conservative attitude
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María Julieta De La Vega Fernández ◽  
Ronald Révolo Acevedo ◽  
Bimael Quispe Reymundo ◽  
Saúl Caballón Flores

The environmental attitude is a psychological tendency expressed by the evaluative (perceptions or beliefs) response towards the environment and natural resources flora, fauna, water, soil and air are naturally valuable products for development and continuity towards sustainability; relating both concepts in the Nijandaris population is the main objective of this research. Methodology: a probabilistic sampling was carried out at an age of [30 - 60 years] = 50 people respondents, questionnaire of 20 questions each; validated by the Rensis Likert scale 3 levels each, applying the Karl Pearson relationship coefficient and bilateral t-student. Conclusions: The environmental attitude of the inhabitants of Nijandaris is between bad to regular, likewise their conservative attitude towards natural resources ensures that they always do so. The relationship between environmental attitude and conservation turned out to be positive and significant. Regarding their dimensions, the association between affective attitude and conserving flora and fauna obtained r=0.38 positive median t=2.88; the correlation between cognitive attitude and conserving water and soil obtained an r=0.42 positive median t=3.21, and the relationship between conative attitude and conserved air has a considerable positive r=0.62 t=5.47. Therefore, we affirm that there is an environmental attitudinal concern towards the conservation of the natural resources of the adult population [30-60 years] in the Nijandaris Populated Center.


Abstract G. A. Cohen has argued that there is a surprising truth in conservatism—namely, that there is a reason for some valuable things to be preserved, even if they could be replaced with other, more valuable things. This conservative thesis is motivated, Cohen suggests, by our judgments about a range of hypothetical cases. After reconstructing Cohen's conservative thesis, I argue that the relevant judgments about these cases do not favor the conservative thesis over standard, nonconservative axiological views. But I then argue that there is a Mirrored Histories case that is such that, if one shares Cohen's conservative attitude, judgments about this case favor Cohen's conservative thesis over a wide range of non-conservative axiological views. Reflection on this case also suggests a different explanation of apparently conservative judgments that merits consideration in its own right.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-53

ABSTRACTThe Carthusian Order is known for its conservative attitude towards liturgy and music. This article will explore how this attitude played out in practice when the Carthusians were confronted with the introduction of a major new feast. Since its origins in the late eleventh century, the Order incorporated several new feasts in its calendar. These additions were normally made with a significant delay, and almost always without any new chants created for these feasts. The feast of Corpus Christi provides an interesting case study. Contrary to their habit, the Carthusians were apparently quick to adopt it, and they included most of the chants that were compiled and edited for this feast. In doing this, they took the Cibavit eos Mass and the Sacerdos in aeternum Office, most famously found in a late thirteenth-century libellus (F-Pnm, lat. 1143) as a point of departure. The Mass Propers were largely taken over, but small variations in the melodies raise interesting questions about how they were transmitted. By contrast, the office chants were thoroughly reordered and melodically edited in various ways, giving us a tangible sense of how Carthusians dealt with change.

Artifex Novus ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 44-67
Jan K. Ostrowski

Artykuł przedstawia wybrane zagadnienia dotyczące ukazania polskiego stroju narodowego na portretach z w. XVII–XX. Portrety stanowią cenny materiał dla poznania tego zjawiska od strony kostiumologicznej, symbolicznej, a nawet politycznej, szczególnie w zestawieniu ze źródłami z epoki. W do ok. 1750 męski strój narodowy, pochodzenia węgiersko-orientalnego, miał wśród Polaków zdecydowaną przewagę i był uważany za znak rycerskiej tradycji szlachty. W 2. połowie w. XVIII wybór stroju polskiego w opozycji do zachodnioeuropejskiego był wyznacznikiem poglądów zachowawczych na poziomie kulturowym i politycznym, ale w okresie Sejmu Czteroletniego stał się wyrazem postawy patriotycznej. W XIX w. początkowo trwał peryferyjnie (niekiedy, spotykamy go na portretach zawierających indywidualne przesłania ikonograficzne), a na szeroką skalę powrócił w 2. poł. stulecia w Galicji. Był powszechnie noszony przez tamtejszą elitę arystokratyczną i polityczną oraz zyskał oficjalny status na dworze cesarskim w Wiedniu. Sporadycznie pojawiał się jeszcze w okresie międzywojennym, przede wszystkim w czasie arystokratycznych uroczystości rodzinnych, był też jedną z wersji stroju, do którego można było nosić odznaczenia państwowe. Większość powyższych zjawisk można egzemplifikować na podstawie odpowiednio dobranych portretów, a źródła (przede wszystkim pamiętniki) stanowią ikonograficzny klucz wyjaśniający motywacje osób portretowanych i artystów. Summary: The paper presents selected problems concerning the representation of the Polish national costume in portraits of the 17th-20th centuries. Portrait make a valuable material allowing to investigate this phenomenon from the costumological, symbolic and even political point of view, especially when juxtaposed with historical sources. Until around 1750, the male national costume of Hungarian-oriental origin had a definite advantage among Poles and was considered a sign of the knightly tradition of the nobility. In the second half of the 18th century, the choice of the Polish attire in opposition to the Western European one was a sign of a conservative attitude on the cultural and political level, but in the period of the Four Years’ Sejm (1788–1791) it became an expression of a patriotic attitude. In the 19th century, initially it was used rather peripheraly (sometimes, we find it in portraits containing individual iconographic messages), and returned on a large scale in the second half of the century in Galicia (i.e. the part of Poland occupied by Austria). It was commonly worn by the local aristocratic and political elite and gained official status at the imperial court in Vienna. It appeared sporadically in the period between 1st and 2nd World War, especially during aristocratic family celebrations. It was also one of the versions of the outfit that could be worn with state decorations. Most of the above phenomena can be exemplified on the basis of appropriately selected portraits, and the sources (mainly diaries) offer the iconographic key explaining the motivations of the portrayed people and artists.

Transport ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (6) ◽  
pp. 588-604
Rupali Roy ◽  
Pritam Saha

Time headway is an important microscopic traffic flow parameter, which affects safety, level-of-service, capacity and traffic simulation. It is, therefore, important to know the specific distribution for a particular roadway and traffic condition. Further, headway between two vehicles depends on the type of lead vehicle and is influenced by its size and dynamics. Such impact is considerably high on two-lane roads with mixed traffic composed of a wide variety of vehicle types. This paper identified sixteen combinations of vehicle pairs and analysed vehicle-type-specific headways using field data. Appropriate distribution functions were fitted to field data and predictive models were used in understanding carfollowing behaviour. Observations indicate that quite often bike riders become reluctant in obeying lane discipline. However, car drivers show conservative attitude and usually, keep safe distance from the lead vehicle except the case when they follow another car. In addition, while following Non-Motorized Vehicles (NMV), most of the drivers keep reasonably safe distances. In this paper, a comparison of computed headway probabilities was also made with those obtained from more or less homogeneous traffic. It was found that values obtained in current study are high in most of the instances. This indicates risk-taking behaviour of driver population, which eventually affects safety of such roads. The present study, thus, demonstrates the need of investigating vehicle-type-specific headways under mixed traffic based on comprehensive field data.

Maha Hakimi ◽  
Fatimaazahra Hadid ◽  
Youssef Rochdi ◽  
Hassan Nouri ◽  
Abdelaziz Raji

Papillary microcarcinoma of the thyroid is defined as cancers having a diameter equal or inferior to 10 mm in the anatomopathological examination; The problematic of this pathology lies in its latent character, it is, thus, much more frequent than we thought or predicted. That is why, beyond specifying the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of papillary thyroid microcarcinoma, our ultimate goal was to determine the "gold standard" for the management of this entity. We carried out a descriptive retrospective study spread over 4 years including all cases of Papillary Microcarcinoma of the thyroid diagnosed within the department of ENT and Head and Neck Surgery of the medical center Mohammed VI in Marrakech; We collected 35 cases, and using their medical records we summarized their epidemiological, clinical and paraclinical data. None of our patients had a normal clinical examination, the palpation of our patients showed an isolated nodule in 20% of patients, the rest of our patients had clinically bilateral noticeable nodes. 80% of which were not clinically suspicious, and only three of our patients had palpable lymph nodes which was confirmed by the ultrasound, where the major suspicious character was their hypoechoic character ( 17 % were EU-TIRADS 5 ) With regard to surgical treatment, 28 of our patients (80%) underwent total thyroidectomy as a first step,4 patients underwent secondary totalization during the same operation after the extemporaneous examination came back positive for papillary microcarcinoma , 2 cases of remote loboisthmectomy after final histological examination showing papillary microcarcinoma , and one final case of totalization after extemporaneous examination of a superior right jugular lymph node with central necrosis. Neck dissection was performed in three cases. Postoperative outcomes were simple in all patients. Isotopic totalization by iodine 131 therapy was performed in four of our patients. Their indications were respectively: infiltrating tumor, extension to neighboring parenchyma, multifocality, lymph node metastasis. The survival rate of our series was 100%. The therapeutic protocol of papillary microcarcinoma is punctuated, to this day, with controversy, and faces a conservative attitude versus a radical one, it is the surgeon's duty to distinguish between the two attitudes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 286-313
Yu Yan ◽  
Michael Faure

Abstract Should pure economic loss be compensated in China? If so, to what extent? Both questions are left unsolved in the established literature. We contribute to the existing literature by showing that the Chinese courts have developed a relatively conservative attitude towards the compensation of pure economic loss and that the arguments adopted by the courts to deny recovery are neither fair nor reasonable. Using the law and economics analysis, we have recourse to four complementary solutions. First, pure economic loss cases involving socially relevant losses should be compensated. Second, when social losses are not involved, pure economic loss should also be compensated if the third parties are willing to pay or have paid for protection against such a loss. Third, to relieve the excessive pressure imposed by the compensation for such loss, the concepts of causation and the duty of the victim to mitigate damage need to be further clarified in Chinese laws. Fourth, when determining the amount of compensation for pure economic loss, we should carefully balance the trade-off among a variety of factors, including the extent to which the damage could have been foreseen, the nature of the loss, the blameworthiness of the tortfeasor, the size of the plaintiff class, the public policy toward professional standards, the victim’s private loss, the social loss, the courts’ capacities to calculate the loss, and the third parties’ willingness to pay for protection against the loss.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-4
Parveen Kumar ◽  
Vishal kanaiyalal Patel ◽  
Renish Bhupenderabhai Bhatt ◽  
Deepak Sachinand Tiwari

Abstract: Background: The word ‘sex’ in India is a taboo and not discussed openly. Sex attitude referes to one’s attitude toward sexuality or different sexual behaviors such as masturbation, oral sex, anal sex and sexual relationships. Poor sex knowledge causes many of these problems. Liberal attitude without adequate knowledge is harmful. Aims: The present study aimed to assess the knowledge and attitude of undergraduate medical students. Methods: a cross sectional study was carried out to assess sex knowledge and attitude among 752 medical undergraduate students. The Google document contained structured questionnaire in four important parts: (1) Demographic details of students (2) Sex Knowledge and Attitude Questionnaire II (SKAQ II). Results: The mean score of participants on attitude towards sex scale is 25.47 ±5.04. Overall participants shows conservative attitude towards sex. Female participants have statistical significantly higher sex knowledge (p=0.038) and attitude towards sex score (p<0.001). As academic year of participants increases sex knowledge increases (p<0.001). Statistical significant positive correlation was observed between sex knowledge and attitude scores (r=0.544, p<0.001). Conclusion: Participants are deficits in sex knowledge and conservative attitude in certain areas. Females, higher education level and urban area participants have higher sex knowledge and liberal attitude. Liberal attitude towards sex develops as sex knowledge increases. There are areas of sex knowledge and attitude which need improvement by proper sex education.

2020 ◽  
pp. 025371762093803
Padmavathi Nagarajan ◽  
Gomathi Balachandar ◽  
Vikas Menon ◽  
Balachandar Saravanan

Background: Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a widely used treatment modality for mental disorders such as major depression, bipolar affective disorder (BPAD) and catatonia. However, it is considered as one of the most controversial and misunderstood procedures, especially among caregivers. Methods: An experimental pre-test, post-test design was adopted. Forty caregivers of persons with schizophrenia ( n = 12), depression ( n = 13), BPAD with mania ( n = 8), and BPAD with depression ( n = 7) were selected using convenience sampling. The caregiver’s knowledge and attitude toward ECT were assessed before and after the intervention with a single session video-assisted teaching on ECT. The data collection tool used to assess the caregiver’s knowledge and attitude was based on a pre-validated questionnaire. Results: The pre-test evaluation demonstrated poor knowledge among 12 (30%) and a moderate level of knowledge on the remaining 28 (70%) of the study subjects. The attitude scores revealed a neutral attitude among 47.5% and a conservative attitude among 10% of the subjects toward ECT. There was a significant improvement in both mean (±SD) knowledge (13.4 ± 4.7 vs 25.6 ± 2.9) and attitude (10.7 ± 3.5 vs 14.6 ± 3.9) scores following intervention with video-assisted teaching. Conclusion: A single session involving video-assisted teaching improves the knowledge and attitude toward ECT among caregivers by removing the myths and misconceptions about ECT.

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