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Energies ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 357
Edyta Małecka-Ziembińska ◽  
Izabela Janicka

One of the currently promoted methods of counteracting climate change is nature-based climate solutions, which harness the power of nature to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Sustainable management of ecosystems is a guarantee for sustained human well-being. This underestimated, but extremely efficient and cheap method of integrating nature resources into the urban fabric is an economic “injection” for communal authorities. These “green” benefits should be standard in land-use planning in the era of anthropocentrism. Solutions based on nature were the reason for investigating their perception by Polish municipalities. The survey covered the entire country (all 2477 municipalities) from 20 July to 31 August 2021 through an electronic survey, obtaining 2128 responses (85.9% return rate). In the final result, data were obtained that support the hypotheses posed in the study. The main objective of the research was to check the level of activity of municipalities in Poland in the field of proecological activities using nature-based solutions (NbS). The survey results confirmed little knowledge of nature-based solutions, at the same time giving it an educational dimension. Half of the respondents declared that they learned about NbS only from the survey. Polish decision makers and municipal authorities introduce some solutions based on nature without being aware of their European classification and adequate nomenclature. Environmental awareness in Poland remains largely the domain of urban municipalities, with higher current budget revenues per capita and in the central and western parts of the country. NbS are marginal in rural municipalities, which can be explained by the lack of ecological specialists, less car traffic and more single-family houses and thus modest public areas. The following surveys covering the entire territory of Poland are the first to be carried out on such a large scale.

2021 ◽  
Danka Dragojlović

The aim of this research was to develop reliable, easy-to-perform and cheap method for measuring protein oxidation in complex samples such as aquaculture feed within various protein sources. For that purpose modified 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazyne (DNPH)-based method for quantification of protein carbonyls was employed, while the method modification was consisted of using different solutions for the extraction, time of protein extraction and concentration of trichloracetic acid (TCA) for protein precipitation. It was found that extraction during night, higher TCA concentration  and the use of  0.5 M KCl extraction solution resulted in the highest protein amount measured by Lowry method and 280 nm protein estimation. On the other hand, the lowest protein yield was obtained by using distillated water for the extraction. Furthermore, the lowest amount of protein carbonyls was in the case when extraction was performed with distilled water (DW), while the highest content of protein carbonyls were reached with 0.15 M KCl and 0.5 M KCl extraction solutions. It was observed that the amount of carbonyls compounds were increasing during storage under accelerated conditions, and in comparison to the original (unmodified) method, the modified method for measuring protein oxidation resulted in the higher amount of carbonyls during the all points of storage.

2021 ◽  
Emmanuelle ter Beek ◽  
Milan Kos ◽  
Mirte Streppel ◽  
Linda Dusseljee-Peute ◽  
Martijn van Oijen

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, multidisciplinary team (MDT) meetings have to switch from physical to digital meetings. However, the technology they currently use to facilitate these meetings can sometimes be lacking, therefore many software companies have developed new software to ease our new digital workspace. In this study, we propose a new method, a comparative participatory cognitive walkthrough, which can show mismatches in cognitive models. To test our method, we tested the compatibility of EPIC EMR (EPIC Care) and the NAVIFY Tumor Board for preparing MDT meetings. The identified mismatches are categorized in the HOT-fit model by Yusof et al, a common way to evaluate if a healthcare information system fits with the healthcare professionals and the organization. In total, 16 mismatches were identified. These mismatches were discussed in a feedback session with an implementation manager of the NAVIFY Tumor Board. The proposed method seems to be a fast and cheap method to gain useful insights in how well new software matches with the software currently in use, by comparing the cognitive models in place when performing tasks involved with specific scenarios. The identified aspects can be of use for the development and adaptation of the new software, as well as provide guidelines on which aspects to focus on when training healthcare professionals to use the new software to have a smooth transition of software.

Anna Priedola ◽  

Within the framework of the international project “Virtual Reality As a Tool for Countering Bullying Amongst Youth” – “VR not bullies” – the author, colleagues, and partners created a cycle of 6 workshops for bullying prevention where virtual reality (VR) videos are used as a tool. The aim of the project was to promote empathy for bullying victims, understand the causes of bullying, and demonstrate examples of positive behavior. As part of the “VR not bullies” project and in this article, the author has sought answers to questions about what technological and artistic means of expression to use to model empathic responses in viewers; analysis of literature and case studies (including self-produced material) have been applied. Short VR videos are a convenient technology to use when working with young people and working in groups. Although it is not a cheap method, it allows you to look at situations that would otherwise be unavailable for geographical, financial, or other reasons. Short VR videos are a fast and effective medium to promote emotional empathy and other perspectives, and their inherent interactivity stimulates young people’s interest and attention. However, more traditional methods, such as reading stories or role-plays with in-depth, long-term involvement, may be more effective in building competitive empathy and understanding.

2021 ◽  
pp. 192-196
Jasmine Pabin ◽  
N. Lyngdoh ◽  
T. S. Mehra ◽  
M. Bishwapati Devi ◽  
Temin Payum

This study reports the response of air layers of Phoebe cooperiana (Common name: Tapil) to different concentrations of rooting hormones in mid hills of Arunachal Pradesh. Ten trees between the ages of 7 and 10 were selected at Boleng village of Siang district, Arunachal Pradesh, India for the experiment. Eight treatments comprising of IBA and NAA at concentrations of 1000ppm, 2000ppm and 3000ppm each, Rootex hormone for semi-hardwood and control were applied to a total of 240 layers during April 2020. After 60 days, rooting percentage, mean number of roots and length of the longest root were recorded. Significant variation (p<0.05) among treatments was observed for all root parameters. Among treatments, the highest rooting percentage and mean a number of roots were obtained in layers treated with NAA 3000ppm (80% and 21.33 respectively). The length of the longest root was the highest in layers treated with NBA 2000ppm (4.23cm). The highest survival percentage of layers two months after transplanting was observed in those treated with NAA 3000ppm (54.16%) and the least in control (23.07%). The technique offers an easy and cheap method of propagation for farmers as well as for government and private agencies to enhance seedling production of the species.

QJM ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 114 (Supplement_1) ◽  
Maha Adel Shaheen ◽  
Marwa Yassin Soltan ◽  
Aya Hassan Ahmed Shabaik

Abstract Background Hyperhidorsis is a condition in which sweat production exceeds that which is needed for thermoregulation, and can affect the hands, feet, axiall, face, back, grain, and legs. It is adisabling condition that affect, both children and adults, with in audience rate of 1-3% and onset usually during childhood or adokscne. Although not a dangerous condition, hyperhidrosis can cause social and occupational impairment and emotional distress and facilitate the development of secondary morbidity. Objectives So our aim to study the efficacy and safety of photodynamic therapy in management of primary palmar hyperhidrosis using two photosensitizers [MB2% and eosin]. Patients and Methods Twenty patients with primary palmar hyperhidrosis were recruited from the outpatient clinic of the Dermatology and Venereology department, Faculty of Medicine – Ain Shams University during the period from 2017 to 2018. The protocol was approved by Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University ethical committee (FWA000017585). An informed written consent was obtained from all patients prior to enrolment in the study. It is a right-left controlled study which included 20 patients with primary palmar hyperhidrosis. Results Our study showed that the PDT had positive treatment outcome in palmar hyperhidrosis with sustainable efficacy for at least twelve weeks after treatment stoppage. Conclusion Photodynamic therapy is an effective, safe and cheap method for management of primary palmar hyperhidrosis. Both eosin and methylene blue 2% can be used effectively as photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy with good results for treatment of primary palmar hyperhidrosis with minimal tolerable side effects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 480-490
M. Medvedeva ◽  
D. Tertyshnyk ◽  
I. Safonova ◽  
V. Lazurenko ◽  
I. Borzenko

Introduction. Ultrasound (US) has been used in obstetrics for more than 30 years and is considered to be reliable, simple, quick in results, painless and cheap method. The aim: to optimize the use of US in childbirth in pregnant women with diabetes and determine the outcome of childbirth, taking into account the condition of the fetus and newborn. Materials and methods. 52 pregnant women, among them 32 with diabetes mellitus (pre-gestational diabetes was in 20 persons and 12 persons had gestational diabetes) have been examined.  The average age of pregnant women in the main group was 29.8 ± 5.4 years, in the control group - 25.7 ± 4.3 years. All women in the main and control groups were primiparous. The gestation period in the main group was 39.1 ± 0.5 weeks [38.0; 39.6], in the control group - 39.5 ± 0.7 [38.4; 40.5] weeks. Clinical-laboratory and instrumental examinations were made. Control group consisted of  20 physiologically pregnant women. To determine the condition and size of the fetus and its progress in labor, immediately at the end of the first and during the second staage of labor, transabdominal and transperineal US and Doppler examination were performed with device HD 11 XE Phillips (USA). Results. Pregnant women with diabetes are more likely to have a pathological second stage of labors due to macrosomia and problems with the birth of the fetus, as evidenced by the lack of increased angle of progress and decreased head-perineal distance. The data obtained indicate the prospects of using ultrasound in childbirth as an objective non-invasive method for predicting the likelihood of vaginal birth, which will reduce operative delivery and perinatal pathology. Conclusions. The use of ultrasound in childbirth in women with diabetes and diabetic fetopathy can determine the possibility of complications in the promotion of the fetus, including clinical narrow pelvis, shoulder dystocia, the occurrence of distress, as evidenced by the Apgar scale and CLS. Intraparietal ultrasound helps to guide the plan of childbirth, reduce the frequency of cesarean delivery, perinatal morbidity and mortality, and birth trauma.

Cells ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (8) ◽  
pp. 2100
Fábio A. Abade dos Santos ◽  
C. L. Carvalho ◽  
Isabel Almeida ◽  
Teresa Fagulha ◽  
Fernanda Rammos ◽  

Commercial hare and rabbit immortalized cell lines are extremely limited regarding the many species within the lagomorpha order. To overcome this limitation, researchers and technicians must establish primary cell cultures derived from biopsies or embryos. Among all cell types, fibroblasts are plastic and resilient cells, highly convenient for clinical and fundamental research but also for diagnosis, particularly for viral isolation. Here, we describe a fast and cheap method to produce primary fibroblast cell cultures from leporid species, using dispase II, a protease that allows dermal–epidermal separation, followed by a simple enzymatic digestion with trypsin. This method allows for the establishment of an in vitro cell culture system with an excellent viability yield and purity level higher than 85% and enables the maintenance and even immortalization of leporid fibroblastic cells derived from tissues already differentiated.

2021 ◽  
pp. 66-70
Inna Petrovna Novgorodova ◽  
Bailar Sadraddin ogly Iolchiev ◽  
Pavel Mikhailovich Klenovitskiy ◽  
Yuriy Aleksandrovich Prytkov

Obtaining cultures of lymphocyte cells for studying of animal karyotypes is an easily accessible, relatively cheap method and allows obtaining results in a short time. We optimized the usual method with corrected  some adjustments to the protocol to obtain metaphase plates of chromosomes of various animal species of good quality. At the same time, such criteria as the use of different media for the cultivation of blood cell cultures and the possibility of using them in different species of animals were taken into account. Blood samples were collected from the jugular vein in goats (n=15), sheep (n=30) and round (n=1). The cell culture was cultivated for 72 h; colchicine was added for 70 h in an amount of 0.5 ?l / ml. The study used nutrient media such as DMEM (Dulbecco?s Modified Eagle?s Medium) и RPMI 1640 (Roswell Park Memorial Institute) and mitogens phytohemagglutinin and Concanavalin A in different concentrations. Optimal parameters for the preparation of metaphase plates with good chromosome distribution were obtained using RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with dry L-glutamine and the simultaneous use of mitogens such as conconavalin and PHA (phytohemagglutinin). The number of plates of good quality when obtaining a culture of lymphocyte cells, depending on the type of animals, ranged from 2.17 to 6.52% in sheep, 33.3-66.7% in goats, and reached 100% in tur. The modified technique made it possible to reduce the loss of cells during the preparation of chromosome preparations. Thus, the results of our study show that the growth and division of lymphocyte cells isolated from the peripheral blood of farm animals depends on the composition of the environment and the species characteristics of the animals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Yasir S. Jamal ◽  
Sabah S. Moshref ◽  
Abeer M. Baamir ◽  
Mazin O. Kurdi ◽  
Doaa Y. Jamal

Abstract Background Submucous cleft palate (SMCP) is a congenital abnormality with various clinical and anatomical features. Submucous cleft pathologies may be unrecognized during routine examinations. Current diagnostic techniques are constrained and unrevealing in presurgical patients. This prospective study aimed to evaluate transnasal palatal transillumination technique in diagnosis of SMCP at our institute hospital, during period from 2005-2020. Patients and methods Twenty-one cases with SMCP were recruited with age range from 2-60 months. Transnasal palatal transillumination with controllable light intensity endoscope used to evaluate SMCP and cases were photo and video recorded. Results In this study, 21 cases (13 males and 8 females) with SMCP were detected or confirmed by intranasal transnasal palatal transillumination. Frequency of SMCP patients at our institute was 3.39%. All patients presented with symptomatic complaints at diagnosis time, apart from 5 patients (23.8%) were diagnosed during cleft lip repair operations. Presenting symptoms were hypernasality (23.8%), delayed speech (23.8%), perforated palate with nasal escape of milk and food (14.3%), feeding difficulties (14.3%), and otitis media (4.8%). During intra-oral examination, all cases had a bifid uvula accompanied SMCP. Submucous cleft palate appeared as thin palate with central lucency. According to operative findings, operations done for repair were mostly two long palatal flaps (n = 13, 61.9%), von Langenbeck (n = 5, 23.8%), simple repair with lateral release incisions (n = 2, 9.6%), and simple repair without lateral release incision (n = 1, 4.8%). Conclusions Intraoperative assessment of submucous cleft palate with transnasal palatal transillumination is easy and cheap method to avoid missing cases of SMCP.

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