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Md Anowar Hossain

Chromatic and achromatic (AC) assessments of camouflage textiles have been critical to the defense researchers for concealment, detection, recognition, and identification (CDRI) of target signature against multidimensional combat background (CB). AC assessment and camouflage measurement techniques are simulated and experimented for assessment of camouflage textiles against CB. This model has been demonstrated for color measurement spectrophotometer, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), digital imaging, hyperspectral imaging, and image processing software (ImageJ) for the advancement and establishment of AC camouflage textiles assessment. The chromatic variations of 48 artificial target objects (TOBs) have been synthesized by image processing; the technique can be implemented for defense CB-CDRI assessment. Microstructural variation versus optical signal of woodland, desertland and stoneland CB materials have been elucidated by SEM magnification. The achromatic variation of CB materials have been demonstrated for the replacement of optical signal against modern remote sensing device to the imaging sensor. Color difference (Δ E), microstructural variations, pixel variations to imaging signal and standard deviation of CB materials have been represented for remote sensing surveillance of defense applications against TOB-CB-CDRI. Technical simulation of color, texture, gloss, and pixel intensity has been derived for AC-CDRI assessment of camouflage textiles in TOBs-CB environment.

Electronics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (15) ◽  
pp. 1856
Yen-Chung Chiang ◽  
Juo-Chen Chen ◽  
Yu-Hsin Chang

In a radio frequency (RF) system, it is possible to use variable inductors for providing tunable or selective frequency range. Variable inductors can be implemented by the microelectromechanical system (MEMS) process or by using transistors as switches to change the routing of coils or coupling quantities. In this paper, we investigated the design method of a variable inductor by using MOS transistors to switch the main coil paths and the secondary coupled coils. We observed the effects of different metal layers, turn numbers, and layout arrangements for secondary-coupled coils and compared their characteristics on the inductances and quality factors. We implemented two chips in the 0.18 m CMOS process technology for each kind of arrangement for verification. One inductor can achieve inductance values from about 300 pH to 550 pH, and the other is between 300 pH and 575 pH, corresponding to 59.3% and 62.5%, respectively, inductance variation range at 4 GHz frequency. Additionally, their fine step sizes of the switched inductances are from 0.5% to 6% for one design, and 1% to 12.5% for the other. We found that both designs achieved a large inductance tuning range and moderate inductance step sizes with a slight difference behavior on the inductance variation versus frequency.

Membranes ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 78
Clemence Cordier ◽  
Tarik Eljaddi ◽  
Nadjim Ibouroihim ◽  
Christophe Stavrakakis ◽  
Patrick Sauvade ◽  

The main objective of this paper is to study the effect of new air backwash on dead-end ultrafiltration of seawater with a pilot at semi-industrial scale (20 m3/day). To control membrane fouling, two different backwashes were used to clean the membrane: classical backwash (CB) and new air backwash (AB) that consists of injecting air into the membrane module before a classical backwash. To evaluate the efficiency of AB and CB, a resistance in series model was used to calculate each resistance: membrane (Rm), reversible (Rrev) and irreversible (Rirr). The variation of the seawater quality was considered by integrating the turbidity variation versus time. The results indicate clearly that AB was more performant than CB and frequency of AB/CB cycles was important to control membrane fouling. In this study, frequencies of 1/5 and 1/3 appear more efficient than 1/7 and 1/9. In addition, the operation conditions (flux and time of filtration) had an important role in maintaining membrane performance—whatever the variation of the seawater quality.

2019 ◽  
Vol 94 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-98 ◽  
Mark Webster ◽  
Frederick A. Sundberg

AbstractOryctocephalid trilobites are seldom abundant and often tectonically deformed, creating problems for robust species delimitation and compromising their utility in biostratigraphic and evolutionary studies. By studying more than 140 specimens recovered from the upper portion of the Combined Metals Member (Pioche Formation, Nevada; Cambrian Stage 4, Series 2), we exploit a rare opportunity to explore how morphological variation among oryctocephalid specimens is partitioned into intraspecific variation versus interspecific disparity. Qualitative and quantitative analyses reveal that two species are represented: Oryctocephalites palmeri Sundberg and McCollum, 1997 and Oryctocephalites sp. A, the latter known from a single cranidium stratigraphically below all occurrences of the former. In contrast to the conclusions of a previous study, there is no evidence of cranidial dimorphism in O. palmeri. However, that species exhibits considerable variation in cranidial shape and pygidial spine arrangement and number. Cranidial shape variation within O. palmeri is approximately one-half of the among-species disparity within the genus. Comparison of cranidial shape between noncompacted and compacted samples reveals that compaction causes significant change in mean shape and an increase in shape variation; such changes are interpretable in terms of observed fracture patterns. Nontaphonomic variation is partitioned into ontogenetic and nonallometric components. Those components share similar structure with each other and with interspecific disparity, suggesting that ontogenetic shape change might be an important source of variation available for selection. This highlights the importance of ontogenetic and taphonomic sources of variation with respect to species delimitation, morphospace occupation, and investigation of evolutionary patterns and processes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Hsin-I Liao ◽  
Yoneya Makoto ◽  
Makio Kashino ◽  
Shigeto Furukawa

There are indications that the pupillary dilation response (PDR) reflects surprising moments in an auditory sequence such as the appearance of a deviant noise against repetitively presented pure tones (Liao, Yoneya, Kidani, Kashino, & Furukawa, 2016), and salient and loud sounds that are evaluated by human participants subjectively (Liao, Kidani, Yoneya, Kashino, & Furukawa, 2016). In the current study, we further examined whether the reflection of PDR in auditory surprise can be accumulated and revealed in complex and yet structured auditory stimuli, i.e., music, and when the surprise is defined subjectively. Participants listened to 15 excerpts of music while their pupillary responses were recorded. In the surprise-rating session, participants rated how surprising an instance in the excerpt was, i.e., rich in variation versus monotonous, while they listened to it. In the passive-listening session, they listened to the same 15 excerpts again but were not involved in any task. The pupil diameter data obtained from both sessions were time-aligned to the rating data obtained from the surprise-rating session. Results showed that in both sessions, mean pupil diameter was larger at moments rated more surprising than unsurprising. The result suggests that the PDR reflects surprise in music automatically.

Grazia Gambarini ◽  
Daniela Bettega ◽  
Andrea Gebbia ◽  
Emanuele Artuso ◽  
Marco Felisi ◽  

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