internet server
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2022 ◽  
Owen Gerry Athallah

Sistem Operasi Linux diciptakan pada bulan September 1991 oleh seorang mahasiswa dari Helsinki Finlandia bernama Linus Benedict Torvalds, Pada awalnya linux hanyalah proyek hobi yang dikerjakan linus, Dia mengingkan sebuah sistem operasi yang sehandal UNIX namun dengan biaya yang murah, setelah mengumpulkan informasi dan riset yang cukup panjang Linux versi 0.01 akhirnya diluncurkan pada September 1991 kemudian pada bulan Oktober 1991 diluncurkan linux versi terbaru yaitu linux 0.02 yang sudah bisa menjalankan BASH dan GCC. Sejak itu banyak ahli yang ikut andil mengembangkan linux hingga saat ini. Linux sendiri adalah sistem operasi open source yang artinya siapa saja bisa melihat kode asli dari linux tanpa membayar atau membeli lisensi dari linux, tidak hanya melihat semua orang juga dapat mengubah, menambah, dan mengembangkan linux dengan gratis.Linux juga dapat beroperasi di komputer dengan spesifikasi yang rendah, linux hanya membutuhkan 8 mb RAM dan prosesor intel 386 DX dan 85 mb harddisk untuk beroperasi, bahkan dalam kebutuhan khusus linux dapat berjalan tanpa harddisk dan hanya menggunakan disket.Semua software di Linux juga gratis karena dibawah lisensi dari GNU General Public License dan tidak hanya gratis anda juga bisa memodifikasi dan mengembangkan software tersebut.Tidak hanya menjadi sistem operasi biasa, linux juga bisa menjadi server pada sebuah jaringan karena karakter sistem operasi linux yang ringan, aman, tidak mengalami defregmentasi dan jarang update sehingga tidak mengganggu kinerja dari server tersebut.Pengertian Server secara singkat adalah sebuah perangkat dalam sebuah jaringan komputer dan internet. Server bertugas menyimpan data-data dan informasi yang nantinya akan digunakan ketika user

2022 ◽  
Owen Gerry Athallah

Sistem Operasi Linux diciptakan pada bulan September 1991 oleh seorang mahasiswa dari Helsinki Finlandia bernama Linus Benedict Torvalds, Pada awalnya linux hanyalah proyek hobi yang dikerjakan linus, Dia mengingkan sebuah sistem operasi yang sehandal UNIX namun dengan biaya yang murah, setelah mengumpulkan informasi dan riset yang cukup panjang Linux versi 0.01 akhirnya diluncurkan pada September 1991 kemudian pada bulan Oktober 1991 diluncurkan linux versi terbaru yaitu linux 0.02 yang sudah bisa menjalankan BASH dan GCC. Sejak itu banyak ahli yang ikut andil mengembangkan linux hingga saat ini. Linux sendiri adalah sistem operasi open source yang artinya siapa saja bisa melihat kode asli dari linux tanpa membayar atau membeli lisensi dari linux, tidak hanya melihat semua orang juga dapat mengubah, menambah, dan mengembangkan linux dengan gratis.Linux juga dapat beroperasi di komputer dengan spesifikasi yang rendah, linux hanya membutuhkan 8 mb RAM dan prosesor intel 386 DX dan 85 mb harddisk untuk beroperasi, bahkan dalam kebutuhan khusus linux dapat berjalan tanpa harddisk dan hanya menggunakan disket.Semua software di Linux juga gratis karena dibawah lisensi dari GNU General Public License dan tidak hanya gratis anda juga bisa memodifikasi dan mengembangkan software tersebut.Tidak hanya menjadi sistem operasi biasa, linux juga bisa menjadi server pada sebuah jaringan karena karakter sistem operasi linux yang ringan, aman, tidak mengalami defregmentasi dan jarang update sehingga tidak mengganggu kinerja dari server tersebut.Pengertian Server secara singkat adalah sebuah perangkat dalam sebuah jaringan komputer dan internet. Server bertugas menyimpan data-data dan informasi yang nantinya akan digunakan ketika user

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 25-33
Afifah Afifah

This research focuses on the using of WhatsApp in teaching pronunciation practice to the third semester students of Tadris English Study Program in IAIN Palu. The research question is “How is the using of WhatsApp in teaching Pronunciation Practice to the third semester students of Tadris English Study Program in IAIN Palu?” This is a qualitative research by using two instruments of data collections namely questionnaire and interview. The participants consisted of 19 third semester students of Tadris English Study Program of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Palu. The researcher conducted five meetings of Pronunciation Practice class to the participants via WhatsApp before distributing the questionnaire and interview sheet. The questionnaire consisted of five questions by applying Likert Scale, while the interview consisted of ten questions. From the questionnaire and interview, the researcher concludes that the using of WhatsApp in teaching Pronunciation Practice to the third semester students of Tadris English Study Program in IAIN Palu is practical. The students could understand the material shared via WhatsApp in the form of documents shared, videos shared, as well as voice recording shared. They could use the features in WhatsApp well such as sharing documents, voice notes, sharing videos, video call and so on in learning pronunciation practice. The students like Pronunciation Practice Class and enjoy studying it via WhatsApp. Learning Pronunciation Practice via WhatsApp has some advantages such as time flexibility as well as structured and easily accessed materials. However, it also has some limitations such as internet data availability and video call limitation. Besides, the participants faced several obstacles in learning Pronunication Practice via WhatsApp, such as the limitation of smartphone memory to save files, down internet server, and unavailability of internet data. Nevertheless, they could passed those obstacles well by deleting some unused files to give more space to the memory and finding out wifi connection to stay connected to WhatsApp when the server was down or they ran out of internet data. They could understand the teaching of Pronunciation Practice via WhatsApp by downloading and reading the documents shared, the videos shared, and the voice recording shared by the lecturer. When they found a difficulty, they asked their friends or the lecturer via WhatsApp group.

Somesh Pathak ◽  
Kartikay Bhat ◽  
Vinod Ahire ◽  
Hrishikesh Kedar

There are thousands of vehicles on road these days and managing these multiple vehicles at a toll booth at the same time is a very difficult job to be done. At present, the manual toll system is very inefficient and very time-consuming. Due to this, there are traffic jams, fights, exchanges of words also. The system proposed is completely managed on the ‘Internet of Things’ concept based on RFID technology. The Internet server will store all the users ' required data and their card balance. When the car driver will arrive at the toll booth, the system at the toll booth will scan the card. The system then connects to the online server to check the validation of the card, if the card is valid and will be having sufficient funds then the particular amount will get deduced from the card. The system operates a motor to open the toll gate for a car to pass on deduction of the card balance. The entire system uses a microcontroller to achieve this purpose. The WiFi connection connects to the internet through which the system interacts for online verification. Additionally, all the data of the vehicles passed will get stored for later reference. Thus, the system automates the entire process of the toll booth and terminates the present process of the toll booth collection system.

Nodirbek Rustambekovich Yusupbekov, Et. al.

The article is devoted to a system construction for measuring and controlling the liquid materials level in remote reservoirs. The hardware solution is based on Wi-Fi technology with radio frequency data transmission and level measurement using an ultrasonic sensor. An internet server is used to collect data in a database and present the data to users in the web pages form. The developed system provides high accuracy, low power consumption and low cost.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. e0246293
Shanshan Hao ◽  
Renjie Liu ◽  
Zhe Weng ◽  
Deliang Chang ◽  
Congxiao Bao ◽  

Eliminating unnecessary exposure is a principle of server security. The huge IPv6 address space enhances security by making scanning infeasible, however, with recent advances of IPv6 scanning technologies, network scanning is again threatening server security. In this paper, we propose a new model named addressless server, which separates the server into an entrance module and a main service module, and assigns an IPv6 prefix instead of an IPv6 address to the main service module. The entrance module generates a legitimate IPv6 address under this prefix by encrypting the client address, so that the client can access the main server on a destination address that is different in each connection. In this way, the model provides isolation to the main server, prevents network scanning, and minimizes exposure. Moreover it provides a novel framework that supports flexible load balancing, high-availability, and other desirable features. The model is simple and does not require any modification to the client or the network. We implement a prototype and experiments show that our model can prevent the main server from being scanned at a slight performance cost.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 29-36
Afifah Afifah

This research focuses on the using of WhatsApp in teaching pronunciation practice to the third semester students of Tadris English Study Program in IAIN Palu. The research question is “How is the using of WhatsApp in teaching Pronunciation Practice to the third semester students of Tadris English Study Program in IAIN Palu?” This is a qualitative research by using two instruments of data collections namely questionnaire and interview. The participants consisted of 19 third semester students of Tadris English Study Program of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Palu. The researcher conducted five meetings of Pronunciation Practice class to the participants via WhatsApp before distributing the questionnaire and interview sheet. The questionnaire consisted of five questions by applying Likert Scale, while the interview consisted of ten questions. From the questionnaire and interview, the researcher concludes that the using of WhatsApp in teaching Pronunciation Practice to the third semester students of Tadris English Study Program in IAIN Palu is practical. The students could understand the material shared via WhatsApp in the form of documents shared, videos shared, as well as voice recording shared. They could use the features in WhatsApp well such as sharing documents, voice notes, sharing videos, video call and so on in learning pronunciation practice. The students like Pronunciation Practice Class and enjoy studying it via WhatsApp. Learning Pronunciation Practice via WhatsApp has some advantages such as time flexibility as well as structured and easily accessed materials. However, it also has some limitations such as internet data availability and video call limitation. Besides, the participants faced several obstacles in learning Pronunication Practice via WhatsApp, such as the limitation of smartphone memory to save files, down internet server, and unavailability of internet data. Nevertheless, they could passed those obstacles well by deleting some unused files to give more space to the memory and finding out wifi connection to stay connected to WhatsApp when the server was down or they ran out of internet data. They could understand the teaching of Pronunciation Practice via WhatsApp by downloading and reading the documents shared, the videos shared, and the voice recording shared by the lecturer. When they found a difficulty, they asked their friends or the lecturer via WhatsApp group.

2021 ◽  
Robert La Lau

2020 ◽  
pp. 461-475
Nathan J. Muller

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