corporate character
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Vladimir A. Il’inykh ◽  

The author carries out a retrospective analysis of social mobility elevators and channels functioning within the collective farm system in the USSR in the 1930s. The subject of research is the collective farm peasantry and its border social groups (machine operators, administrative staff of collective farms, and machine and tractor station workers). It is concluded that multidirectional channels and lifts of intergroup and intragroup social mobility operated in Soviet rural areas in the 1930s. The most widespread channel of social mobility was collectivisation. Intensive social processes took place inside collective farms, which resembled social elevators that had an internal corporate character. A professional career in collective farms could be used as a mechanism of mobility: external elevators, institutionalised state practices, “positive” behavioural practices, and “positive” socio-political record. Channels of social and professional mobility functioned within the collective farm system. The most socially significant of them was the transition of workers engaged in horse and manual labour to machine operators. The collective farm system was integrated into the system of social elevators and channels operating in the USSR, but transition to them from collective farms was limited. Administrative, educational, professional, gender, and age barriers were in place for the social mobility of collective farmers. Chance to go beyond collective farms was given to young people receiving education and conscription. Being sentenced to prison meant the collective farmer’s descent to the bottom of the Soviet social ladder. The mechanisms of social descent could be: “negative” behavioural practices, illegal actions, and “negative” socio-political record.

2021 ◽  
Anna-Katharina Christensen

A problem that has so far remained unsolved in stock corporation law is the question of the legal nature of the founder´s liability under § 46 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG), with which the work deals. First of all, the views on the classification of the forunder´s liability as tortious or corporate character are discussed. Subsequently, the author explains that the founder´s liability under stock corporation law is a sui generis liability in the sense of a risk compensation liability, which secures a proper founding process of the stock corporation as (institutional) compensation for the abstract risk associated with the creation of a stock corporation and its release into legal transactions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1 SI) ◽  
pp. 12-14
Olena Bobrovska

It is proved that information systems do not yet have the status of an independent and influential factor on the quality of public administration, and the use of digital technologies today is a complex multifaceted problem. The need to develop national programs that would be aimed at maintaining the availability of information databases needed by the authorities in making management decisions is emphasized. As part of the key areas for further improvement of information systems in public administration, it is proposed to consider the possibility of creating a single corporate information system in local communities. It is proposed to develop and substantiate the Program of improvement of information support of public administration, giving it a corporate character and turning it into an independent effective component of the management system.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (01) ◽  
pp. 248-277
Daniel Féo Castro de Araújo ◽  
Fernando Luiz Araújo Sobrinho

No início do século XXI, o agronegócio sucroenergético teve forte expansão no território brasileiro, especialmente nas regiões que estão no domínio morfoclimático do Cerrado, em função da construção de novas Unidades Agroindustriais Sucroenergéticas (UAS) e dos processos de financeirização e centralização do capital. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o processo de modernização da cultura canavieira na produção agrícola na mesorregião Triângulo Mineiro/Alto Paranaíba. Para a realização da pesquisa, fizeram-se imprescindíveis os seguintes passos metodológicos: a) levantamento bibliográfico, leituras de material acadêmico já publicado sobre o tema (teses e dissertações, livros, periódicos, dentre outros) através de levantamento bibliográfico temático (específico sobre o setor sucroenergético e a cultura canavieira); b) pesquisa em campo que consistiu em levantamento, exame e organização de dados secundários da produção e da situação econômico-financeira das empresas, assim como de bases de dados do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE).O Brasil se consolidou nas últimas décadas como uma das modernas fronteiras de expansão agrícola e agroexportador de produtos ligados ao agronegócio, especialmente no período pós - anos 2000, sob o paradigma da agricultura científica globalizada. Um conjunto de circunstâncias favoráveis, tanto técnica e político-econômica provocaram uma nova organização do setor, pautada na internacionalização do mercado e na difusão de inovações científico-tecnológicas, confirmando o caráter mais corporativo do território e a procura de novas áreas estratégicas. Concluímos que, a partir da organização dos dados e informações coletadas, o Triângulo Mineiro/Alto Paranaíba se tornou nas últimas décadas uma importante Região Produtiva do Agronegócio impactando as relações e o mercado de trabalho, os fluxos migratórios, os municípios aonde a atividade se implantou, a articulação da região as redes de produção global, bem como questões ambientais decorrentes da produção em larga escala. Palavras-chave: Modernização da agricultura. Agronegócio. Commodities. Globalização. Triângulo Mineiro/Alto Paranaíba.   THE DYNAMICS OF THE SUCROENERGETIC SECTOR IN THE TRIÂNGULO MINEIRO/ALTO PARANAÍBA ABSTRACT At the beginning of the 21st century, sugar-energy agribusiness had a strong expansion in the Brazilian territory, especially in the regions that are in the Cerrado's morphoclimatic domain, due to the construction of new Agroindustrial Sucroenergetic Units (UAS) and the processes of financialization and centralization of capital. The objective of this article is to analyze the process of modernization of the sugarcane culture in agricultural production in the Triângulo Mineiro / Alto Paranaíba mesoregion. To carry out the research, the following methodological steps were essential: a) bibliographic survey, readings of academic material already published on the topic (theses and dissertations, books, periodicals, among others) through a thematic bibliographic survey (specific about the sugar-energy sector and sugar cane culture); b) field research that consisted of surveying, examining and organizing secondary data on the production and economic and financial situation of companies, as well as databases from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). decades as one of the modern frontiers of agricultural expansion and agroexporter of products linked to agribusiness, especially in the post - 2000s period, under the paradigm of globalized scientific agriculture. A set of favorable circumstances, both technical and political-economic, provoked a new organization of the sector, based on the internationalization of the market and the diffusion of scientific and technological innovations, confirming the more corporate character of the territory and the search for new strategic areas. We conclude that, based on the organization of the data and information collected, the Triângulo Mineiro / Alto Paranaíba has become an important Agribusiness Productive Region in the last decades, impacting relations and the labor market, migratory flows, the municipalities where the activity was implemented , the articulation of the region with global production networks, as well as environmental issues arising from large-scale production.  Keywords: Modernization of agriculture. Agribusiness. Commodities. Globalization. Triângulo Mineiro/Alto Paranaíba.   LA DINÁMICA DEL SECTOR SUCROENERGETICO EM TRIÂNGULO MINEIRO/ALTO PARANAÍBA RESUMEN A principios del siglo XXI, los agronegocios de energía azucarera tuvieron una fuerte expansión en el territorio brasileño, especialmente en las regiones que se encuentran en el dominio morfoclimático del Cerrado, debido a la construcción de nuevas Unidades Agroindustriales de Energía de Azúcar (UAS) y los procesos de financiarización y centralización del capital. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el proceso de modernización del cultivo de la caña de azúcar en la producción agrícola en la mesorregión Triângulo Mineiro / Alto Paranaíba. Para llevar a cabo la investigación, los siguientes pasos metodológicos fueron esenciales: a) encuesta bibliográfica, lecturas de material académico ya publicado sobre el tema (tesis y disertaciones, libros, publicaciones periódicas, entre otros) a través de una encuesta bibliográfica temática (específica sobre el sector de energía azucarera y cultivo de caña de azúcar); b) investigación de campo que consistió en encuestar, examinar y organizar datos secundarios sobre la producción y la situación económica y financiera de las empresas, así como bases de datos del Instituto Brasileño de Geografía y Estadística (IBGE). décadas como una de las fronteras modernas de la expansión agrícola y la agroexportadora de productos vinculados a la agroindustria, especialmente en el período posterior a la década de 2000, bajo el paradigma de la agricultura científica globalizada. Un conjunto de circunstancias favorables, tanto técnicas como político-económicas, provocaron una nueva organización del sector, basada en la internacionalización del mercado y la difusión de innovaciones científicas y tecnológicas, confirmando el carácter más corporativo del territorio y la búsqueda de nuevas áreas estratégicas. Concluimos que, en base a la organización de los datos y la información recopilada, el Triângulo Mineiro / Alto Paranaíba se ha convertido en una importante región productiva de agronegocios en las últimas décadas, impactando las relaciones y el mercado laboral, los flujos migratorios, los municipios donde se implementó la actividad. , la articulación de la región con las redes mundiales de producción, así como los problemas ambientales derivados de la producción a gran escala. Palabras-clave: Modernização da agricultura. Agronegócio. Commodities. Globalização. Triângulo Mineiro/Alto Paranaíba.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-45
Huan Xiao ◽  
Dengke Yu

This study aims to discuss the impacts of intellectual capital and corporate character on sustainable competitive advantage. The structural equation model is used to analyze the relationships between intellectual capital, corporate character and sustainable competitive advantage, which are mediated by technological innovation and business model innovation, based on a survey of 377 observations in China. The empirical results indicate that the intellectual capital and corporate character are as the doors that enterprises can open to acquire technological innovation and business model innovation, which are beneficial to achieving and maintaining sustainable competitive advantage. The findings provide some implications for entrepreneurs that their enterprises should focus on the coordination and balance of intellectual capital and corporate character for better achieving the perfect integration of cost leading strategy and differentiation strategy on the basis of mixing technological innovation and business model innovation together. Such strategy helps enterprises to realize sustained growth. This study provides scholars a new binary perspective to explore the source of sustainable competitive advantage.

Gifford A. Grobien

Research in the area of union with Christ by the Finnish Luther School in recent decades provides a way of understanding the new character given in justification. The Finnish school has criticized recent Luther research as overlooking Luther’s teaching on union with Christ. Instead, reception of Christ’s grace and gifts requires participation in Christ’s body. While the Finns may be criticized for weaknesses in articulating forensic justification, their emphasis on union serves in the explanation of a new Christian character. Other elements of union are described to develop an anthropology of union. Union is relational, such that both Christ and the Christian retain their identity. Participation emphasizes a Christian’s share in Christ’s benefits and qualities. Adoption serves to emphasize the gracious nature of union, yet the full effect of union in making a Christian a child of God. Incorporation expresses the ecclesiastical and corporate character of union with Christ.

Reset ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 107-130

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