proximal ureter
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2021 ◽  
pp. 101944
Agus Rizal AH Hamid ◽  
Irham Arif Rahman ◽  
Rainy Umbas ◽  
Chaidir Arif Mochtar ◽  
Meilania Saraswati ◽  

A. A. Volkov ◽  
N. V. Budnik ◽  
I. D. Mustapaev

Buccal ureteroplasty is considered a rare operation in urology and the indications for its implementation are still not clearly defined. We have described a clinical case of successful replacement of a part of the proximal ureter with a buccal graft in a patient with a single kidney, which was drained for a long time with a nitinol stent, which was subsequently incrustated, which led to the installation of a permanent nephrostomy drainage. The patient had no postoperative complications, the patency of the urinary tract was fully restored.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-219
Muhammad Risan ◽  
Indrawarman Soeroharjo ◽  
Raden Danarto ◽  
Prahara Yuri

Objective: To described a needle renal lifting technique using an 18-gauge needle to adjunct ureterorenoscopy (URS) in the management of complicated proximal ureteral stones. Case(s) Presentation: A 46 years old man presented with right flank pain for 1 month. This patient was diagnosed with ureteral stone and ureteral kinking that prohibits access to the proximal side of the ureter. Due to difficult access to the proximal ureter, we perform a needle renal lifting technique which is initialized by puncturing the middle renal calyx with 18-gauge needle. Then, the proximal end of the needle was pushed to the caudal direction to move the kidney to the cephalic direction and straighten the kinked ureter. After that procedure, the URS sheat can easily enter the proximal ureter to the stone site. Discussion: The success rate of this procedure is based on the operator skills to access the calyx and perform URS simultaneously. Like a previous technique, needle renal lifting is effective only when the kidney is mobile. Conclusion: The needle renal lifting technique can be used to adjunct URS in the management of complicated ureteral stones which prohibited access to the proximal ureter.   

Health of Man ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 93-98
Vladyslav Ozhogin

The objective: optimization of approaches to the choice of endoscopic ureterolithorpsy method in the presence of large stones of the proximal ureter. Materials and methods. For the period 2017–2020 y. the study included 136 patients with large stones of the proximal ureter, who were performed one of two methods of ureterolithotripsy: rULT (group I) or m-aULT (group II). In group I 73 (53,7%) patients were operated, in group II – 63 (46,3%) patients. The age of patients ranged from 18 to 81 years, the average age was 52,7 years (54±10,5). The age of patients in group II ranged from 25 to 77 (63±10,5) years; the size of a concrement from 10 to 20 (14±3,5 mm). In group I, the age of patients ranged from 18 to 91 (63,5±10 years); the size of a concrement from 7 to 20 (12±5,5 mm). Results. The average time of m-AULT was 58,5±15,4 min, while the status of stone free was achieved in all 100% of patients. The operation ended with the installation of nephrostomy drainage in 11 (17,5%) cases, nephrostomy drainage and internal ureteral JJ-stent – in 33 (52,4%), in 19 (30,2%) cases – tubeless drainage method with the installation of ureteral stent. And the total percentage of stenting in staghorn stones of the proximal ureter, after lithotripsy and litholapaxy was 82,6% (52 patients). RULT surgery in 92% (67 patients) of cases ended with drainage of the kidney by JJ-stent, in 6 (8%) patients the operation ended without drainage. Conclusions. Analyzing the results, it was noted that the antegrade approach is a safe and effective method of treatment for proximal ureterolithiasis in the group with large stones of the proximal ureter, where the effectiveness of RULT (SFR up to 86,3±3,9%) is significantly inferior to AULT, and minimizing the size of instruments m-aULT) reduces the number and degree of complications associated with the size of the coiled tract, while providing a high level of SFR (96,8±4,4%).

Urologiia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3_2021 ◽  
pp. 13-19
B.G. Guliev Guliev ◽  
B.K. Komyakov Komyakov ◽  
J.P. Avazkhanov Avazkhanov ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 101731
Alanna M. Cruz Bendezú ◽  
T. Hunt Batter ◽  
Patrick Mufarrij

2021 ◽  
pp. 039156032098818
Ahmet Arıman ◽  
Erkan Merder ◽  
Mehmet ali Sezgin ◽  
Suzan Önol

Objective: In our study, we aimed to evaluate the parameters that are effective in predicting the possibility of stone migration during ureteroscopic lithotripsy. Patients and method: We divided our patients two group whom we applied ureteroscopic lithotripsy. Patients who migrated stones during ureteroscopic manipulation to the 1st group, and the patients who did not migrate stones to the second group were included. We measured the proximal ureter diameters of the patients in both groups on their computed tomography. We compared these values statistically. In addition, we determined a cut-off value for the ureter diameter to predict the possibility of stone migration. Result: Especially, ureter diameters of patients with middle and lower ureter stones showed significant differences between groups. Also, stone sizes differed significantly between groups. Conclusion: We concluded that the possibility of stone migration is high in patients with a ureter diameter higher than 7.45 mm in the middle and lower ureteric stones. Also, we believe that stone diameter and the surgeon’s experience are effective factors in stone migration.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1

Background: Renal agenesis is a congenital malformation that occurs due to the inhibition of metanephric blastema induction due to a decrease in ureteric bud activity. Although renal agenesis is not very rare, unilateral renal agenesis with ureterocele occurs rarely, and the coexistance of unilateral renal agenesis, ureterocele, and blind ended proximal ureter is very rare. Recently, we experienced a case of left renal agenesis with huge ureterocele, blind ended proximal ureter, and duplicated ureter on Computed tomography (CT) of a 17-year-old man who visited our emergency department with hematuria. Ureterocelectomy and nephrectomy were performed, and a translocation of seminal vesicle was also observed. This case is a very rare case, so we judged that it may be helpful in making treatment decisions in similar cases later. Case summary: A 17-year-old man without specific medical history visited our emergency department with hematuria and voiding difficulty. CT showed left ectopic kidney, megaureter and the blind ended proximal ureter. After ureterocelectomy and nephrectomy, pathological examination revealed seminal vesicles in the periphery of the kidney. After one year, the patient has no complications and no complaining symptoms complaints without any abnormal finding of follow up imaging test. Conclusions: This case report focuses on the treatment of renal agenesis with ureterocele, blind ended proximal ureter, duplicated megaureter and translocation of seminal vesicle. This rare case of treatment will be helpful in the determination of treatment for similar cases in the future. To establish standard treatment, data accumulation and well-designed studies are required.

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