systemic crisis
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Central bank’s macroprudential supervisory activities have to fulfill three distinct tasks: (i) assessing the banking system’s vulnerability to exogenous adverse turbulence, (ii) evaluating the risk of systemic crisis originating from idiosyncratic shocks, and (iii) measuring financial market’s sensitivity to policy stimuli. Given that macroprudential stress tests are the centerpiece of this policy approach, it is important to establish whether they are up to the task. We study how the 2011–2018 European Banking Authority stress tests affected market risk perception and show that they provided agents with valuable information on the policy stances and the vulnerabilities of the banking system, carrying out the above tasks successfully, especially the second and third tasks.

2022 ◽  
pp. 162-180
M. Banu Durukan ◽  
Semen Son-Turan

This chapter investigates whether sustainability practices of one of the leaders of the coffee industry, Starbucks, have changed during the COVID-19 pandemic as compared to the period before the virus outbreak. In particular, the authors ask which dimensions, or sub-dimensions, of sustainability in particular have been cut off first. Secondary data in the form of industry and company reports, websites, as well as research articles has been used. The findings of this study are particularly important for practitioners and researchers interested in changes in the coffee market, corporate sustainability, and consumer behavior, particularly during a systemic crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The topic is very current, and high-quality interdisciplinary research on a continuously deepening crisis with an unknown expiration date promises value-added potential, much more than “filling a gap” in the literature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (6) ◽  
pp. 104-111
Oleg Okhoshin ◽  

After withdrawal of the UK from the EU its Celtic regions (Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales) faced a deterioration in the conditions for their socio-economic development and began to demand from B. Johnson to revise the principles of interaction between central government and local authorities in favor of expanding devolution. In Wales, separatist tendencies have not reached the same magnitude as in Scotland and Northern Ireland. Nevertheless, an acute confrontation arose at the intergovernmental level – the M. Drakeford’s Labour government protests against B. Johnson’s regional policy. The most acute contradictions arose against the background of the application of the UK Internal Market Act 2020 and the inability of the British government to compensate the region for the loss of subsidies from the EU structural funds after Brexit. To put pressure on the central government, Labour Party in Wales organized a special commission in October 2021 to consider separating the region from the United Kingdom and transferring additional powers to the local authority. This fact indicates the growth of a deep systemic crisis in the country, which makes the regions doubt the ability of the central government to effectively use its instruments to cope with the consequences of Brexit and the coronavirus pandemic.

S. S Voznyak ◽  
V. V Limonchenko

Purpose. The article aims to comprehend the concept that has a serious anthropological meaning, – a "co-existential educational community" – which points at the real subject and object in the development of the educational reality, as well as to explicate its importance towards understanding the real way of addressing actually to the culture and its acquisition in the pedagogical process. Theoretical basis. To achieve this purpose, the method of categorical-reflexive analysis of texts and problems of real educational realities is used; this allows to involve of such philosophical concepts as "sobornost", "all-unity", "culture" and distinguish their anthropological meaning. Under this approach, philosophical categories are able to appear as internal dimensions of the essence in the educational process, rather than a certain matrix, for which one or another theoretical or practical construction is adjusted. Originality. The originality of the article lies in the actualization of philosophical content in "sobornost" and "all-unity" concepts for philosophical-educational discourse and in solving the question on the real way of entering culture (precisely in its potential that generates its own human in man) in the context of pedagogical communication. Conclusions. Addressing the idea of a co-existential educational community is able to oppose the widespread superficial notions of the so-called "educational environment" in the pedagogical and psychological literature and orient pedagogical theory and pedagogical practices on the real way of entering the individual into truly human forms of life. It is argued that the co-existential educational community can and should unfold not only "horizontally" (in space), but also "vertically" (in historical time), consciously integrating the high culture in itself as a culture of high. The authors emphasized the role of imagination in this process. Education can and should build co-existence with the culture of participants in pedagogical communication. It is with this approach that the education sector can emerge from the systemic crisis and actively oppose those trends in modern social life that increase alienation and depopulation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 65-76
Anna Makuch

Research goal of the article has been set to verify the hypothesis according to which technological innovations contribute to systemic safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. The analyzed area contains key statements of available data regarding innovation impulses in the first pandemic period (2020 – spring/autumn). In the light of this data new trend has been confirmed to be using advanced technologies based on digital records in promoted solutions. Innovation in pandemic days meets conditions, not by classic definitions of the term “innovation” but rather “ultra-fast-innovation” which creatively uses digitalized tools. Technological innovations fulfill their role of aiding the safety process under the conditions which assume that network-based storage and data transfer systems are reliable and resistant against systemic crisis, which is a potential systemic threat.

G.Zh. Sultangazy

Cities of the northern part of Kazakhstan at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries had played the role of administrative units for a long period; however, the gradual development of the urban environment and the integration of the cities of the national outskirts into the system of socio-economic relations of the empire led to the formation cooperation of a citizen not only in the economic aspect, but also, in the political aspects. The research attempted to analyze the processes associated with the formation of a political space in a colonial city, where representatives of the national intelligentsia were the subjects, and the emerging media and public spaces were the tools. The author insists that the political component of the city had developed in the context of the all-Russian political situation. The systemic crisis in all spheres of the state's life demanded new formats of their rights struggle. Under these conditions, the intelligentsia takes the initiative and develops its own style of struggle, expressed in the creation of newspapers, which will later become the print organs of the parties. For example, the newspaper "Kazakh" will become the official organ of the Alash party. Thus, the author argues that the formation of the political space in the colonial city is the result of the activities of the intelligentsia. The article uses the data of the regional archives of Kostanay, Petropavlovsk and NurSultan cities. One of the methods of this research was the historical and genetic one, which allows considering the problems in its development and identifying patterns. The use of the historical-comparative method revealed differences in the development of Kazakhstan historiography.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-127
Marina A. Ignatskaya ◽  
Daniyil R. Malykhin

The article actualizes the challenges of developing the theoretical and methodological basis for managing environmental turbulence in the 21st century under the unprecedented changes that have taken place both in the interpretation of the category of turbulence itself and the ability to manage it between the end of 2019 and the present in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of the analysis of the category of turbulence of the new type are presented, as well as its nature and content are determined. Conceptual approaches to the criteria for the effectiveness of turbulence management have been developed. The vector of the direction of the evolution of national systems of government in the era of total turbulence at the level of public policy has been defined. The experience of the best management practices at the beginning of 2021 is noted, which, however, shows that without the use of an arsenal of hard technologies it is not yet possible to curb the challenges of extremely high environmental turbulence. Based on the study, the authors made the conclusion about the key role of general civil consent and cooperation in the implementation of manual management regime under the conditions of extremely high environmental turbulence of the early twenties of the 21st century. The peculiarities of forming the international socio-economic context of the period of extremely high turbulence, its problems and contradictions are highlighted. The main features of this context of the newest period include the ongoing systemic crisis of the world economy, permanent structural financial and economic crises, as well as the characteristics of globalization and deglobalization processes as major long-term trends. The trend towards general deglobalization, expressed in the strengthening of national protectionism and manifested in the economic policy of nation-states, has become the most pronounced at the current stage. New international platforms have been sought to implement regulatory management actions in the face of new type of turbulence.

Philip Kearney

In this special issue on the EcoSystemic Return, we have the honour of our Revival Paper being the 2013 paper by esteemed systemic ecology activist from Ireland, Philip Kearney. This paper is a reminder that the systemic community did not heed warnings about ecology issued by Gregory Bateson in the 1960s and 70s. In 2013, Phil Kearney reminded us again. The original paper is followed by a fresh piece of writing for this special issue. Philip Kearney reignites his passion and anger, his critical analysis and call to action for this protracted phase of climate change complacency. Sincere thanks and appreciation to Jim Sheehan and colleagues of Feedback: Journal of the Family Therapy Association of Ireland for permission to re-print the 2103 article which had the vision to provide a platform for this important work.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1151-1159
Leonid P. Dashkov ◽  
Svetlana V. Dusenko ◽  
Elvira A. Gatina ◽  
Anna Sh. Elyazyan ◽  
Andrei A. Boltaevskiy

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