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2021 ◽  
Richard M. Mariita ◽  
Amy C. Wilson Miller ◽  
Rajul V. Randive

AbstractHuman norovirus (HuNoV) is a highly contagious pathogenic virus that is transmitted through contaminated food, water, high-touch surfaces and aerosols. Globally, there are an estimated 685 million infections annually due to norovirus, among them 200 million children under the age of 5, causing approximately 50,000 child deaths per year and costing an estimated $60 billion annually in healthcare. In the USA, HuNoV is responsible for 19-21 million illnesses, with an average of 570-800 deaths per year. HuNoV is especially pernicious because it requires less than 100 viral particles to cause an infection, and there are few effective disinfectants. It is believed that Ultraviolet Subtype C (UVC) irradiation might prove to be an effective disinfectant. This study seeks to determine the inactivation profile of UVC against norovirus using a Klaran UVC Light-emitting diode (LED) array product number KL265-50V-SM-WD, emitting radiation at 269 nm peak wavelength and a measured fluence of 1.25 mW/cm2 at a 7 cm source-surface distance. Since the HuNoV cannot currently be propagated in cell cultures, the study utilized feline calicivirus (FCV), a recommended surrogate as challenge organism. The test followed Modified ASTM E2197. Assessment of virus inactivation was performed using plaque assay method, with Crystal Violet as a staining agent to enhance plaque visualization. Within 18 seconds of exposure time at a UVC irradiance of 1.25mW/cm2 and a dose of 22.5 mJ/cm2, the study obtained 99.9 % virus reduction (3 log reduction value). These results demonstrate that Klaran UVC-LED array (KL265-50V-SM-WD) can provide effective inactivation of HuNoV.

2020 ◽  
Matt Sperling ◽  
Ryan Relich ◽  
Bryan Schmitt ◽  
Drew Bell ◽  
Lauren Cooper

AbstractReal-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) is the primary method used for the detection and diagnosis of infections caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Since SARS-CoV-2’s entrance into the United States, numerous clinical laboratories and in vitro diagnostic companies have developed rRT-PCR assays, some requiring specialized materials and reagents. One such assay includes the cobas® SARS-CoV-2 Qualitative Assay for use on the cobas® 6800/8800 (Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.). Since initiation of this assay at our facility, our ability to run testing at full capacity has been limited due to restricted supply of the omni cobas® Processing Plate (Product Number 05534917001), a 96 deep well plate used for all sample processing and total nucleic acid extraction via MagNA Pure magnetic beads. To work around this limiting factor, we have successfully designed and tested a cleaning protocol utilizing the widely available laboratory resources of bleach, ethyl-alcohol and autoclaving, for omni cobas® Processing Plate re-use.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 334
Adnan Abdelkarim Thiabat ◽  
Taghreed Musleh Kattoua

Jordan is affected by an increase in the ratio of public debt to a percentage of GDP. The increase rate has reached 85.8% (Jordan’s central bank in numbers). And this is a serious indicator that affects the economic conditions and living standards. The study dealt with the final private consumption and the factors affecting it. The first factor is the gross domestic product (GDP), and it is a reverse view of influence, consumption is one of the components of GDP through spending, which is influential and influenced by it, the second factor was the demographic effect, and the study took the number of workers as part of the demographic factor and the third factor is the level of prices. The study took the rate of inflation. In cases of inflation and high prices, the state resorted to reducing public spending and increasing taxes to reduce actual demand (Hardan, Tahir 1997).The study was from 2006 to 2016 as a sufficient period for measurement and the availability of accurate data. The study found that there is a relationship between the first and second variable and denied the relationship to the third variable, due to price fluctuations in the study period and one of the most important recommendations was to replace local labor with foreign labor.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Nabilla Salma Khairunisa ◽  
Diana Rizky Safitri

<p><em>This research aims to determine the percentage of the amount of waste in Indonesia by focusing on solving the problem of waste in the city of Bandung. This </em><em>reason </em><em>is because the city of Bandung is the background for the occurrence of the National Waste Day every February 21st. This research uses panel data with random-effect methods and quantitative </em><em>data </em><em>analysis. The data used are secondary data and primary data. Secondary data was obtained from the website of the Indonesian Bureau of Central Statistics (BPS) and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry with provincial data for 2015-2016 and primary data obtained from direct interviews with the Head of the </em><em>Bank Sampah Induk Resik Bandung</em><em> and </em><em>Bank Sampah Hijau Lestari</em><em>. Secondary data used in this research uses the percentage of total waste as the dependent variable, population variable, diarrhea, gross regional domestic product, number of technology users, human development index, and number of industries as independent variables. The results of the research using panel data and random-effect methods show that increasing the number of population increases the </em><em>percentage</em><em> of </em><em>the amount of </em><em>waste in Indonesia, </em><em>also the</em><em> increase in technology users, which can reduce the percentage of the amount of waste in Indonesia. This research is important to read to solve the waste problem in Indonesia.</em></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><strong> </strong><strong><em>Bandung, </em></strong><strong><em>Data integration, Innovation, Regulation, implementation, Trash</em></strong><strong><em></em></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persentase jumlah sampah di Indonesia dengan memfokuskan kepada penyelesaian permasalahan sampah di Kota Bandung. Hal ini dikarenakan Kota Bandung merupakan daerah yang melatarbelakangi terjadinya hari sampah nasional pada setiap tanggal 21 Februari. Penelitian ini menggunakan data panel dengan metode <em>random-effect </em>dan  analisis kuantitatif. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder dan data primer. Data sekunder didapatkan dari situs Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) dan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan dengan data provinsi tahun 2015 – 2016 dan data primer didapatkan dari wawancara langsung terhadap Kepala Bank Sampah Induk Kota Bandung dan Bank Sampah Hijau Lestari. Data sekunder yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan variabel persentase jumlah sampah sebagai variabel dependen, variabel populasi, diare, gross regional domestic product, jumlah pengguna teknologi, indeks pembangunan manusia, dan jumlah industri sebagai variabel independen. Hasil regresi se dengan menggunakan data panel dan metode <em>random-effect </em>menunjukan bahwa peningkatan jumlah populasi meningkatkan persentase jumlah sampah di Indonesia, serta peningkatan pengguna teknologi dapat menurunkan persentase jumlah sampah di Indonesia. Penelitian ini penting dibaca sebagai upaya untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan sampah di Indonesia.</p><p> </p><strong>Kata kunci: Bandung, Sampah, Implementasi Undang-Undang, Inovasi, Integrasi Data.</strong>

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 344-350
Geke A. W. Denissen ◽  
Liza N. van Steenbergen ◽  
Wouter T. Lollinga ◽  
Nico J. J. Verdonschot ◽  
Berend W. Schreurs ◽  

In the Dutch Arthroplasty Register (LROI), the product and batch number of prosthetic components and cement are registered for traceability. Registration of the product number provides opportunities to extend the information about a specific prosthesis. All product numbers used from the beginning of the registration in 2007 were characterized to develop and maintain an implant library. The Scientific Advisory Board developed a core-set that contains the most important characteristics needed to form an implant library. The final core-set contains the brand name, type, coating and material of the prosthesis. In total, 35 676 product numbers were classified, resulting in a complete implant library of all product numbers used in the LROI. To improve quality of the data and increase convenience of registration, the LROI implemented barcode scanning for data entry into the database. In 2017, 82% of prosthetic components and cement stickers had a GS1 barcode. The remaining product stickers used HIBCC barcodes and custom-made barcodes. With this implant library, implants can be grouped for analyses at group level, e.g. evaluation of the effect of a material of a prosthesis on survival of the implant. Apart from that, the implant library can be used for data quality control within the LROI database. The implant library reduces the registration burden and increases accuracy of the database. Such a system will facilitate new designs (learning from the past) and thus improve implant quality and ultimately patient safety. Cite this article: EFORT Open Rev 2019;4 DOI: 10.1302/2058-5241.4.180063

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-48
Miftahol Arifin ◽  
Mohammad Rofik ◽  
Very Andrianingsih

This research is a quantitative descriptive Revenue Regional Tax Sumenep underthe title "Pengaruh Jumlah Penduduk, jumlah Industri dan PDRB terhadap PenerimaanPajak Daerah di Kabupaten Sumenep Tahun 2006 – 2011". The purpose of this studywants to know influence of the population, the total of large and medium industries, theamount of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of the Local Tax Revenue SumenepYear 2006 to 2011. This study uses quartal time series data from 2006 to 2011. Themethod of analysis using linear regression analysis with the validity of the classicalassumption, so the regression results can be validated at yield. The results usingregression data by the following equation: Y = 5.08E09 – 23968.50X1 - 20595.21X2 +2417.432X3 + 5889. Meaning X1 (Population) has a negative relationship with the localtax revenue Sumenep, X2 (Tolal of Large and Medium) has a negative relationship withthe local tax revenue Sumenep and X3 Domsetik Gross Regional Product Number (GDP)has a positive relationship to the tax revenue Sumenep area. Simultaneously by using thet test and the X3 X2 X1 variables have a significant influence to Sumenep Revenue testing Fstatistik partially by test also showed that the variables of population, thenumber of medium and large industries as well as Gross Regional Domestic Product(GRDP) a significant effect on local tax revenues Sumenep. It was proved by F-statistikvalue > F table, 191.068 > 3.4668 with α of 5%. The conclusion of this study is avariable number of residents, the total of medium and large industries as well as GrossRegional Domestic Product (GRDP) a significant effect on local tax revenues Sumenep.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3.3) ◽  
pp. 165
Sung Hyun Seo ◽  
Kwang Hyun Ro

With the development of IoT technology, there is a growing demand for location based services for checking the mobility and identity of users, and remote controls for remote control of household appliances or electronic devices are used for home appliances or electronic devices there are many functions that are not available.In this case, when the remote controller is lost, there are difficulties in that a large number of home appliances or electronic devices can only be started by a limited operation or can’t operate various operations.Especially, many people are losing a lot of remote control in everyday life, and the problem of wasting a considerable amount of time in finding a remote control is also happening.In order to solve this problem, the present invention proposes a method of opening a remote control search application content, registering a unique product number assigned to the remote control, generating a location notification request signal for requesting the location information of the remote controller, And then displays the captured location or dynamic model detected from the location notification response signal on the basis of the indoor framing for 2D or the indoor framing for 3D, It will be able to quickly and accurately locate the remote control that emits the beacon signal. In other words, in this paper, the application contents for remote controller search are opened to register a unique product number assigned to the remote controller, a location notification request signal for requesting the location information of the remote controller, and a location notification response And then displays the captured spot or dynamic model detected from the signal on the beacon for 2D or the 3D model for 3D.In the future, the research method to be carried out is limited to grasp the object information only by the remote controller (one single article object), but it is difficult to quickly recognize the object information transmitted from various objects having mobility used in the home or work We plan to implement and design an algorithm that optimizes the received signal strength of the BLE beacon so that there is no loss of beacon signal in a room that is subject to better system and multipath effects.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-45
Monica Elisa Napitupulu ◽  
Shinta Wahyu Hati

Abstract  Competition among competitors in the increasingly tight business world today encourages companies to develop more effective and efficient way in achieving the goals and objectives that have been set. With the current information and technology consumers become more sensitive about quality and price of a product. Therefore, companies are required to improve the quality of products produced and continuously improve and improve. PT Bintan Bersatu Apparel Batam is one of the manufacturing companies engaged in the production of sportswear. PT Bintan Bersatu Apparel also strives to continuously improve the quality by pressing the product number in the product process in this company. Six sigma as an alternative to the principles of quality control, enabling companies to improve with the actual breakthrough. Six sigma is an important tool for production management to maintain, maintain product quality and improve quality towards zero defect. So six sigma is a method or technique. Which is a new breakthrough in the field of quality management. By using six sigma method can be known quality sportswear produced PT Bintan Bersatu Apparel in 3.55 sigma with damage level of 20,290 for one million production (DPMO). Six sigma quality improvement in this research can be concluded there are three causes of the product: workmanship or constructionas much as 82.04%, fabric as much as 13.82% and accessories as much as 4.14%.In this research data analysis used Six Sigma (DMAIC) method which through five stages that is define, measure, analyze, improve and control.  

Science ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 358 (6369) ◽  
pp. 1434-1439 ◽  
Qiong Wu ◽  
Phillip M. Rauscher ◽  
Xiaolong Lang ◽  
Rudy J. Wojtecki ◽  
Juan J. de Pablo ◽  

As the macromolecular version of mechanically interlocked molecules, mechanically interlocked polymers are promising candidates for the creation of sophisticated molecular machines and smart soft materials. Poly[n]catenanes, where the molecular chains consist solely of interlocked macrocycles, contain one of the highest concentrations of topological bonds. We report, herein, a synthetic approach toward this distinctive polymer architecture in high yield (~75%) via efficient ring closing of rationally designed metallosupramolecular polymers. Light-scattering, mass spectrometric, and nuclear magnetic resonance characterization of fractionated samples support assignment of the high–molar mass product (number-average molar mass ~21.4 kilograms per mole) to a mixture of linear poly[7–26]catenanes, branched poly[13–130]catenanes, and cyclic poly[4–7]catenanes. Increased hydrodynamic radius (in solution) and glass transition temperature (in bulk materials) were observed upon metallation with Zn2+.

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