human reality
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2022 ◽  
pp. 50-73
Stephen Brock Schafer

Carl Jung's therapy is based on the dramatic structure of dreams, and current neurobiology and semantics confirms that drama—as defined by Plato—is the electromagnetic (EM) pattern of human reality. Therefore, fractal universal structure may be perceived in everything—“as above, so below”—and First Cause morality and intention can be correlated with contextual human purpose. Dramatic premise is a common denominator that integrates all of the dramatic components (plot, character, exposition, and lysis). First Cause Intention trickles down to personal harmony of purpose, but FC morality has always been problematic for humans. What part does evil play in the drama of human-cultural morality? Due to the significant difference of scale, human “contextuality” must be factored into the equation for moral behavior. Today's artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms for media technology can be used to foster authentic FC “coherent entrainment” according to Carl Jung's ratio between archetypes of the unconscious and their relatively conscious projections as archetypal representations (AR).

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Lere Adeyemi

The assumption that history posits itself as a fact, while literature is to be taken as an artistic form, only for entertainment (i.e., the difference between truth and falsehood, reality and illusion) has long been debated by formalists and soclologlsts of literature. In Yoruba society, literature and history are im­portant in explaining the fullness of life and the world around us. It is against this background that this paper examines the relationship between literature and history and how Yoruba novelists use their works as vehicles for the repre­sentation of history. We adopt the theory of New Historicism to analyze T.A.A. Ladele's lgbi Aye n yi and Olu Owolabi's Ote Nibo. Some of the findings reveal that: both Yoruba literature and history are closely related, they are both based on Yoruba experience and Yoruba existence either in the past or present; while Ladele Interprets the history of the dignity and royal glamour of the Yoruba oba in the precolonial era as a form of domination which is often achieved through culturally-orchestrated consent rather than force; Owolabi represents the hlstory of party politics in Yoruba society as fraudulent, deceltful, full of bitterness and violence. The paper concludes that both novelists are subjective in their representation of Yoruba history, but they successfully establfsh the fact that the novel is a repository of history; however, such history is not a mere chronlcle of facts and events, but rather a complex description of human reality and a challenge to the preconceived notions of the societies from which they emerged.

Nadia Petrunok

Modern philosophy tends to consider human reality in more and more interdisciplinary contexts. Thanks to that, at first traditional, and now new media as well as IT, attract philosophers’ attention and provide material for thinking over a lot of so-called “eternal philosophical questions”. Among them, there are some of the broadest questions: a) catching the margins of the real; b) understanding, which phenomena and objects to constitute human might be called real. The key goal of this article is to research one of the crucial concepts, which brings us to understanding reality, – the notion of virtuality. The author of this paper outlines background of this notion, describes its characteristics and usage in modern philosophical discourse. First of all, virtual is described in its connotations to all three dimensions of time being: past, present, and future. It is argued that the notion of virtuality at first used to be “rediscovered” by Gilles Deleuze, but then it has experienced crucial changes in philosophy of the XXth and XXIst centuries. By means of that, virtual is discussed as a counterpart of the concept of reality. In particular, this article touches upon a variety of connotations between the notions of virtuality, reality and actuality. It also shows the context of juxtaposition of the aforementioned notions. What is more, this paper reveals moral aspects of virtuality both in transcendental and as immanent senses. This article shows the background of indistinguishability for “real” and “virtual”. Finally, it is stated that in the situation of so-called “substituted reality” the multiplicity of connotations of the notion of virtuality ought to be used to rediscover the notion of reality itself.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (s1) ◽  
Tommaso Sbrana

In vitro cell cultures are often proposed as “Alternatives” to animal models, but they are still inadequate to reproduce the human pathophysiology. This is mainly due to the technological limitations of the standard equipment used in cell culture laboratories, such as the lack of a 3D micro-architecture, the static environment and the absence of cross talk between different tissues. These limitations cause the poor predictivity of a standard in-vitro model, if compared with the human reality.

María Luisa Villasano Jain ◽  
Héctor Cuellar Hernández ◽  
Rosa Alejandra Reyes Rizo ◽  
Helga Elena Roesner García

El presente estudio se realizó en una empresa de giro industrial en el municipio de Atotonilco El Alto, Jalisco y tiene como objetivo analizar los efectos laborales en el recurso humano, por el uso de la inteligencia artificial (IA) (robótica y los sistemas de información) en una organización de giro industrial. Se fundamenta en el método cuantitativo, se aspira exponer la situación a partir de la medición y cuantificación de las realidades humanas; es una investigación no experimental. Los instrumentos que se utilizaron para la recolección de datos fueron cuestionario y entrevista, en donde se profundizó en las técnicas de IA. Una de las principales conclusiones a las que se llega es que la incorporación de la IA en la organización desencadena en los colaboradores cierto nivel de estrés por temor al remplazo. AbstractThis research was performed in a company which commercial activities are carried out in the industrial sector in the municipality of Atotonilco El Alto Jalisco and aims to analyze the effects artificial intelligence (AI) (robotic and systems information) has in workforce collaborators in industrial organizations. Based on a quantitative method, this research aspires to set forth the situation through the measurement and quantification of human reality; this is a non-experimental investigation. The instrument used for data recollection consisted of a questionnaire developed with AI techniques. One of the main conclusions reached was, when AI was incorporated in an organization, stress due to the fear of being replaced was triggered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 91
S. Bharadwaj

In the poem “In the White Giant’s Thigh,” Dylan Thomas projects the contemporary poets’ wild passion for Eliotian amoral art song and their suffering and the contradistinction of his own occasional love of Yeatsian Grecian altruistic art song and his delight. The poem is at bottom optimistic as it offers the metaphysical and the metempirical wild lovers an alternative process of art song and also carries salvation to transcend their sorrowful failure. It is Thomas’s faith in the Yeatsian process of transfiguration and transformation, the possibility of deliverance from the bondage of experience and ignorance that assures him of success and appeal in his art songs, that Auden repudiates in his metaphysical process of transgression and transmigration and his immortal vision of aesthetic amoral art song. The poem implies that Auden, as a result of his continual ignorance of the human reality of life and death, his stoic love of metaphysical art and reality, loses his grandeur and literary reputation and stoops to the level of a common man susceptible to hatred and indignation, violence and vengeance like the victims of his art songs, the political, the war and the Movement poets who remain equally ignorant of the metaphysical process and the reality of breath and death.

Mahmud Muhamad Hammad, Hasan Abudl Rahman Albarmil Mahmud Muhamad Hammad, Hasan Abudl Rahman Albarmil

This study depends on the analysis content by used semio-sociological approach in the interpretation of proverbs through selection of a group of the Palestinian proverbs associated with the resistance dimension. Many studies of proverbs did not address this type of interpretation. Moreover, many of these studies were not up to the desired methodological level because of the proverb’s varied associations with the general life. In its sociological context, the proverb stemmed from a sensory human experience, expressed in simple language. It was able to portray the life of the human through their immersion into the action framework that awakened the collective conscience which rejected the oppressive reality, which drew the differing paths of the proverb and left some margin for explicating the current crisis and how to deal with it. Since the resistant proverb is a part of the cultural landscape, it was in harmony with the novel, poem, drawing and poetry in a revolting image that stressed confrontation as well as rejection of weakness and subjection. It also succeeded in expressing an identity that embodied awareness about the suffering of human reality in all its concise and deep dimensions and historical and social framework. Despite the fact that the proverb is subsumed under the duality of subjection and revolt, the two researchers opted to address the resistant side of it, through a Palestinian model whose space abounds in a movement that bestowed a deep constructivist dimension on the Palestinian landscape. This is parallel with the current objective contexts that the Palestinian society is undergoing. Therefore, this study proceeded along three results, the first results of the interpretive structure of the denotations of the proverb and its projections on the symbols of time and place, secondly the proverb denotations and projections on plantation, animals, the third of the interpretive structure of the denotations of the proverb and its projections on the humans.

Muhammad Ismail Amayreh Muhammad Ismail Amayreh

The issue of language education is one of the most delicate human issues. It is very relevant to the social and political history of society and is also one of the issues imposed by human reality. It is also one of the issues that has intensified the differences between linguists and psychologists in the ways of acquiring them. Perhaps there are things that stand in front of the acquisition of the second language, language is not a neutral system or a tool to be used in a timely manner or in a generation and that’s it, but is a language with its luster and heritage and attractiveness, what are the factors that stand in front of the acquisition of the second language? Is there a real conflict between languages ​​affecting the acquisition of language in children? What are the most important stages of growth in children and their relation to linguistic development? In fact, there is a difference between mother tongue, second language and foreign language, differentiating between these concepts will make it easier for us to reach the appropriate age to acquire the language. The reason is that the acquisition or learning of any language stems from the goals related to the life of the individual, whether professional, economic or social. The bilingual issue raises an important question: Are the two linguistic systems of the human brain separate or connected?

2021 ◽  

Islamic business ethics ismorality in running a business in accordance with Islamic values, so that in conducting business there is no need to worry, because it is believed to be something good and true. Ethical values, morals, ethics or morals are the values that encourage human beings to be a whole person. Such as honesty, truth, justice, independence, happiness and love. When these ethical values are implemented it will perfect the human reality as a whole. Every one can have a set ofknowledge about values, but the knowledge that directs and controls the behavior of Muslims there are only two, namely the Qur'an and hadith as the source of all values and guidelines in every joint of life, including in business. Ethics or morals have a very important position for human life, both as individual members of society and members of a nation. The wealth, the glory of the people one arthdepends on their morals, and the damageone arth is nothing but also due to the depravity of human morality it self. Human life requires morality, without morality human life is impossible to take place.

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