complex training
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Éva Anett Csuhai ◽  
Attila Csaba Nagy ◽  
Gergő József Szőllősi ◽  
Ilona Veres-Balajti

According to the latest data published by the WHO, 1.71 billion people suffer from musculoskeletal disorders and 568 million are affected by back pain, making these the most significant occupational health problems. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of a newly developed Multimodal Workplace Training Program implemented among young sedentary employees in order to treat and prevent these problems. The 20-week Training Program was conducted at the National Instruments Corporations’ Hungarian subsidiary in Debrecen between January and June, 2019. Pre- and post-intervention questionnaires were used to assess subjective parameters. Baseline and follow-up physical examinations were performed using the SpinalMouse, Y-Balance, Sit and Reach, Prone and Side Plank, Timed Abdominal Curl, and Biering-Sorensen tests. The results for 76 subjects were eligible for statistical analysis. Our Training Program was effective in several aspects, including a reduction in musculoskeletal symptoms and improvements in posture (p < 0.001), in dynamic (p < 0.01) and static-isometric (p < 0.001) core strength, in flexibility (p < 0.001), in spinal inclination in the sagittal (p < 0.001) and frontal (p < 0.01) plane, and in balance and coordination (p < 0.05). The Multimodal Progressive Functional–Proprioceptive Training was highly effective, and the application of such a complex training program can be recommended in workplace settings.

Elena Mocrousov ◽  

Table tennis is a complex analytical sport with versatile technique, various specific solutions, which has long outgrown a period of mass enthusiasm. For athletes to achieve sports results, general physical, special and psychological training is now necessary. Modern requirements to the level of special, technical, tactical and physical training of female athletes, to the entire system of their training are extremely high. In this regard, the importance of specialized factors in the sports training of female tennis players increases significantly. In the long-term training of the highly qualified female tennis players, a number of important stages is provided for, which in their structure have specific tasks and a meaningful orientation of their implementation. The task of implementing classification standards of the competitive activity of female tennis players is a complex training process that should be carried out not only taking into account general psychological and pedagogical laws, but also specific scientifically based methods and techniques of pedagogical influence, the organization of this type of activity and an individual approach.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (2/2021) ◽  
pp. 279-294
Dalibor Velojić

The formation of engineer units in the Royal Yugoslav Army during the 1920s and 1930s developed in two phases. The first was its engagement within the army divisions and in the second phase was the establishment of a unique engineering command, including pioneer, pontoon, and military traffic commands. Considering their different specialized activities, planned complex training demanded certain financial resources as well as an adequately qualified command staff. The lack of engineering officers and non-commissioned officers was one of the reasons why the recruits did not have regular lectures. Also, whole units were often sent out of their garrisons, especially for the purpose of strengthening the country’s borders, which posed a serious problem, which was not solved during the entire interwar period. Another problem was a small number of recruits, which is why they had to be taken over from other military units, plus the fact that they were mostly technically inexperienced and frequently even illiterate. In addition, modern equipment was scarce, all of which made good quality training impossible.

Xiuwen Gong ◽  
Dong Yuan ◽  
Wei Bao

Embedding approaches have become one of the most pervasive techniques for multi-label classification. However, the training process of embedding methods usually involves a complex quadratic or semidefinite programming problem, or the model may even involve an NP-hard problem. Thus, such methods are prohibitive on large-scale applications. More importantly, much of the literature has already shown that the binary relevance (BR) method is usually good enough for some applications. Unfortunately, BR runs slowly due to its linear dependence on the size of the input data. The goal of this paper is to provide a simple method, yet with provable guarantees, which can achieve competitive performance without a complex training process. To achieve our goal, we provide a simple stochastic sketch strategy for multi-label classification and present theoretical results from both algorithmic and statistical learning perspectives. Our comprehensive empirical studies corroborate our theoretical findings and demonstrate the superiority of the proposed methods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (7) ◽  
pp. 2198-2205
Halit Egesoy ◽  
Fatma Gözlükaya Girginer

This study was conducted to systematically compile and sythesize the studies about taper training in literature and in the most current form, to reveal the physiological changes caused by taper trainings. Qualitative research methods were used for in-depth study and interpretation of the studies on taper applications published between 1985-2020. Document analysis was used as data collection method and the obtained data were analyzed by content analysis method. Taper training is a complex training method that facilitates the systematic reduction of the training load and the attainment of the physiological harmony. Before the major competitions the reductions in load, density, volume or frequency of the training in order to achieve optimal performance are made which is called the taper. The aim of taper training is to reduce fatigue and increase physiological adaptation and performance in athletes through intensive training. Since each sport branch has different physiological demands, taper trainings are applied differently in individual and team sports. The effects of these practices may vary in athletes in different branches. In the literature studies, some increases were found in the blood volume and red blood cells values, muscular glycogen deposits, some enzymes, blood lactate and VO2 max. values and the movement economies of athletes. However, in some studies, some decreases were found in the levels of the respiratory threshold, creatine kinase in the blood and the values of the submaximal ventilation, the diastolic and systolic blood pressures of the athletes. Keywords: Taper training, athlete, performance improvement, physiological changes

Iurii Sedliar

The article analyzes the recommendations for the building of training sessions in the health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA), offers directions for further improvement this process. As you know, the effectiveness of health-enhancing physical activity is determined by the factors: the use of means and methods adequate for age and fitness, the optimal physical load and the peculiarities of its alternation with rest. Ultimately, the implementation of these requirements is carried out through the rational building of various structural elements as microcycles, mesocycles, macrocycles, training session. However, in our opinion, some of the theoretical provisions of the planning of training sessions, in contrast to sports training, have not been sufficiently studied. Research aim is to study the peculiarities of building training sessions in health-enhancing physical activity. Objectives: Analyze of specialists recommendations on the characteristics of the load used in the building of health-enhancing sessions. Study the peculiarities of the building selective and complex sessions. It was found that the recommendations regarding the duration of the training load for building of health-enhancing physical activity are sufficiently developed. However characteristic classification for sports practice is not used when planning the value of loads in separate sessions. This refers to a classification that takes into account the phase of physical performance in which the session was ended. It classification include low, medium, significant and large loads. In our opinion, this negatively affects the quality of planning both sessions and microcycles. It is revealed that there is a need to further improve the building complex training sessions with a consistent solution of tasks and the development of methodological conditions for the use of means and methods in complex training sessions with a parallel solution of tasks.

2021 ◽  
Jack Gartside ◽  
Kilian Stenning ◽  
Alex Vanstone ◽  
Troy Dion ◽  
Holly Holder ◽  

Abstract Strongly-interacting artificial spin systems are moving beyond mimicking naturally-occurring materials to find roles as versatile functional platforms, from reconfigurable magnonics to designer magnetic metamaterials. Typically artificial spin systems comprise nanomagnets with a single magnetisation texture: collinear macrospins or chiral vortices. By tuning nanoarray dimensions we achieve macrospin/vortex bistability and demonstrate a four-state metamaterial spin-system ‘Artificial Spin-Vortex Ice’ (ASVI). ASVI is capable of adopting Ising-like macrospins with strong ice-like vertex interactions, in addition to weakly-coupled vortices with low stray dipolar-field. The enhanced bi-texture microstate space gives rise to emergent physical memory phenomena, with ratchet-like vortex training and history-dependent nonlinear training dynamics. We observe vortex-domain formation alongside MFM tip vortex-writing. Tip-written vortices dramatically alter local reversal and memory dynamics. Vortices and macrospins exhibit starkly-differing spin-wave spectra with analogue-style mode-amplitude control via vortex training and mode-frequency shifts of ∆f = 3.8 GHz. We leverage spin-wave ‘spectral fingerprinting’ for rapid, scaleable readout of vortex and macrospin populations over complex training-protocols with applicability for functional magnonics and physical memory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 45-56
M. Cieślicka ◽  
R. Muszkieta ◽  
M. Bejtka ◽  
I. Gryn

Purpose: to determine the factor structure of the complex readiness of young football players 12-13 years old based on the level of development of physical qualities, mastery of technical elements and indicators of psychophysiological functions. Material and methods. Participants: 48 football players 12-13 years old participated in the study of the sports club “Kolos”, Kharkiv, Ukraine. All children started to play football in the age of 10-11, that is, the duration of football classes was 1-2 years. Research methods. The following data were determined: indicators of the level of physical preparedness, indicators of the level of technical preparedness, indicators of the psychophysiological functional state. The structure of complex preparedness was determined using factor analysis (SPSS-17, Dimension Redaction - Factor; Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis; Varimax with Kaiser Normalization). Results. In the structure of complex training of young football players aged 12-13, 4 main factors were identified: 1 - "Speed-power and technical training" (30.36% of the total dispersion); 2 - "Attention switching" (20.7% of the total variance); 3 - "Sensitivity of the nervous system" (15.4% of the total dispersion); 4 - "Mobility of the nervous system" (13.9% of the total dispersion). Conclusions.  Speed and strength, technical training in combination with switching of attention and mobility of the nervous system are dominated in the structure of complex training of young football players aged 12-13. The obtained data create conditions for recommendations in the training process of young football players aged 12-13 increase the number of exercises that require the development of speed and strength, technical training in combination with exercises to switch attention.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 2483
Michał Krzysztofik

With age, many physiological changes occur in the human body, leading to a decline in biological functions, and those related to the locomotor system are some of the most visible. Hence, there is a particular need to provide simple and safe exercises for the comprehensive development of physical fitness among elderly adults. The latest recommendations for the elderly suggest that the main goal of training should be to increase muscle power. The post-activation performance enhancement effect underpinning complex training might be an approach that will allow for the development of both muscle strength and velocity of movement, which will result in an increase in muscle power and improve the ability to perform daily activities and decrease injury risk. This article briefly introduces a complex training model adapted to the elderly with its potential benefits and proposes a direction for further studies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 213-218
Robert Stănciulescu ◽  
Lucian Tarnu

Abstract The adaptation of the fighter to the combat situations within the different missions, as well as the need to face any request coming up during the confrontations, imposes an extremely complex training system. Having an essential role in combat, the fighter must acquire qualities both in terms of mental, biological and physical features. Due to the threats that hang over the fighters at any time in this type of conflicts, the emphasis in their training is aimed at training in conditions as close to the existing reality as possible, with a focus on the impact that the battlefield has on his psyche and physique, so that at the same time he can adapt his systems of action of the body to the requirements of any nature imposed by each mission. The paper highlights that the process of training this type of fighters includes, among the training pillars, physical and mental training as a support for exceptional training and effective exercise of roles and missions entrusted to the military organization in peacetime, in situations of crisis and especially at war. In the economics of the formative process, physical and mental training represents the essence of a high level of acquiring the qualities specific to the successful conduct of combat, a fact for which their development has been and will always remain a priority objective throughout the continuous training of fighters.

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