raindrop size distribution
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2022 ◽  
pp. 473-501
Merhala Thurai ◽  
V.N. Bringi ◽  
Elisa Adirosi ◽  
Federico Lombardo ◽  
Patrick N. Gatlin

Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Qiqi Yang ◽  
Shuliang Zhang ◽  
Qiang Dai ◽  
Hanchen Zhuang

Raindrop size distribution (RSD) is a key parameter in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model for rainfall estimation, with gamma distribution models commonly used to describe RSD under WRF microphysical parameterizations. The RSD model sets the shape parameter (μ) as a constant of gamma distribution in WRF double-moment bulk microphysics schemes. Here, we propose to improve the gamma RSD model with an adaptive value of μ based on the rainfall intensity and season, designed using a genetic algorithm (GA) and the linear least-squares method. The model can be described as a piecewise post-processing function that is constant when rainfall intensity is <1.5 mm/h and linear otherwise. Our numerical simulation uses the WRF driven by an ERA-interim dataset with three distinct double-moment bulk microphysical parameterizations, namely, the Morrison, WDM6, and Thompson aerosol-aware schemes for the period of 2013–2017 over the United Kingdom at a 5 km resolution. Observations were made using a disdrometer and 241 rain gauges, which were used for calibration and validation. The results show that the adaptive-μ model of the gamma distribution was more accurate than the gamma RSD model with a constant shape parameter, with the root-mean-square error decreasing by averages of 23.62%, 11.33%, and 22.21% for the Morrison, WDM6, and Thompson aerosol-aware schemes, respectively. This model improves the accuracy of WRF rainfall simulation by applying adaptive RSD parameterization and can be integrated into the simulation of WRF double-moment microphysics schemes. The physical mechanism of the RSD model remains to be determined to improve its performance in WRF bulk microphysics schemes.

Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 1556
Li Luo ◽  
Ling Wang ◽  
Tao Huo ◽  
Mingxuan Chen ◽  
Jianli Ma ◽  

Disdrometer observations obtained by an OTT Parsivel2 during the 2017 Great Hunan Flood from 1:00 a.m. LST 23 June 2017 to 4:00 a.m. LST 2 July 2017 in Changsha, Hunan Province, southern China, are analyzed to diagnose characteristics of raindrop size distribution (DSD). This event was characterized by a large number of small- to medium-sized raindrops (diameters smaller than 1.5 mm) and the mean median volume diameter (D0) is about 1.04 mm. The median values of rain rate R (1.57 mm h−1), liquid water content W (0.10 g m−3), and radar reflectivity Z (25.7 dBZ) are smaller than that of the 2013 Great Colorado Flood. This event was composed of two intense rainfall periods and a stratiform period, and notable distinctions of rainfall microphysics among the three rainfall episodes are observed. Two intense rainfall periods were characterized by widespread and intense convection rains with a surface reflectivity of 48.8~56.7 dBZ. A maximum diameter of raindrops up to 7.5 mm was observed, as well as high concentrations of small and midsize drops, resulting in large rainfall amounts during the two intense rainfall episodes. The mean radar reflectivity of 22.6 dBZ, total rainfall of 17.85 mm and the maximum raindrop of approximately 4.25 mm were observed during the stratiform rainfall episode. The composite DSD for each rainfall episode peaked at 0.56 mm but higher concentrations of raindrops appeared in the two intense rainfall episodes. The Z-R relationships derived from the disdrometer measurements reflect the unusual characteristics of DSD during the flood. As a result, the standard NEXRAD Z-R relationship (Z = 300R1.4) strongly underestimated hourly rainfall by up to 27.5%. In addition, the empirical relations between rainfall kinetic energy (KE) versus rainfall intensity (R) and mean mass diameter (Dm) are also derived using DSDs to further investigate the impacts of raindrop properties on the rainfall erosivity.

2021 ◽  
pp. 105947
Ruize Lai ◽  
Xiantong Liu ◽  
Sheng Hu ◽  
Hui Xiao ◽  
Feng Xia ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 893 (1) ◽  
pp. 012001
D Nurheliza ◽  
N J Trilaksono ◽  
F Renggono

Abstract Rain microstructure is a critical aspect to understand the dynamics and microphysics character of the clouds. It is characterized by the distribution of size, fall velocity and shape of raindrop. Raindrop size distribution (DSD) explains the detail of the microphysical process because it represents a process of rain to the surface. One of the phenomena that influence the rain patterns in Indonesia is Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO). Therefore, observing rain microstructure with its relation to MJO can determine the differences in rainfall characteristic and microphysical processes during active and inactive MJO period. The data used in this study are Micro Rain Radar (MRR), disdrometer, and real-time multivariate (RMM) index data. The period/date selection of active MJO event performed using RMM index method is more than 1 in phases 4 and 5 and otherwise for inactive MJO. Types of rain are divided into stratiform and convective rain based on disdrometer data. From that, there are 46 active and 52 inactive MJO events. Rain microstructure in this study focuses on DSD from disdrometer and micro rain radar data analyzed with liquid water content profile, fall velocity, reflectivity, and rain rate from MMR. Besides, there are parameters of DSD, which are the mass-weighted diameter (Dm) and total concentration (Nw), calculated using the moment and gamma distribution method. The result shows that DSD and other parameters are greater during inactive MJO period. It means that process of collision-coalescence, evaporation, and updraft is dominant during inactive MJO period.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (19) ◽  
pp. 6389
Xi Shen ◽  
Defeng David Huang

In this paper, a novel approach for raindrop size distribution retrieval using dual-polarized microwave signals from low Earth orbit satellites is proposed. The feasibility of this approach is studied through modelling and simulating the retrieval system which includes multiple ground receivers equipped with signal-to-noise ratio estimators and a low Earth orbit satellite communicating with the receivers using both vertically and horizontally polarized signals. Our analysis suggests that the dual-polarized links offer the opportunity to estimate two independent raindrop size distribution parameters. To achieve that, the vertical and horizontal polarization attenuations need to be measured at low elevation angles where the difference between them is more distinct. Two synthetic rain fields are generated to test the performance of the retrieval. Simulation results suggest that the specific attenuations for both link types can be retrieved through a least-squares algorithm. They also confirm that the specific attenuation ratio of vertically to horizontally polarized signals can be used to retrieve the slope and intercept parameters of raindrop size distribution.

SHENG Hu ◽  

AbstractAccording to the high accuracy linear shape-slope (μ-Λ) relationship observed by several 2-Dimensional-Video-Distrometers (2DVD) in South China, a high-precision and fast solution method of gamma (Γ) raindrop size distribution (RSD) function based on the zeroth order moment (M0) and the third order moment (M3) of RSD has been proposed. The 0-moment (M0) and 3-moment (M3) of RSD can be easily calculated from rain mass mixing ratio (Qr) and total number concentration (Ntr) simulated by the two-moment (2M) microphysical scheme, respectively. Three typical heavy rainfall processes and all RSD samples observed during 2019 in South China were selected to verify the accuracy of the method. Compared to the current widely used exponential RSD with a fixed shape parameter of zero in 2M microphysical scheme, the Γ RSD function using the linear constrained gamma (C-G) method agreed better with the Γ fit RSD from 2DVD observations. The characteristic precipitation parameters (e.g., rain rate, M2, M6 and M9) obtained by the proposed method are generally consistent with the parameters calculated by Γ fit RSD from 2DVD observations. The proposed method has effectively solved the problem that the shape parameter in the 2M microphysical scheme set to a constant, so that the Γ RSD functions are closer to the observations and have obviously smaller errors. This method has a good potential to be applied to the 2M microphysical schemes to improve the simulation of heavy precipitation in South China, but also paves the way for in-depth applications of radar data in numerical weather prediction models.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (8) ◽  
pp. 5607-5623
Didier de Villiers ◽  
Marc Schleiss ◽  
Marie-Claire ten Veldhuis ◽  
Rolf Hut ◽  
Nick van de Giesen

Abstract. A new type of rainfall sensor (the intervalometer), which counts the arrival of raindrops at a piezo electric element, is implemented during the Tanzanian monsoon season alongside tipping bucket rain gauges and an impact disdrometer. The aim is to test the validity of the Poisson hypothesis underlying the estimation of rainfall rates using an experimentally determined raindrop size distribution parameterisation based on Marshall and Palmer (1948)'s exponential one. These parameterisations are defined independently of the scale of observation and therefore implicitly assume that rainfall is a homogeneous Poisson process. The results show that 28.3 % of the total intervalometer observed rainfall patches can reasonably be considered Poisson distributed and that the main reasons for Poisson deviations of the remaining 71.7 % are non-compliance with the stationarity criterion (45.9 %), the presence of correlations between drop counts (7.0 %), particularly at higher arrival rates (ρa>500 m-2s-1), and failing a χ2 goodness-of-fit test for a Poisson distribution (17.7 %). Our results show that whilst the Poisson hypothesis is likely not strictly true for rainfall that contributes most to the total rainfall amount, it is quite useful in practice and may hold under certain rainfall conditions. The parameterisation that uses an experimentally determined power law relation between N0 and rainfall rate results in the best estimates of rainfall amount compared to co-located tipping bucket measurements. Despite the non-compliance with the Poisson hypothesis, estimates of total rainfall amount over the entire observational period derived from disdrometer drop counts are within 4 % of co-located tipping bucket measurements. Intervalometer estimates of total rainfall amount overestimate the co-located tipping bucket measurement by 12 %. The intervalometer principle shows potential for use as a rainfall measurement instrument.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Lu Feng ◽  
Xiantong Liu ◽  
Hui Xiao ◽  
Liusi Xiao ◽  
Feng Xia ◽  

During the passage of Typhoon Nida, the raindrop size distribution parameters, the raindrop spectra, the shape and slope (μ–Λ) relationship, the radar reflectivity factor, and rain rate (Z–R) relationship were investigated based on a two-dimensional (2D) video disdrometer in Guangdong, China, from August 1 to 2, 2016. Due to the underlying surface difference between the ocean and land, this process was divided into two distinct periods (before landfall and after landfall). The characteristics of raindrop size distribution between the period before landfall and the period after landfall were quite distinct. The period after landfall exhibited higher concentrations of each size bin (particularly small drops) and wider raindrop spectral width than the period before landfall. Compared with the period before landfall, the period after landfall had a higher average mass-weighted mean diameter Dm that was smaller than those of other TCs from the same ocean (the Pacific). The μ–Λ relationship and Z–R relationship in this study were also compared with other TCs from the same ocean (the Pacific). This investigation of the microphysical characteristics of Typhoon Nida before landfall and after landfall may improve radar quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) products and microphysical schemes by providing useful information.

2021 ◽  
Vol 257 ◽  
pp. 105591
Yi Han ◽  
Jianping Guo ◽  
Yuxing Yun ◽  
Jian Li ◽  
Xiaoran Guo ◽  

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