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Beate Krais ◽  
Pierre Bourdieu

Abstract  In 1968 École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales and Mouton Éditeurs published the book Le métier de sociologue. Préalables épistemologiques by Pierre Bourdieu, Jean-Claude Chamboredon og Jean-Claude Passeron. In 1991, 23 years later Walter de Gruyter published, at the same time, a German and an slightly edited English version of the second edition of the French original. Especially the number of illustrative texts was reduced. Connected to the publishing Pierre Bourdieu was interviewed by Beate Krais from "Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung". She asked Bourdieu to explain the genesis of Le métier de sociologue, the positions within the sociological research milieu the book is related to, and what happened since then. In the interview especially two of Bourdieu's demands for sociology to be a science are in focus, the construction of the scientific object and the double break.

Cephalalgia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 40 (11) ◽  
pp. 1261-1265
Vladimir Gorelov

Barré’s 1926 report “Sur un syndrome sympathique cervicale postérieure et sa cause fréquente: l’arthrite cervicale” is arguably the first description of what we now call cervicogenic headache. Barré’s contribution to the subject and significant insights, which have stood the test of time, are insufficiently recognised. This article is an English translation of Barré’s French original.

Linguistica ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-118
Mojca Schlamberger Brezar

Military vocabulary and the vocabulary of war are part of specialized as well as general lexicon. Such language was present in Slovene even before the creation of the Slovene army in 1991. In this context the systematic development of military terminology was left to enthusiastic individuals. Due to the lack of terminological reference works, the creation of military vocabulary was in the hands of people who experienced military service and war, as well as writers and translators. But can literature present a reliable source for terminological research? We also try to answer this question.Our research is focused on the lexis concerning war, the denomination of military functions and ideologies in the context of the Second World War as they appear in the French original and Slovene translation of Bienveillantes (The Kindly Ones) by J. Littell (2006, 2010). Its war lexis is compared to that of some Slovene original works and translations concerning the Second World War. In addition, the monolingual corpus Gigafida is taken into account and the question of the (in)stability of prescriptive norms of Slovene is discussed.

2019 ◽  
pp. 226-253
M. V. Markova

The article analyses the dialogue happening between two historical periods inside the fairy-tale context of Beauty and the Beast: a story with its origins in the late days of the ‘gallant’ age and on the cusp of the Age of Enlightenment. A product of the conflict between the two, the fairy-tale provides ample inspiration for contemporary re-tellers of classical stories. The original work by Madame de Villeneuve centres on the idea of assimilation of a territory, its colonization and its integration into the political and economic context of the inhabited world. The same idea is taken up and reinforced by the American author M. Lackey, who considered the French original and its origination period through the concept of a national idea, in particular, the notion of the ‘hearth’. The article demonstrates how this idea, reaching its peak during the American Enlightenment, helped Lackey to transform the original’s colonization motifs and endow the classical plot with new prospects. In her ‘domestication’ of the fairy-tale world, Lackey delivers it a paradoxical blow at the end of the story, and turns de Villeneuve’s triumph of civilization into a more relevant ideal of freedom and unlimited opportunities, where the female protagonist enjoys emancipation and is invested with her rights.

Slovene ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 223-253
Dmitry Rudnev ◽  
Heng Fu

The article presents a many-sided analysis of a pamphlet by Giovanni Marana translated by Antiochus Kantemir into Russian in 1726. In the first part of the article, we describe various editions of Marana’s pamphlet and establish the one that became the source for Kantemir’s translation. This source is found out to be the publication of the pamphlet in one of the “Élite des bons mots” collections. Next, the correspondence between the text of the translation and the French text is analyzed, the deviations and errors in the Kantemir’s text are revealed and their explanation is given. It is concluded that the surviving manuscript of the translation was made from an earlier one and was not the final version of the text. The manuscript of the translation was published in 1868 as a part of the collected works by Antiochus Kantemir and was subjected to a considerable revision. The second part of the article is devoted to comparing the text of the manuscript and the published text, describing spelling and punctuation corrections, as well as mistakes made during the publication of the manuscript. The contradictions in introduced spelling corrections are noted. In the third part of the article, the technique of translation, ways of transferring lexical and syntactic units to Russian are analyzed. Kantemir uses a large number of borrowed words to describe the everyday life in Paris and France, however, mainly Slavic word-building models are used for translating the behavioral sphere vocabulary. The fourth part of the article describes the stylistic key of translation. While making the language of translation closer to the language of the French original, the translator left Russian as a basis, which he slavicised in two ways: first, with a small number of “background slavonicisms”, evenly distributed throughout the text; secondly, with “slavonicisms-inclusions”, creating points of stylistic tension. It is concluded that the degree of slavicisation of the text is not great.

Oleksandr Malyshev

The following article by Victor Hugo "Fight The Demounters" is a translation from the French original publication: Hugo V. Guerre aux démolisseurs // Revue des Deux Mondes. Période Initiale. Volume 5. 1832. pp. 607–622.

Vicent Pastor Briones

Resum: La novel·la anònima Pierres de Provença ens arriba des d’un original francès escrit a mitjan segle XV passant per algunes traduccions castellanes i catalanes que van fer-se des de principis del segle XVI. Malgrat la poca atenció que li ha dedicat la crítica literària en general, les aventures del cavaller Pierres i la gentil Magalona han comptat amb lectors de forma continuada fins al segle XIX. Aquest relat cavalleresc és un dels pocs títols que conformen el catàleg de la prosa impresa en català en l’època moderna, i és, per tant, força convenient fer una adequada catalogació de les edicions per tal de confegir un cens acurat que permeta estudiar l’obra i bastir-ne una edició crítica. Hem pogut establir un llistat d’onze edicions verificades pels bibliògrafs, de les quals només se’n conserven nou. La cronologia de les edicions és, a hores d’ara, aproximada, exceptuant-ne les que fan constar la data d’impressió a la portada: 1650, 1683 i 1908. Paraules clau: Pierres de Provença, edicions, català, segles XVII-XVIII   Abstract: The anonymous novel Pierres de Provença has come to us from a French original written in the mid-fifteenth century through some of the Spanish and Catalan translations carried out since the beginning of the sixteenth century. Despite the little attention that it has received from most  historians of literature, the adventures of the knight Pierres and the beautiful Magalona have had readers uninterruptedly up to the nineteenth century. This short chivalric story is one of the few works that make up the catalog of the Catalan prose of the modern period, and therefore it is quite convenient to make a thorough cataloguing of the editions made in order to establish an accurate census that allows to study the work and build up a critical edition. We have been able to establish a list of eleven editions verified by the bibliographers, of which only nine have been preserved. The chronology of most of the editions is, by now, just approximate, except those that have a specified date print on the cover: 1650, 1683 and 1908.   Keywords: Pierres de Provença, editions, Catalan, XVII-XVIIIth centuries    

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