future perceptions
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2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 102-108
Aijaz Ahmed ◽  
Shabeena Akhtar ◽  
Uzma Gul

Nanotechnology is a vital progressive technology facilitating role, progress, and viable effect on food, treatment, medicine, cultivation and farming sector. A nutraceutical is characterized as an ingredient that is related to food and gives medical compensations to the human being, including the prevention and healing of illness. The well-being and health of people are to a great extent, directed by the utilization of nutritious diets. Further numerous investigations have connected good diets as supportive in fighting various deteriorating communicable and non-communicable diseases. There are various studies that explore the relationship between health promotion and various plant and animal food. Although, a considerable number of naturally arising health-promotion constituents are the source of plants, there are various physiologically dynamic parts in animal items that have worth considering for their possible function in ideal well-being. Moreover, the utilization of naturally active constituents in leafy foods and fruits has been connected to fighting various illnesses, such as malignant growth, cardiovascular illnesses, weight, and gastrointestinal problems.

SAGE Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 215824402110615
Maximilian Weber

This paper empirically examines differences in how 50-year-olds imagine their future. It draws on answers to an open-ended survey question in a large British cohort study—the National Child Development Study. Over 6,700 written responses about respondents’ imagined future are examined using text mining methods. Results from a relative frequency analysis and a topic model reveal differences according to gender, occupational class, and educational qualification. The cohort members’ written texts reflect different lifestyles. Men are more likely to mention sport, like golf and football, whereas women are more prone to use words related to family and friends. Respondents with a degree are more likely to write about cultural activities, such as museum or theater visits. Overall, the findings reveal gendered and socially stratified patterns in individual future perceptions, contextualized in relation to leisure, health, and family.

2021 ◽  
pp. 001872672110029
Rachel Campagna ◽  
Alexandra A Mislin ◽  
Kurt T Dirks ◽  
Hilary Anger Elfenbein

Do initial trustworthiness beliefs only have a short-term, temporary effect on one’s behavior and perceptions? Or might these initial beliefs have a lasting, robust effect that persists over time and in subsequent interactions? Trust development theories do not provide a consistent answer. Some research predicts the initial trustworthiness belief will be fleeting, whereas other research suggests it will have a more lasting role. We reconcile these different predictions by drawing on accessibility theory, and by conducting a longitudinal field study and two experimental studies. Our research tests the impact of initial trustworthiness beliefs on behaviors and perceptions following an exchange in which the trustworthiness of a counterpart plays a critical role. The studies confirm that initial trustworthiness beliefs continue to affect perceivers’ behaviors and perceptions in a subsequent exchange, even after a trust violation. However, following a two-week delay between interactions, the relationship becomes more complex. Our findings contribute to the trust literature by demonstrating the mostly robust nature of initial trustworthiness beliefs and explaining why and how these beliefs motivate future perceptions and behaviors.

E.V. Belova ◽  
A.V. Lisitsyna

The results of a comparative study of characteristics of representations about the future of 50 military personnel, 40 employees of the Prosecutor General's office, 30 students of the Luhansk People's Republic, and 30 students of the Southern Federal University (Russia) are presented. The relevance of studying the stated topic is explained. The results of the study were obtained by means of methods of content analysis of essays and psychological testing (methodology "The Events of My Life" by N.G. Nikiforov) and proved by the application of statistical procedures. The following empirical characteristics of future perceptions were identified and analyzed in each of the studied groups of respondents: “Localization of the Future”, “Prospectivity of the Future”, “Eventfulness of the Future”, “Subjectness of the Future” and “Optimism in the Future”. It is empirically established that the representations about the personal future of Luhansk students are intertwined with the future of the country and less optimistic than those of Russian students. It is shown that the representations of Luhansk military men are characterized by low subjectness, localized in the spheres of the future of the country, health and leisure-time activities; they are compressed, not concretized and unrealistic. The representations of the employees of Prosecutor General's office are characterized by greater prospectivity, eventfulness and subjectness than at the military personnel. The obtained results broaden the field of scientific representations about the factors of personal and life prospects of the subject, and also about specificity of representations of the subject about own future in crucial moments of development of a society.

2020 ◽  
Vol 104 (3) ◽  
pp. 2325-2337
Victor Marchezini ◽  
Luciana R. Londe

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