rough water
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Іryna Gryshanova

Control of water resources is becoming an important strategic issue. That is why authorities set the goal for wa-ter agencies to manage the availability of water and create regulations to its rational use. The main point in water control is measurement. There are three important aspects of measurements of water resources: at water extraction from nature, at the consumption and at custody transfer. Control of water consumption sometimes is based not on measurements, but on preliminary estimation, for example, by pumping. Ultrasonic measurement technology as a key feature of automated control of resources has a potential role in this market. In contrast to mechanical (turbine) meters, ultrasonic meters have a priority because they also give a possibility to realize smart metering. In contrast to electromagnetic meters, which also measure with high accuracy and realize smart functions, ultrasonic meters much more suitable for rough water, wastewater and sewage. Such water resources are usually poorly controlled, which means that no one knows their exact cost. Measurement is mandatory to control cost and for billing. Accuracy is important issue, especially when we say about measurements in large pipe diameters. There is practically no alternative to ultrasonic flow meters. Market of diverse meters concentrated on diameters under 400 mm. For larger diameters, only ultrasonic meters are in use. They have many chords, difficult algorithms for data processing. Thus, they are applicable over a very wide flow range. In this paper, we discover transit-time ultrasonic flow meters to understand features of their measurement theory taking into account all factors affecting their work. This article describes errors inherent in these flowmeters during measurements. As far as accuracy is significantly important in billing, the cost of 1% measurement error in consumption of water resources for small (DN50÷DN150 mm) and large (DN200÷DN1200 mm) pipe diameters has been evaluated and analyzed. The losses from the installation of low-quality metering devices are demonstrated and discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 415-419

On several oceanographic cruises conducted by Andhra University, an unusual sea-surface phenomenon was observed which consisted of long streaks of alternately smooth and rough water. On one occasion at the northern end of "Swatch of No Ground", temperature structure was measured at the same time as a passing of such series of wide sea surface streaks.

2021 ◽  
Michael R. Riley ◽  
Heidi P. Murphy ◽  
Brock W. Aron

This paper summarizes the results of an investigation of the convergence of average peak accelerations as more and more peaks are recorded during rough-water trials of small high-speed craft. Existing guidance from multiple sources suggest that more peaks is better, but how much more, and what engineering rationale should substantiate the answer? To address the question, simplified equations and numerous examples of peak acceleration data sets are presented. The results demonstrate that convergence of the average of the highest 10 percent of peaks (A1/10), and the average of the highest 1 percent of peaks (A1/100), and the ratio means that the shape of the cumulative distribution of the data set becomes more stable as the number of peak acceleration data points increases. A simple percent difference criterion is presented for quantifying the stability of the cumulative distribution shape.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2012 (1) ◽  
pp. 012007
Miao Huang ◽  
Bin Wu ◽  
Chenghua Li ◽  
BinBin Tang

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (143) ◽  
pp. 54-61
Sergey V. Borisov ◽  
Aleksandr E. Lomovskikh ◽  
Oleg E. Prilepin ◽  
Timur R. Mamatkazin ◽  

Improving the parameters of diesel engines is an urgent task. Work has been carried out to significantly reduce the consumption of their fuel with the introduction of water dispersions into the fuel. Currently, water-fuel emulsions with exotic emulsifiers are mainly tested. (Research purpose) The research purpose is in creation of a water-fuel emulsion without an emulsifier with a simple installation and identifying the influence of the composition and quality of this WFE on the performance of the YaMZ-236 diesel engine. (Materials and methods) The article presents a plant for the preparation of a "rough" water- fuel mixture from diesel fuel according to GOST 32511-2013 and distilled water according to GOST 6709. Authors conducted standard bench tests at the KI-5540- GOSNITI stand with a YaMZ-236 diesel engine with an upgraded fuel system and performed the control of the smoke content of the exhaust gases with the gas analyzer "AUTOTEST". The dependence of diesel performance indicators on the composition and dispersion of water-fuel emulsions without an emulsifier was studied experimentally with a minimum number of tests, but with the maximum possible combination of the values of three variable factors. (Results and discussion) The influence of various water-fuel emulsions on the performance of the diesel engine was evaluated according to the plan of a full factor experiment, including 20 tests. The second-order regression equations were obtained by mathematical processing of the test results. The feasibility of using water-fuel emulsions for diesel engines was confirmed. By modeling a water-fuel mixture without emulsifiers, there was created an aqueous dispersion with drops up to two micrometers. In the load tests of the diesel engine with it, there was noticed an improvement in its performance. (Conclusions) The introduction of 17-20 percent water dispersion with drops of up to two micrometers into diesel fuel reduced the specific fuel consumption by 18 percent, the smokiness in the K indicator by 20- 22, and in the N indicator by 30-35 percent.

2021 ◽  
Y. Kolesnikov ◽  
K. Fedin ◽  
R. Beisembaev ◽  
L. Ngomayezwe ◽  
G. Dugarov

Yuriy Titchenko ◽  
Emma Zuykova ◽  
Vladimir Karaev ◽  
Eugeniy Meshkov ◽  
Mariya Panfilova ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (03) ◽  
pp. 2050006
Mikhail Salin ◽  
Dmitrii Razumov

The problem is the scattering of a plane sound wave at a rough water-air interface. The purpose of this paper is to describe in detail the method and demonstrate its work with simple examples. The main advantage of this approach is that there are no limits on the relation between the shape of the surface and the incident wave, so we can consider large Rayleigh parameter, shading, multiple scattering. The solution of the Helmholtz equation in the form of an integral over the boundary is used only in the inner domain, in the outer domain the separation of variables is used to obtain a nonlocal integral boundary condition on the artificial boundary.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 364-377
Elisabeth R. Ouedraogo ◽  
Crépin I. Dibala ◽  
Kiessoun Konate ◽  
Jean Diarra ◽  
Mamoudou H. Dicko

L’eau potable, un aliment de base et son accès est l’un des besoins humains fondamentaux. A Ouagadougou, l’eau potable provient du traitement des eaux de surface à Paspanga et à Ziga. Les remontées de boues constituent un phénomène persistant dans les processus de traitement de l’eau à Paspanga. L’objectif de ce travail était de trouver les causes de ce phénomène afin d’optimiser les coûts et taux de production d’eau potable. Pour ce faire, les paramètres physico-chimiques et des essais de traitements de l’eau brute ont été réalisés selon les normes de qualité. Les résultats ont montré que l’eau est potabilisable. En effet, la turbidité, la teneur en matière en suspension et en matière organique sont respectivement en moyenne 116,52 NTU, 10,85 mg/l, 4,72 mg/l d’O2 en mai et 719,13 NTU, 21,07 mg/l, 13,08 mg/l d’O2 de juin à juillet. Le pH de l’eau en mai est faible et en moyenne 6,89 et 7,50 dans les mois de juin à juillet. La mise en évidence de la production de gaz révèle que cette production est progressive. Les remontées de boues sont donc une résultante de deux facteurs : la qualité de l’eau brute et la production de gaz au fond des décanteurs. Mots clés : Décanteur, remontée de boue, traitement, eau   English title: Study of the phenomenon of mud increase on the lamellate decanter of the station of treatment of water of Paspanga in Burkina Faso Drinking water is a basic food and its access is one of the fundamental human needs. For Ouagadougou, it comes from the station of water treatment of surface at Paspanga and Ziga. The mud increase constitutes a persistent phenomenon in the treatments of water of Paspanga. The objective of this work was to find the causes of this phenomenon in order to optimize the costs and rate of drinking water production. To be done, the physicochemical parameters and the tests of rough water treatments were carried out according to standards of quality. The results showed that water is potabilisable. Indeed, the average of turbidity, content of organic matter and suspended matter of water were respectively 116,52 NTU, 10,85 mg/l, 4,72 mg/l of O2 in May and 719,13 NTU, 21,07 mg/l, 13,08 O2 mg/l from June to July. The pH of water varied to 6,89 in May; to 7.50 in June and July. In addition, the results showed that the gas production revealed is progressive over time, which would mean that the mud increased would be a result of two factors: the quality of raw water and the production of gas at the bottom of the decanters. Keywords: Decanter, rising mud, treatment, water

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