flaw tolerance
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2021 ◽  
Gary L. Stevens

Abstract As part of the development of American Society of Mechanical Engineers Code Case N-809 [1], a series of sample calculations were performed to gain experience in using the Code Case methods and to determine the impact on a typical application. Specifically, the application of N-809 in a fatigue crack growth analysis was evaluated for a large diameter austenitic pipe in a pressurized water reactor coolant system main loop using the current analytical evaluation procedures in Appendix C of Section XI of the ASME Code [2]. The same example problem was previously used to evaluate the reference fatigue crack growth curves during the development of N-809, as well as to compare N-809 methods to similar methods adopted by the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. The previous example problem used to evaluate N-809 during its development was embellished and has been used to evaluate additional proposed ASME Code changes. For example, the Electric Power Research Institute investigated possible improvements to ASME Code, Section XI, Nonmandatory Appendix L [3], and the previous N-809 example problem formed the basis for flaw tolerance calculations to evaluate those proposed improvements [4]. In addition, the ASME Code Section XI, Working Group on Flaw Evaluation Reference Curves continues to evaluate additional research data and related improvements to N-809 and other fatigue crack growth rate methods. As a part of these Code investigations, EPRI performed calculations for the Appendix L flaw tolerance sample problem using three international codes and standards to evaluate fatigue crack growth (da/dN) curves for PWR environments: (1) ASME Code Case N-809, (2) JSME Code methods [5], and (3) the French RSE-M method [6]. The results of these comparative calculations are presented and discussed in this paper.

2020 ◽  
Vol 40 ◽  
pp. 100845 ◽  
Seunghyun Lee ◽  
Cole D. Fincher ◽  
Russell Rowe ◽  
Arber Shasivari ◽  
Edwin Torres ◽  

Charles Fourcade ◽  
Minji Fong ◽  
James Axline ◽  
Do Jun Shim ◽  
Chris Lohse ◽  

Abstract As part of a fatigue management program for subsequent license renewal, a flaw tolerance evaluation based on ASME Code, Section XI, Appendix L may be performed. The current ASME Code, Section XI, Appendix L flaw tolerance methodology requires determination of the flaw aspect ratio for initial flaw size calculation. The flaw aspect ratios listed in ASME Section XI, Appendix L, Table L-3210-2, for austenitic piping for example, are listed as a function of the membrane-to-gradient cyclic stress ratio. The Code does not explicitly describe how to determine the ratio, especially when utilizing complex finite element analyses (FEA), involving different loading conditions (i.e. thermal transients, piping loads, pressure, etc.). The intent of the paper is to describe the methods being employed to determine the membrane-to-gradient cyclic stress ratios, and the corresponding flaw aspect ratios (a/l) listed in Table L-3210-2, when using finite element analysis methodology. Included will be a sample Appendix L evaluation, using finite element analysis of a pressurized water reactor (PWR) pressurizer surge line, including crack growth calculations for circumferential flaws in stainless steel piping. Based on this example, it has been demonstrated that, unless correctly separated, the membrane-to-gradient cyclic stress ratios can result in extremely long initial flaw lengths, and correspondingly short crack growth durations.

Deepak S. Somasundaram ◽  
Dilip Dedhia ◽  
Do Jun Shim ◽  
Gary L. Stevens ◽  
Steven X. Xu

Abstract Equivalent Single Crack (ESC) sizes are provided in ASME Code, Section XI, Nonmandatory Appendix L, Tables L-3210-1 (for ferritic piping) and L-3210-2 (for austenitic piping). These two tables define initial flaw aspect ratios for use in fatigue flaw tolerance evaluations. These ESC sizes were based on the results of probabilistic fracture mechanics (PFM) evaluations that determined the equivalent single crack size that resulted in the same probability of through-wall leakage as the case when multiple cracks are initiated and grown around the inner circumference of a pipe. The PFM software, pc-PRAISE, used for the evaluation of ESC sizes had fracture mechanics models based on available data and models in the early 2000s. The stress intensity factor solutions used in pc-PRAISE were generated for a pipe radius-to-thickness ratio, Ri/t, of 5, and used a root-mean-square (RMS) averaged methodology. And the crack growth model was based on NUREG/CR-2189, Volume 5. This paper presents the results of evaluations to calculate a limited number of ESC sizes using updated fracture mechanics models for stress intensity factor and fatigue crack growth rates. The effect of crack growth due to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in determining the ESCs is also discussed. The impact of the revised ESCs by performing two sample fatigue flaw tolerance problems and the associated results are also presented and discussed in this paper.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 1086 ◽  
Andrea Spagnoli ◽  
Michele Terzano ◽  
Roberto Brighenti ◽  
Federico Artoni ◽  
Andrea Carpinteri

Soft matter denotes a large category of materials showing unique properties, resulting from a low elastic modulus, a very high deformation capability, time-dependent mechanical behavior, and a peculiar mechanics of damage and fracture. The flaw tolerance, commonly understood as the ability of a given material to withstand external loading in the presence of a defect, is certainly one of the most noticeable attributes. This feature results from a complex and highly entangled microstructure, where the mechanical response to external loading is mainly governed by entropic-related effects. In the present paper, the flaw tolerance of soft elastomeric polymers, subjected to large deformation, is investigated experimentally. In particular, we consider the tensile response of thin plates made of different silicone rubbers, containing defects of various severity at different scales. Full-field strain maps are acquired by means of the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique. The experimental results are interpreted by accounting for the blunting of the defects due to large deformation in the material. The effect of blunting is interpreted in terms of reduction of the stress concentration factor generated by the defect, and failure is compared to that of traditional crystalline brittle materials.

Anees Udyawar ◽  
Charles Tomes ◽  
Alexandria Carolan ◽  
Steve Marlette ◽  
Thomas Meikle ◽  

One of the goals of ASME Section XI is to ensure that systems and components remain in safe operation throughout the service life, which can include plant license extensions and renewals. This goal is maintained through requirements on periodic inspections and operating plant criteria as contained in Section XI IWB-2500 and IWB-3700, respectively. Operating plant fatigue concerns can be caused from operating conditions or specific transients not considered in the original design transients. ASME Section XI IWB-3740, Operating Plant Fatigue Assessments, provides guidance on analytical evaluation procedures that can be used when the calculated fatigue usage exceeds the fatigue usage limit defined in the original Construction Code. One of the options provided in Section XI Appendix L is through the use of a flaw tolerance analysis. The flaw tolerance evaluation involves postulation of a flaw and predicting its future growth, and thereby establishing the period of service for which it would remain acceptable to the structural integrity requirements of Section XI. The flaw tolerance approach has the advantage of not requiring knowledge of the cyclic service history, tracking future cycles, or installing systems to monitor transients and cycles. Furthermore, the flaw tolerance can also justify an inservice inspection period of 10 years, which would match a plant’s typical Section XI in-service inspection interval. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate a flaw tolerance evaluation based on ASME Section XI Appendix L for several auxiliary piping systems for a typical PWR (Pressurized Water Reactor) nuclear power plant. The flaw tolerance evaluation considers the applicable piping geometry, materials, loadings, crack growth mechanism, such as fatigue crack growth, and the inspection detection capabilities. The purpose of the Section XI Appendix L evaluation is to demonstrate that a reactor coolant piping system continues to maintain its structural integrity and ensures safe operation of the plant.

2017 ◽  
Vol 139 (4) ◽  
Masayuki Kamaya

According to Appendix L of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI, flaw tolerance assessment is performed using the stress intensity factor (SIF) even for low-cycle fatigue. On the other hand, in Section III, the fatigue damage is assessed using the design fatigue curve (DFC), which has been determined from strain-based fatigue tests. Namely, the stress is used for the flaw tolerance assessment. In order to resolve this inconsistency, in the present study, the strain intensity factor was used for crack growth prediction. First, it was shown that the strain range was the key parameter for predicting the fatigue life and crack growth. The crack growth rates correlated well with the strain intensity factor even for the low-cycle fatigue. Then, the strain intensity factor was applied to predict the crack growth under uniform and thermal cyclic loading conditions. The estimated fatigue life for the uniform cyclic loading condition agreed well with that obtained by the low-cycle fatigue tests, while the fatigue life estimated for the cyclic thermal loading condition was longer. It was shown that the inspection result of “no crack” can be reflected to determining the future inspection time by applying the flaw tolerance analysis. It was concluded that the flaw tolerance concept is applicable not only to the plant maintenance but also to plant design. The fatigue damage assessment using the design fatigue curve can be replaced with the crack growth prediction.

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