 pg). To create pentaploids, reciprocal combinations were made between hexaploid ‘Pink Giant’ and tetraploid cultivars. To create octoploids, seedlings were treated with agar solutions containing 0.2% colchicine or 125 μM oryzalin. Guard cell lengths were significantly different among the four cytotypes: 4x (27.36 ± 0.04 μm), 5x (30.35 ± 1.28 μm), 6x (35.59 ± 0.63 μm), and 8x (40.48 ± 1.05 μm). Measurements of stomatal density revealed a precipitous decline in average density from the 4x cytotype (398.22 ± 15.43 stomata/mm2) to 5x cytotype (194.06 ± 38.69 stomata/mm2) but no significant difference among 5x, 6x, and 8x cytotypes. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) revealed an increase in 5S and 45S rDNA signals that scaled with ploidy: 4x (two 5S + four 45S), 6x (three 5S + six 45S), and 8x (four 5S + eight 45S). However, pentaploid (5x) seedlings exhibited random segregation of rDNA signals between the 4x and 6x cytotypes, including all six possible combinations (two 5S, three 5S) × (four 45S, five 45S, six 45S).

2017 ◽  
Alexander I. Young ◽  
Michael L. Frigge ◽  
Daniel F. Gudbjartsson ◽  
Gudmar Thorleifsson ◽  
Gyda Bjornsdottir ◽  

AbstractHeritability measures the proportion of trait variation that is due to genetic inheritance. Measurement of heritability is of importance to the nature-versus-nurture debate. However, existing estimates of heritability could be biased by environmental effects. Here we introduce relatedness disequilibrium regression (RDR), a novel method for estimating heritability. RDR removes environmental bias by exploiting variation in relatedness due to random segregation. We use a sample of 54,888 Icelanders with both parents genotyped to estimate the heritability of 14 traits, including height (55.4%, S.E. 4.4%) and educational attainment (17.0%, S.E. 9.4%). Our results suggest that some other estimates of heritability could be inflated by environmental effects.

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