concentrate mix
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2021 ◽  
Vol 99 (Supplement_3) ◽  
pp. 442-443
Ji Yun Shin ◽  
Junsik Woo ◽  
Gyeonglim Ryu ◽  
Young Kyoon Oh ◽  
Keun Kyu Park

Abstract This study was conducted to evaluate the difference in ruminal degradability by the degree of gelatinization of corn grain. The treatments were Control (whole corn grain), T1 (70% gelatinized corn grain steam flake), and T2 (30% gelatinized corn grain steam flake). Corn grain steam flaked for T1 was produced by a pressurized steam chamber for a longer time than T2. For this reason, the thickness of T1 and T2 was 1.5 and 2.5mm on average, respectively. Two Holstein cows (BW.405±15.4kg, 26.5±12 months) fitted with ruminal cannula were fed 4 kg of tall fescue and 3 kg of a formulated concentrate mix. Immediately after morning feeding, the nylon bags containing the sample from all treatments were incubated in the ruminal ventral sac for 0, 2, 4, 8, 12, 18, 24, 36, and 48h. At 0h of incubation, the DM degradability of T1 (16.70%) was higher (P< 0.05) than Control (9.74%) and T2 (12.00%). The degradability of both Control and T2 slightly increased from 4 (23.08 and 27.57%) to 18h (36.65 and 35.52%), exponentially increased from 18 to 48h. On the other hand, the degradability for T1 exponentially increased from 2 (28.74%) to 18h (77.31%), only slightly increased thereafter. The final degradability (48h) of Control, T1, and T2 were 78.07, 89.20, and 84.86%, respectively (P< 0.05). The fraction a of DM degradability for T1 (24.29%) was higher than Control (2.26%) and T2 (6.26%) (P< 0.05). The effective degradability (ED) of T1 (75.31%) was higher (P< 0.05) than Control (57.42%) and T2 (60.86%). Therefore, this study demonstrated that 70% gelatinized corn grain steam flake showed a higher rate of ruminal degradability than other treatments. Thus, it is necessary to determine how these differences affect ruminant productivity through additional feeding experiments.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 184-190
M Kokeb ◽  
Y Mekonnen ◽  
M Tefera ◽  

The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of graded level of local brewery by-product (atella) replacement to concentrate mixture on feed intake; digestibility and bodyweight change of Dorper-Menz crossbred lambs fed hay basal diet. The feeding period of 90 days was preceded by 15 days of acclimatization period. The experimental design was randomized complete block design with five treatments: T1 [control, hay ad libtium], T2 [25% atella + 75% concentrate mix]; T3 [50% atella + 50% concentrate mix]; T4 [75% atella + 25% concentrate mix] and T5 [100% atella]. Body weight changes were monitored fortnightly for 112 days. At the end of experiment, animals were fitted with feces collection bags and daily feces excretion was collected for seven days. Fecal output of each animal was thoroughly mixed and 20% of the voided feces were sampled to make a composite of fecal samples for each animal over the collection period. The fecal samples were stored frozen at -20°C until processing for chemical analysis. Data on feed intake, body weight change, and digestibility were subjected to analysis of variance using the General Linear Model procedure. The protein and energy contents of atella are high enough to increase intake, digestibility and could be categorized as medium protein feed. Atella alone or at different level with commercial concentrate mixture has significantly increased body weight gain of crossbred sheep. The positive weight gain results of atella supplemented group clearly indicate supplementation of dried atella could be recommended for fattening Dorper-Menz crossbred male lamb. Atella may lose some volatile nutrients during drying process and further research is needed to compare wet atella with dried one.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Anwar Seid ◽  
Anwar Seid ◽  
Mohammed Yasin Ali ◽  
Endris Feqi

The experiment was conducted with the objective of to evaluate the comparative feeding value of improved forages as a replacement of concentrate mix with its economic benefits on feed intake, body weight gain and carcass parameters of Afar goats. Twenty-five yearling intact male Afar goats with initial mean body weight of 15.05±1.25 (mean ± SD) were used for the experiment in randomized complete block design. The experimental animals were grouped in to five blocks of five animals based on their initial body weight and each animal within each block was randomly assigned to one of the five treatment diets. Treatments were grazing (Ad libitum) + 100% concentrate mix (wheat bran and noug seed cake) (T1), grazing (Ad libitum) + 100 % mixed forage (Rhodes and cowpea) (T2), grazing (Ad libitum) + 50 % mixed forage (Rhodes and cowpea) + 50% concentrate mix (T3), grazing (Ad libitum) + 25 % mixed forage (Rhodes and cowpea) + 75% concentrate mix (T4), and grazing (Ad libitum) + 75 % mixed forage (Rhodes and cowpea) + 25% concentrate mix (T5). The experiment was consisted of feeding trial followed by carcass evaluation. The supplement given at the rate of 300gDM/head/day. Water and mineralized salt block were available free of choice. The concentrate mix was 2:1 (wheat bran and Noug seed cake. The CP content of the NSC (Noug seed cake), WB (wheat bran), cowpea and Rhodes grass were 31.3, 17.4, 16.9 and 8.6 %, respectively. Organic matter and basal intake were not significant difference (P>0.05) among the treatments, while intake of supplement was slightly higher (P<0.05) for T1, T4, T3, than T5 and T2 respectively. Average daily gain in was higher 110g/d (T4). Hot carcass weight was slightly higher (P<0.05) for T4 10.82 kg. The use of sole cowpea and Rhodes grass mix instead of concentrate mix was reduces feed cost and increase net return. Mixture of cowpea and Rhodes grass as sole supplement is relatively comparable to the supplementary value of concentrate mixture to improve Afar goat performance but forage mix was required higher (p<0.05) feed to bring the same weight to other concentrate contained treatment diets.

Anwar Seid ◽  
Mohammed Yasin Ali

The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of supplementing different levels of molasses concentrates mix with a basal diet of cultivated pasture hay on intake, body weight and carcass quality of Afar bull. The experiment included three bulls in each group and a total of 12 bulls with mean initial live weight of 158 ± 1.20 kg, were used for the experiment in a complete randomized block design (RCRD). The experiment was consisted of 180 days of feeding trial followed by carcass evaluation. The concentrate mix were 2:1 (wheat bran and Cotton seed cake) The CP content of the cultivated hay, concentrate mix and molasses were 9.16, 25.2, and 3.8 %, respectively. Results showed that, the mean final weight for Tx1, Tx2, Tx3, Tx4 were 271.65Kg, 255.83kg, 243.79kg and 239.50 respectively. Significant differences in daily body weight gain and final body weight among the treatment were observed but carcass parameters were not significantly recorded. The Tx1 and Tx2 have a tendency to achieve a higher average daily weight gain (ADG), final body weight, hot carcass weight and feed conversion efficiency compared with Tx3 and Tx4. From the present study, it can be concluded that, the inclusion of 20% molasses in the diet of a mixed ration of Afar bulls can be finished with good performance without adverse effect on health. Further studies are required on the effects of age and feeding duration on carcass characteristics of Afar bulls.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-30
Anwar Seid Hassen ◽  
Mohammed Yasin Ali

The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of supplementing different levels of molasses and concentrates mix with a basal diet of cultivated pasture hay on intake, body weight and carcass quality of Afar sheep. Twenty four yearling Afar sheep, grouped in to four groups of six animals each in a randomized complete block design. The experiment consisted of four months feeding trial each group will receive the experimental feeds. Treatments were mixed concentrate + 20% inclusion molasses (T1), mixed concentrate + 15% inclusion molasses (T2), mixed concentrate + 10% inclusion molasses (T3) and 0% inclusion (T4). In this experiment with mean initial weight of 15.9±0.39 kg (mean ± SD), 16.2 ±0.41 kg, 16.3±0.42k.g and 16.1kg±0.42 respectively, were used in each treatment group. The experiment was consisted of 90 days of feeding trial followed by carcass evaluation. The concentrate mix were 2:1 (wheat bran and cotton seed cake) The CP content of the panicum antidotale hay, concentrate mix and molasses were 95g/kg DM, 252g/kg DM, and 38.4g/kg, respectively. Hay DM intake was did not differ (P<0.05) among all treatments. Average daily weight gain (ADG) was higher (P<0.05) for T2 (69.59g/kg) compared to other treatments. Hot carcass weight also higher (P<0.05) for T2 (14.41kg). Weight gains 12.31kg, 13.83kg, 11.25kg and 10.26kg for Tx1, Tx2, Tx3 and Tx4, respectively). All Carcass parameters gave advantage (P<0.01) to Tx2. From the present study, it can be concluded that Tx2 sheep performed better than Tx1, Tx3, and Tx4 in terms of body weight gain, Feed intake, and carcass parameters. Asian J. Med. Biol. Res. March 2019, 5(1): 23-30

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Tesfaye Amene ◽  
Mengistu Urge ◽  
Mitiku Eshetu ◽  
Diriba Diba

2018 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 28 ◽  
Gebrekidan Tesfay ◽  
Berhan Tamir ◽  
G. Berhane

The purpose of this study is to evaluate effects of partial or full substitution of mulberry leaf meal for concentrate mix on performances of Tigray highland lambs. Thirty intact yearlings Tigray highland male lambs (average initial body weights of 17.8±0.95 kg) were separated into 6 groups based on their live weight with each groups assigned 5 treatment diets (RCBD), that are: T1: 300 g concentrate mix alone, T2: 225 g concentrate mix + 86.55 g mulberry leaf, T3: 150 g concentrate mix + 173.1 g mulberry leaf, T4: 75 g concentrate mix + 259.7 g mulberry leaf and T5: 346.2 g mulberry leaf alone. The treatments diets were designed in such a way that concentrate mix was progressively replaced by mulberry leaf meal from 0% to 100% at iso-nitrogenous level. Lambs were adapted to experimental diets for 15 days, and after adaptation period, feeding trial was conducted. Results reveal that complete substitution of concentrate mix by mulberry leaf meal showed in higher (P&lt;0.05) total dry matter, organic matter, NDF and ADF intake than the sole concentrate mix. The growth performance parameters resulted comparable across all the treatment diets. The slaughter weight and empty weight resulted higher (P&lt;0.05) in sole mulberry leaf meal as compared to the whole concentrate mix supplemented lambs. On the other hand, the dressing percentage on empty body weight base and hot carcass weight showed less difference (P&gt;0.05) across the different treatments. Therefore, mulberry foliage could potentially be used to replace concentrate mix as a feed supplement for the small holder farmers in Ethiopia.

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