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2022 ◽  
Craig A. Harper ◽  
Rebecca Lievesley ◽  
Ellie Woodward ◽  
Roanna WIlson ◽  
Lauren Stubbs

Sex dolls are beginning to become more mainstream, both in the public’s consciousness and in academic research. However, there is no current systematic examination of public attitudes toward sex dolls within the peer-reviewed literature, which represents a barrier to the efficient study on this topic. In this paper we report the development and initial validation of such a measure. Using an international public sample (N = 377) we found that public attitudes toward sex doll owners were underpinned by three factors: ‘Acceptability of Doll Ownership’, ‘Doll Owners as Immoral’, and ‘Doll Owners as Dysfunctional’. Scores on each of these factors, which make up the Sex Doll Ownership Attitudes Scale (SDOAS), were predicted by participant sex, religiosity, permissive sexual attitudes, right-wing authoritarianism, and the endorsement of moral intuitions that favor personal liberty. We present a full form 66-item version of the SDOAS, as well as an 18-item short form which both possess strong psychometric properties. We highlight potential future uses of the SDOAS as this emerging field of study continues to rapidly grow.

Nadezhda M. Sergeyeva ◽  
Ol’ga N. Vereshchagina ◽  
Yelena N. Prusova

This article is devoted to the topical problems of studying Russian anthroponyms at the initial stage of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The authors highlight and describe the main difficulties that foreigners face when using Russian first and last names in speech – the choice of the combination of components of the Russian personal name necessary in a specific communicative situation; the presence of a wide range of hypocoristic and qualitative personal names, the difficulty of correlating them with the full form of the name; the coincidence of some male and female hypocoristic personal names, making it difficult to distinguish them in a small context. A comparative analysis of elementary level textbooks on Russian as a foreign language from the point of view of the representation in them of Russian personal names prescribed by the lexical minimum of the corresponding level for mastering by students. It is established that the necessary lexical material in the analysed manuals is not fully presented, lack of systematic presentation of information about the formation and use of anthroponyms is mentioned. The authors of the article have formed and presented a system of language and speech tasks that make up for these shortcomings and contribute to the successful development of Russian personal names by foreign students at an elementary level of language proficiency.

Christoph Hubertus Wölfle ◽  
Christian Krempaszky ◽  
Ewald Werner

AbstractThermomechanical treatments involving solid-state phase transformations play an important role for the manufacturing of functional and reliable components in many engineering applications. Accordingly, numerical investigation and optimization of such processes require considering thermoelastoplasticity under the influence of ongoing transformations and in particular the impact of transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP). While a number of elaborate plasticity models have been proposed for the description of TRIP, none of them seem to have received much prevalence in applications due to their complexity or hard to determine model parameters. Instead, the overwhelming majority of applied research either relies on simplistic formulations dating back to early phenomenological approaches or neglects TRIP altogether. In this work, we therefore provide an accessible, straightforward and easy-to-implement solution scheme for the TRIP model proposed by Leblond et al. which, despite being widely recognized, is hardly ever employed in full form. Specifically, we employ implicit backward-Euler integration and an elastic–plastic operator split approach to update the stresses in order to obtain a simple and concise algorithm for which we then derive the corresponding consistent tangent modulus. Furthermore, the work contains an application of the solution scheme to a symmetrically cooled plate and an in-depth discussion of the influence of TRIP by means of this tractable numerical example. Specifically, we highlight the discrepancies arising in transient and residual stresses and strains compared to the conventional $$J_2$$ J 2 -plasticity approach where the phase transformation is accounted for merely by adapting the yield strength of the compound.

Apar Chitransh ◽  
Mr. Sachin Kumar ◽  

We know that sun is the only sources which is available free of cost in our environment for the PV module. when the sun strikes in to the PV cell it converts to the electrical energy. Now a days to fulfill the requirement of energy the solar energy plays a main role of that. But some time this solar energy is not sufficient to fulfill this requirement than some time we use the MPPT techniques which is increase the power generation and main advantage of this techniques is that this is work in any climate. The full form of MPPT is MAXIMUM POWER POINT TRACKER. It gets the maximum power from the available PV unit and it is not depending upon the any environmental conditions. In this paper we discuss in detail the several abilities that how they get the maximum power point and system convergence, efficiency and cost of implementation. In this paper we show that all type pf MPPT techniques.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-4
Apar chitransh ◽  
Sachin Kumar

we know that sun is the only sources which is available free of cost in our environment for the PV module. when the sun strikes in to the PV cell it converts to the electrical energy. Now a days to fulfill the requirement of energy the solar energy plays a main role of that. But some time this solar energy is not sufficient to fulfill this requirement than some time we use the MPPT techniques which is increase the power generation and main advantage of this techniques is that this is work in any climate. The full form of MPPT is MAXIMUM POWER POINT TRACKER. It gets the maximum power from the available PV unit and it is not depending upon the any environmental conditions. In this paper we discuss in detail the several abilities that how they get the maximum power point and system convergence, efficiency and cost of implementation. In this paper we show that all type pf MPPT techniques.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
M. Zachary Rosenthal ◽  
Deepika Anand ◽  
Clair Cassiello-Robbins ◽  
Zachary J. Williams ◽  
Rachel E. Guetta ◽  

Misophonia is characterized by decreased tolerance and accompanying defensive motivational system responding to certain aversive sounds and contextual cues associated with such stimuli, typically repetitive oral (e. g., eating sounds) or nasal (e.g., breathing sounds) stimuli. Responses elicit significant psychological distress and impairment in functioning, and include acute increases in (a) negative affect (e.g., anger, anxiety, and disgust), (b) physiological arousal (e.g., sympathetic nervous system activation), and (c) overt behavior (e.g., escape behavior and verbal aggression toward individuals generating triggers). A major barrier to research and treatment of misophonia is the lack of rigorously validated assessment measures. As such, the primary purpose of this study was to develop and psychometrically validate a self-report measure of misophonia, the Duke Misophonia Questionnaire (DMQ). There were two phases of measure development. In Phase 1, items were generated and iteratively refined from a combination of the scientific literature and qualitative feedback from misophonia sufferers, their family members, and professional experts. In Phase 2, a large community sample of adults (n = 424) completed DMQ candidate items and other measures needed for psychometric analyses. A series of iterative analytic procedures (e.g., factor analyses and IRT) were used to derive final DMQ items and scales. The final DMQ has 86 items and includes subscales: (1) Trigger frequency (16 items), (2) Affective Responses (5 items), (3) Physiological Responses (8 items), (4) Cognitive Responses (10 items), (5) Coping Before (6 items), (6) Coping During (10 items), (7) Coping After (5 items), (8) Impairment (12 items), and Beliefs (14 items). Composite scales were derived for overall Symptom Severity (combined Affective, Physiological, and Cognitive subscales) and Coping (combined the three Coping subscales). Depending on the needs of researchers or clinicians, the DMQ may be use in full form, individual subscales, or with the derived composite scales.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Lisa Schäfer ◽  
Robin Lemke ◽  
Heiner Drenhaus ◽  
Ingo Reich

We investigate the underexplored question of when speakers make use of the omission phenomenon verb phrase ellipsis (VPE) in English given that the full form is also available to them. We base the interpretation of our results on the well-established information-theoretic Uniform Information Density (UID) hypothesis: Speakers tend to distribute processing effort uniformly across utterances and avoid regions of low information by omitting redundant material through, e.g., VPE. We investigate the length of the omittable VP and its predictability in context as sources of redundancy which lead to larger or deeper regions of low information and an increased pressure to use ellipsis. We use both naturalness rating and self-paced reading studies in order to link naturalness patterns to potential processing difficulties. For the length effects our rating and reading results support a UID account. Surprisingly, we do not find an effect of the context on the naturalness and the processing of VPE. We suggest that our manipulation might have been too weak or not effective to evidence such an effect.

2021 ◽  
pp. 19-76
K.J. Drake

This chapter demonstrates not only that Ulrich Zwingli was the first theologian of the Reformation period to articulate the extra Calvinisticum in its full form but that, contrary to common scholarly opinion, this doctrine was not a reaction to Martin Luther’s doctrine of ubiquity but preceded it. Through analysis of Zwingli’s works before the Marburg Colloquy the chapter demonstrates that Zwingli articulated the extra as one plank in his goal to reform the Zurich church and elaborated it over time in response to Lutheran polemics. At stake for him was nothing less than the soteriological role of Christ as the Mediator between God and man. Zwingli articulates the extra through reflection upon the logic of satisfaction, the ascension of Christ, the hypostatic union, and communicatio idiomatum to defend his understanding of Christ’s presence in the Eucharist.

Sylvain Laborde ◽  
Félix Guillén ◽  
Robert Vaughan

AbstractEmotional dispositions have been found to influence outcomes and have applications in many areas, such as in the clinical, health, social, educational, and organizational domains. Specifically, they may influence individuals’ addictive behaviour tendencies. The aim of this study was to investigate the convergent validity between two questionnaires measuring individual differences linked to emotional dispositions, the Profile of Emotional Competences (PEC) full-form, and the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) full-form. Examining the convergent validity will identify the similarities and the unique aspects of each questionnaire. Our hypotheses were based on relationships displaying large effect sizes (r > .50). A sample of 1026 participants took part in this study (Mage = 21.35 years old, age range = 18–30). Participants completed both the PEC and the TEIQue in a counterbalanced order. Results indicated large overlaps between the two questionnaires; however, two main differences emerged: first, the PEC allows capturing precisely the emotional dispositions at the intrapersonal and interpersonal levels, while the TEIQue mixes both levels; second, the competence “using emotions”, both for one’s own emotions and for others’ emotions, is not comprehensively reflected in the TEIQue. Overall, the PEC may help to capture more specifically the distinction between intrapersonal and interpersonal emotional competences. Future research should investigate comparatively the criterion validity of both questionnaires with specific outcome variables. Future research and applied work with addiction aiming at clarifying the implication of both intrapersonal and interpersonal emotional competences may consider to rather use the PEC than the TEIQue.

2021 ◽  
Yea-Shwu Hwang ◽  
Chih-Cheng Chen ◽  
Hui-Ning Shih ◽  
Wen-Hui Tsai

Abstract BackgroundLate preterm and early term births constitute a significant proportion of live births. However, handwriting skills of these two populations remain unclear. We aimed to investigate their risk for poor Chinese handwriting in grade two.MethodsA total of 185 second graders born late preterm (34+ 0-36+ 6 weeks gestation, n = 54), early term (37+ 0-38+ 6 weeks gestation, n = 56), and full term (39+ 0-41+ 6 weeks gestation, n = 75) without any intervention or diagnosis related to developmental delays were included. Their handwriting performance was rated by teachers using the Chinese Handwriting Evaluation Form (CHEF), which is a standardized handwriting scale including five handwriting dimensions (construction, accuracy, directionality, speed, and pencil grasp).ResultsAfter controlling for demographic risk factors, the late preterm born group had a greater risk of having worse performance in the full form (adjusted odds ratio < OR > = 3.93; p = .038) and construction dimension (adjusted OR = 4.77; p = .009) of the CHEF than peers born at full term; whereas the risks were comparable for the early and full term born groups.ConclusionsLate preterm but not early term born children were found to be at higher risk for poor Chinese handwriting in grade two. They particularly have difficulty with spatial construction including size, spacing, and alignment of Chinese characters and components that may influence handwriting legibility.

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