student questionnaire
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2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 2256-2265
Saptiwi Rohayati ◽  
Nur Arifah Drajati ◽  
Joko Nurkamto

The purpose of this study was to ascertain students' perceptions of the use of digital storytelling as a meaningful learning strategy in an online environment at a senior high school in Indonesia. The case study method was used in this study, which included twenty-eleventh-grade students as participants. The data analyzed in this study come from a student questionnaire, a semi-structured interview, and five-week classroom observation. This qualitative study indicated that students viewed digital storytelling as an instructional method capable of involving them in an active, authentic, and purposeful learning environment. Additionally, digital storytelling enhances students' exposure to a variety of skills and collaborative work portfolios. The study's practical implications for teachers implementing digital storytelling are to allow additional time for content acquisition and comprehensive learning reflection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (24) ◽  
pp. 14006
Carla Victoria Ramirez-Lopez ◽  
Leticia Castano ◽  
Patricia Aldape ◽  
Santa Tejeda

One of the most significant challenges of telepresence distance education is to bring the professor and the students closer together in a synchronistic educational experience where the professor is perceived as anatomically proportionate. Telepresence, an educational technology ecosystem using holograms, offers a way to solve this technological challenge. Our mixed exploratory research investigating this methodology had two purposes: (1) propose the key elements to teach distance courses synchronously in an educational technology ecosystem, and (2) demonstrate the technological, didactic practices that result in positive student learning outcomes in several specified courses. This methodology included applying a student questionnaire to collect their perceptions of the educational experience. The scores and written comments from the questionnaire were analyzed using Grounded Theory. On a Likert scale from 1 to 5, the students scored their educational experience, attaining a mean of 4.05. The positive perception affirmed that they valued: (a) recreating the natural dynamics of face-to-face classes, where the students perceived their professors as being physically present in the classroom; (b) professors renowned in their disciplines; (c) professor–student and campus and intercampus learning community interactions, and, finally, (d) class design and content. The main conclusions of this research were that students positively perceived the “wow” effect of the technology, feeling comfort, amazement, interest, and engagement. In addition, we found that professors and keynote speakers with excellent pedagogical skills and experts in their disciplines were well appreciated. Key elements for the success of the experience were professor–student, campus, and intercampus interactions and the quality of the technological and communication infrastructure.

2021 ◽  
William John Andrews

The effect COVID-19 is having on students and teachers, in academic and emotional ways remains to be understood. This research explored impact on level 3-5 science students attending an FE college in NI, and the science teaching staff. Primary outcome involved analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on academic progress, and emotional state during times of remote teaching, and the perceived impact of remote learning on subject knowledge. Feedback was generated using a mixed-methods approach of questionnaires followed by semi-structured focus groups. Analysis of n=11 staff and n=84 student questionnaire responses, using a mix of Likert type, short and long response questions, showed that while remote learning is overall seen as somewhat positive as it allows more structure, it is perceived neutrally in terms of student receptiveness. Students feel their development as scientists, and emotional wellbeing have been negatively impacted. Lecturing staff, while utilising a number of platforms to encourage engagement, felt overall negatively about online learning. Implications and further analysis will be presented.

I. M. Skrypnyk ◽  
N. P. Prykhodko ◽  
G. S. Maslova ◽  
O. A. Shaposhnyk ◽  

The aim of the work is a comprehensive assessment of the teaching quality at the Department of Internal Medicine №1 of the Poltava State Medical University. The assessment of monitoring was an anonymous online survey of VI year education medical students that was trained at the modules “Current practice of internal medicine” and “Emergency conditions in the clinic of Internal Medicine” in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was shown that, despite the greatest difficulty of the “Cardiology” and “Hematology” cycles, the overall assessment of the teaching availability for all cycles was 4,16±0,416 points and the value of any cycle was not lower than 4 (5-point system). Given the conditions of distance learning in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 the average score of student satisfaction with the skills acquired was 3.59 ± 0.593. Students noted that the most difficult mastering practical skills were on the “Emergency” (16.14%) and “Cardiology” (15.18%) cycles. This indicates that any cases, situational tasks, demonstration videos can’t replace live communication with the patient, under the guidance of a teacher-mentor, work with modern equipment and simulators. These results reflect that students need bedside teaching activities on patients’ experiences with teacher-mentor. A targeted approach to teaching and evaluating the learning process encourages feedback from students to improve the quality of educational services. Thus, the data allow us to analyze the effectiveness of distance educational quality using anonymous questionnaires, to get feedback and respond to the identified shortcomings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 213-223
Nuril Huda ◽  
Ninik Mardiana ◽  

This research is to reveal how the ability to use and understand digital literacy of students as prospective teachers in FKIP. This is in line with the digital literacy program launched by the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2018. The method used is descriptive quantitative. As the main data in the form of student questionnaire answers that utilize electronic questionnaire instruments distributed through social media. The population of this research is active students at FKIP University Dr. Soetomo Surabaya with a sample size of 140 is random sampling, with an error rate of 4.5%. Data analysis by converting the attitude scale in a value scale of 1-5, to calculate the average value as a generalization of the research results. The results showed that the students' ability in digital literacy was at a level between quite capable and capable. As for those who have reached the fully capable level in the aspects of using search engines of data, creating good communication on the internet, especially on social media, and understanding the existence of internet ethics, copyright issues and plagiarism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 212-226
Nune Wire Panji Sakti ◽  
Rusdiana Yusuf ◽  
Adi Suriatno ◽  
Johan Irmansyah

The physical education learning process through the scientific method emphasizes finding information about the basic techniques/skills taught and game rules to find solutions to every problem encountered. This study aims to determine the results of the implementation of the scientific method in learning physical education. The study design was a cross-sectional study. There were 386 students and three physical education teachers participants. The data collection procedure in this study used an assessment questionnaire for students and an interview protocol for physical education teachers. Two research instruments were used: student questionnaire sheets and teacher interview protocols. Student questionnaire data were analyzed using quantitative descriptive and physical education teacher interview data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive. The results of the assessment of the response of class students indicate that the implementation of the scientific method in physical education learning has been going very well. This is evidenced by the percentage value of the assessment of more than 75%, both in the initial, core, and final activity variables. This research has an impact on increasing the knowledge and competence of teachers related to scientific methods and improving the quality of physical education learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 12-22
Jauhar Ali

This research aims to find out and describe the development of pocketbooks for Arabic vocabulary learning (mufradât) based on anti-radicalism for students majoring in Arabic Language Education (PBA) FTIK IAIN Pekalongan. This study's results are expected to make a real contribution to the advancement or development of Arabic vocabulary learning media (mufradât) based on anti-radicalism and add scientific insight into the development of Arabic vocabulary learning media (mufradât) based on anti-radicalism. This development research uses analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation (ADDIE) models. The results showed: (1) The resulting product form in the form of pocketbook Arabic vocabulary  (mufradât) based on anti-radicalism size 11 cm x 15cm with a total of 61 pages. The first section contains an introduction (foreword and table of contents), the second part of the material's content, the Arabic vocabulary (mufradât) based on anti-radicalism, and the last page a list of libraries. This book is made practically and interestingly to make it easier for users and not dull for students. This pocketbook media can be reproduced easily so that every student can have it personally; (2) Based on the assessment of experts, it can be concluded that this pocketbook medium is worthy of use in Arabic vocabulary (mufradât). The material expert rated the results 71 in the category of "Very Worthy" or very good, while the media expert rated the 67 products in the category "Worthy" or acceptable. The student questionnaire results on the assessment of pocketbooks as a medium of Learning Arabic received a score of 79.95 in the category of "Very Worthy" or Very Good.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Thomas Fletcher ◽  
Neil Ormerod ◽  
Katherine Dashper ◽  
James Musgrave ◽  
Andrew Bradley ◽  

PurposeThis article explores (1) student perceptions and understanding of Events Management; (2) how Events Management is positioned by different UK Higher Education providers through their online marketing; and (3) the perceived value of an Events Management degree among students.Design/methodology/approachA mixed-methods approach, combining an online student questionnaire (n = 524), semi-structured interviews with current first year Events Management students (n = 24) at two UK universities, and website analysis of all Events Management degrees offered in the UK.FindingsStudents demonstrate a lack of knowledge about what Events Management is, what a career in Events Management might entail and the perceived value of an Events Management degree. This suggests the need to reposition Events Management degrees within a broader applied management base. Current course marketing presents a narrow view of Events Management degrees and the narrow vocationally-laden narrative undersells and “over-vocationalises” the subject.Practical implicationsUnderstanding student perceptions better will help universities market Events Management degrees more effectively and will benefit broader efforts to illustrate the value and credibility of it as a degree subject choice and career. More balanced presentation between the practical and non-practical aspects of the courses in university marketing may help reposition Events Management alongside more readily understood vocational subjects.Originality/valueThis is the first study to examine student perceptions over the credibility of Events Management degrees. It also addresses Park and Park's (2017) observation that reviews of Events Management education and curricula are conspicuously absent from Hospitality and Tourism journals.

2021 ◽  
Marie Utterberg Modén ◽  
Martin Tallvid ◽  
Johan Lundin ◽  
Berner Lindström

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 583
Angelos Sofianidis ◽  
Maria Kallery

Teachers’ knowledge rooted in classroom practices guides their actions when dealing with a specific subject matter. To assess the quality of these practices, a close examination of the “classroom reality” is needed. The present study, which was carried out in Greece, investigates secondary science teachers’ practices. To record these practices, we used special classroom observation tools as well as questionnaires to record students’ views of their teachers’ practices. The observation tools and the student questionnaire focus on specifically formed criteria deriving from aspects of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK). In total, 32 secondary science teachers and 1154 students participated in our study. The results indicated that the strong points of teachers’ teaching practices concern their subject matter knowledge, the use of representations, their questioning, their communication of the instructional objectives to the students, and knowledge of students’ difficulties. The weak points are related to the use of a variety of teaching approaches, the investigation of the students’ alternative conceptions, the experimental and ICT-based teaching, and the implementation of inquiry-based activities. The methodology employed in our study was fruitful in providing a holistic view of science teachers’ practices and can be used for investigating classroom practices of teachers of other subjects as well.

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