network problems
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Damiano Perri ◽  
Marco Simonetti ◽  
Osvaldo Gervasi

This study analyses some of the leading technologies for the construction and configuration of IT infrastructures to provide services to users. For modern applications, guaranteeing service continuity even in very high computational load or network problems is essential. Our configuration has among the main objectives of being highly available (HA) and horizontally scalable, that is, able to increase the computational resources that can be delivered when needed and reduce them when they are no longer necessary. Various architectural possibilities are analysed, and the central schemes used to tackle problems of this type are also described in terms of disaster recovery. The benefits offered by virtualisation technologies are highlighted and are bought with modern techniques for managing Docker containers that will be used to build the back-end of a sample infrastructure related to a use-case we have developed. In addition to this, an in-depth analysis is reported on the central autoscaling policies that can help manage high loads of requests from users to the services provided by the infrastructure. The results we have presented show an average response time of 21.7 milliseconds with a standard deviation of 76.3 milliseconds showing excellent responsiveness. Some peaks are associated with high-stress events for the infrastructure, but the response time does not exceed 2 seconds even in this case. The results of the considered use case studied for nine months are presented and discussed. In the study period, we improved the back-end configuration and defined the main metrics to deploy the web application efficiently.

2022 ◽  
pp. 241-265
Saeed Ramezani ◽  
Mehdi Pirpiran ◽  
Mohamad Reza Behmaneshfar

Responsibility and reliability are very important for electricity subscribers. Due to their extent, these networks face a variety of challenges, and most of them are recurring but can be prevented if the root causes are identified. One of the methods to identify the root of network problems is to use the RCA method in the analysis of blackouts. RCA is an approach that systematically investigates adverse events and, by gathering evidence and documentation, finds its root causes and offers solutions to address them. Finally, it monitors the implementation of solutions and evaluates their effectiveness. In this chapter, while introducing some of the challenges of medium voltage power supply networks, the root of the problems are extracted, and corrective solutions are presented in three sample problematic feeders. After extracting the solutions, they are divided into two categories: the first category is the solutions specific to the sample feeder, and the second category is the solutions that can be generalized to other parts of the power supply network.

Geraldine Asiwome Adiku

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 44-53
Debajyoti Gupta

We feel lonely from time to time and these feelings of loneliness sometimes have a serious effect on our mental health. However, in this pandemic this feeling of loneliness was a long time scenario. It has been seen that the long-term loneliness is associated with an increased risk of certain mental health problems, including depression, anxiety and increased stress. During this Pandemic we have seen a different situation and a change this change has a serious impact on everyone’s life. Due to Covid-19 there was a serious lock down in the country. This lock down has created a feeling of separation and loneliness in the life’s of every individual, due to this lockdown all schools, colleges and Universities have been closed and due to this everything was in an online mode. Many students living in the villages in India had to face a lot of network problems and it was a problem for them to do online classes. All the markets and shops were closed and there was also a rise in the prices and the small shops have to face a lot of losses due to this pandemic situation. Hope everyone can get a better life after this pandemic. My work is focused on all over India but especially on Tripura.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (01) ◽  
pp. 12-24
Astri Wulandari ◽  
Bethani Suryawardani ◽  
Dandy Marcelino ◽  
Gandeva Bayu Satrya ◽  
Fat’hah Noor Prawita ◽  

Network security is very important, especially for community service units because a damaged system can affect other systems. Therefore, it is necessary to design and develop a computer network system and security that’s more centralized. Promotional activities are very important to be carried out by every business from the smallest scope to even large companies, because no matter how good the quality of the products the company has, it will not be successful for sale without proper promotion. Referring to the situation and problems faced by partners, our group took the initiative to contribute by providing several alternative solutions whose goals are expected to be useful for partners, by providing training on the implementation of integrated networks and MSME database management, then providing an integrated marketing communication training, workshop on communication marketing tools that can provide a competitive advantage for MSMEs so that MSME marketing tools in Buah Batu District have superior value. With some of the solutions that we offer, the expected final results from this community service activity are network problems and database management can be resolved properly. Furthermore, MSMEs in Buah Batu District have standardized and attractive printed and digital marketing tools.

Alexandra Vasilyevna Yashchenko

The article examines the process of formation of the power supply industry in the 2000s using the example of a separate region. The market transformation of RAO UES was carried out under the slogan of increasing the efficiency and reliability of interaction between the economy and the energy sector. However, in practice, the creation of the energy market faced many problems, the specifics of the “special product” electricity, network problems, institutional and other problems. On the example of the Altai Territory, the genesis of the territorial power supply system is shown within the framework of the general concept of market reform of the electric power industry. On the basis of real data of the supplier of last resort and the real consumer of electricity and capacity, a retrospective of the relationship of these entities in practice is shown. The dynamics of the average price for electricity is calculated and its quite significant growth is shown for the entire post-reform period of observations.

Networks ◽  
2021 ◽  
Marcus Volz ◽  
Marcus Brazil ◽  
Charl Ras ◽  
Doreen Thomas

2021 ◽  
Masenyani Oupa Mbombi ◽  
Livhuwani Muthelo ◽  
Thabo Arthur Phukubye

Abstract Background: COVID-19 pandemic resultant in many universities suspending their academic activities, making virtual learning an option for saving the disrupted academic year. One rural-based university was forced to enhance its learning management system. The pandemic presented an opportunity to assessment the implementation of virtual learning at this university. The paper aims to describe the perceived barriers of virtual learning in a rural-based university of Limpopo Province.Method: A quantitative descriptive design was applied to describe the barriers of virtual learning in a rural university. The purposive convenience sampling method was used to select learner nurses from the School of Healthcare Sciences. An electronic survey questionnaire with open and closed-ended questions sent via WhatsApp messenger was used to collect data. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics with SPSS version 26.Results: Learner nurses described various barriers for virtual learning such as; weak networks for connecting Blackboard, lack of ICT facilities such as laptops and tablets by learner nurses, lack of skills for using Blackboard, and aging.Conclusion: The study findings add knowledge regarding the use of virtual learning in a rural-based university. We conclude that virtual learning in a rural-based university is a significant transition process that comes with complex challenges such as network problems. There is a need to develop strategies to enhance virtual learning in rural-based university.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 23-30
Andrzej Karbowski ◽  
Krzysztof Wyskiel

The purpose of this work is a comparative study of three languages (environments) of optimization modeling: AMPL, Pyomo and JuMP. The comparison will be based on three implementations of the shortest path problem formulated as a linear programming problem. The codes for individual models and differences between them will be presented and discussed. Various aspects will be taken into account, such as: simplicity and intuitiveness of implementation, availability of specific data structures for a LP network problems, etc.

2021 ◽  
Sadi Altamimi ◽  
Basel Altamimi ◽  
Shervin Shirmohammadi ◽  
David Cote

<div><p>Today's Network Operation Centres (NOC) consist of teams of network professionals responsible for monitoring and taking actions for their network's health. Most of these NOC actions are relatively complex and executed manually; only the simplest tasks can be automated with rules-based software. But today's networks are getting larger and more complex. Therefore, deciding what action to take in the face of non-trivial problems has essentially become an art that depends on collective human intelligence of NOC technicians, specialized support teams organized by technology domains, and vendors' technical support. This model is getting increasingly expensive and inefficient, and the automation of all or at least some NOC tasks is now considered a desirable step towards autonomous and self-healing networks. In this article, we investigate whether such decisions can be taken by Artificial Intelligence instead of collective human intelligence, specifically by the Machine Learning method of Reinforcement Learning (RL), which has been shown in computer games to outperform humans. We build an Action Recommendation Engine (ARE) based on RL, train it with expert rules or by letting it explore outcomes by itself, and show that it can learn new and more efficient strategies that outperform expert rules designed by humans. ARE can be used in face of network problems to either quickly recommend actions to NOC technicians or autonomously take actions for fast recovery.</p><p><br></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><b><i>“This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible.”</i></b></p><br></div>

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