defence research
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2022 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-116
Ankit Tiwari ◽  
Sunil K. Singh ◽  
Ajitabh Bora ◽  
Baikuntha J. Gogoi ◽  
Sanjai K. Dwivedi

A survey was made during ‘Kisan Jawan Vigyan Mela’ at Defence Research LaboratoryResearch and Development Centre (DRL R&D Centre), Salari, West Kameng district ofArunachal Pradesh with an aim of getting insight of issues, challenges and opportunitiesof agriculture sector. The relevant data was collected during Mela from 67 farmers of 11villages of the district using semi-structured interview (SSI) and a rank-based quotient (RBQ)was worked out to rank the farmers issues and challenges. Based on ranking of problemsby the group of farmers, outbreak of insect-pest and diseases, paucity of quality seedmaterial of field and vegetable crops and lack of technical knowhow were found to be themajor issues and challenges of the region. The problem solution trees for three of the majorproblems were constructed and the opportunities in hill farming were suggested to thefarmers as per the impact analysis and RBQ.

2021 ◽  
pp. 25-52
Iben Bjørnsson

AbstractThis chapter looks at deliberations about control of the population in NATO’s Civil Defence Committee and the Senior Committee for Civil Emergency Planning, and their roots in modern culture and science. Treating fear emerged as an important part of the modern psychological sciences in the twentieth century. Applied to military medicine with the World Wars, it became its own scientific field. The results were transported to civil defence research, where the question of panic became a feature of the nuclear reality. As maintenance of government control and control of the population became top priorities in the aforementioned committees, visions of the panicked mob came to be its own dystopic image. Underpinned by psychological sciences, a sociotechnical imaginary of preparedness emerged.

Aafrin Sheikh ◽  
Vaishnavi Padole ◽  
Sachin More ◽  
Sachin Mendhi

After sudden outbreak of covid-19 pandemic, to overcome this chaotic situation many drug therapies have been used which includes Chloroquine, Hydroxychloroquine (Antimalarial), Lopinavir and Ritonavir (antiviral), Nafamostat (Sirin protease inhibitor), Famotidine (Antihistamines), Nitazoxanide (Anti-infective), Evermectin (Anti-parasitic), Corticosteroids, Tocilizumab & Sarilumab (Inflammatory cytokine), Fluvoxamine(Anti-depressants), but due to prominent effect of 2-DG it has been extensively used against SARS-CoV-2. It is a glucose molecule which was approved for the emergency treatment in covid-19 pandemic against SARS-CoV-2 by inhibiting glycolysis-The energetic cycle. It shows more highlighting effect with combinational approach. This drug was sanctioned by Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) and has been developed by Institute of medicine and Allied Sciences (INMAS), a lab of Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), together with Dr Reddy’s Laboratories (DRL), Hyderabad.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 84-95
Andhini Ayu Widyasti ◽  
Sunardi Sunardi ◽  
Tranggono Tranggono

PT. Sendang Biru adalah perusahaan manufaktur penghasil bahan campuran pupuk salah satunya adalah clay. Dengan target produksi 100 ton tiap harinya dengan jam kerja hamper 24 jam dengan sistem kerja shift dan menggunakan alat produksi yang sama mengakibatkan sering terjadinya trouble mesin sehingga proses produksi terhambar dan terjadilah kerja lembur, selain hal tersebut beban kerja juga hal utama yang perlu diperhatikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Defence Research Agency Workload Scale (DRAWS) dan Modified Cooper Harper (MCH) untuk mengukur beban kerja. Dimana pengukuran beban kerja secara umum menggunakan metode DRAWS akan dianalisis lebih lanjut penyebab terjadinya beban kerja dengan metode MCH. Didapatkan perbandingan beban kerja yang berbeda-beda setiap shiftnya yaitu shift 1 60,47%, shift 2 64,61% dan shift 3 70,32% (Overload) dan memiliki 6 aktivitas yang overload. Dengan variabel Input Demand tertinggi penyebab adanya beban kerja dan tergolong dalam beban kerja fisik (shift 1), Time Pressure sebagai beban kerja mental (shift 2),dan Time Pressure sebagai beban kerja mental (shift 3) .

Martin Blaha ◽  
Ladislav Potužák ◽  
Michal Šustr ◽  
Jan Ivan ◽  
Tomáš Havlík

The Army of the Czech Republic is part of a broad military (security) alliance (such as NATO, EU, UN), and is deployable both on its territory, but also on the territory of the states of the members of the alliance, or anywhere in the world. The article focuses on inference of principles and limits for more efficient using of mile rule in school and combat condition. The Linear and Angular issues (which contains mile rule) in perspective Artillery Fire Control System called PVNPG-14M are the important area of the present defence research of Fire Support Department of University of Defence in Brno. The efficient using of artillery rules is necessary condition for the case without automated command, control, and information systems. Only under conditions of comparable efficiency can tasks of the required quality be fulfilled in the event of a malfunction of the automated system. Decision-making processes carried out by the commanders in the present and in the upcoming future depend on the correct application of the presented rules. The paper defines appropriate Linear and Angular variables for common use by Artillery and Mechanized commanders. The presented results are based on the analysis performed in the classroom and at the same time during live combat exercises.

G. Robert Arrabito ◽  
Ming Hou ◽  
Simon Banbury ◽  
Blake Martin ◽  
Fahad Ahmad ◽  

Remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPASs) are tools for military organizations to help remove humans from dangerous situations, and permit operations in severe and inhospitable environments. To support the procurement of an RPAS fleet under Canada’s Strong, Secure, Engaged 2017 defence policy, the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) under the RCAF Joint Unmanned Surveillance and Target Acquisition System (JUSTAS) project (subsequently replaced by the RCAF RPAS project) funded Defence Research and Development Canada – Toronto Research Centre to conduct a preliminary investigation of human factors (HF) issues relating to the performance of the crew in the ground control station (GCS) to control a RPAS. This paper presents a review of the RCAF research program conducted between 2014 and 2017 that discusses HF issues in RPAS operations and how training is associated with the HF attributes of decision making, skills/knowledge, and mission preparation. Also, this paper presents a training needs analysis methodology and analysis that identified essential RPAS crew competencies (expressed as the knowledge, skills, and abilities required by each crew member to perform their respective tasks). Finally, this paper discusses work that investigated experimentation and evaluation capabilities to support RPAS operator training and GCS airworthiness certification.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Lesia Dorosh ◽  
Vasyl Romanyk

In the article the authors analyze the institutional basis for strengthening the EU security and the implementation of specific projects designed to expand cooperation between the Member States in the defence and security sectors. The point at issue is about Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO); the Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (CARD) and the European Defence Fund (EDF). The relevance of the comprehensive study of PESCO, CARD, EDF, which activities are aimed at ensuring the strategic component of cooperation, the analysis of the defence sector and funding priorities in the security sphere of the Union have been proved. The authors claim that PESCO has become a key strategic initiative of the EU, CARD allows coordinating the development of military capabilities in the Member States; the EDF was created to coordinate, increase investment and improve defence interoperability between EU member states. The challenges faced within the functioning of these initiatives have been analyzed. It is alleged that a key challenge for the CARD is the unwillingness of Member countries to share national defence plans, as well as the available and potential coordination and harmonization of defence planning within NATO’s Defence Planning. The peculiarities of specific projects financed within the European Defense Fund (“Ocean 2020”, “Eurodrone”, “SPIDER”, “EuroSWARM”, “TRAWA”, “ACAMSII”, “Gossra”, “Vestlife”) have been analyzed. There is continued progress in the field of the EU security and defence: numerous defence projects have been initiated under PESCO; there is a synchronization of defence planning through the CARD; the investments in defence are stimulated by financing the defence research projects through the EDF, the improving military mobility is continuing; coordination of the EU-NATO cooperation is improving, etc.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
pp. 49-60
Bagus Ady Susanto ◽  
Sunardi Sunardi ◽  
M T Safirin

Temprina Media Grafika Gresik merupakan perusahaan percetakan yang bergerak di Web Rotary Offset Printing. Perusahaan mampu mencetak 30.000 eksemplar koran dengan jam kerja pukul 20.30-02.00 WIB. Tingkat tekanan kerja tinggi sering dialami operator, dikarenakan deadline cetak koran pendek dan mesin sering mengalami trouble. Selain itu, setiap tahun jumlah operator tetap. Oleh sebab itu, beban kerja merupakan hal utama yang perlu diperhatikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Defence Research Agency Workload Scale (DRAWS) dan Modified Cooper Harper (MCH) dalam pengukuran beban kerja. Dengan DRAWS dapat diukur beban kerja secara umum. Lalu dianalisa lebih lanjut aktivitas (tahapan) kerja yang memiliki beban kerja tinggi dengan MCH. Berdasarkan metode DRAWS, didapat beban kerja sebesar 68,33% (kategori overload) dengan sebaran kerja fisik 44,44% dan mental 55,56%. Variabel Time Pressure mendominasi beban kerja (31,24%). Analisa lanjutan dengan metode MCH didapat bahwa dari 17 aktivitas (tahapan) kerja, 10 berkategori overload, 6 berkategori optimal load, dan 1 berkategori underload. Dari 10 aktivitas (tahapan) kerja berkategori overload (metode MCH) merupakan penyebab kerja mental dominan (sebesar 55,56%) dan berdampak pada variabel Time Presurre sehingga menyebabkan beban kerja tinggi pada operator cetak koran sebesar 68,33% (metode DRAWS). Perbaikan sistem kerja, kondisi lingkungan kerja, juga sistem maintenance dirasa perlu sebagai usulan perbaikan guna menghasilkan proses produksi yang lebih baik.   Kata Kunci: Beban Kerja, DRAWS, MCH, Operator.   ABSTRACT Temprina Media Grafika Gresik is a printing company engaged in Web Rotary Offset Printing. The company is able to print 30,000 copies of the newspaper with office hours at 08.30 p.m. - 02.00 a.m. The high level of work pressure is often experienced by the operator, due to the short newspaper print deadlines and the machine often experiences trouble. In addition, every year the number of operators is fixed. Therefore, workload is the main thing that needs attention. This research uses the Defense Research Agency Workload Scale (DRAWS) and Modified Cooper Harper (MCH) methods in measuring the workload of newspaper print operators. With DRAWS general workload can be measured. Then further analyzed work activities (stages) that have a high workload with MCH. Based on the DRAWS method, the value of workload is 68.33% (overload category) with the distribution of physical work 44.44% and mental work 55.56%. Time Pressure variable that dominates workload (31,24%). Further analysis using the MCH method found that out of 17 activities (stages) of work, 10 are categorized as overloads, 6 are categorized as optimal load, and 1 is categorized as underload. Of the 10 activities (stages) of work categorized as overload (MCH method) is the dominant mental work cause (55.56%) and has an impact on the Time Presurre variable, causing a high workload on the newspaper print operator of 68.33% (DRAWS method). Improvement of work systems, working environment conditions, and maintenance systems are felt necessary as a proposed improvement in order to produce a better production process.   Keywords : Work load, DRAWS, MCH, Operator.  

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