child day care centers
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Caroline Dos Santos Ribeiro ◽  
Fernanda Ferreira De Carvalho ◽  
Oscar Kenji Nihei ◽  
Neide Martins Moreira

As parasitoses intestinais constituem um importante problema de Saúde Pública, especialmente entre os pré-escolares, devido à imaturidade do sistema imune. Assim, este estudo objetivou realizar uma revisão integrativa dos estudos publicados entre os anos de 2010 a 2017 sobre parasitoses intestinais e os fatores associados ao desenvolvimento em crianças matriculadas em creches brasileiras. Foi realizada busca bibliográfica através das bases de dados Medline, Lilacs e SciELO, utilizando os descritores: infecção, parasitoses, diarreia e creches, e seus correspondentes em inglês: “infection”, “parasitc diseases”, “diarrhea” e “child day care centers”. No caso das buscas no Medline o descritor Brazil também foi usado. Foram identificados 59 estudos, dos quais 11 foram incluídos no presente trabalho. Entre os resultados, observou-se uma variação de 19,4% a 98,4%, sendo a Giardia duodenalis o parasito mais prevalente em crianças entre um e seis anos de idade, gênero masculino, com baixo peso, advindas de residências com alta densidade familiar e nível socioeconômico baixo. As análises evidenciaram a importância da compreensão dos fatores de risco para a incidência de parasitos, evidenciando a necessidade da promoção de estratégias efetivas para prevenção e controle das infecções parasitárias no país, visto que, tais infecções influenciam diretamente no desenvolvimento da criança, e em alguns casos, evoluindo ao óbito.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (3) ◽  
pp. 532-544
Virginia Soto Lesmes ◽  
Yaneth Parrado Lozano ◽  
Olga Gómez Ramírez ◽  
Arlen Gómez Ramírez ◽  
Martha Fabiola Rodríguez

Purpose:To describe the antibiotic resistance of isolated bacteria on the surfaces of child care centers. Methods:Swabs were used to sample the surfaces in 266 child care centers in Bogotá (Colombia). Bacterial characterization and susceptibility patterns were verified using a computerized system. Results:A total of 151 different bacteria were obtained, primarily in the kitchens (36%). Staphylococcuswas a frequent find, especially: S. hominis, S. saprophyticusand S. epidermidis;2.7% were resistant to methicillin. Klebsiella oxytocawas the most isolated bacteria in kitchens, with high resistance to antibiotics. Conclusion:This investigation shows the importance of identifying the bacteria present in different environments to which children are exposed to continuously supervise hygiene habits in child day care centers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-64
Gergana V. Markova ◽  
Evgeniya K. Dimitrova

Summary Nursing degree courses in Bulgaria provide a wide range of career opportunities to graduates. These opportunities, however, do not solve the current problems of the healthcare system. This communication presents the results of a survey conducted among graduate students majoring in the nursing specialty at the Medical University in Pleven. The survey aimed to acquire information on the graduates’ willingness to practice in nurseries. A questionnaire containing 26 questions specially designed for the study was used. The data were processed with statistical software packages Statgraphics; SPSS v. 19 and Excel for Windows. Despite the sound theoretical and practical course of training, 13 (21.67%) of the students were embarrassed, and 13 said they had been cautious when they first entered a crèches during their training. Almost half of the respondents – 29 (48.33%) reported that they might work in a crèches only if it is necessary, and 16 (26.66%) – never. Only 9 (15.00%) declared they would be committed to caring for children aged one to three years. At the end of their training, student nurses did not feel sufficiently prepared for the psychological and pedagogical challenges to practice their profession in such child day care centers. The respondents had no clear idea of the role of the nurse in a crèches. Very few of the student nurses reported a willingness to work in a crèches.

Cícero V. L. Sousa ◽  
Beatriz C. A. Alves ◽  
Matheus M. Perez ◽  
Ricardo L. A. Fonseca ◽  
Glaucia R. L. da Veiga ◽  

Agglomeration and contact among children in day care centers has increased; however, this population has a high level of immunological immaturity, which makes it vulnerable to respiratory and gastrointestinal pathologies. This work aimed to identify the factors predisposing infecto-contagious diseases in day care centers. This is a systematic review of the literature carried out in the international database Pubmed, using the descriptors: Causality, Communicable Diseases, Child Day Care Centers. After adding the descriptors in the database, 79 papers were generated, however only eight fit the criteria established in this study. Day care centers are ideal environments for the development of diseases of the respiratory tract and otitis media, but may be environments that reduce the risk of acute lymphoblastic leukemia and neuroblastoma. There are still few mechanisms to prevent and control infections in these environments.

Renata Gregório Franco Moura ◽  
Eliézer Lucas Pires Ramos ◽  
Meiriane Sanches Colombo ◽  
Fábia De Lima de Macedo Aidar ◽  
César Gómez Hernández ◽  

2016 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-42 ◽  
Tulio Konstantyner ◽  
Thais Cláudia Roma de Oliveira Konstantyner ◽  
Maysa Helena Aguiar Toloni ◽  
Giovana Longo-Silva ◽  
José Augusto de Aguiar Carrazedo Taddei

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-31 ◽  
Dixis Figueroa Pedraza ◽  
Daiane de Queiroz ◽  
Jacqueline Santos da Fonsêca Almeida Gama

Objetivos: levantar evidências sobre o perfil do consumo alimentar de crianças brasileiras assistidas em creches. Métodos: foi realizada uma busca por estudos observacionais nas bases de dados PubMed, LILACS e SciELO. Foram selecionados artigos publicados entre 1990 e 2013, utilizando os termos “food consumption” AND “child day care centers”. Resultados: foram identificados 58 artigos, dos quais 21 artigos foram considerados relevantes para o presente trabalho: 18 estudos transversais e três longitudinais. A sistematização dos estudos destaca: i) a concentração geográfica no Sudeste do país; ii) a apropriação da pesagem direta de alimentos e dos valores de referência das Dietary Reference Intakes na avaliação do consumo de alimentos; iii) um panorama preliminar, com ênfase no Sudeste, do consumo deficitário de legumes, frutas e vegetais, e da inadequação da ingestão dietética de ferro; iv) a restrição dos resultados à ingestão média devido à insuficiência do uso de métodos apropriados ao estabelecimento de padrões alimentares. Conclusões: apesar da escassez e dispersão espaço-temporal dos estudos, as semelhanças metodológicas possibilitam sugerir um panorama em que predomina a ingestão dietética deficitária do grupo de frutas, legumes e verduras, e de alimentos ricos em ferro; bem como a ingestão excessiva de alimentos protéicos e de alto teor de sódio.

2014 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 444 ◽  
Pedro Martins ◽  
Joana Belo ◽  
João Marques ◽  
Ana Luísa Papoila ◽  
Iolanda Caires ◽  

<strong>Introduction:</strong> Data about drug allergy prevalence in the general population, particularly in children, are lacking. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of parent-reported drug allergy, in children attending day care centers in Lisbon and Oporto.<br /><strong>Material and Methods:</strong> In Phase II of the “ENVIRH study – Environment and Health in Children Day Care Centers”, a health questionnaire which included questions about drug allergies was administered to children by stratified, random sampling of day care centers.<br /><strong>Results:</strong> The final analysis included 1,169 questionnaires, 52.5% from boys. The mean age was 3.5 ± 1.5 years. The prevalence of reported drug allergy was 4.1% (95% CI: 3.0 - 5.2%). The most frequently reported drugs were antibiotics (27 cases) and NSAIDs (in 6 cases). In the multivariate analysis, reported drug allergy was directly associated with age (OR 1.19; 95% CI 1.01 - 1.41) and reported food allergy (OR 3.19; 95% CI 1.41 - 7.19). It was inversely associated with the level of parental education (OR 0.25; 95% CI 0.10 - 0.59).<br /><strong>Discussion:</strong> Even though the limitations of the study our results are in accordance with those reported by previous authors and suggest that there is a high prevalence of reported drug allergy in the considered age group.<br /><strong>Conclusion:</strong> A correct assessment of these situations is needed in order to avoid unnecessary drug evictions.<br /><strong>Keywords:</strong> Child Day Care Centers; Child; Drug Hypersensitivity; Prevalence; Portugal.

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