environmental mastery
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2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 206-217
Nurul Aisyah Sartika ◽  
Yusi Riksa Yustiana ◽  
Ipah Saripah

The purpose of the study was to describe the psychological well-being profile of adolescent victims of body shaming. The research method is descriptive analysis with a quantitative approach. The instrument uses Ryff's Psychological Well-Being Scale and body shaming questionnaire. The distribution of the questionnaire was carried out with the help of the Google Form application with a total of 30 respondents. 40% of respondents victims of body shaming indicate good enough psychological well-being, 26.67% of respondents indicate a good category, 26.67% of respondents indicate a very good category, and 6.67% of respondents indicate a poor category.  Adolescent victims of body shaming based on the percentage of the total score on each dimension of psychological well-being the largest is purpose in life (18.62%), followed by the autonomy dimension (17.80%), personal growth (17.72%), positive relations with others (16.08%), environmental mastery (16.08%), and the smallest percentage was obtained by self-acceptance dimension (13.70%). There is no significant difference in psychological well-being of adolescent victims of body shaming based on gender and age.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 53
Ardia Indah Cahyani ◽  
Retno Dwiyanti

The psychological well-being of widows can be seen from how they can have good self-acceptance, positive relationships with others, good independence, life goals, and also environmental mastery and good self-development. The study aimed to determine the psychological well-being of widowed early adult women because of divorce. The subjects in this study were 3 informants who are all widows and are in the young adult development phase in which the age range of the subjects was 22 years to 40 years and supported by three secondary subjects. The subjects were widowed because of the death of the spouse and divorce due to conflicts in the household. This research was qualitative with a case study. The data in this study were collected using interviews and observation. The result of this research illustrated that a widowed woman in the early adult phase because of the divorce did not have full psychological well-being yet. A good psychological well-being happened when aspects of psychological well-being could be achieved by the subject. However, the subject in this study did not fully feel good in self-acceptance when being left by her partner. Furthermore, independence was also closely related to its status, particularly when the widow did not have a permanent job. In addition, there were differences and similarities between the three subjects found in this study, the lack of psychological well-being of the three subjects was mostly due to their past experience, the relationship of the subjects with the people around them and the independence of the subject in dealing with life problems. The environmental mastery of the three subjects was also considered as low.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 246-255
Tionna M Hough ◽  
Heather A Labansat ◽  
Tyler Forest Moore ◽  
Rene Wallace ◽  
Kristina Higgins

Current literature on the relationship between locus of control (LOC) and psychological well-being (PWB) consistently demonstrates that individuals with an internal LOC generally report experiencing greater psychological well-being than externally-oriented individuals. However, there is minimal depth of understanding regarding the specific dynamics of this well-established relationship. The aims of the present quantitative study were (a) to replicate and provide support for the existing knowledge on the relationship between these two factors and (b) to use a structural equation model (SEM) to further explore the relationship between LOC and the six dimensions in Ryff’s model of eudaimonic PWB, which are combined to assess one’s psychological welfare. Using cross-sectional survey methodology, 267 adult participants were recruited through convenience and snowball sampling to anonymously complete a series of questionnaires online. A Pearson r bivariate correlation analysis examining the relationship between PWB and LOC revealed a significant negative correlation between the two constructs (r = -.280, p = .001). This finding replicates previous research, where individuals with an internal LOC reported experiencing significantly greater PWB, while individuals with an external LOC reported significantly less PWB. In order to further examine how the six factors of PWB (self-acceptance, positive relationships, autonomy, environmental mastery, purpose in life, and personal growth) relate to LOC, a SEM was performed. Although all six dimensions of PWB show significant negative correlations with LOC, environmental mastery, self-acceptance, and purpose in life were the most impactful on the relationship between these two constructs, as they were shown to have higher significance in the SEM. Considering the SEM suggests that environmental mastery, self-acceptance, and purpose in life are the most weighted factors of PWB’s correlation to LOC, possible interventions on these factors in a clinical or applied setting may see improvement in the relationship between PWB and LOC.

2021 ◽  
Heinz Streib ◽  
Zhuo Job Chen

This chapter presents results about one of the questions that our research has focused from the beginning: religious change and deconversion. While in the Deconversion Study (2001-2005) we could use only cross-sectional data to estimate characteristics of deconverts in the U.S.A. and Germany, the analyses reported in this chapter are based on repeated surveys in three waves that allow the identification of concurrent and cross-time correlations—thus, open perspectives on the prediction of deconversion. Results indicate that, with difference between the three waves however, deconversion concurrently may correlate positively with openness to experience and negatively with consciousness, it may correlate also with mysticism and show concurrent correlations with truth of texts and teachings and self-rated religiosity. Cross-time correlations indicated as (negative) predictors of deconversion: self-rated religiosity, extraversion, agreeableness, environmental mastery, positive relations with others, purpose in life, self-acceptance, interpretive mysticism, and truth of texts and teachings. We conclude that low scores on variables for religiosity and religious cognition, but also personality and well-being variable that call for emotional compensation are predictors of deconversion.

Éva Kállay ◽  
Alexandra Rebeca Mihoc

"The changes occurring in modern society can significantly influence individuals’ well-being, mental health and even personality traits such as narcissism and perfectionism. Since studies investigating age and gender differences in narcissism and perfectionism have produced mixed results, and the number of studies conducted in Romanian population is scarce, the main aims of this study were to investigate possible age and gender differences in narcissism, perfectionism and several mental-health indicators in a sample of healthy participants, as well as specific association patterns between these variables within each group of participants. Our sample included 465 millennials and 149 participants over 35 years of age. The results indicate that millennials reported significantly lower levels of narcissism and self-oriented perfectionism than the older generations, higher levels of depressive symptoms and lower levels of autonomy, environmental mastery, purpose in life, and self-acceptance. Female millennials reported lower levels of narcissistic traits and higher levels of socially-prescribed perfectionism, depressive symptoms, personal growth, and positive relations with others than male participants. Older females indicated significantly higher levels of depressive symptoms and loneliness than male participants. Regarding association patterns, in the group of millennial women narcissism was positively correlated with self-oriented, socially-prescribed perfectionism and subjective well-being, and negatively with loneliness, environmental mastery and purpose in life. In millennial males, we found significant positive correlations only between narcissism and subjective well-being and environmental mastery. Our findings may have important implications for the literature regarding millennials and can contribute to the interventions and prevention programs designed to improve their well-being. Keywords: millennials, narcissism, perfectionism, mental health indicators, age and gender differences "

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 149-168
Ecep Supriatna ◽  
Muhammad Rezza Septian ◽  
Tuti Alawiyah

This article aims to explore aspects of the psychological well-being of Muslim students in Bandung during the Covid19 pandemic from the perspective of Islamic psychology. This study uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. The research participants consisted of 576 Muslim students in Bandung. Data were collected using a psychological well-being instrument developed by Ryff. The data analysis technique used is factor analysis. Based on the results of the study, it was obtained that the dominant aspects of psychological well being were ranked, namely positive relations with others at 74.1%; second, purpose in life by 73.2%; third, self-acceptance of 71.5%; fourth, autonomy of 71.4%; fifth, environmental mastery of 70.1% and the sixth, personal growth of 69.8%.Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi aspek-aspek kesejahteraan psikologis pada mahasiswa muslim di kota Bandung selama pandemi Covid19. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survey. Partisipan penelitian terdiri dari 576 mahasiswa beragama Islam di kota Bandung dan Cimahi. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan instrumen kesejahteraan psikologis yang dikembangkan oleh Ryff. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis faktor. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh peringkat aspek-aspek yang dominan terhadap psychological well being yaitu: Pertama positive relations with others sebesar 74.1%; Kedua, purpose in life sebesar 73.2%; Ketiga,  self-acceptance sebesar 71.5%; Keempat, autonomy sebesar 71.4%; Kelima, environmental mastery sebesar 70.1%; dan Keenam, personal growth sebesar 69.8%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 443-450

Introduction: in the present paper, we establish a connection between psychological well-being and occupational orientation of an individual and build a complete, ordered and comprehensive picture to measure the profiles of psychological well-being of an individual. Aim: to build a three-factor basic model and optimize the corresponding basic measurement technique for psychological well-being of an individual. Methods: systembased modeling of information about the psychological well-being of an individual. The hypothesis of the study: the psychological well-being of an individual is associated with their occupational orientation. The study pursues the following research tasks: 1) to build a three-factor basic model for psychological well-being and establish its connection with the occupational orientation of an individual; 2) to use a basic approach when designing a technique to measure the psychological well-being of an individual and to optimize the appropriate procedure for its application in psychodiagnostic practice; 3) to build a complete, ordered and comprehensive picture to assess the profiles of psychological well-being of an individual; 4) to determine the dominant profile of the psychological wellbeing of VIPE FSIN Russia cadets and penitentiary staff. Results: the results of our study help to optimize the measurement of psychological well-being of an individual so as to “simplify” its diagnostic procedure. The article describes the concept of “occupational well-being” and provides a complete picture consisting of 64 hexagram profiles of the psychological well-being of an individual. Conclusions: the psychodiagnostic research has shown that the hexagram profiles of psychological well-being in cadets and penitentiary staff are different. VIPE FSIN cadets have four dominant types (at a high and very high level), these are “Positive relations with others”, “Personal growth”, “Purpose in life” and “Autonomy” with appropriate internal self-esteem. “Self-acceptance” and “Environmental mastery” were not observed in cadets at all (or were observed at a low level). There are four dominant types (at a high and very high level) among penitentiary staff, these are “Positive relations with others”, “Self-acceptance”, “Environmental mastery”, and “Purpose in life”; “Personal growth” and “Autonomy” were manifested at a low level. Keywords: Psychological well-being; occupational orientation; typological profile; basis; three-factor basic model; hexagram

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Loni Berkowitz ◽  
Marcela P. Henríquez ◽  
Cristian Salazar ◽  
Eric Rojas ◽  
Guadalupe Echeverría ◽  

AbstractEmerging research has linked psychological well-being with many physiological markers as well as morbidity and mortality. In this analysis, the relationship between components of eudaimonic well-being and serum sphingolipids levels was investigated using data from a large national survey of middle-aged American adults (Midlife in the United States). Health behaviors (i.e., diet, exercise, and sleep) were also examined as potential mediators of these relationships. Serum levels of total ceramides—the main molecular class of sphingolipids previously associated with several disease conditions—were inversely linked with environmental mastery. In addition, significant correlations were found between specific ceramide, dihydroceramide, and hexosylceramides species with environmental mastery, purpose in life, and self-acceptance. Using hierarchical regression and mediation analyses, health behaviors appeared to mediate these associations. However, the link between ceramides and environmental mastery was partially independent of health behaviors, suggesting the role of additional mediating factors. These findings point to sphingolipid metabolism as a novel pathway of health benefits associated with psychological well-being. In particular, having a sense of environmental mastery may promote restorative behaviors and benefit health via improved blood sphingolipid profiles.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-49
Eunice Mareth Querol Areola, Phd HSG ◽  
Irvin Recto Perono ◽  
Joan Camille Ilagan

The study is descriptive correlation. Using Ryff’s scale for Psychological Well-Being, the relationship of demographics – age, tenure in the company and the years of experience in the BPO industry were statistically analysed using correlation. Relationship amongst the dimensions of PsWB were also tested. Only age has a positive significant relationship with the dimensions of PsWB to be specific – Autonomy, Environmental Mastery and Positive Relations to Others but to a weak extent only. Statistical analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between the six dimensions of PsWB with a positive high correlation.

Aqiilah Bilqiis Salsabiil Harahap ◽  
Yusida Lusiana ◽  
Heri Widodo

The aim of this study is to explain the relationship between the concept of Ikigai and eudaimonic happiness also with the psychological well-being of Emperor Akihito. This research is a descriptive qualitative type. The data were collected using literature study techniques which are sourced from Akihito Tennou Monogatari manga. The results found that the concept of Ikigai in Emperor Akihito, both in the form of characteristics and Ikigai pillars, all reflected Aristotle's eudaimonic happiness because it was in accordance with the virtue of an emperor, which is being a good emperor with the ability to embrace all his people and establish positive relationships with the international world. The concept of Ikigai also reflects six aspects of Ryff's psychological well-being, that is consist of 1) self-acceptance, 2) positive relationships with others, 3) autonomy, 4) environmental mastery. ), 5) purpose in life, and 6) personal growth. The conclusion is that Emperor Akihito was able to achieve eudaimonic happiness as well as psychological well-being by being a good emperor as a form of his Ikigai.

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