tissue perfusion
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Diagnostics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 184
Tim Pruimboom ◽  
Anouk A. M. A. Lindelauf ◽  
Eric Felli ◽  
John H. Sawor ◽  
An E. K. Deliaert ◽  

Mastectomy skin flap necrosis (MSFN) and partial DIEP (deep inferior epigastric artery perforator) flap loss represent two frequently reported complications in immediate autologous breast reconstruction. These complications could be prevented when areas of insufficient tissue perfusion are detected intraoperatively. Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is a relatively novel, non-invasive imaging technique, which could be used to objectively assess tissue perfusion through analysis of tissue oxygenation patterns (StO2%), near-infrared (NIR%), tissue hemoglobin (THI%), and tissue water (TWI%) perfusion indices. This prospective clinical pilot study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of HSI for tissue perfusion assessment and to identify a cut-off value for flap necrosis. Ten patients with a mean age of 55.4 years underwent immediate unilateral autologous breast reconstruction. Prior, during and up to 72 h after surgery, a total of 19 hyperspectral images per patient were acquired. MSFN was observed in 3 out of 10 patients. No DIEP flap necrosis was observed. In all MSFN cases, an increased THI% and decreased StO2%, NIR%, and TWI% were observed when compared to the vital group. StO2% was found to be the most sensitive parameter to detect MSFN with a statistically significant lower mean StO2% (51% in the vital group versus 32% in the necrosis group, p < 0.0001) and a cut-off value of 36.29% for flap necrosis. HSI has the potential to accurately assess mastectomy skin flap perfusion and discriminate between vital and necrotic skin flap during the early postoperative period prior to clinical observation. Although the results should be confirmed in future studies, including DIEP flap necrosis specifically, these findings suggest that HSI can aid clinicians in postoperative mastectomy skin flap and DIEP flap monitoring.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Lauryn Kohut ◽  
Mark A Ross ◽  
Patricia A Loughran

Luciana Aparecida Costa Carvalho ◽  
Marisa Dibbern Lopes Correia ◽  
Ráisa Camilo Ferreira ◽  
Micnéias Lacerda Botelho ◽  
Elaine Ribeiro ◽  

Abstract Objective: To assess the accuracy measurements for predisposing and precipitating Risk Factors for delirium in an adult Intensive Care Unit. Method: Cohort, prospective study with patients over 18 who had been hospitalized for over 24 hours and were able to communicate. The patients were assessed once a day until the onset of delirium or permanence in the Intensive Care Unit. Instruments were employed to track delirium, characterize the sample, and identify the risk factors. Descriptive statistics was employed for sample characterization and accuracy tests for risk factors. Results: The included patients amounted to 102, 31 of which presented delirium. The predisposing predictive risk factors were hypoalbuminemia, American Society of Anesthesiology over three, severity, altered tissue perfusion, dehydration, and being a male, whereas precipitating predictive factors were physical restraint, infection, pharmacological agent, polypharmacy, anemia, altered renal function, dehydration, invasive devices, altered tissue perfusion and altered quality and quantity of sleep. Conclusion: An accurate identification of predisposing and precipitating risk factors may contribute to planning preventive measures against delirium.

2021 ◽  
pp. 152660282110659
Hassan Lotfy ◽  
Ahmed Abou El-Nadar ◽  
Wael Shaalan ◽  
Ali El Emam ◽  
Akram Ibrahim ◽  

Purpose: Critical limb ischemia (CLI) is an entity with high mortality if not properly treated. The primary aim of CLI revascularization is to enhance wound healing, which greatly depends on microvascular circulation. The available tools for assessment of revascularization success are deficient in the evaluation of local microvascular tissue perfusion, that wound blush (WB) reflects. A reliable technique that assesses capillary flow to foot lesions is needed. This study aims to assess WB angiographically at sites of interest in the foot after revascularization and its impact on limb salvage in CLI. Materials and Methods: 198 CLI patients (Rutherford category 5/6) with infrainguinal atherosclerotic lesions amenable for endovascular revascularization (EVR) were included. Limbs were directly or indirectly revascularized by EVR. Direct revascularization meant that successful revascularization of the area of interest according to the angiosome concept was achieved. A completion angiographic run was taken to assess WB. Patients were divided into 2 groups; positive and negative WB groups. In the event of a disagreement between the observational investigators, the digital subtraction angiography (DSA) series was analyzed for hemodynamic changes with a computerized 2D color-coded DSA (Syngo iFlow). Results: 176 limbs had successful revascularization in 157 patients. The successful revascularization rate was 88.9% (176/198), with technical failure encountered in 22 limbs. 121 patients had positive WB and 55 patients had negative WB. Direct revascularization of target areas was obtained in 98 limbs (55.7%). There was a significant difference in the rate of achieving direct flow to the lesion between the positive WB and negative WB groups (36.4% vs 19.3%, p≤0.001). We noticed a nonsignificant difference between patients who had direct revascularization of the foot lesion(s) and those who had indirect revascularization as regards limb salvage. Patients were followed up for 25.2 ± 12.7 months. By the end of the first year, limb salvage rate was significantly higher in patients who had positive WB (98% vs 63%, p<0.001, after 2 years (97% vs 58%, p<0.001) and after 3 years (94% vs 51.5%, p<0.001). Conclusions: WB is an important predictor and a prognostic factor for wound healing in CLI patients with soft tissue lesions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-168
Vasiliy G. Tsvetkov ◽  
Roman E. Lakhin ◽  
Anatoliy V. Stukalov

This study describes two clinical cases of unexpectedly long duration of motor block after anterior sciatic nerve block. In two patients who underwent total knee replacement, the motor block reversion in the area of sciatic nerve innervation did not occur at the expected time. Ultrasound examination revealed the deposition of a local anesthetic near the sciatic nerve. In these two clinical cases, unintentionally prolonged sciatic nerve blockade was caused by combined age-related factors of reduced tissue perfusion and the vasoconstrictor properties of levobupivacaine. Subsequently, the block was successfully resolved in 3638 h without any neurological consequences.

Nutrients ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 148
Anja Mähler ◽  
Carmen Jahn ◽  
Lars Klug ◽  
Caroline Klatte ◽  
Andreas Michalsen ◽  

Each year in March, adherents of the Bahá’í faith abstain from eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset for 19 days. Thus, Bahá’í fasting (BF) can be considered as a form of daytime dry fasting. We investigated whether BF decreased energy expenditure after a meal and whether it improved anthropometric measures and systemic and tissue-level metabolic parameters. This was a self-controlled cohort study with 11 healthy men. We measured anthropometric parameters, metabolic markers in venous blood and pre- and postprandial energy metabolism at systemic (indirect calorimetry) and tissue (adipose tissue and skeletal muscle microdialysis) level, both before and during BF. During BF, we found reduced body weight, body mass index, body fat and blood glucose. Postprandial increase in energy expenditure was lower and diet-induced thermogenesis tended to be lower as well. In adipose tissue, perfusion, glucose supply and lipolysis were increased. In skeletal muscle, tissue perfusion did not change. Glucose supply and lipolysis were decreased. Glucose oxidation was increased, indicating improved insulin sensitivity. BF may be a promising approach to losing weight and improving metabolism and health. However, outside the context of religiously motivated fasting, skipping a meal in the evening (dinner cancelling) might be recommended, as metabolism appeared to be reduced in the evening.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 309-314
Iis Noventi ◽  
Umdatus Soleha ◽  
Siti Nur Hasina

The main problem in decubitus patients is the risk of damage to skin integrity related to factors: immobility, decreased sensory perception, decreased tissue perfusion, decreased nutritional status, friction and pulling force, advanced age, and increased humidity. The decubitus is a problem faced by patients with chronic diseases, weak conditions, and patients who experience paralysis. This study aimed to analyze the potential of walnut oil in preventing grade 1 decubitus Wounds of bed Rest Patients. This study used a Quasi-Experimental design (pretest-posttest control group). The sample was 20 people, divided into 2 groups; treatment and control. The treatment group received effleurage massage with walnut oil given twice a day for 7 days, while the control group received pressure ulcers prevention treatment according to the SOP applied in the hospital. A total of 10 patients who received massage using walnut oil showed a p-value of 0.04 (<0.05), which meant that walnut oil massage was affected significantly in preventing pressure ulcers. In conclusion, decubitus wounds can be prevented by effleurage massage with walnut oil which is given regularly twice a day.

2021 ◽  
Alaina M Reagan ◽  
Karen E Christensen ◽  
Rima Rozen ◽  
Amanda A Bedwell ◽  
Kierra Eldridge ◽  

Vascular contributions to cognitive impairment and dementia (VCID) particularly Alzheimers disease and related dementias (ADRDs) are increasing; however, mechanisms driving cerebrovascular decline are poorly understood. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) is a critical enzyme in the folate and methionine cycles. Variants in MTHFR, notably 677C>T, are associated with dementias, but no mouse model existed to identify mechanisms by which MTHFR677C>T increases risk. Therefore, MODEL-AD created a novel knock-in (KI) strain carrying the Mthfr677C>T allele on the C57BL/6J background (Mthfr677C>T) to characterize morphology and function perturbed by the variant. Consistent with human clinical data, Mthfr677C>T mice have reduced enzyme activity in the liver and elevated plasma homocysteine levels. MTHFR enzyme activity as well as critical metabolites in the folate and methionine cycles are reduced in the Mthfr677C>T brain. Mice showed reduced tissue perfusion in numerous brain regions by PET/CT as well as significantly reduced vascular density and increased GFAP-expressing astrocytes in frontal cortex . Electron microscopy revealed cerebrovascular damage including endothelial and pericyte apoptosis, reduced luminal size, and increased astrocyte and microglial presence in the microenvironment. Collectively, these data suggest critical perturbations to cerebrovascular function in Mthfr677C>T mice supporting its use as a model for preclinical studies of VCID.

Anja Mähler ◽  
Carmen Jahn ◽  
Lars Klug ◽  
Caroline Klatte ◽  
Andreas Michalsen ◽  

Each year in March, adherents of the Bah&aacute;&rsquo;&iacute; faith abstain from eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset for 19 days. Thus, Bah&aacute;&rsquo;&iacute; fasting (BF) can be considered as a form of daytime dry fasting. We tested if BF decreases energy expenditure after a meal and improves anthropometric measures, and systemic and tissue-level metabolic parameters. This was a self-controlled cohort study with 11 healthy men. We measured anthropometric parameters, metabolic markers in venous blood, and pre- and postprandial energy metabolism at systemic (indirect calorimetry) and tissue (adipose tissue and skeletal muscle microdialysis) level, both before and during BF. During BF, we found reduced body weight, body mass index, body fat and blood glucose. Postprandial increase in energy expenditure was lower, diet-induced thermogenesis tended to be lower. In adipose tissue, perfusion, glucose supply and lipolysis were increased. In skeletal muscle, tissue perfusion did not change. Glucose supply and lipolysis were decreased. Glucose oxidation was increased, indicating an improved insulin sensitivity. BF may be a promising approach to losing weight and improving metabolism and health. However, outside the context of religiously-motivated fasting, skipping a meal rather in the evening (dinner cancelling) might be recommended, as metabolism appears to be reduced in the evening.

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