code metrics
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2021 ◽  
Aleksandar Kovačević ◽  
Jelena Slivka ◽  
Dragan Vidaković ◽  
Katarina-Glorija Grujić ◽  
Nikola Luburić ◽  

<p>Code smells are structures in code that often have a negative impact on its quality. Manually detecting code smells is challenging and researchers proposed many automatic code smell detectors. Most of the studies propose detectors based on code metrics and heuristics. However, these studies have several limitations, including evaluating the detectors using small-scale case studies and an inconsistent experimental setting. Furthermore, heuristic-based detectors suffer from limitations that hinder their adoption in practice. Thus, researchers have recently started experimenting with machine learning (ML) based code smell detection. </p><p>This paper compares the performance of multiple ML-based code smell detection models against multiple traditionally employed metric-based heuristics for detection of God Class and Long Method code smells. We evaluate the effectiveness of different source code representations for machine learning: traditionally used code metrics and code embeddings (code2vec, code2seq, and CuBERT).<br></p><p>We perform our experiments on the large-scale, manually labeled MLCQ dataset. We consider the binary classification problem – we classify the code samples as smelly or non-smelly and use the F1-measure of the minority (smell) class as a measure of performance. In our experiments, the ML classifier trained using CuBERT source code embeddings achieved the best performance for both God Class (F-measure of 0.53) and Long Method detection (F-measure of 0.75). With the help of a domain expert, we perform the error analysis to discuss the advantages of the CuBERT approach.<br></p><p>This study is the first to evaluate the effectiveness of pre-trained neural source code embeddings for code smell detection to the best of our knowledge. A secondary contribution of our study is the systematic evaluation of the effectiveness of multiple heuristic-based approaches on the same large-scale, manually labeled MLCQ dataset.<br></p>

2021 ◽  
Aleksandar Kovačević ◽  
Jelena Slivka ◽  
Dragan Vidaković ◽  
Katarina-Glorija Grujić ◽  
Nikola Luburić ◽  

<p>Code smells are structures in code that often have a negative impact on its quality. Manually detecting code smells is challenging and researchers proposed many automatic code smell detectors. Most of the studies propose detectors based on code metrics and heuristics. However, these studies have several limitations, including evaluating the detectors using small-scale case studies and an inconsistent experimental setting. Furthermore, heuristic-based detectors suffer from limitations that hinder their adoption in practice. Thus, researchers have recently started experimenting with machine learning (ML) based code smell detection. </p><p>This paper compares the performance of multiple ML-based code smell detection models against multiple traditionally employed metric-based heuristics for detection of God Class and Long Method code smells. We evaluate the effectiveness of different source code representations for machine learning: traditionally used code metrics and code embeddings (code2vec, code2seq, and CuBERT).<br></p><p>We perform our experiments on the large-scale, manually labeled MLCQ dataset. We consider the binary classification problem – we classify the code samples as smelly or non-smelly and use the F1-measure of the minority (smell) class as a measure of performance. In our experiments, the ML classifier trained using CuBERT source code embeddings achieved the best performance for both God Class (F-measure of 0.53) and Long Method detection (F-measure of 0.75). With the help of a domain expert, we perform the error analysis to discuss the advantages of the CuBERT approach.<br></p><p>This study is the first to evaluate the effectiveness of pre-trained neural source code embeddings for code smell detection to the best of our knowledge. A secondary contribution of our study is the systematic evaluation of the effectiveness of multiple heuristic-based approaches on the same large-scale, manually labeled MLCQ dataset.<br></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 354-365
Vitaliy S. Yakovyna ◽  
Ivan I. Symets

This article is focused on improving static models of software reliability based on using machine learning methods to select the software code metrics that most strongly affect its reliability. The study used a merged dataset from the PROMISE Software Engineering repository, which contained data on testing software modules of five programs and twenty-one code metrics. For the prepared sampling, the most important features that affect the quality of software code have been selected using the following methods of feature selection: Boruta, Stepwise selection, Exhaustive Feature Selection, Random Forest Importance, LightGBM Importance, Genetic Algorithms, Principal Component Analysis, Xverse python. Basing on the voting on the results of the work of the methods of feature selection, a static (deterministic) model of software reliability has been built, which establishes the relationship between the probability of a defect in the software module and the metrics of its code. It has been shown that this model includes such code metrics as branch count of a program, McCabe’s lines of code and cyclomatic complexity, Halstead’s total number of operators and operands, intelligence, volume, and effort value. A comparison of the effectiveness of different methods of feature selection has been put into practice, in particular, a study of the effect of the method of feature selection on the accuracy of classification using the following classifiers: Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, k-Nearest Neighbors, Decision Tree classifier, AdaBoost classifier, Gradient Boosting for classification. It has been shown that the use of any method of feature selection increases the accuracy of classification by at least ten percent compared to the original dataset, which confirms the importance of this procedure for predicting software defects based on metric datasets that contain a significant number of highly correlated software code metrics. It has been found that the best accuracy of the forecast for most classifiers was reached using a set of features obtained from the proposed static model of software reliability. In addition, it has been shown that it is also possible to use separate methods, such as Autoencoder, Exhaustive Feature Selection and Principal Component Analysis with an insignificant loss of classification and prediction accuracy

2021 ◽  
Sundarakrishnan Ganesh ◽  
Tobias Ohlsson ◽  
Francis Palma

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 183-188
Kacper Szymanek ◽  
Beata Pańczyk

Modern web applications require flow of large amounts of data. To maintain order in code, a state manager was invented. With manager all data can be retrieved from and goes to one place. In this paper, four libraries for state management (NgRx, Ngxs, Redux, Vuex) were analyzed. Five criteria were used for the study: code metrics, solution structure, availability of ready-made implementations, community support, and performance testing. Results showed that there is not the best tool in every criterion, but when comparing the results obtained, the most universal solution is Vuex.

Algorithms ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (10) ◽  
pp. 289
Priyadarshni Suresh Sagar ◽  
Eman Abdulah AlOmar ◽  
Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer ◽  
Ali Ouni ◽  
Christian D. Newman

Understanding how developers refactor their code is critical to support the design improvement process of software. This paper investigates to what extent code metrics are good indicators for predicting refactoring activity in the source code. In order to perform this, we formulated the prediction of refactoring operation types as a multi-class classification problem. Our solution relies on measuring metrics extracted from committed code changes in order to extract the corresponding features (i.e., metric variations) that better represent each class (i.e., refactoring type) in order to automatically predict, for a given commit, the method-level type of refactoring being applied, namely Move Method, Rename Method, Extract Method, Inline Method, Pull-up Method, and Push-down Method. We compared various classifiers, in terms of their prediction performance, using a dataset of 5004 commits and extracted 800 Java projects. Our main findings show that the random forest model trained with code metrics resulted in the best average accuracy of 75%. However, we detected a variation in the results per class, which means that some refactoring types are harder to detect than others.

2021 ◽  
Anjali Bansal

As we all know a lot of research has been done in the field of software defect prediction but most of them uses static code metrics as their independent variable. In this paper the main objective is to analyze the effect of process metrics on prediction performance using various classification and ensemble techniques. Also in this i have used both AUC and MCC measure to analyze the results. We can conclude that process metrics are as effective as static code metrics.

2021 ◽  
Anjali Bansal

As we all know a lot of research has been done in the field of software defect prediction but most of them uses static code metrics as their independent variable. In this paper the main objective is to analyze the effect of process metrics on prediction performance using various classification and ensemble techniques. Also in this i have used both AUC and MCC measure to analyze the results. We can conclude that process metrics are as effective as static code metrics.

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