facility manager
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2022 ◽  
Vol 132 ◽  
pp. 01023
Stanislav Vitasek

The article presents the use of the Building Information Modelling (BIM) method applied to historic buildings (HBIM). This is a very current topic with a direct link to the development of digital innovations. The HBIM approach presented in the article is primarily targeted at the owners/managers of historic buildings where its greatest expected benefit for this type of buildings is, in particular, in Facility Management. The key output of the article is the group of proposed parameters, which represents the requirements for the data on the part of both the facility manager, and the public authorities collecting selected information about historic buildings. As an example, the proposed parameters were applied to the All Saints’ Church, where the “BIM technologies“ were used for the elaboration of the project documentation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (22) ◽  
pp. 10587
Krzysztof Zima ◽  
Ewelina Mitera-Kiełbasa

Case studies available in the literature clearly point to the numerous benefits of BIM (Building Information Modeling), in addition to the barriers that participants of such projects may face. This paper is a case study of Employer’s Information Requirements (EIR) for preparing and managing BIM models in the design and construction of selected large public construction projects: the Cogiteon Lesser Poland Science Center (LPSC Cogiteon), the Krakow Music Center (KMC) and the Copernican Revolution Studio (CRS). The paper presents the main aspects included in EIRs. It discusses the technical (e.g., requirements for the Common Data Environment platform—CDE), management (including the scopes of responsibility of staff in charge of BIM) and strategic sections (primary expectations concerning Data Drops) of the EIR. Projects executed using BIM by public institutions allow for the application of insight gained as a result of their completion and the creation of a knowledge base or checklist for future projects. The projects discussed here, carried out using advanced BIM solutions, could potentially be developed further by the proposed content extension concerning levels of detail (this paper cites potential guidelines that can be applied), component elements concerning price and qualifications, so as to easily generate bills of costs, and information used in facility management which can also encourage facility manager cooperation. Examples of EIR provisions are presented based on an analysis of three completed construction projects carried out using advanced BIM solutions. BIM is still a new form of management and this paper expands the range of available EIR standards, in addition to presenting guidelines for their practical application in the construction industry.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
Michael Sofian Tanuhendrata ◽  
Jovita Irawati ◽  
Henry Soelistyo Budi

<p><span lang="EN-US">The number of high-rise buildings in the big cities of Indonesia is increasing along with land being more limited and its prices being very high. Most of these high-rise buildings are in Jakarta and some of them are facing the risk of building failure that may cause business and operation interruption.  These buildings that have been erected and operating need to receive regular maintenance and supervision to ensure the building's condition and safety. Many building owners and managers do not conduct and plan maintenance and supervision properly causing these buildings of being at risk of fire and building structure – mechanical failure / damage. For this reason, rigorous regulations, and its enforcement in building construction and maintenance are needed to ensure that these buildings operate reliably and encourage building owners and facility manager to comply with them properly. Cultivated Penalty and strict sanctions need to be renewed and must be implemented properly by Government bodies and local authority. Building Audit Institute can be formed to assist the central government and local governments (Governor) in carrying out their functions to ensure the safety and security of buildings, including their users. Strengthening existing laws and regulations will greatly assist in law enforcement and certainty for owners, building managers and building users, which in turn will support national development.</span></p>

Harshil Thakkar ◽  
Bhishma Pandya ◽  
Mihir Rabadiya ◽  
Rakesh Prajapati ◽  
Dhwani Thakkar

Building information (BIM) is becoming a better-known collaboration process in our construction industry. BIM is a systematic process that amalgamates all the other geometric computer-generated models, or data that creates simulations that can be used for the project manager, owners, facility manager or other parties to look after the project and deliver the project more efficiently. The implementation of BIM in India is still at a nascent stage due to a lack of knowledge of the advantages of BIM. Moreover, there have been only a few case studies conducted in India about BIM; therefore, the principal agenda of this study is to enlighten the readers about the benefits accrued if BIM is applied, in the residential project, before the construction. Hence, the authors had taken a residential project located in Gujarat, India, for a case study. The 3D and 4D models of the project were generated; 8 errors were identified that could have been detected before construction if BIM had been applied. The cost needed to make a BIM model was ₹ 171,050. Whereas, the amount that could have been saved if BIM was implemented beforehand was discovered as ₹ 246,773. Consequently, the benefits to cost ratio for two weeks in delay was determined as 1.44. It can be as the benefit of BIM for construction.

2021 ◽  
Markus Hubbuch ◽  
Stefan Jäschke Brülhart

Dieses Buch vermittelt Grundlagen, Methoden und Zusammenhänge des Energiemanagements. Es werden wichtige Begriffe, neue Techniken, Anwendungen und Hilfsmittel erklärt. Das Verständnis grundlegender physikalischer Zusammenhänge ermöglicht einfache Berechnungen und Vergleiche. Checklisten helfen bei der Umsetzung und erleichtern es, wichtige Entscheidungen im Hinblick auf Planung und Betrieb zu fällen. Die Publikation richtet sich an alle, die mit Bau, Betrieb und Erhaltung von Gebäuden zu tun haben. Insbesondere Betreiber von Gebäuden, Planerinnen, Facility Manager, Verwalter, Architektinnen und Bauherren können profitieren. Das Buch fokussiert auf Themen des Managements und der energetischen Betriebsoptimierung, um ein systematisches Vorgehen und einen nachhaltigen Erfolg des Energiemanagements zu ermöglichen. Damit wird das Gelingen der Energiewende und der Klimaziele wirksam unterstützt. Derzeit wird die grösste Energiemenge im Gebäudebereich verbraucht. Mit einem zielgerichteten Management des Gebäudebetriebs sowie mittels Energiemanagement können wesentliche Einsparpotenziale realisiert werden. In kurzer Zeit und mit vergleichsweise wenig Investitionen können Kosten gespart und Treibhausgasemissionen verringert werden.

Buildings ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 144
Abiodun Olatunji Abisuga ◽  
Cynthia Changxin Wang ◽  
Riza Yosia Sunindijo

There has been growing interest in how to foster collaborative relationships between facility managers and end-users to obtain user-centred post-occupancy data for improving design and user satisfaction. Despite this attempt, there is little understanding on how facility managers respond to user feedback and its impact on user post-feedback behaviours. Drawing from theoretical insights from organisational justice, organisational response, and service quality studies and using a case study of higher education facilities in Australia, how facility managers manage user feedback to drive collaboration between facility managers and users during occupancy is explored. Various methods were used in this case study research, including document analysis, interviews, and observations. The research findings indicate that facilitation, timeliness, redress, apology and explanation, and attentiveness and efforts are applicable to facilities management (FM) services and could influence user post-feedback behaviour. Current responses to user feedback are not satisfactory, resulting in a poor relationship between facility managers and users that negates service acceptance and the engagement in a positive word-of-mouth. To foster more facility manager–user collaborative relationships in post-occupancy evaluation, and position FM as a service organisation, there is a need for improvements in current FM responses to user feedback and the effective management of user post-feedback behaviours.

Bruno Bueno Unzeta ◽  
Jan de Boer ◽  
Ruben Delvaeye ◽  
Bertrand Deroisy ◽  
Marc Fontoynont ◽  

There is a large number of control systems proposed either by lighting manufacturers or motor manufacturers for shading systems. In addition there are many other solutions proposed by specific manufacturers of Building Management Systems (BMS) or manufacturers of components to be installed in luminaires and switches, as well as in the electric lighting architecture (transformers, gateways to the internet, sensors, etc.). For many consumers -i.e.-the installer, the facility manager, or the final user (building occupant) – this forms a complex and dynamic market environment with high frequent changes, every year or even every month or day. In this report we aim to provide some basic strategic information, showing the status of the supply at the time this report was written (2019-2021). Although the market develops very fast, there are principles of controls which are rather independent of the progress of technology.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Mojtaba Valinejadshoubi ◽  
Osama Moselhi ◽  
Ashutosh Bagchi

Purpose To mitigate the problems in sensor-based facility management (FM) such as lack of detailed visual information about a built facility and the maintenance of large scale sensor deployments, an integrated data source for the facility’s life cycle should be used. Building information modeling (BIM) provides a useful visual model and database that can be used as a repository for all data captured or made during the facility’s life cycle. It can be used for modeling the sensing-based system for data collection, serving as a source of all information for smart objects such as the sensors used for that purpose. Although few studies have been conducted in integrating BIM with sensor-based monitoring system, providing an integrated platform using BIM for improving the communication between FMs and Internet of Things (IoT) companies in cases encountered failed sensors has received the least attention in the technical literature. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to conceptualize and develop a BIM-based system architecture for fault detection and alert generation for malfunctioning FM sensors in smart IoT environments during the operational phase of a building to ensure minimal disruption to monitoring services. Design/methodology/approach This paper describes an attempt to examine the applicability of BIM for an efficient sensor failure management system in smart IoT environments during the operational phase of a building. For this purpose, a seven-story office building with four typical types of FM-related sensors with all associated parameters was modeled in a commercial BIM platform. An integrated workflow was developed in Dynamo, a visual programming tool, to integrate the associated sensors maintenance-related information to a cloud-based tool to provide a fast and efficient communication platform between the building facility manager and IoT companies for intelligent sensor management. Findings The information within BIM allows better and more effective decision-making for building facility managers. Integrating building and sensors information within BIM to a cloud-based system can facilitate better communication between the building facility manager and IoT company for an effective IoT system maintenance. Using a developed integrated workflow (including three specifically designed modules) in Dynamo, a visual programming tool, the system was able to automatically extract and send all essential information such as the type of failed sensors as well as their model and location to IoT companies in the event of sensor failure using a cloud database that is effective for the timely maintenance and replacement of sensors. The system developed in this study was implemented, and its capabilities were illustrated through a case study. The use of the developed system can help facility managers in taking timely actions in the event of any sensor failure and/or malfunction to ensure minimal disruption to monitoring services. Research limitations/implications However, there are some limitations in this work which are as follows: while the present study demonstrates the feasibility of using BIM in the maintenance planning of monitoring systems in the building, the developed workflow can be expanded by integrating some type of sensors like an occupancy sensor to the developed workflow to automatically record and identify the number of occupants (visitors) to prioritize the maintenance work; and the developed workflow can be integrated with the sensors’ data and some machine learning techniques to automatically identify the sensors’ malfunction and update the BIM model accordingly. Practical implications Transferring the related information such as the room location, occupancy status, number of occupants, type and model of the sensor, sensor ID and required action from the BIM model to the cloud would be extremely helpful to the IoT companies to actually visualize workspaces in advance, and to plan for timely and effective decision-making without any physical inspection, and to support maintenance planning decisions, such as prioritizing maintenance works by considering different factors such as the importance of spaces and number of occupancies. The developed framework is also beneficial for preventive maintenance works. The system can be set up according to the maintenance and time-based expiration schedules, automatically sharing alerts with FMs and IoT maintenance contractors in advance about the IoT parts replacement. For effective predictive maintenance planning, machine learning techniques can be integrated into the developed workflow to efficiently predict the future condition of individual IoT components such as data loggers and sensors, etc. as well as MEP components. Originality/value Lack of detailed visual information about a built facility can be a reason behind the inefficient management of a facility. Detecting and repairing failed sensors at the earliest possible time is critical to ensure the functional continuity of the monitoring systems. On the other hand, the maintenance of large-scale sensor deployments becomes a significant challenge. Despite its importance, few studies have been conducted in integrating BIM with a sensor-based monitoring system, providing an integrated platform using BIM for improving the communication between facility managers and IoT companies in cases encountered failed sensors. In this paper, a cloud-based BIM platform was developed for the maintenance and timely replacement of sensors which are critical to ensure minimal disruption to monitoring services in sensor-based FM.

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