canal wall down
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2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (12) ◽  
pp. 965-970
You Young An ◽  
Jong Dae Lee

It is important to decide which procedure to employ between canal wall up mastoidectomy and canal wall down mastoidectomy (CWDM) as each procedure has its own advantages and disadvantages. To combine the advantages and compensate the disadvantages of each procedure, various methods and approaches have been devised. Mastoid and epitympanic obliteration, which minimizes the dead space in the mastoid cavity, was previously known to prevent the occurrence of retraction pockets. We performed mastoid and epitympanic obliteration also to prevent the occurrence of cavity problems without meatoplasty. Here we describe the surgical procedures for modified CWDM without meatoplasty and mastoid obliteration using autologous materials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (4) ◽  
pp. 239-242
Kryštof Vitoul ◽  
Richard Salzman ◽  
Jana Janková

Inverted papilloma is a very rare finding in the middle ear. It is a benign, though locally aggressive tumour with a tendency towards malignant transformation. The dia­gnosis is usually established postoperatively, based on the histological examination, because the local finding is not specific and resembles chronically inflamed tissue in chronic otitis media. Surgery is the treatment of choice. Radiotherapy is reserved for inoperable tumours or a recurrent disease. In this case report, we present a case of a 62-year-old man, who underwent canal wall down tympanoplasty for chronic otitis media in a district hospital many years ago. A few years ago he was examined for pulsatile tinnitus and hearing impairment at our clinic. A combined-approach tympanoplasty did not reveal the expected tumour (only stiff scars) and a clearance of the middle ear cavity was performed. Histological examination revealed an inverted papilloma. A CT scan performed postoperatively proved a tumour persistence. Therefore, a radical mastoidectomy was indicated. The patient is disease-free with no signs of recurrence during 32-month follow-up. Keywords: inverted papilloma – Middle ear – radical mastoidectomy

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-151
Shoukat Ali ◽  
SM Masudul Alam ◽  
KM Nurul Alam ◽  
KM Mamun Morshed ◽  
Sirajul Islam Mahfuz ◽  

Objectives: To see the hearing outcomes following Type III tympanoplasty with stapes columella grafting after canal wall down mastoidectomy and find out the recurrence rates in patients undergoing this procedure. Methods: This prospective observational study includes 120 cases undergoing Type III tympanoplasty with stapes columella grafting following canal wall down mastoidectomy for cholesteatoma at a tertiary care center from 2018 to 2020. Patient charts were reviewed for demographic data, diagnosis, and operative details. Patients were included in statistical analysis if they were found to have undergone the aforementioned procedure. Evaluation of hearing improvement was made by comparing preoperative air-bone gap (ABG) and ABG at follow-up at 6 months and 1 year postoperatively. Results: One hundred and twenty patients were included for this study. Erosion of the otic capsule, posterior fossa plate, or tegmen was noted in 20% of cases, highlighting disease severity. One hundred and two (85%) had undergone prior otologic surgery. Mean time to short-term follow-up was 6 ± 3 months. The average short-term ABG was 25 ± 12 dB HL; 36% achieved an ABG <20 dB and thirteen had follow-up at least 1 year postoperatively (mean = 33 ± 16 months). At longer-term follow-up, mean ABG was 24 ± 11 dB HL. Hearing remained stable over time (P = .26). Conclusion: In some patients undergoing canal wall down mastoidectomy for advanced or recurrent cholesteatoma, Type III tympanoplasty with stapes columella grafting yields marginal hearing benefit. Bangladesh J Otorhinolaryngol 2021; 27(2): 145-151

Hylke F. E. van der Toom ◽  
Marc P. van der Schroeff ◽  
Tim L. Molenaar ◽  
Mick Metselaar ◽  
Anne van Linge ◽  

Abstract Purpose To evaluate the surgical results of revision canal wall down (CWD) surgery for chronically discharging mastoid cavities and to compare the non-obliteration approach to mastoid obliteration with canal wall reconstruction. Methods This is a retrospective cohort study. All adult patients (≥ 18 years) who underwent revision surgery for chronically draining mastoid cavities between January 2013 and January 2020 were included. Primary outcome measures included the dry ear rate, complications and postoperative hearing. Results 79 ears were included; 56 ears received revision CWD with mastoid obliteration and posterior canal wall reconstruction and 23 ears received CWD without mastoid obliteration. The dry ear rate at the most recent outpatient clinic visit (median 28.0 months postoperative) was significantly higher in the obliteration group with 96.4% compared to 73.9% for the non-obliteration group (p = .002). There were no differences in audiological outcome and incidence of complications between the two techniques. Conclusion We show that in our study population revision CWD surgery with mastoid obliteration and posterior canal wall reconstruction is superior to revision CWD surgery without mastoid obliteration in the management of chronically discharging mastoid cavities. In the obliteration group, a dry ear was achieved in 96.4% as this was 73.9% in the non-obliteration group. We found no differences in audiological outcome and in incidence of complications between the two techniques.

Meenesh Juvekar ◽  
Baisali Sarkar

<p><strong>Background: </strong>Chronic suppurative otitis media leads to ear discharge with hearing loss with squamosal type often presents with cholesteatoma and mainstay of treatment is surgical. Modified radical mastoidectomy is the ideal surgical option in these cases but it results in open mastoid cavity formation with certain common cavity problems. This study done to find the results of mastoid cavity obliteration with autologous bone dust and how this technique is effective in avoiding long term cavity problems and assists in ossiculoplasty.</p><p><strong>Methods: </strong>This is a retrospective observational study done in a tertiary care hospital. Patients presented with squamosal type of chronic otitis media were operated for a canal wall down modified radical mastoidectomy.The mastoid cavity was obliterated using bone dust. A follow up of the patients was done and the healing of the cavity with the hearing result assessed.</p><p><strong>Results: </strong>The study includes total of 34 patients. 58.82% were male and 41.18% were female. All patients underwent canal wall down modified radical mastoidectomy and obliteration of the mastoid cavity was done with bone dust. The common cavity problems of discharge, debris were markedly reduced in an obliterated cavity with better healing of the cavity. The middle ear aeration was maintained assisting the ossicular reconstruction.</p><p><strong>Conclusions: </strong>This study showed that mastoid cavity obliteration with bone dust offers significant long term benefits in providing dry, well epithelized cavity at the same time assisting in ossicular reconstruction.</p>

Shashin Khadkekar ◽  
Libin Mathew Benny ◽  
Atishkumar B. Gujrathi ◽  
Nishikant Gadpayale ◽  
Yogesh Paikrao

<p class="abstract"><strong>Background:</strong> Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) is a very common disease that should be carefully treated, as severe complications can develop. Despite the significantly decrease incidence of CSOM-related complications since the introduction of antibiotics, this clinical problem has not been eliminated.</p><p class="abstract"><strong>Methods:</strong> This was an observational study conducted including 60 cases of attico-antral type of CSOM and its complications. Detailed study of determinants of attico-antral type of CSOM and its complications were studied. The various options in the management of disease and its complications with their outcomes were studied.  </p><p class="abstract"><strong>Results:</strong> Majority of study participants belonged to lower socio-economic group. intra-temporal complications were most common complications and most of the patients required canal wall down surgery. Majority patients had complete recovery of the disease without recurrence during 3 months of follow-up.</p><p class="abstract"><strong>Conclusions:</strong> Our study concluded majority of the patients belonged to the low socioeconomic status. It was also clear from the study that timely intervention in the form of early diagnosis and administration of proper treatment resulted in complete recovery of majority of patients.</p>

Mohammad Faramarzi ◽  
Reza Kaboodkhani ◽  
Ali Faramarzi ◽  
Sareh Roosta ◽  
Mohammadjavad Erfanizadeh ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
Nirmala Tamang ◽  
Dipesh Shakya ◽  
Rabindra Pradhananga ◽  
Pabina Rayamajhi ◽  
Hari Bhattarai

Abstract Background Mastoidectomy is one of the common surgical procedures performed by the otologist. It is commonly done for cholesteatomatous chronic otitis media (CCOM) and can be performed as either canal wall up or down techniques. Most of the CCOM is associated with ossicular erosions which require ossicular chain reconstruction (OCR) which can be done either in one stage or multiple stages. A multitude of factors affects postoperative OCR results with tympanomastoidectomy. Among various factors, the status of the tympanic membrane and middle ear mucosa is quite essential. To date, there are no randomized or prospective studies assessing the integrity of pars tensa and status of the middle ear mucosa in hearing outcomes in single-stage tympanomastoidectomy using partial ossicular replacement prosthesis (PORP) in the literature. Therefore, this study is performed to correlate the integrity of pars tensa and middle ear mucosa condition with postoperative hearing results of single-stage canal wall down (CWD) tympanomastoidectomy with PORP. Results Forty-two patients with cholesteatomatous chronic otitis media underwent single-stage canal wall down mastoidectomy (CWD) and partial ossicular replacement prosthesis (PORP) placement. The statistical analysis was done to compare the results of postoperative hearing with the intraoperative integrity of pars tensa and middle ear mucosa status. The mean pre- and postoperative air-bone gaps (ABGs) of all cases were 23.9 dB and 21 dB, respectively, with no statistically significant difference. In the pars tensa intact group, the mean pre- and postoperative ABGs were 21.5 dB and 18.5 dB, respectively, and in the pars tensa not intact group, the mean pre- and postoperative ABGs were 25.7 dB and 22.8 dB, respectively, and both groups had statistically insignificant difference. The pre- and postoperative ABGs in the healthy middle ear mucosa group were 20.7 dB and 19 dB, respectively. Similarly, the pre- and postoperative ABGs in non-healthy middle ear mucosa were 24.4 dB and 21.2 dB, respectively. The differences were not statistically significant in both groups. Conclusion There was a statistically significant improvement in postoperative air conduction threshold (ACT) in all cases. The integrity of pars tensa and middle ear mucosa status did not affect the postoperative hearing outcome in single-stage CWD tympanomastoidecomty using PORP.

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