student culture
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2022 ◽  
Madison Cirillo ◽  
Jennifer Halbert ◽  
Jessica Gomez Smith ◽  
Nour Sami Alamiri ◽  
Karen Ingersoll

BACKGROUND Hazardous drinking among college students persists, despite ongoing university alcohol education and harmful drinking intervention programs. College students often post comments or pictures about drinking episodes on social media platforms. OBJECTIVE We sought to understand the real-time contexts of student drinking that are shown on social media platforms, and to identify opportunities to reduce alcohol-related harms and inform novel alcohol interventions. METHODS We analyzed social media posts from 7 social media platforms using qualitative inductive coding based on grounded theory to identify the contexts of student drinking, and the attitudes and behaviors of students and peers during drinking episodes. We reviewed publicly available social media posts that included references to alcohol, collaborating with undergraduate students at one university to select their most-used platforms and develop locally-relevant search terms. We coded text and visual posts for explicit and implicit alcohol use, classified them as positive, neutral, or negative, and analyzed the frequency of each code. From codes, we derived themes about the student culture around alcohol use. RESULTS A total of 1,151 social media posts was the sample for this study. These included 809 Twitter tweets, 113 Instagram posts, 23 Facebook posts, 8 YouTube posts, 64 Reddit posts, 34 College Confidential posts, and 100 Greek Rank posts. Posts included implicit and explicit portrayal of alcohol use. Across all types of posts reviewed, we found that positive drinking attitudes were most common, followed by negative and then neutral, but valence varied by platform. Posts that portrayed drinking positively received positive peer feedback, and support the idea that drinking is an essential and positive part of student culture. CONCLUSIONS Social media provides a real-time picture of students’ behavior during their own and others’ heavy drinking. Posts portray heavy drinking as a normal part of student culture, reinforced by peers’ positive feedback on posts. Interventions for college drinking should help students manage alcohol intake in real-time, provide safety information during alcohol use, and raise awareness of online privacy concerns and reputation management. Additional interventions for students, alumni, and parents are needed to address the impact of positive attitudes about and traditions of drinking.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 357-373
Ewa Szczepkowska

The article is devoted to songs which are rarely the subject of literature studies owing to the multi-code nature of their message and the fact that they are part of popular culture. Tourist songs are on the margin of scholars’ interest, because of their limited artistic value. They are commonly regarded as pieces about the beauty of nature, charms of hiking, sense of community and friendship. The simplicity of the text is matched by the simplicity of the melodic line, which facilitates memorisation and singing together. Polish tourist songs have attracted interest primarily of activists from the Polish Tourism and Sightseeing Society, scholars studying tourism or authors and performers of such songs. The origins of the songs should be placed in the context of song transformations and emergence of organisational forms of tourism at the turn of the twentieth century, beginning of the scouting movement in Poland as well as the development of tourism in the communist Poland period. The lineage of tourist songs brings together several song genres, popular songs, folk and patriotic songs, scouting and Gypsy songs; pieces from this repertoire accompanied hikers. An important stage in the development of tourist songs came in the late 1960s. This was the period of the first National Tourist Song Festival in Szklarska Poręba. Scholars studying student culture see mountain treks accompanied by songs as a manifestation of alternative student culture emerging as a result of dissatisfaction with forms of political and social life in communist Poland. The most outstanding representative of the movement is Wojciech Bellon, founder of the Wolna Grupa Bukowina band, whose poetic songs present an idea of existence based on a search for authentic values, especially a space of freedom and a sense of community, challenging the falsified reality of communist Poland. Bellon and the performers collaborating with him created in the songs an aesthetic of “the land of gentleness” located in the mountains modelled on the landscape and history of the Bieszczady and Beskid Niski ranges. Despite transformations of tourist songs, analysed together with poetic songs or sung poetry, this “land of gentleness” aesthetic is still present, in a niche form, represented by numerous groups or soloists. Its main features when it comes to the thematic layer include idealisation of mountain landscape, presented as a natural environment for human beings, as a home space, marked by both signs of the tragedy of the Lemkos and sings of transcendence. The mountains make it possible to fulfil dreams of freedom, of an ideal community of wanderers, and provide an authentic experience of the world.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Qian Kai ◽  

The article considers artistic and creative activity as an important tool of students’ humanistic culture formation. It is noted that artistic and creative student activity is determined by subjects’ specifics and the conditions in which they are realized. Considerable emphasis is also placed on understanding artistic and creative activities as necessary conditions that effects efficiency of the training process which promotes development of students’ motivation for learning, emotional and figurative spheres of their personalities, creative potential, humanistic culture. Humanistic culture is defined as integral personal education of the student in a set of humanistic norms, values, ways of behavior adopted in society. It is substantiated that the formation of humanistic culture is a complex, step-by-step process of personality development of a future specialist. It turned out that artistic and creative activity is a social process associated with spiritual and practical activities of the youth which encourages them to transform the content of the activity and its humanistic orientation in emotional and figurative forms, provides aesthetic perception of the reality; it provides implementation of culturological function and is manifested in their ability to create culture; it is a socio-psychological phenomenon that determines the emotional and aesthetic activity of the youth. It is established that artistic and creative activity develops a students’ complex ability to create products of artistic and creative activities (ability to artistically and figuratively perceive the world, which combines objects and subjects and attitude to them; ability to create artistic reality: visual, subject-imitation that evoke empathy and compassion of the subject). Emphasis is placed on problem-based learning as one of the most effective methods to manifest intellectual and creative abilities of students, creativeness in independent activity, confidence and ability to work creatively. It is determined that effective means of forming a humanistic student culture of the youth is an imitation (modeling) technology associated with modeling of situations of future professional activity in educational process.

2021 ◽  
pp. 207-220
М.Н. Паравина ◽  
М.П. Немкова ◽  
О.Н. Майорова ◽  
Н.К. Мальчикова

Академическая мобильность как источник получения большого количества знаний позволяет определить возможность для формирования культуры студентов. Знания при условии реализации стратегии академической мобильности учащиеся получают не только в одном вузе, но также в рамках различных культурных парадигм, что позволяет говорить о возможности стратификации рынка труда, который требуется от современного специалиста не только знаний в достаточном объеме, но также и ориентированности на значительное количество результативных действий. Новизна исследования определяется тем, что студент в процессе восприятия информации с разной точки зрения формирует универсальную компетенцию, которая позволяет расширить применение знаний в условиях осуществления интернациональной деятельности. В статье показано, что формирование компетенций протекает с использованием ранее полученных знаний. Авторы подчеркивают, что формирование универсальных знаний и компетенций возможно только в интернациональной среде. В статье показаны принципы формирования подобной стратегии получения компетенций в условиях современной глобализации образования. Практическая значимость исследования определяется формированием специалиста, который может осуществлять свою деятельность в различном социально-культурном окружении без необходимости дополнительной адаптации к условиям региона. Academic mobility as a source of a large amount of knowledge allows us to determine the possibility for the formation of a student culture. Subject to the implementation of the strategy of academic mobility, students receive knowledge not only in one university, but also within the framework of various cultural paradigms, which allows us to talk about the possibility of stratifying the labor market, which is required from a modern specialist not only by knowledge in a sufficient amount, but also by focusing on a significant number of effective actions. The novelty of the study is determined by the fact that the student in the process of perceiving information from different points of view forms a universal competence that allows expanding the use of knowledge in the context of international activities. The article shows that the formation of competencies proceeds using previously obtained knowledge. The authors emphasize that the formation of universal knowledge and competencies is possible only in an international environment. The article shows the principles of forming such a strategy for obtaining competencies in the context of the modern globalization of education. The practical significance of the study is determined by the formation of a specialist who can carry out his activities in various socio-cultural environments without the need for additional adaptation to the conditions of the region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-45
Osniman Paulina Maure ◽  
Kondradus Silvester Jenahut

One of the reasons for the low student achievement in mathematics is that the mathematics learning process carried out by the teacher tends to be theoretical and less contextual. Mathematics learning needs to be linked to student culture so that there is no gap between mathematics in everyday life and at school. Thus, it is necessary to apply a mathematics learning model based on ethno-mathematics. This study aims to determine the effect of the ethnomatematic based probing-prompting learning model on students' mathematics learning achievement. This type of research is quantitative research with pre-experimental methods and one-group pretest-posttest design. The sample of this research is class VIII A SMPK St. Yoseph Naikoten Kupang, totaling 24 people. The pretest and posttest values as research data were analyzed using the SPSS version 22 program. Based on the results of data analysis, thitung (39,594)> ttabel (2,069)  with an error rate of 0.05, which means accept Ha or the ethnomatematic based probing-prompting learning model has an influence which is significant towards the mathematics learning achievement of students class VIII SMPK  St. Yoseph Naikoten Kupang.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
pp. 119-134
Dominik Bień

The aim of the article is to define the meanings that were given to the University of Gdańsk by the authors published in the “Academic Journal” in the years 1971–1974. The authors of the articles were probably associated with the Association of Polish Students, a youth organization acting as a student self-government. There was also a hypothesis, according to which, the meaning given to the UG was devoid of an ideological tone.To achieve the objectives, discourse analysis was used, based on the corpus of texts from the “Academic Journal“, which referred to the UG.Ultimately, several areas were identified on which the discourse on the UG focuses. These include, among others: bureaucracy, student culture, and marine research. The hypothesis was also confirmed with the assumption that the absence of political values is compensated by economic values.

2021 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-62
Coleen Carrigan ◽  
Michelle Bardini

Daphne Lordly ◽  
Jennifer Guy ◽  
Yue Li

The authors situate student food experience as a key source of tension for international students. Multicultural food learning activities (MFLAs) are positioned as spaces for cultural connection and knowledge exchange. Through a review of relevant literature, three themes emerge: 1) food, diet and culture, 2) acculturation and identity through social connections with food, and 3) the implications of lack of food on culture, identity, and well-being. Reflecting on the authors' personal applications of MFLAs within nutrition curricula and a student-led society supporting cultural integration, the implications of such a learning platform are illuminated. In response to emergent themes, the authors share observations and make recommendations for university-based programming and future research. The authors urge academic communities to consider the complexity and impact of student food experiences when contemplating the international student experience in Canada. Food learning and experience-based platforms are opportunities to support student culture and identity.

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