odonate larvae
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Rizalyn Cudera ◽  
Brando Razon ◽  
Kenette Jean Millondaga

Abstract. Cudera RB, Razon BC, Millondaga KJI. 2020. Cultural and ecological significance of Odonata (Insecta) to the T'boli of Lake Sebu, Mindanao, Philippines. Biodiversitas 21: 2536-2554. Lake Sebu in Mindanao, Philippines, covered by the Allah Valley Protected Landscape, is home to the T'boli ethnolinguistic group. This study focuses on the cultural and ecological significance of the Odonata (insect order of dragonflies and damselflies) to the T'boli people who are known to have a close connection to their natural environment. According to the T'boli who participated in-depth interviews and focus group discussions, the Odonate larvae of Family Libellulidae and Aeshnidae known as Kmimi and Ogong El respectively are handpicked by the village members as a food source shared in the community when resources are scarce. The Odonata larvae are also used to cure illnesses and are locally believed to be important components for a love potion. In agriculture, T'boli farmers utilize the adult form of Odonata known as Klowong as natural biocontrol agents. Moreover, the Odonata larvae are prominent images in T'boli oral literature, specifically folklore and lullabies, teaching the children the importance of maintaining a harmonious relationship with nature. The results show that the presence of endemic species of Odonata indicates a healthy freshwater environment in the area; thus, studies on the sustainable use and conservation measures of the Odonata should be conducted.

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 ◽  
Mateus Marques Pires ◽  
Nícolas Felipe Drumm Müller ◽  
Cristina Stenert ◽  
Leonardo Maltchik

Abstract: Aim We assessed the influence of substrate type and categories of riparian vegetation widths on the community structure of Odonata (Insecta) in southern Brazilian streams. Methods Sampling took place in twelve stream reaches differing in their riparian vegetation widths (from more than 40 m up to less than 5 m). Larval odonates were collected in inorganic (stone and gravel) and organic (leaf litter) substrates at each stream reach. Differences in Odonata composition among substrates and categories of riparian vegetation width were tested using PERMANOVA and visualized with ordination diagrams. In addition, we assessed the influence of riparian vegetation width taking into account two levels of resolutions: fine (four categories: > 40 m, 30-15 m, 15-5 m and < 5 m) and coarse (narrower and broader than 15 m). Results Odonata composition differed more strongly according to substrate type regardless of the level of resolution. Organic substrate (litter) had different composition and higher richness than inorganic ones. Odonata composition significantly differed between riparian vegetation widths at the coarser level of resolution (narrower and broader than 15 m); at the coarser level, the interaction between substrate and riparian widths was significant, with the composition from litter substrate in broader widths differing from stone and gravel in narrower widths. Conclusions The composition of odonate larvae responded to the major reductions in riparian widths (above > 15 m), indicating that reductions above this level are enough to affect the community structure of Odonata. Additionally, the different composition of Odonata in organic substrates in broader riparian vegetation widths compared to inorganic substrates in narrower widths indicate a complex relationship between riparian vegetation and substrate in the assembly of insect communities in southern Brazilian forest streams. The interaction between riparian vegetation widths and substrate suggests that the effects of reductions in riparian widths on Odonata composition are not similar across substrate types.

2017 ◽  
Vol 46 (6) ◽  
pp. 631-641 ◽  
T P Mendes ◽  
J M B Oliveira-Junior ◽  
H S R Cabette ◽  
J D Batista ◽  
L Juen

2016 ◽  
Vol 129 (4) ◽  
pp. 403 ◽  
Patrick D. Moldowan ◽  
Matthew G. Keevil ◽  
Peter B. Mills ◽  
Ronald J. Brooks ◽  
Jacqueline D. Litzgus

We compare diet and feeding behaviour of Snapping Turtles (Chelydra serpentina) and Midland Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta marginata) in Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada. We observed young Chelydra and Chrysemys turtles feeding on insect and amphibian larvae in ephemeral ponds, adult Chrysemys terrestrially foraging on odonate larvae, and adult Chelydra consuming aquatic vegetation and seeds. These and other observations highlight the importance of seasonally available habitat and food for juvenile turtles. We also discuss the evidence for, and importance of, turtles as seed-dispersal agents for aquatic vegetation. Illustrative video recordings accompany our dietary observations.

2014 ◽  
Vol 92 (11) ◽  
pp. 927-937 ◽  
S.M. Amburgey ◽  
L.L. Bailey ◽  
M. Murphy ◽  
E. Muths ◽  
W.C. Funk

Complex, interactive ecological constraints regulate species distributions, and understanding these factors is crucial for predicting species persistence. We used occupancy analysis, which corrects for imperfect detection, to test the importance of abiotic and biotic habitat and landscape factors on probability of occupancy by Boreal Chorus Frog (Pseudacris maculata (Agassiz, 1850)) tadpoles. We hypothesized that hydropattern and predators are primarily important because they affect desiccation and predation risk and can interact in ways difficult to predict. We surveyed 62 wetland sites across an elevational gradient in Colorado, USA, and modeled patterns in P. maculata occupancy. Tadpoles were most frequently present in intermediate-length hydropattern systems with lower desiccation risk and no predatory fish because of occasional drying. Pseudacris maculata occupancy had a strong negative relationship with fish presence, while tadpoles, odonate larvae, and Barred Tiger Salamanders (Ambystoma mavortium mavortium Baird, 1850) frequently co-occurred. Dry seasonal conditions will likely result in fewer intermediate-length hydropattern ponds available for amphibian breeding. We hypothesize that this will force P. maculata to breed in habitats with fish. As habitats shrink, predators that co-occur with P. maculata are expected to concentrate in the remaining habitat and increase predation risk for developing tadpoles (assuming predators are similarly constricted in their habitat use as amphibians are).

Limnetica ◽  
2014 ◽  
pp. 107-120
Couto-Mendoza, María T. ◽  
Servia, María J. ◽  
Cobo , Fernando

Lt.-Col. F. C. Fraser

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