Adaptive physical culture and adaptive sports are the sphere of life in which the most successful is the socialization of disabled people and people with disabilities, their integration into society, the development of rehabilitation potential - as a set of biological capabilities of social abilities and psychological aspirations, improving the quality of life (Evseev, & Shapkova, 2000). Given the opportunities available in sports for social rehabilitation and integration of people with disabilities, in recent years, almost all over the world are developing active efforts to organize and develop adaptive sports among people with disabilities (Evseev, & Shapkova, 2000). In many developed countries, comprehensive programs of physical culture and sports work among the disabled, including children (Dmitriev, 2002).Comprehensive rehabilitation - as a process of ensuring the readiness of a person with health and disability to implement a lifestyle that would not contradict the lifestyle of healthy (normally developing) people requires the mandatory use of exercise adapted to a specific disease or defect of motor activity. Physical rehabilitation is the basis, the basis of any type of rehabilitation (social-labor, social-domestic, socio-cultural, etc.). This is due to the fact that man is indivisible biological, psychological and social, which are in the closest relationship and interaction. Human motor activity is embedded in genes and is associated with a fundamental property of a living organism - biological adaptation to living conditions and living conditions. However, modern living and working conditions have reduced to almost zero all human physical activity, created a situation of unclaimed physical condition.Hypodynamia and hypokinesia are indispensable attributes of modern civilized life have become one of the main factors causing the deterioration of public health. Reducing the volume and intensity of physical activity, low costs of muscular work, simplification and impoverishment of human motor activity leads to negative results in the functioning of both internal organs and systems of man and his psyche. And if a healthy person reduces his physical activity to an unacceptable level, then only he is to blame.The responsibility for forced hypodynamics and hypokinesia of children with disabilities, whose natural physical activity is limited and they need targeted assistance and special conditions, rests entirely with parents, doctors and other professionals, including adaptive physical education. The problem here is that in the mass consciousness and even among specialists (physicians, psychologists, representatives of traditional physical culture, etc.) the idea of the need for mandatory restriction of movement, motor activity in almost any disease, stereotypes of faith only in pharmacological and other medical means and methods of treatment and prevention, in omnipotent additives, stimulants, activators, fat burners, etc. This is due, on the one hand, the insufficient level of culture of society and the individual in the field of anthropology, its physicality and psyche, and on the other - the massive advertising campaigns of manufacturers of these goods.The scientific and medical literature examines in detail the other negative changes that occur in the human body due to hypodynamics and hypokinesia, from the cellular to the body level, describes in detail the so-called motorvisceral reflexes and other mechanisms of disease, the main cause of which there is immobility.Being one of the most important factors of the educational and cultural process, adaptive physical culture is a universal means of humanization, as it realizes the reproduction of human personality as a whole in its physical and spiritual unity. In the process of adaptive physical culture a person not only socializes and is formed (strengthens and improves residual health, corrects its defects, develops compensation mechanisms, learns certain social roles, functions, etc.), but also “forms and creates the world”, forms and “conquers” the social space - first self-determined, creates its own understanding, vision, sense of the world, designs and builds its own activities, social environment. Thus, adaptive physical culture and, especially adaptive sports, are important factors in the socialization of people with disabilities and people with disabilities, their integration into society. However, these factors, which are always realized, their use lags behind both the needs and the possibilities of today.