right to know
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2022 ◽  
Vol 75 (suppl 2) ◽  
Bruna Pase Zanon ◽  
Cristiane Cardoso de Paula ◽  
Aline Cammarano Ribeiro ◽  
Stela Maris de Mello Padoin

ABSTRACT Objectives: to create and validate the content of a guide for monitoring the communication of the HIV diagnosis in childhood. Methods: methodological study, with a design guided by the Knowledge-to-Action (KTA) Framework, supported by a participatory approach. The guide’s content was structured according to the communication elements proposed by Lasswel from review studies. Results: the content was validated by 26 experts from nursing, medicine, psychology and pedagogy, using a Likert-type scale for relevance, clarity and precision. Data collection took place online and achieved a Content Validity Index of 0.94. Conclusions: the guide can contribute to the practice of professionals who care for children living with HIV, to support the family in communication and to the child’s right to know their diagnosis. For further research, it is recommended to create and validate the face of the technology in order to implement it.

Ірина Хаустoва ◽  
Вікторія Александрова

The theoretical nutrition of regional policies, the analysis of the regulatory framework of the main areas of concern, the methods of determining the excess costs of the main concerns, the problems of the organization of the main accounting needs, are reviewed. The problems of the manifestation of the most important approaches to the most clear terminology and the most significant daily problems in the minds of harmonized regions to the international standards have been identified. Disrupted feeds to the side of the warehouse and warehouse for information in the main areas of concern. It’s thrilled to come in on the side of the oblast ’and to control the main problems at the enterprises. An important mental and functional function є the manifestation of the main concerns, even stink uproot the virological and technical base and designate the virological need. By the stretch of the trivial hour, the main reason is to be suitable for business and to be transferred to exploitation; Znoshuyutsya in the result of exploitation; under repair, for the help of some kind of good physical condition; shifting all-round business; vibrate from the right to know the inferior zastosuvannya. One of the main tasks in the region of the main concerns є The forensic, truthful and reliable information about them. However, information about the need to seek financial support for the main problems, do not wait for it through lack of precision in the legislation and the continuation of the provision of the main conditions for this. In order to address the obvious problems in translating the region of the main concerns and improving the effectiveness of the work of the Republic of Belarus, to carry out the internal reforms of the main laws of the Republic of Belarus, we have to remind them of the law

2021 ◽  
Réka Markovich ◽  
Olivier Roy

Bill 25 proposed by the Texas Senate in 2017 was created to eliminate the so-called ‘wrongful birth’ cause of action. This plan raised some questions about the ‘right to know’ and indirectly about rights in general. We provide a preliminary logical analysis investigating these questions by using deontic and epistemic logics within the theory of normative positions. This work contributes to the logic-based legal knowledge representation tradition, and to the formal conceptual analysis of legal rights studying the cause of action’s role in the debated relation between the Hohfeldian categories ‘claim-right’ and ‘power’.

Johan Septian Putra

Abstract Understanding the al-Qur’an through its verses is something that must be done for followers of Islam, of course, but in the context of academics, all circles have the right to know the content of the verses of the Koran, including in this case the historical context in Al-Qur'an. The purpose of this paper is to elaborate on the understanding of history based on the verses of the al-Qur'an, as part of the basic thinking for Islamic historians. The research method used is historical research, which includes heuristics, verification, interpretation and writing. The results of the research in this paper can be concluded that the verses of the al-Qur'an contain through the stories told in them contain laws of change made by humans themselves, starting from the beginning of appearance, progress, peak of progress, decline to collapse.   Key Words: Verses of al-Qur’an, Islamic History, and Stories       Abstrak Memahami al-Qur’an melalui ayat-ayatnya adalah hal yang harus dilakukan bagi penganut agama Islam tentunya, tetapi dalam konteks akademisi semua kalangan berhak untuk mengetahui kandugan dari ayat-ayat al-Qur’an tersebut, termasuk dalam hal ini perihal konteks kesejarahan dalam al-Qur’an. Tujuan penulisan ini untuk mengelaborasi pemahaman sejarah berdasarkan ayat-ayat al-Qur’an, sebagai bagian landasan berpikir bagi sejarawan Islam. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian sejarah, yang mana mencakup heuristik, verifikasi, interpretasi dan penulisan. Hasil penelitian dalam tulisan ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa ayat-ayat al-Qur’an mengandung melalui kisah-kisah yang diceritakan di dalamnya mengandung hukum perubahan yang dibuat oleh manusia itu sendiri, mulai dari awal kemunculan, kemajuan, puncak kemajuan, kemunduran hingga keruntuhan. Kata Kunci: Ayat-ayat Al-Qur’an, Sejarah Islam, dan Kisah-kisah

2021 ◽  
Susan G. Hadden

2021 ◽  
pp. 19-44
Susan G. Hadden

2021 ◽  
pp. 173-202
Susan G. Hadden

2021 ◽  
pp. 45-69
Susan G. Hadden

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