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Luis Martínez-Uribe

La sociología como disciplina ha sido definida de formas diversas que intentan abarcar sus dominios y métodos, aunque también se ha considerado inútil intentar definirla e incluso ha sido acusada de estar fragmentada y falta de uniformidad. Al igual que las demás disciplinas científicas, la sociología se puede observar como un sistema social al estar compuesta de complejas relaciones entre actores que incluyen a investigadores, instituciones, revistas y editoriales. Esas relaciones se forman a través de comunicaciones conceptuales y conforman redes que establecen como se organiza la disciplina. Actualmente, el fenómeno del big data ofrece la posibilidad de usar grandes colecciones de datos que permiten analizar la información de los procesos sociales. En concreto, a través de las grandes fuentes de datos bibliométricas la sociología tiene a su alcance ingentes cantidades de datos para mapear y estudiar la evolución de las disciplinas científicas. En este artículo describimos la sociología de los últimos treinta años a través de las publicaciones en las revistas de impacto. Para hacer esto, se emplean datos de revistas de sociología del Journal Citation Reports ampliados con la información de los artículos del Microsoft Academic Graph. Realizamos un análisis descriptivo de las revistas, sus países de origen, lenguas, editoriales y décadas de aparición e impacto. A continuación, evaluamos la evolución temporal del número de artículos y citas, así como la coautoría y el género de los autores. Tras esto, establecemos cuatro grupos de tipos de revistas y estudiamos sus diferencias en las dimensiones anteriores mediante contrastes de hipótesis. Finalmente, representamos las relaciones entre autores y revistas usando una red de afiliación que nos permite detectar grupos de revistas que forman interesantes comunidades temáticas y geográficas. Sociology as a discipline has been defined in diverse ways that attempt to cover the breadth of its domains and methods. Nonetheless, others have considered futile trying to define the discipline and many have accused sociology to be fragmented and lacking unity.  Like the other scientific disciplines, sociology can be observed as a social system made up of researchers, institutions, journals and publishers. These relationships are established via conceptual communications which form networks that establish the way in which disciplined are organized. At present, the big data phenomena offers the capacity to use large data collections to analyse social processes. Big scholarly data sources offer sociology immense quantities of data useful to map and study the evolution of scientific disciplines. In this article we characterised the last thirty years of sociology through its publications in impact factor journals. To do this, we use data about the sociology journals from Journal Citation reports augmented with article information from Microsoft Academic Graph. The analysis starts by describing the journals, countries of origin, languages, publishers, the decades in which they appeared and their impact factor. After this, we evaluate the evolution of numbers of articles and citations as well as co-authorship and gender proportion. Subsequently, we establish four groups of journal types and study their differences in the previous dimensions using hypothesis tests. Finally, we represent the relationships between authors and journals using an affiliation network that allows us to detect groups of journals that form interesting thematic and geographic communities.

Igor Čeliković ◽  
Gordana Pantelić ◽  
Ivana Vukanac ◽  
Jelena Krneta Nikolić ◽  
Miloš Živanović ◽  

Doses from the exposure to outdoor radon are typically an order of magnitude smaller than those from indoor radon, causing a greater interest on investigation of the latter for radiation protection issues. As a consequence, assessment of radon priority areas (RPA) is mainly based on indoor radon measurements. Outdoor radon measurements might be needed to guarantee a complete estimation of radiological risk and may help to improve the estimation of RPA. Therefore, authors have analysed the available literature on outdoor radon to give an overview of outdoor radon surveys and potential correlation with indoor radon and estimation of RPA. The review has shown that outdoor radon surveys were performed at much smaller scale compared to indoor radon. Only a few outdoor radon maps were produced, with a much smaller density, covering a larger area, and therefore putting doubt on the representativeness of this data. Due to a large variety of techniques used for outdoor radon measurements and requirement to have detectors with a high sensitivity and resistance to harsh environmental conditions, a standardised measurement protocol should be derived. This is no simple endeavour since there are more applications in different scientific disciplines for outdoor radon measurements compared to indoor radon.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Marina Marchisio ◽  
Sara Remogna ◽  
Fabio Roman ◽  
Matteo Sacchet

The role of mathematics in several scientific disciplines is undisputed; work and everyday life take great advantage of its application. Nevertheless, students often tend to not particularly like it and to consider it of little interest. It is also believed that only people with a certain attitude are capable of mastering the subject. In consideration of this, we aimed to help science students develop mathematical competences by designing a course specifically oriented to applications and problem solving. We administered our course to students attending the first year of a program in biotechnology, asking them to work with technologies instilling curiosity and interest, thus achieving a better proficiency as a consequence. Two questionnaires, along with access and proficiency data, allowed us to collect information about students’ attitudes, beliefs, and activity, which we analyzed by means of descriptive statistics. The promotion of the interaction among learners made them active users of the contents, thus allowing for the adaptation of their learning paths according to their personal necessities, as well as the development of teamwork skills and flexibility. Finally, students recognized the usefulness of the problem-solving approach and the role played by software.

2022 ◽  
Carlo Heissenberg ◽  
Augusto Sagnotti

Statistical physics examines the collective properties of large ensembles of particles, and is a powerful theoretical tool with important applications across many different scientific disciplines. This book provides a detailed introduction to classical and quantum statistical physics, including links to topics at the frontiers of current research. The first part of the book introduces classical ensembles, provides an extensive review of quantum mechanics, and explains how their combination leads directly to the theory of Bose and Fermi gases. This allows a detailed analysis of the quantum properties of matter, and introduces the exotic features of vacuum fluctuations. The second part discusses more advanced topics such as the two-dimensional Ising model and quantum spin chains. This modern text is ideal for advanced undergraduate and graduate students interested in the role of statistical physics in current research. 140 homework problems reinforce key concepts and further develop readers' understanding of the subject.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 9-16
Karla Salinas-Ríos ◽  
Ang´élica Janneire García López

The activity in scientific research has been able to be studied, measured, compared, analyzed and objectified through Scientometrics, discipline that applies to all the literature of scientific character, mathematical and statistical methods, thus achieving, that social aspects of science can be quantified. From the scientific literature, scientific publications (tangible products of the research) are derived, which are specifically studied by the bibliometrics. This last one, is a branch of the Scientometrics, that is guided under the assumption that the scientific discoveries and the research results are published in scientific journals, so its unit of analysis is the scientific article. The word bibliometrics was defined for first time by Alan Pritchard in 1969, and since then, multiple concepts of this term have been developed. However, it has reached to the consensus that this methodological tool allows to know the scientific production (in quantity, quality and impact) on various topics, journals, authors and countries, among others. Its main research lines are the methodology for bibliometrics, the scientific disciplines and the health management and policies. Likewise, it has descriptive, evaluation and supervision/monitoring functions of the research activity, on which its classification into levels (micro, meso and maso) will depend directly. Because it has components from various sciences, among them the mathematics, its methodology and theory are based on mathematical models, from which the bibliometric indicators are derived. Although there are other types of research such as systematic reviews and meta-analyzes, these, require a better management in the field of research and of the statistical measurement, as well as more resources. On the other hand, a bibliometric study owns the nobility of being within the reach of students and researchers due to its methodology, practicality, relevance, resource saving, potential to extend to most of the scientific areas, multiple applications and favoring the fact of not committing ethical misconduct related to research. Finally, although bibliometrics is often underestimated, its power and importance as a tool to manage evidence-based knowledge and to serve as a basis for other types of studies such as systematic reviews must be emphasized.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1477-1503
Ali Al Mazari

HIV/AIDS big data analytics evolved as a potential initiative enabling the connection between three major scientific disciplines: (1) the HIV biology emergence and evolution; (2) the clinical and medical complex problems and practices associated with the infections and diseases; and (3) the computational methods for the mining of HIV/AIDS biological, medical, and clinical big data. This chapter provides a review on the computational and data mining perspectives on HIV/AIDS in big data era. The chapter focuses on the research opportunities in this domain, identifies the challenges facing the development of big data analytics in HIV/AIDS domain, and then highlights the future research directions of big data in the healthcare sector.

2022 ◽  
pp. 216-249
Maria Jakovljevic ◽  
Sheryl Buckley

Behavioral disorders are on the rise at all levels of upbringing and education, among all categories of children and students, both in terms of their scope and forms of manifestation. The focus of this chapter is to elaborate on the notion of behavioral disorders to introduce a variety of definitions recognized by researchers and practitioners in different scientific disciplines studied by social pedagogy. Furthermore, the emphasis of this chapter is to investigate classifications, criteria, and categories of behavioral problems and identify risks and protective factors among children and young people. These risk factors were discovered in school settings, among peers, and in family climates instigating mild and serious behavioral challenges. The chapter provides a detailed insight into risk factors caused by genetics, family environments, school education, media influence, and free time utilization. The content of this chapter will expand the theoretical and practical knowledge of social pedagogues and other professionals who deal with diverse behavioral disorders in various societies.

2022 ◽  
pp. 376-396
Pablo Rodríguez-Díaz ◽  
Diego-Pablo Ruiz-Padillo ◽  
Abigail López-Alcarria ◽  
José Gutiérrez-Pérez

There is a growing trend in the use of educational escape rooms (EER) in the classroom and therefore in the demand for case studies by teachers. This chapter shares the experience of designing, creating, implementing, and evaluating a digital escape room (DER) carried out in the context of the European research project Unlock. Practical advice will be given for the creation of escape rooms based on the literature review and the results of the evaluation of this work. In addition, there will be a discussion on the particularities of gamifying in the discipline of physics and other scientific disciplines.

Yu. N. Stolyarov

Through the Order of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education of February 24, 2021, on the Nomenclature of Scientific Professions to be awarded academic degrees, the speciality 05.25.03 «Library science, bibliography, and bibliology» was excluded from this nomenclature. The concerns arouse that this speciality might be excluded from the educational programs. The post-graduate programs is to become the third level of higher education. One more attempt should be made to stand for our profession by referring to global precedents, i. e. to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCE), adopted by the UNESCOGeneral Assembly in 2011, and to FOS (Revised field of science and technology, classification in the Frascati manual). The latter is the international classification of science and technology adopted and approved by 75% world countries to represent scientific disciplines and to unify world statistical data. In both classifications, library science is specified as an independent discipline within the social sciences unit.

Hiam Alyan Al- Hawamdeh Hiam Alyan Al- Hawamdeh

This study aimed to identify the degree of use of modern economics in education from the viewpoint of faculty members in Jordanian universities. 92) of the faculty members in Jordanian universities and using the statistical program (SPSS) where the statistical program (SPSS) was used. The results of the study showed that the degree of using modern economics in education from the viewpoint of faculty members in Jordanian universities obtained a total average (4.22) That is, to a (significant) degree, and it was found that there were no statistically significant differences at the level (α ≤ 0.05) between the average responses of the study sample members towards the degree of using modern economics in education in Jordanian universities, and based on the results of the study, The researcher recommended recommendations, the most important of which is to spread awareness among those who are going to choose their majors in universities to choose the disciplines required in the labor market to ensure that they get jobs upon their graduation, and to encourage professions and industry because of their importance and the society’s need for them like other scientific disciplines.

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