zone of influence
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2022 ◽  
Vol 962 (1) ◽  
pp. 012038
L I Usmanova ◽  
M T Usmanov

Abstract As a result of filtration leaks from the ash dump, an envelope with a length of over 3 km up to the lake Kenon has been formed along the flow of groundwater bicarbonate-sulphate waters with a mineralization of more than 1.0 g / l, substandard in terms of drinking waters relative to the total mineralization, the magnitude of stiffness and the content of magnesium and silicon. Pollution of natural waters in the areas of disposal of ash dumps is a common problem of coal power plants and thermal power plants [1, 2]. In this regard, the Chita CHPP-1 is no exception. The purpose of this message is to show the change in the chemical characteristics of groundwater and surface water in the zone of influence of its hydraulic ash dump, based on the results of the work performed by the authors. The study was based on the results of hydrogeochemical studies of natural and man-made objects for 2002, 2008 and 2015. Samples were taken in the autumn-summer period (open water period), which, given the fairly stable hydrogeochemical regime within the annual cycle, is fairly representative.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 102-112
Natalia Lubsanova ◽  

In the current conditions of economic crises, emerging threats, and risks, there is a need to consider the risks of changes in the economic potential of regions when determining priorities for the development of economic potential. The author hasdeveloped an algorithm for substantiating the strategic directions of the development of the economic potential of the regions based on dynamic risk assessment and monitoring of the state of the potential. The proposed methodology was tested in 28 regions ofRussia, China, Mongolia, and Kazakhstan of the zone of influence of the Great Silk Road and the Tea Road. The developed methodological approaches to determining the priorities for the development of the economic potential of the regions allow us to justify the strategic directions of growth, considering the risks

2021 ◽  
Vol 928 (1) ◽  
pp. 012011
A A Sinyutkina

Abstract The paper deals with the possibilities of different wave frequency antennae applications for estimation of the depth of peat deposits and detection of peat layers with different physical characteristics. We employed a GPR system “OKO-2” (“Logical systems”, Russia) with 250 MHz, 700 MHz, and 1700 MHz shielded antennae. The surveys were conducted in 2017–2019 within the pristine and drained raised bogs and swamp forest in the south taiga subzone of Western Siberia to assess the spatial differentiation of the peat deposit and the modern peat accumulation rate within drained bogs. The peculiarities of field surveying, GPR data processing and interpretation are shown. Based on GPR data analysis the influence zone of Bakchar bog and modern peat accumulation within drained bogs were assessed. We noted that the Bakchar bog has a vast zone of influence reaching 700 m from the bog border where peat accumulation is observed. The modern peat accumulation is observed within Bakchar the bog. Drained sites of Ust-Bakchar bog are characterised by the absent peat accumulation or degradation of the peat deposits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 937 (4) ◽  
pp. 042092
R I Khalmuradov ◽  
K Khudoynazarov ◽  
S B Omonov

Abstract It is known that effective rock hardening, as opposed to the action of tensile stresses, can be performed using anchors of various designs, depending on the specific mining and geological conditions. At the same time, there are very few publications on the calculation of roof bolting parameters for vertical shafts of different cross-sections. Therefore, in this work, a method has been developed for calculating such a support for vertical shaft shafts. Calculations were made only for the working wall, which is more dangerous in terms of fallout. Anchors are considered to work in tension when this wall is attached. For the opposite wall, such calculations are not required. Considering that here the anchors are being introduced in a direction perpendicular to the direction of bedding of rocks and they will work on a cut. In this case, the shear strength of metal and reinforced concrete anchors is 4-5 times higher than their tensile strength. The calculation method consists of methods for determining the lengths of the anchor and its locking part. In this case, the length of that part of the anchor is taken into account, which is enclosed between the base of the cone of influence of the anchor and the border of the zone of possible fallouts. The resulting formula for the length of the joint part of the anchor strongly differs from the previously known similar formulas by other authors, taking into account the effect of rock pressure, which varies with depth. Its structure contains the factor of the bedding angle with respect to the horizon and the coefficient of friction of the rock about the rock, leading to a decrease in the length of the anchor lock part. In addition, the volume of destroyed rocks in the zone of influence of the anchor is taken as the volume of the cylinder, which corresponds to the actual operating conditions of the anchor.

2021 ◽  
Vol 100 (11) ◽  
pp. 1203-1208
Guzel R. Allayarova ◽  
Tatiana K. Larionova ◽  
Rustem A. Daukaev ◽  
Svetlana R. Afonkina ◽  
Elvira A. Aukhadieva ◽  

Introduction. The proximity of mining enterprises to settlements contributes to the pollution of the soil cover with heavy metals. Crops grown in garden plots accumulate chemical elements and are an intermediate link in the “soil - plant - human” chain. Purpose of the work. Assessment of the level of anthropogenic load on the territory adjacent to the mining enterprise, based on the study of the translocation of metals in the soil - plant system. Materials and methods. For the purpose of hygienic assessment of the chemical composition of the soil and vegetable products grown on it, the content of 7 microelements was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. With the help of the coefficient of concentration of a chemical substance (Kc) and the total indicator of pollution (Zc), the level of chemical contamination of soils was determined. Using the total coefficient of anthropogenic load (Ka.n. = ∑Ci/PDUi), the territory was ranked according to the contamination of vegetables with toxic elements. The rate of accumulation of metals by vegetable crops was assessed by the coefficient of biological absorption (Ax) and the index of biochemical activity of the species (BAS). Results. The soil cover in the district is contaminated with a complex of metals, the content of gross forms of which exceeds the MPC by up to 1.9 times, mobile - up to 4.6 times. At a distance of up to 5 km around the mining enterprise, the maximum indicators of the total soil pollution (Zc = 44-65) have been established. Lead and zinc are elements of “biological accumulation” for all types of studied vegetable products grown in the zone of influence of the mining enterprise; cadmium is additionally concentrated in beets and carrots, and nickel in carrots. In vegetable samples, exceeding the permissible levels of cadmium and lead was noted. The most significant accumulation of heavy metals was found in the southern, southeastern, northern and northwestern directions from emissions. Conclusion. To eliminate the toxic effects of heavy metals in vegetables produced in the zone of influence of mining enterprises, it is recommended to include additional monitoring of nickel and zinc content in the social and hygienic monitoring system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Aditya Parpe ◽  
Thiyagarajan Jothi Saravanan

In this article, a multi-sensing technique on surface-mounted PZT sensors is proposed. The investigation was performed on concrete structures to detect and localize structural damage. Multiple smart sensing units (SSU) were adhesively bonded on the top surface of a concrete beam. As each PZT sensor features a small zone of influence, the use of multiple smart sensors is recommended for effective damage detection. The conductance signatures were obtained at different stages in the frequency range of 0–450 kHz. This article also presents an effective methodology for damage localization, which assumes the parallel connection of SSUs in MISO mode. The methodology adopted for structural damage detection is effective, as it is verified by the experimental results performed on concrete structures with multiple surface-mounted PZT sensors.

2021 ◽  
pp. 5-13
Anna Tikhonova ◽  
Anna Kholodenko ◽  

This paper examines the existing in the Russian Federation approaches to assessing the quality of the urban environment, the concept of the quality index of the urban environment; the analysis of indicators for calculating the quality index of the urban environment and the factors that form the ecological well-being of the urban environment for the local population has been carried out. The territory of the northern industrial hub of Volgograd was chosen as the object of research, in particular, the zone of influence of the ferrous metallurgy enterprise AO “VMK ‘Krasny Oktyabr’”, which has a historically specific location relative to the functional zones of the city. The analysis of the results of monitoring the content of mobile forms of heavy metals in the soil cover, carried out by the method of atomic absorption spectrometry, and the assessment of the general life state of tree green plantations in the territory of the sanitary protection zone of the enterprise based on the enumeration of trees is presented. The identified zone of influence of the enterprise, taking into account the presence of additional sources of pollution of the soil cover and MPC of metals, instead of their background concentrations, extends for 3.5–3.7 km from the border of the enterprise in the form of elongated areas of increased concentrations. Cartographic visualization reveals the presence of two clearly pronounced foci of pollution located to the west of the existing SOC of the enterprise. When assessing the general condition of trees, it is also possible to recognize the worst territory of the test plots located to the west of the operating TWCs in accordance with the directions of the prevailing winds. The data obtained confirm the feasibility of organizing regular monitoring of the soil cover and the state of green forests in the city as one of the directions for assessing the quality of the environment and taking these indicators into account when calculating the quality index of the urban environment.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (19) ◽  
pp. 5704
Pierre Le Mouellic ◽  
Sylvain Charlès ◽  
Jean-Benoît Le Cam ◽  
Nicolas Boyard ◽  
Jean-Luc Bailleul ◽  

The influence of melt injection temperature on the thermomechanical behaviour of soft–soft overmoulded vulcanized thermoplastic elastomers (TPV) with different elastic properties was studied. Samples with two different overmoulding temperatures were tested under uniaxial loading conditions. The full deformation and temperature fields in each TPV were determined using digital image correlation technique and infrared thermography, respectively. The maximum interface strength was found to be equal to 70N for a maximum injection temperature of 260∘C, which is consistent with the fact that high temperatures promote interdiffusion between the molten TPV and the TPV insert. The two TPV have different stiffness, leading to a significant change of the interface position along the specimens during stretching and to a significant necking in the softer material. The zone of influence of the interface in terms of stretch gradient is very different in size from one TPV to the other. In addition, thermal investigations have shown that the elasticity of the two TPV is due to both entropic and non-entropic effects, the former being the most significant at large strains.

Maria Barabash ◽  
Bogdan Pysarevskiy

The article discusses a new approach to modeling the behavior of structures under the influence of dynamic loads, including loads from ground and underground transport. The approach is to apply the direct integration method, as well as the SBFEM method to calculate the forces in load-bearing building structures under dynamic influences, taking into account a number of factors - the damping properties of the subgrade, physical nonlinearity of soils and the passage of waves in the soil space. The article presents the main theoretical premises, the results of a numerical experiment of a real monolithic building, built in the zone of influence of the subway.

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