upper triangular matrix
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Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (22) ◽  
pp. 2986
Farrukh Mukhamedov ◽  
Otabek Khakimov ◽  
Abdessatar Souissi

In the present paper, we propose to study generalized weighted backward shifts BB over non-Archimedean c0(N) spaces; here, B=(bij) is an upper triangular matrix with supi,j|bij|<∞. We investigate the sypercyclic and hypercyclic properties of BB. Furthermore, certain properties of the operator I+BB are studied as well. To establish the hypercyclic property of I+BB we have essentially used the non-Archimedeanity of the norm which leads to the difference between the real case.

Axioms ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 256
Bhagwati Prashad Duggal ◽  
In-Hyoun Kim

For a Hilbert space operator T∈B(H), let LT and RT∈B(B(H)) denote, respectively, the operators of left multiplication and right multiplication by T. For positive integers m and n, let ▵T∗,Tm(I)=(LT∗RT−I)m(I) and δT∗,Tn(I)=(LT∗−RT)m(I). The operator T is said to be (m,n)-isosymmetric if ▵T∗,TmδT∗,Tn(I)=0. Power bounded (m,n)-isosymmetric operators T∈B(H) have an upper triangular matrix representation T=T1T30T2∈B(H1⊕H2) such that T1∈B(H1) is a C0.-operator which satisfies δT1∗,T1n(I|H1)=0 and T2∈B(H2) is a C1.-operator which satisfies AT2=(Vu⊕Vb)|H2A, A=limt→∞T2∗tT2t, Vu is a unitary and Vb is a bilateral shift. If, in particular, T is cohyponormal, then T is the direct sum of a unitary with a C00-contraction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Xiuhai Fei ◽  
Haifang Zhang

In this paper, we proved that each nonlinear nonglobal semi-Jordan triple derivable mapping on a 2-torsion free triangular algebra is an additive derivation. As its application, we get the similar conclusion on a nest algebra or a 2-torsion free block upper triangular matrix algebra, respectively.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (16) ◽  
pp. 4931
Ekaterina Abramova ◽  
Derek Bunn

An important revenue stream for electric battery operators is often arbitraging the hourly price spreads in the day-ahead auction. The optimal approach to this is challenging if risk is a consideration as this requires the estimation of density functions. Since the hourly prices are not normal and not independent, creating spread densities from the difference of separately estimated price densities is generally intractable. Thus, forecasts of all intraday hourly spreads were directly specified as an upper triangular matrix containing densities. The model was a flexible four-parameter distribution used to produce dynamic parameter estimates conditional upon exogenous factors, most importantly wind, solar and the day-ahead demand forecasts. These forecasts supported the optimal daily scheduling of a storage facility, operating on single and multiple cycles per day. The optimization is innovative in its use of spread trades rather than hourly prices, which this paper argues, is more attractive in reducing risk. In contrast to the conventional approach of trading the daily peak and trough, multiple trades are found to be profitable and opportunistic depending upon the weather forecasts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 183-186
Thiago Castilho de Mello

Abstract We describe the images of multilinear polynomials of arbitrary degree evaluated on the 3×3 upper triangular matrix algebra over an infinite field.

Computation ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 61
Oscar Danilo Montoya ◽  
Juan S. Giraldo ◽  
Luis Fernando Grisales-Noreña ◽  
Harold R. Chamorro ◽  
Lazaro Alvarado-Barrios

The power flow problem in three-phase unbalanced distribution networks is addressed in this research using a derivative-free numerical method based on the upper-triangular matrix. The upper-triangular matrix is obtained from the topological connection among nodes of the network (i.e., through a graph-based method). The main advantage of the proposed three-phase power flow method is the possibility of working with single-, two-, and three-phase loads, including Δ- and Y-connections. The Banach fixed-point theorem for loads with Y-connection helps ensure the convergence of the upper-triangular power flow method based an impedance-like equivalent matrix. Numerical results in three-phase systems with 8, 25, and 37 nodes demonstrate the effectiveness and computational efficiency of the proposed three-phase power flow formulation compared to the classical three-phase backward/forward method and the implementation of the power flow problem in the DigSILENT software. Comparisons with the backward/forward method demonstrate that the proposed approach is 47.01%, 47.98%, and 36.96% faster in terms of processing times by employing the same number of iterations as when evaluated in the 8-, 25-, and 37-bus systems, respectively. An application of the Chu-Beasley genetic algorithm using a leader–follower optimization approach is applied to the phase-balancing problem utilizing the proposed power flow in the follower stage. Numerical results present optimal solutions with processing times lower than 5 s, which confirms its applicability in large-scale optimization problems employing embedding master–slave optimization structures.

Rusul Khalil Saad ◽  
Safaa S. Omran

Many systems like the control systems and in communication systems, there is usually a demand for matrix inversion solution. This solution requires many operations, which makes it not possible or very hard to meet the needs for real-time constraints. Methods were exists to solve this kind of problems, one of these methods by using the LU decomposition of matrix which is a good alternative to matrix inversion. The LU matrices are two matrices, the L matrix, which is a lower triangular matrix, and the U matrix, which is an upper triangular matrix. In this paper, a design of dual-core processor is used as the hardware of the work and certain software was written to enable the two cores of the dual-core processor to work simultaneously in computing the value of the L matrix and U matrix. The result of this work are compared with other works that using single-core processor, and the results found that the time required in the cores of the dual-core is more less than using single-core. The designed dual-core processor is invoked using the VHDL language.

2021 ◽  
Vol 610 ◽  
pp. 560-570
Yu Wang ◽  
Jia Zhou ◽  
Yingyu Luo

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