noble gas
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2022 ◽  
Vol 243 ◽  
pp. 106809
Kirk J. Cantrell ◽  
Guohui Wang ◽  
Alexandre V. Mitroshkov ◽  
Justin D. Lowrey

2022 ◽  
Stephen Ellis Cox ◽  
Hayden Bryce Dutcher Miller ◽  
Florian Hofmann ◽  
Kenneth Anthony Farley

Abstract. A pervasive challenge in noble gas geochemistry is to ensure that analytical techniques do not modify the composition of the noble gases in the samples. Noble gases are present in the atmosphere and are used in a number of manufacturing procedures and by laboratory equipment. Of particular concern is the introduction of atmospheric or laboratory noble gases to samples during preparation before samples are placed in a vacuum chamber for analysis. Recent work has shown the potential for contamination of crushed samples with air-derived He that is not released by placing the samples under vacuum at low temperature. Using pure He gas as a tracer, we show that the act of crushing samples to a fine powder itself can introduce He contamination, but that this is easily avoided by crushing under liquid or in an inert atmosphere. Because the He is trapped during crushing, the same concern does not extend to samples that are naturally fine-grained when collected. The degree of He contamination even from crushing samples to sizes smaller than typically used for geochronology is insignificant for samples at least 1 Ma and with more than 1 ppm U when the guidelines outlined here are followed.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Mikhail Padniuk ◽  
Marek Kopciuch ◽  
Riccardo Cipolletti ◽  
Arne Wickenbrock ◽  
Dmitry Budker ◽  

AbstractSearches for pseudo-magnetic spin couplings require implementation of techniques capable of sensitive detection of such interactions. While Spin-Exchange Relaxation Free (SERF) magnetometry is one of the most powerful approaches enabling the searches, it suffers from a strong magnetic coupling, deteriorating the pseudo-magnetic coupling sensitivity. To address this problem, here, we compare, via numerical simulations, the performance of SERF magnetometer and noble-gas-alkali-metal co-magnetometer, operating in a so-called self-compensating regime. We demonstrate that the co-magnetometer allows reduction of the sensitivity to low-frequency magnetic fields without loss of the sensitivity to nonmagnetic couplings. Based on that we investigate the responses of both systems to the oscillating and transient spin perturbations. Our simulations reveal about five orders of magnitude stronger response to the neutron pseudo-magnetic coupling and about three orders of magnitude stronger response to the proton pseudo-magnetic coupling of the co-magnetometer than those of the SERF magnetometer. Different frequency responses of the co-magnetometer to magnetic and nonmagnetic perturbations enables differentiation between these two types of interactions. This outlines the ability to implement the co-magnetometer as an advanced sensor for the Global Network of Optical Magnetometer for Exotic Physics searches (GNOME), aiming at detection of ultra-light bosons (e.g., axion-like particles).

PRX Quantum ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Or Katz ◽  
Roy Shaham ◽  
Ofer Firstenberg

Ate Visser ◽  
Edward Kwicklis ◽  
Irene Farnham ◽  
Andrew F. B. Tompson ◽  
Ronald L. Hershey

Nature ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 600 (7890) ◽  
pp. 670-674
R. L. Tyne ◽  
P. H. Barry ◽  
M. Lawson ◽  
D. J. Byrne ◽  
O. Warr ◽  

AbstractCarbon capture and storage (CCS) is a key technology to mitigate the environmental impact of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. An understanding of the potential trapping and storage mechanisms is required to provide confidence in safe and secure CO2 geological sequestration1,2. Depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs have substantial CO2 storage potential1,3, and numerous hydrocarbon reservoirs have undergone CO2 injection as a means of enhanced oil recovery (CO2-EOR), providing an opportunity to evaluate the (bio)geochemical behaviour of injected carbon. Here we present noble gas, stable isotope, clumped isotope and gene-sequencing analyses from a CO2-EOR project in the Olla Field (Louisiana, USA). We show that microbial methanogenesis converted as much as 13–19% of the injected CO2 to methane (CH4) and up to an additional 74% of CO2 was dissolved in the groundwater. We calculate an in situ microbial methanogenesis rate from within a natural system of 73–109 millimoles of CH4 per cubic metre (standard temperature and pressure) per year for the Olla Field. Similar geochemical trends in both injected and natural CO2 fields suggest that microbial methanogenesis may be an important subsurface sink of CO2 globally. For CO2 sequestration sites within the environmental window for microbial methanogenesis, conversion to CH4 should be considered in site selection.

Crystals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Paulo H. B. Brant Carvalho ◽  
Amber Mace ◽  
Inna Martha Nangoi ◽  
Alexandre A. Leitão ◽  
Chris A. Tulk ◽  

The high pressure structural behavior of H2 and Ne clathrate hydrates with approximate composition H2/Ne·~4H2O and featuring cubic structure II (CS-II) was investigated by neutron powder diffraction using the deuterated analogues at ~95 K. CS-II hydrogen hydrate transforms gradually to isocompositional C1 phase (filled ice II) at around 1.1 GPa but may be metastably retained up to 2.2 GPa. Above 3 GPa a gradual decomposition into C2 phase (H2·H2O, filled ice Ic) and ice VIII’ takes place. Upon heating to 200 K the CS-II to C1 transition completes instantly whereas C1 decomposition appears sluggish also at 200 K. C1 was observed metastably up to 8 GPa. At 95 K C1 and C2 hydrogen hydrate can be retained below 1 GPa and yield ice II and ice Ic, respectively, upon complete release of pressure. In contrast, CS-II neon hydrate undergoes pressure-induced amorphization at 1.9 GPa, thus following the general trend for noble gas clathrate hydrates. Upon heating to 200 K amorphous Ne hydrate crystallizes as a mixture of previously unreported C2 hydrate and ice VIII’.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
G. Bruno ◽  
S. Wenske ◽  
H. Mahdikia ◽  
T. Gerling ◽  
T. von Woedtke ◽  

Cold physical plasmas, especially noble gas driven plasma jets, emit considerable amounts of ultraviolet radiation (UV). Given that a noble gas channel is present, even the energetic vacuum UV can reach the treated target. The relevance of UV radiation for antimicrobial effects is generally accepted. It remains to be clarified if this radiation is relevant for other biomedical application of plasmas, e.g., in wound care or cancer remediation. In this work, the role of (vacuum) ultraviolet radiation generated by the argon plasma jet kINPen for cysteine modifications was investigated in aqueous solutions and porcine skin. To differentiate the effects of photons of different wavelength and complete plasma discharge, a micro chamber equipped with a MgF2, Suprasil, or Borosilicate glass window was used. In liquid phase, plasma-derived VUV radiation was effective and led to the formation of cysteine oxidation products and molecule breakdown products, yielding sulfite, sulfate, and hydrogen sulfide. At the boundary layer, the impact of VUV photons led to water molecule photolysis and formation of hydroxyl radicals and hydrogen peroxide. In addition, photolytic cleavage of the weak carbon-sulfur bond initiated the formation of sulfur oxy ions. In the intact skin model, protein thiol modification was rare even if a VUV transparent MgF2 window was used. Presumably, the plasma-derived VUV radiation played a limited role since reactions at the boundary layer are less frequent and the dense biomolecules layers block it effectively, inhibiting significant penetration. This result further emphasizes the safety of physical plasmas in biomedical applications.

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