multipurpose tree species
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Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 2
Tedy Rendra ◽  
Melya Riniarti ◽  
Slamet Budi Yuwono ◽  
Hendra Prasetia ◽  
Endang Linirin Widiastuti ◽  

The use of mercury in gold refining causes air pollution and results in the contamination of multipurpose tree species (MPTS). Tree bark has properties that cause it to store mercury for quite a long time. The purpose of this study was to determine mercury contamination of MPTS and map the mercury contamination distribution in the atmosphere using tree barks as bioindicators. Sampling was performed using purposive sampling. The mercury concentration was obtained by atomic absorption spectroscopy, and the highest THg contents were analyzed using a scanning electron microscope. The analysis was carried out by gauging total mercury (THg), distance, elevation to THg, and interpolation of THg at the research site. The results showed that there were 10 types of MPTS trees whose bark could accumulate mercury. The bark of the Tamarindus indica tree stored the greatest amount of THg (74.4 µg dry weight (DW)), followed by Persea americana (58.7 µg DW), and Annona muricata (44.2 µg DW), respectively. This result was influenced by the roughness of the bark and the location of the plants. No correlation was found between distance and elevation to THg on tree bark. The mercury interpolation in the atmosphere showed that mercury moves from the purification point to the southeast of the purification location.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-42
Nya Christelle Mbakop ◽  
Gabriel Kanmegne ◽  
Théophile Fonkou

Diospyros mespiliformis Hochst. est une espèce d’arbre à usage multiple des forêts tropicales sèches qui est encore exploitée à l’état sauvage et dont les pratiques sylviculturales ne sont pas documentées. La présente étude avait pour but d’appréhender les perceptions paysannes sur l’importance socio-économique, le niveau de vulnérabilité et la pratique de la culture de cette espèce dans la zone soudanienne du Tchad. L’approche méthodologique a consisté en des enquêtes réalisées auprès de 350 personnes réparties dans 10 villages, ainsi que des observations de terrain. Les résultats ont montré que D. mespiliformis est bien connu des populations locales (100 % des enquêtés) qui en font usage dans six catégories d’usage, avec un large consensus au niveau des utilisations médicinales (Cs = 0,96), alimentaires (Cs = 0,33), dans les constructions (Cs = 0,26) et comme bois d’énergie (Cs = 0,24). Par contre le consensus est resté faible pour l’utilisation dans l’artisanat (Cs = - 0,76) et comme bois d’œuvre (Cs = - 0,83). Selon 80,2 % des répondants, les revenus tirés de l’exploitation de cette ressource contribuent significativement à l’amélioration du bien-être des ménages. En dehors de la cueillette et du ramassage des fruits, toutes les autres méthodes de récolte citées par les répondants (écorçage, prélèvement des racines, effeuillage et abatage) sont destructives, mais seulement 17,7 % des répondants en sont conscients. Une tendance régressive de la dynamique du peuplement de l’espèce est perçue par la majorité (52 %) des répondants. Selon 83,5 % des enquêtés, les habitudes en matière de culture de cette espèce sont rares voire inexistantes, à cause des difficultés de germination des graines, de la rareté des graines et des conditions climatiques défavorables à la réussite du drageonnage. Les répondants dans la quasi-totalité (99 %) se sont déclarés prêts à adopter la pratique de la culture de la plante si les contraintes de régénération sont levées. Les résultats de cette étude indiquent clairement que D. mespiliformis serait une espèce propice à la domestication participative pour l’intensification du système agroforestier dans la zone soudanienne du Tchad.   Diospyros mespiliformis Hochst. is a multipurpose tree species from tropical dry forests that is still exploited in the wild and whose silvicultural practices are not documented. The aim of this study was to understand the peasants’ perceptions on the socio-economic importance, the level of vulnerability and the cultivation practice of this species in the Sudanese zone of Chad. The methodological approach consisted of surveys carried out among 350 people in 10 villages, as well as field observations. The results showed that D. mespiliformis is well known to local populations (100% of respondents) who use it in six categories of use, with a broad consensus for use in medicine (Cs = 0.96), food (Cs = 0.33), constructions (Cs = 0.26) and as fuelwood (Cs = 0.24). On the other hand, the consensus remained weak for use in crafts (Cs = - 0.76) and as lumber (Cs = - 0.83). According to 80.2 % of respondents, income from the exploitation of this resource significantly contributes to improving household well-being. Apart from picking and collecting fruit, all other harvesting methods cited by respondents (debarking, root picking, leaf stripping and felling) are destructive, but only 17.7 % of respondents are aware of this. A regressive trend in the population dynamics of the species is perceived by the majority (52 %) of respondents. According to 83.5 % of respondents, the cultivation habits of this species are rare or even non-existent, because of poor seed germination, the scarcity of seeds and climatic conditions unfavorable to the success of suckering. Almost all respondents (99 %) declared themselves ready to adopt the practice of growing the plant if the regeneration constraints are lifted. The results of this study clearly indicate that D. mespiliformis would be an interesting species for participatory domestication for the intensification of the agro-forestry system in the Sudanese zone of Chad.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 58-68
Kelil Siraj ◽  
Taye Sisay ◽  
Negeyo Desta ◽  
Seboka Feyisa ◽  
Agonafer Hayleyesus ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 90-100
Salma A. Kaisang ◽  
Nuraeni Nuraeni ◽  
St Subaedah

People forest  in North Luwu regency has a large enough potential but has not been managed intensively. The purpose of this research : reviewing people forest management in North Luwu regency, identifying internal and external factors in people forest management and formulate people forest management strategies in North Luwu regency. This research was conducted in North Luwu regency with a survey method in three dictricts, the sample was taken randomly with a total of 47 respondents. Data analysis was performed using descriptive methods and SWOT analysis. The result of the analyses indicated that the strategy could be best applied was strength-opportunity (SO) strategy, namely by (1) land optimization by developing agroforestry systems to increase land productivity by planting MPTS ( Multipurpose Tree Species) plants and the same time minimizing erosion, (2) increase the  institutional capacity of forest farmer groups (KTH), and (3) inventory of existing potential to regulate planting and production in order to ensure the sustainability of people forest.

Pradip Kumar Sarkar ◽  
Animesh Sinha ◽  
Bikash Das ◽  
M.K. Dhakar ◽  
Reshma Shinde ◽  

2021 ◽  
Julissa Rojas-Sandova

Abstract C. sempervirens is a multipurpose tree species, which may reach up to 30 m in height with a d.b.h. of 50-60 cm. This species produces high-quality and very durable wood at low yields and is utilized more frequently as windbreaks, soil conservation, protection forest, and as an ornamental in many European landscapes. This species is suitable for plantation programmes in unfavourable conditions in many countries, including for afforestation on dry, shallow, clay soils. Since the beginning of the 1950s, Seiridium cardinale (cypress canker) has decimated common cypress plantations in Italy, Greece and France.

2021 ◽  
Julissa Rojas-Sandoval ◽  
Pedro Acevedo-Rodríguez

Abstract M. indica is not important as a forest tree as it is seldom found in abundance in forests, but wherever the tree is available it is exploited. It is a multipurpose tree species providing shelterbelts, firewood, timber, fruits, cattle fodder, green manure and medicine. It is primarily used for its edible fruits and extensive plantations have been established throughout the tropics and sub-tropics, under numerous cultivars providing good income for mango growers. Various parts of the mango tree are used in traditional medicines. It also has great significance in Hindu religious ceremonies (Kostermans and Bompard, 1993).

2021 ◽  
Nick Pasiecznik

Abstract F. moluccana is one of the fastest growing multipurpose tree species and coupled with other positive attributes, it is a suitable species for plantation programmes and agroforestry applications in the humid tropics. It has many uses but it is commonly planted as an ornamental and shade tree. Other uses of the species being tested include alley farming, intercropping in forest plantations and reforestation.

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