early numeracy
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 88
Alessandro Cuder ◽  
Marta Vidoz ◽  
Chiara De Vita ◽  
Sandra Pellizzoni ◽  
Maria Chiara Passolunghi

Early numerical abilities predict later math achievement and could be improved in children by using various training methods. As the literature on the use of training videos to develop numerical abilities is still surprisingly scant, the aim of the present study was to test the efficacy of a numerical training video on the development of counting and number line knowledge in 3-year-old preschoolers. Far transfer effects to cardinality and working memory were also examined. The study involved 86 children randomly assigned to two intervention groups: a numerical training group exposed to videos on counting and number lines; and a control group exposed to videos on colors and animal names in a foreign language. After the video training, there was an improvement in the numerical training group’s counting skills, but not in their number line knowledge, and this improvement persisted six months later. The numerical training group also showed a far-transfer enhancement of cardinality six months after the intervention. Based on our results, numerical training videos could be effective in helping to enhance early numeracy skills in very young preschoolers.

2022 ◽  
Rebecca Merkley ◽  
Elizabeth Sernoskie ◽  
Caylee Cook ◽  
Steven Howard ◽  
Catherine Draper ◽  

A child’s home environment has been shown to be related to the development of earlynumeracy skills in some countries. However, significant relationships between home learningenvironment and math achievement have not consistently been found, and likely vary acrossdifferent cultural and socio-political contexts. Here we explored the home environment andearly numeracy skills of 187 children (3-5 years), who were not attending preschoolprogrammes in very low-income settings in Cape Town, South Africa. Caregiverscompleted a questionnaire including information regarding experiences of children in thehome; children completed a number identification task, a counting task and the Give-N task. The amount of resources in the home learning environment, frequency of home learning activities caregivers did with their children, and caregiver levels of education and income were not associated with number knowledge. While the home learning environment has been shown to be important for developing early numeracy skills in previous research, this study suggests that factors other than the home learning environment may also be important targets to foster numeracy skills and school readiness in low-income settings in South Africa.

2021 ◽  
pp. 183693912110611
Steven J Howard ◽  
Cathrine Neilsen-Hewett ◽  
Marc de Rosnay ◽  
Edward C Melhuish ◽  
Kellie Buckley-Walker

There is need and opportunity for assessments that support quick and playful – yet also accurate, rigorous and developmentally sensitive – appraisals of early numeracy. Ideally, these should be accessible to those who have opportunity to support children’s learning development and ultimately shift children’s trajectories. The iPad-based Early Years Toolbox (EYT) Early Numeracy assessment was developed and evaluated to determine its validity and reliability, and appropriateness of use by researchers and preschool educators. Results from two studies with 246 children aged 3–5 years indicated the following: construct validity and internal consistency, concurrent validity with established measures, developmental sensitivity, test–retest reliability and highly comparable results whether used by a researcher or an educator. This yields a brief and playful assessment of early numeracy and a potential approach to develop broad-use early years assessments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Liat Bar ◽  
Shelley Shaul

Early numeracy and literacy skills are all the knowledge that children acquire spontaneously and independently before entering school and beginning formal learning. This knowledge is essential and forms the basis for the acquisition of reading and arithmetic in school. A bilingual child is a child who is fluent in two languages, as opposed to a monolingual child who is exposed to only one language. Bilingualism has been found to affect verbal and mathematical abilities in children, but only a few studies have focused on the early numeracy and literacy skills of preschoolers. This study examined the connection between early numeracy and literacy skills and among monolingual children as compared to bilingual children in preschool. Three hundred and two children aged 5–6years old were recruited from 74 kindergartens. Participants were divided into two groups: 151 monolingual children who spoke and were exposed to only one language (Hebrew) and 151 bilingual children who spoke and were exposed to two languages (the bilingual children spoke different languages). Monolingual children performed better than the bilingual children in most of the literacy tasks, except for phonological awareness, in which no differences were found between the groups. In addition, in the early numeracy tasks, a difference was found only in the task, which included linguistic knowledge, number knowledge, and counting tasks, in which the monolingual children performed better. Furthermore, stronger correlations were found between the early numeracy and literacy skills among the monolingual group compared to the bilingual group. The study findings stress the importance of strengthening linguistic abilities, such as vocabulary expansion in kindergarten among populations in which more than one language is spoken. Supporting these abilities can reduce the gap between bilingual children and their monolingual classmates before entering school.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-101
Munirah Ghazali ◽  
Zurida Ismail ◽  
Zakiah Mohd Ashari ◽  
Zainun Mustafa

Identifying and addressing the knowledge gap in early numeracy is crucial, given the strong associations between early numeracy skills and later school success. The purpose of this study is to establish current viewpoints and ideas on children’s numeracy development via three forms of representation: manipulative, symbolic, and static. The Children’s Numeracy Task was used to assess eleven preschool children’s numeracy knowledge via a semi-structured interview. The task was also designed to be presented in the three mathematical representations: concrete, static, and symbolic. The findings indicate that preschool children are more likely to use symbolic representation in solving a given task. This study highlights perspectives on how to apply various representations as pedagogical and assessment strategies to address the children’s readiness for a mathematics lesson at the primary school level.

Pamela E. Davis‐Kean ◽  
Thurston Domina ◽  
Megan Kuhfeld ◽  
Alexa Ellis ◽  
Elizabeth T. Gershoff

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 594
Diana Leyva ◽  
Melissa E. Libertus ◽  
Rebecca McGregor

Most studies on the subject have investigated relations between home math activities and child math skills, without paying much attention to the specific skills that such activities foster and their alignment with children’s math assessments. The present study examined specific relations between subdomains of home math activities and children’s corresponding math skills (e.g., home counting/cardinality activities related to children’s counting/cardinality skills). Participants were 78 mostly middle-income, White parents and their four-year-old children (M age = 53.19 months; 45% girls). Parents completed a 24-item survey about the frequency of home activities supporting five subdomains of math: counting/cardinality, set comparison, number identification, adding/subtracting, and patterning. Children’s skills in these same five subdomains were assessed using the Preschool Early Numeracy Scale (PENS) and the Early Patterning Assessment. Specific relations were observed in set comparison, adding/subtracting, and patterning, such that higher frequency of home activities in these subdomains related to advanced child math skills in the corresponding subdomains. No specific relations were found in counting/cardinality and number identification. Overall home math activities averaged across the five math subdomains positively related to children’s overall math skills. Findings highlight the importance of engagement in specific math activities in the home environment and their significance for corresponding child math development.

2021 ◽  
Jimena Cosso ◽  
Alexa Ellis ◽  
Connor D. O'Rear ◽  
Erica Zippert ◽  
Sara Schmitt ◽  

There is a growing literature examining the association between parents’ math anxiety and children’s mathematics skills. Previous research has considered parents’ math anxiety as a unidimensional construct that primarily focused on parents’ experiences doing mathematics themselves. However, this research did not account for parents’ experiences when doing mathematics with their children. Thus, there were two goals of the present study: 1) to identify the structure of parents’ math anxiety when considering context-dependent situations, and 2) to determine whether parent math anxiety was related to children’s early numeracy skills. We conducted a series of confirmatory factor analyses using a sample of 155 preschool children (M age = 4.20 years, SD = 0.71; 51% female). The best-fitting model of parents’ math anxiety was a bifactor model, suggesting parents’ math anxiety was best conceptualized as a multidimensional construct. However, structural equation models showed parent math anxiety was not a significant predictor of children’s numeracy performance. These findings provide a foundation for understanding parents’ math anxiety as multidimensional and raise questions about potential mechanisms that may explain prior work finding mixed relations between math anxiety and children’s numeracy performance.

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