drift chamber
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2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. T12003
A.M. Baldini ◽  
G. Cavoto ◽  
F. Cei ◽  
M. Chiappini ◽  
G. Chiarello ◽  

Abstract Ultra-thin metallic anode and cathode wires are frequently employed in low-mass gaseous detectors for precision experiments, where the amount of material crossed by charged particles must be minimised. We present here the results of an analysis of the mechanical stress and chemical corrosion effects observed in 40 and 50 μm diameter silver plated aluminum wires mounted within the volume of the MEG II drift chamber, which caused the breakage of about one hundred wires (over a total of ≈ 12000). This analysis is based on the careful inspection of the broken wires by means of optical and electronic microscopes and on a detailed recording of all breaking incidents. We present a simple empirical model which relates the number of broken wires to their exposure time to atmospheric relative humidity and to their mechanical tension, which is necessary for mechanical stability in the presence of electrostatic fields of several kV/cm. Finally we discuss how wire breakages can be avoided or at least strongly reduced by operating in controlled atmosphere during the mounting stages of the wires within the drift chamber and by choosing a 25 % thicker wire diameter, which has very small effects on the detector resolution and efficiency and can be obtained by using a safer fabrication technique.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2064 (1) ◽  
pp. 012099
R Sazonov ◽  
G Kholodnaya ◽  
D Ponomarev ◽  
I Egorov ◽  
A Poloskov ◽  

Abstract This work investigates the processes of dissipation of the charge and energy of a pulsed electron beam in gas compositions (nitrogen, carbon dioxide and oxygen) in the presence of ammonium sulphate and nitrate. A pulsed electron beam generated by the TEA-500 accelerator (Tomsk, Russia) with an electron energy of up to 410 keV, a beam current of up to 5 kA (I0 ), and a half-amplitude voltage pulse duration of 60 ns was injected into a 46 cm long drift chamber filled with a gas mixture. The pulsed electron beam current (IFC ) passing through the drift chamber was registered using a sectioned calorimeter with beam charge monitor function, and the efficiency of the current passage of the beam was determined as the ratio qFC/q0 , where q0 is the beam charge measured at the place of its injection into the chamber drift. The pressure in the drift chamber varied (375, 560 and 760 Torr, humidity value 15% ± 5% and 50% ± 5%). The geometric dimensions of the plasma-chemical reactor for initiating plasma-chemical reactions of flue gas cleaning were determined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 (6) ◽  
pp. 477-487
I. Yu. Kalashnikov ◽  
A. V. Dodin ◽  
I. V. Il’ichev ◽  
V. I. Krauz ◽  
V. M. Chechetkin

Abstract The use of Z-pinch facilities makes it possible to carry out well-controlled and diagnosable laboratory experiments to study laboratory jets with scaling parameters close to those of the jets from young stars. This makes it possible to observe processes that are inaccessible to astronomical observations. Such experiments are carried out at the PF-3 facility (“plasma focus,” Kurchatov Institute), in which the emitted plasma emission propagates along the drift chamber through the environment at a distance of one meter. The paper presents the results of experiments with helium, in which a successive release of two ejections was observed. An analysis of these results suggests that after the passage of the first supersonic ejection, a region with a low concentration is formed behind it, the so-called vacuum trace, due to which the subsequent ejection practically does not experience environmental resistance and propagates being collimated. The numerical modeling of the propagation of two ejections presented in the paper confirms this point of view. Using scaling laws and appropriate numerical simulations of astrophysical ejections, it is shown that this effect can also be significant for the jets of young stars.

I.Yu. Basok ◽  
T.V. Bedareva ◽  
V.E. Blinov ◽  
M.D. Grigoriev ◽  
G.A. Gusev ◽  

Yohei Nakatsugawa ◽  
Xiao-Shan Jiang ◽  
Yoshitaka Kuno ◽  
Hai-Bo Li ◽  
Manabu Moritsu ◽  
Phase I ◽  

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