thrust vectoring
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2022 ◽  
Grace G. Culpepper ◽  
Jielong Cai ◽  
Sidaard Gunasekaran

2022 ◽  
Andrei I. Shumeiko ◽  
Firas S. Jarrar ◽  
Sean S. Swei

Fluids ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (12) ◽  
pp. 441
Emanuele Resta ◽  
Roberto Marsilio ◽  
Michele Ferlauto

The application of the Shock Vector Control (SVC) approach to an axysimmetric supersonic nozzle is studied numerically. SVC is a Fluidic Thrust Vectoring (FTV) strategy that is applied to fixed nozzles in order to realize jet-vectoring effects normally obtained by deflecting movable nozzles. In the SVC method, a secondary air flow injection close to the nozzle exit generates an asymmetry in the wall pressure distribution and side-loads on the nozzle, which are also lateral components of the thrust vector. SVC forcing of the axisymmetric nozzle generates fully three-dimensional flows with very complex structures that interact with the external flow. In the present work, the experimental data on a nozzle designed and tested for a supersonic cruise aircraft are used for validating the numerical tool at different flight Mach numbers and nozzle pressure ratios. Then, an optimal position for the slot is sought and the fully 3D flow at flight Mach number M∞=0.9 is investigated numerically for different values of the SVC forcing.

Naufal Muhammad Farras ◽  
Yazdi Ibrahim Jenie ◽  
Ony Arifianto

AIAA Journal ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Xin Wen ◽  
Kaiwen Zhou ◽  
Peicong Liu ◽  
Haijun Zhu ◽  
Qian Wang ◽  

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (18) ◽  
pp. 5987
Siddhant Panigrahi ◽  
Yenugu Siva Sai Krishna ◽  
Asokan Thondiyath

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have slowly but steadily emerged as a research and commercial hotspot because of their widespread applications. Due to their agility, compact size, and ability to integrate multiple sensors, they are mostly sought for applications that require supplementing human effort in risky and monotonous missions. Despite all of these advantages, rotorcrafts, in general, are limited by their endurance and power-intensive flight requirements, which consequently affect the time of flight and operational range. On the other hand, fixed-wing aircrafts have an extended range, as the entire thrust force is along the direction of motion and are inherently more stable but are limited by their takeoff and landing strip requirements. One of the potential solutions to increase the endurance of VTOL rotorcrafts (Vertical Take-Off and Landing Vehicles) was to exploit the thrust vectoring ability of the individual actuators in multi-rotors, which would enable take-off and hovering as a VTOL vehicle and flight as a fixed-wing aircraft. The primary aim of this paper is to lay out the overall design process of a Hybrid VTOL tilt-rotor UAV from the initial conceptual sketch to the final fabricated prototype. The novelty of the design lies in achieving thrust vectoring capabilities in a fixed-wing platform with minimum actuation and no additional control complexity. This paper presents novel bi-copter that has been designed to perform as a hybrid configuration in both VTOL and fixed wing conditions with minimum actuators in comparison to existing designs. The unified dynamic modelling along with the approximation of multiple aerodynamic coefficients by numerical simulations is also presented. The overall conceptual design, dynamic modeling, computational simulation, and experimental analysis of the novel hybrid fixed-wing bi-copter with thrust vectoring capabilities aiming to substantially increase the flight range and endurance compared to the conventional aircraft rotorcraft configurations are presented.

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