binary time series
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2021 ◽  
Huan Wang ◽  
Chuang Ma ◽  
Han-Shuang Chen ◽  
Ying-Cheng Lai ◽  
Hai-Feng Zhang

Abstract Previous efforts on data-based reconstruction focused on complex networks with pairwise or two-body interactions. There is a growing interest in networks with high-order or many-body interactions, raising the need to reconstruct such networks based on observational data. We develop a general framework combining statistical inference and expectation maximization to fully reconstruct 2-simplicial complexes with two- and three-body interactions based on binary time-series data from social contagion dynamics. We further articulate a two-step scheme to improve the reconstruction accuracy while significantly reducing the computational load. Through synthetic and real-world 2-simplicial complexes, we validate the framework by showing that all the connections can be faithfully identified and the full topology of the 2-simplicial complexes can be inferred. The effects of noisy data or stochastic disturbance are studied, demonstrating the robustness of the proposed framework.

Weibo Shu ◽  
Yaqiang Yao ◽  
Shengfei Lyu ◽  
Jinlong Li ◽  
Huanhuan Chen

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Shawna K. Metzger ◽  
Benjamin T. Jones

Abstract Logit and probit (L/P) models are a mainstay of binary time-series cross-sectional (BTSCS) analyses. Researchers include cubic splines or time polynomials to acknowledge the temporal element inherent in these data. However, L/P models cannot easily accommodate three other aspects of the data’s temporality: whether covariate effects are conditional on time, whether the process of interest is causally complex, and whether our functional form assumption regarding time’s effect is correct. Failing to account for any of these issues amounts to misspecification bias, threatening our inferences’ validity. We argue scholars should consider using Cox duration models when analyzing BTSCS data, as they create fewer opportunities for such misspecification bias, while also having the ability to assess the same hypotheses as L/P. We use Monte Carlo simulations to bring new evidence to light showing Cox models perform just as well—and sometimes better—than logit models in a basic BTSCS setting, and perform considerably better in more complex BTSCS situations. In addition, we highlight a new interpretation technique for Cox models—transition probabilities—to make Cox model results more readily interpretable. We use an application from interstate conflict to demonstrate our points.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
Augusto Fasano ◽  
Giovanni Rebaudo ◽  
Daniele Durante ◽  
Sonia Petrone

AbstractNon-Gaussian state-space models arise in several applications, and within this framework the binary time series setting provides a relevant example. However, unlike for Gaussian state-space models — where filtering, predictive and smoothing distributions are available in closed form — binary state-space models require approximations or sequential Monte Carlo strategies for inference and prediction. This is due to the apparent absence of conjugacy between the Gaussian states and the likelihood induced by the observation equation for the binary data. In this article we prove that the filtering, predictive and smoothing distributions in dynamic probit models with Gaussian state variables are, in fact, available and belong to a class of unified skew-normals (sun) whose parameters can be updated recursively in time via analytical expressions. Also the key functionals of these distributions are, in principle, available, but their calculation requires the evaluation of multivariate Gaussian cumulative distribution functions. Leveraging sun properties, we address this issue via novel Monte Carlo methods based on independent samples from the smoothing distribution, that can easily be adapted to the filtering and predictive case, thus improving state-of-the-art approximate and sequential Monte Carlo inference in small-to-moderate dimensional studies. Novel sequential Monte Carlo procedures that exploit the sun properties are also developed to deal with online inference in high dimensions. Performance gains over competitors are outlined in a financial application.

Entropy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 480
Sang-Hee Lee ◽  
Cheol-Min Park

Branch length similarity (BLS) entropy is defined in a network consisting of a single node and branches. In this study, we mapped the binary time-series signal to the circumference of the time circle so that the BLS entropy can be calculated for the binary time-series. We obtained the BLS entropy values for “1” signals on the time circle. The set of values are the BLS entropy profile. We selected the local maximum (minimum) point, slope, and inflection point of the entropy profile as the characteristic features of the binary time-series and investigated and explored their significance. The local maximum (minimum) point indicates the time at which the rate of change in the signal density becomes zero. The slope and inflection points correspond to the degree of change in the signal density and the time at which the signal density changes occur, respectively. Moreover, we show that the characteristic features can be widely used in binary time-series analysis by characterizing the movement trajectory of Caenorhabditis elegans. We also mention the problems that need to be explored mathematically in relation to the features and propose candidates for additional features based on the BLS entropy profile.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1725 ◽  
pp. 012085
I Nadiya ◽  
Y Widyaningsih ◽  
D Sarwinda

Symmetry ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 1045
Sara Cornejo-Bueno ◽  
David Casillas-Pérez ◽  
Laura Cornejo-Bueno ◽  
Mihaela I. Chidean ◽  
Antonio J. Caamaño ◽  

This work presents an analysis of low-visibility event persistence and prediction at Villanubla Airport (Valladolid, Spain), considering Runway Visual Range (RVR) time series in winter. The analysis covers long- and short-term persistence and prediction of the series, with different approaches. In the case of long-term analysis, a Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) approach is applied in order to estimate large-scale RVR time series similarities. The short-term persistence analysis of low-visibility events is evaluated by means of a Markov chain analysis of the binary time series associated with low-visibility events. We finally discuss an hourly short-term prediction of low-visibility events, using different approaches, some of them coming from the persistence analysis through Markov chain models, and others based on Machine Learning (ML) techniques. We show that a Mixture of Experts approach involving persistence-based methods and Machine Learning techniques provides the best results in this prediction problem.

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