ocular artifact
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2021 ◽  
Vol 147 (8) ◽  
pp. 04021087
Yizhi Liu ◽  
Mahmoud Habibnezhad ◽  
Shayan Shayesteh ◽  
Houtan Jebelli ◽  
SangHyun Lee

Rakesh Ranjan ◽  
Bikash Chandra Sahana ◽  
Ashish Kumar Bhandari

Dang-Khoa Tran ◽  
Thanh-Hai Nguyen ◽  
Thanh-Nghia Nguyen

In the electroencephalography (EEG) study, eye blinks are a commonly known type of ocular artifact that appears most frequently in any EEG measurement. The artifact can be seen as spiking electrical potentials in which their time-frequency properties are varied across individuals. Their presence can negatively impact various medical or scientific research or be helpful when applying to brain-computer interface applications. Hence, detecting eye-blink signals is beneficial for determining the correlation between the human brain and eye movement in this paper. The paper presents a simple, fast, and automated eye-blink detection algorithm that did not require user training before algorithm execution. EEG signals were smoothed and filtered before eye-blink detection. We conducted experiments with ten volunteers and collected three different eye-blink datasets over three trials using Emotiv EPOC+ headset. The proposed method performed consistently and successfully detected spiking activities of eye blinks with a mean accuracy of over 96%.

2021 ◽  
Peter E Clayson ◽  
Scott Baldwin ◽  
Harold A Rocha ◽  
Michael J. Larson

In studies of event-related brain potentials (ERPs), numerous decisions about data processing are required to extract ERP scores from continuous data. Unfortunately, the systematic impact of these choices on the data quality and psychometric reliability of ERP scores or even ERP scores themselves is virtually unknown, which is a barrier to the standardization of ERPs. The aim of the present study was to optimize processing pipelines for the error-related negativity (ERN) and error positivity (Pe) by considering a multiverse of data processing choices. A multiverse analysis of a data processing pipeline examines the impact of a large set of different reasonable choices to determine the robustness of effects, such as the impact of different decisions on between-trial standard deviations (i.e., data quality) and between-condition differences (i.e., experimental effects). ERN and Pe data from 298 healthy young adults were used to determine the impact of different methodological choices on data quality and experimental effects (correct vs. error trials) at several key stages: highpass filtering, lowpass filtering, ocular artifact correction, reference, baseline adjustment, scoring sensors, and measurement procedure. This multiverse analysis yielded 3,456 ERN scores and 576 Pe scores per person. An optimized pipeline for ERN included a .01 Hz highpass filter, 15 Hz lowpass filter, ICA-based ocular artifact correction, and a region of interest (ROI) approach to scoring. For Pe, the optimized pipeline included a .10 Hz highpass filter, 30 Hz lowpass filter, regression-based ocular artifact correction, a -200 to 0 ms baseline adjustment window, and an ROI approach to scoring. The multiverse approach can be used to optimize pipelines for eventual standardization, which would support efforts toward establishing normative ERP databases. The proposed process of analyzing the data-processing multiverse of ERP scores paves the way for better refinement, identification, and selection of data processing parameters, ultimately improving the precision and utility of ERPs.

2021 ◽  
I. Marriot Haresign ◽  
E. Phillips ◽  
M. Whitehorn ◽  
V. Noreika ◽  
E.J.H. Jones ◽  

AbstractAutomated systems for identifying and removing non-neural ICA components are growing in popularity among adult EEG researchers. Infant EEG data differs in many ways from adult EEG data, but there exists almost no specific system for automated classification of source components from paediatric populations. Here, we adapt one of the most popular systems for adult ICA component classification for use with infant EEG data. Our adapted classifier significantly outperformed the original adult classifier on samples of naturalistic free play EEG data recorded from 10 to 12-month-old infants, achieving agreement rates with the manual classification of over 75% across two validation studies (n=44, n=25). Additionally, we examined both classifiers ability to remove stereotyped ocular artifact from a basic visual processing ERP dataset, compared to manual ICA data cleaning. Here the new classifier performed on level with expert manual cleaning and was again significantly better than the adult classifier at removing artifact whilst retaining a greater amount of genuine neural signal, operationalised through comparing ERP activations in time and space. Our new system (iMARA) offers developmental EEG researchers a flexible tool for automatic identification and removal of artifactual ICA components.

Phattarapong Sawangjai ◽  
Manatsanan Trakulruangroj ◽  
Chiraphat Boonnag ◽  
Maytus Piriyajitakonkij ◽  
Rajesh Kumar Tripathy ◽  

2020 ◽  
Rui Sun ◽  
Cynthia Chan ◽  
Janet Hsiao ◽  
Akaysha C. Tang

AbstractOcular artifact in EEG has long been viewed as a problem for interpreting EEG data in basic and applied research. The removal of such artifacts has been an on-going effort over many decades. We have recently introduced a hybrid method combining second-order blind identification (SOBI) with DANS, a novel automatic identification method, to extract components containing specifically signals associated with horizontal and vertical saccadic eye movements (H and V Comps) and found that these components’ event-related potentials in response to saccadic eye movement are systematically modulated by movement directions and distances. Here in a case study, taking advantage of signals about gaze positions contained in the ocular artifact components, we introduced a novel concept of EEG-based virtual eye tracking (EVET) and presented its first prototype. Specifically, we determined (1) the amount of data needed for constructing models of horizontal gaze positions; (2) the asymptotic performance levels achieved with such models. We found that for the specific calibration task, 4 blocks of data (4 saccades per target position) are needed for reaching an asymptotic performance with a prediction accuracy of 0.44 and prediction reliability of 1.67. These results demonstrated that it is possible to track horizontal gaze position via EEG alone, ultimately enabling coregistration of eye movement and the neural signals.

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