accounting unit
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2021 ◽  
Greg Jones ◽  
Hazel Jones ◽  
Dom Pensiero ◽  
Claire Beattie

Introducing XERO Accounting software into a core accounting unit can have many benefits for students, including improving their professional skills and enhancing their employability. However, it is important that students gain knowledge and skills in all aspects of the software as well as understanding the accounting processes that underlie the software’s operations. This paper presents an overview of implementation of Xero software, in a core accounting course, at a regional university in Australia. Student numbers ranged from 24-63 across the semesters studied. We highlight and discuss the processes adopted to appropriately scaffold students’ learning and assessment. We assess the effectiveness of the intervention by observing student engagement with specially developed videos and measuring student results in associated assessment tasks over three offerings of the course. The provision of a suite of learning opportunities, (training and use of excel and Xero accounting software) translated to improved student outcomes on the technologyrelated assessment items. Few students who viewed the learning videos contacted the course teaching team for further assistance, suggesting the videos were an effective resource that provided enhanced learning opportunities for students. These findings provide advice and information regarding the issues associated with integrating accounting software for other teaching teams or institutions considering similar applications in their courses or programs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 303-309

The aim of this paper is to value a portion of a company which is able to turn a profit even after separation from the whole. The assets of the company are identified, which are operationally necessary for the further functioning of the valuated part as a separate accounting unit. The earnings and asset valuation methods are used to valuate the part of the company. The results of the market value of the company achieved using both methods are compared in the end and the reasons for the differences in the achieved results are stated. The difference in the results achieved by different valuation methods is due to modifications of the input data, which enter the calculation of the value of the company using the individual valuation methods used. The reason for these modifications is also explained.

2021 ◽  
Rui Jorge Rodrigues da Silva ◽  
Maria Margarida Mendes Rodrigues ◽  
Maria do Céu Gaspar Alves

The curricular units related to the accounting area are essential for any student in business sciences. However, it appears that students generally experience great learning difficulties when faced with its study. Bearing in mind the stated problem and its consequent importance, both in academic terms and for society in general, this article aims to: (1) Identify how many studies related to Accounting Education in Higher Education Institutions have been published in Accounting Education journals since started its scientific activity; (2) List a ranking of articles having as a criterion the number of citations; (3) Describe the main conclusions and research methodologies used; (4) State the main research areas and topics and (5) List the research paradigms used in the articles. The systematic review of the literature shows concern in HEIs to promote quality education in general and the curricular accounting unit.

Dahlia Fernandez ◽  
Aini Aman

There are various organizations that have automated the technology used in accounting and financial services to increase productivity and optimize operating costs. Among the automation technology transformations used in accounting and financial services is Robotic Process Automation (RPA). However, not all technological transformations are positive because they may cause fear among employees due to changes in the work process. Hence, the aim of this study is to understand the influence of RPA towards employee acceptance in the finance and accounting unit. This study uses an in-depth case study approach in one of the largest oil and gas company in the world. The result of the study showed that RPA technology has significant influences on employee acceptance. The results are discussed according to five elements which are threatening job opportunities, changes in the scope of work, adaptation to technology, career advancement, work-life balance, and job satisfaction. The results showed that employees must adapt with the changes due to the new technology implementation and embrace it positively because at the end of the day, new automation will always appear. Furthermore, the changes that take place must be openly accepted in order to maintain the reputation of their profession as well as the achievements of the organization.

Alexander Zhuchenko ◽  
Tatiana Rozhmina ◽  
Natalya Melnikova

Ana-Maria Andrei Comandaru ◽  
Sorina-Geanina Stanescu ◽  
Cristina Mihaela Toma ◽  
Adriana Horaicu Păduraru

Creative accounting emerged during the last century in the English-Saxon economies as a result of the growing complexity of the economic reality. Creative accounting can be defined as the set of techniques used by a company’s accounting unit to modify the presentation of its accounts in a manner favourable to its expectations. Creativity in accounting can be used depending on the intention of the accountant, both in order to manipulate the financial statements and to find new solutions and accounting methods to the problems faced by a company. The positive or negative side of creative accounting is given by the many motivations for using it. The objective of this research is to present the main techniques and principles of creative accounting and its applicability at the national level in order to identify the advantages or limitations of using this new ‘creative accounting’ paradigm. The research methodology used in this scientific article is based on the study of the specialised literature in the field using theoretical documentation and comparative analysis.   Keywords: Creative accounting techniques, Principles, Reports.     .

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 50
Sergey Novikov ◽  
Andrey Sazonov

The article is devoted to labor costs standards determination method for the preparation, organization and implementation of research and development (R&D). Labor costs norms and standards areas of use for R&D are defined. In the methodological part of the article, there is a proposed schematic representation of the calculating process of the labor intensity normative indicator. During the study, it was found that the number of communication possible forms between the change in the labor costs volume and the change in the standardized planning and accounting unit and analogue factors is limited to three, according to which calculation formulas for particular comparability coefficients are given in the article. The discussion in the article is based on features discussion of using experimental statistical and expert methods for determining standard indicators for labor costs comparing standard indicators.The result of the study is the multilateral algorithm development for determining the labor costs normative volume for a standardized object based on the use of two possible scenarios. In conclusion it was note that one of the ways to increase the determining efficiency of R&D cost is to further improve the legislative and normative-methodological framework for conducting this assessment, creating incentives for work performers to reduce costs with R&D quality necessary level, for example, by keeping them parts of the resulting savings.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 73
Joko Purnomo ◽  
Sukmo Hadi Nugroho ◽  
Adi Bandono ◽  
Edy Widodo

In the Navy's Posture Draft at 2005 to 2024, the readiness of Navy organization is determined by the component of Indonesian Navy's force consisting of personel, Alat Utama Sistem Persenjataan (defense system) and the method system it self. The Navy's Financial Accounting Unit as a Level IV Financial Agency is a unit that’s asked to assist the Commander / Head of the Unit to managing the management and administration of state finances. The selection or participation process is not only based on job descriptions, but must involve gentle and difficult factors. This study focuses on system analysis with several criteria in the position selection of Head of the accounting unit including soft and hard competencies and using the ANP method. This study aims to develop models and relevant criteria for selection of candidates for the Head of the Accounting Unit and provide alternative selection methods that can help the methods that have been used previously to get potential buyers who able to perform special tasks of the Navy. Furthermore, to process data, a literature study was conducted on the concept of MCDM, the Analytic Network Process (ANP). The Head of Account prospective scoring system application using Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP). The results of the study, obtained 5 criteria in the acquisition of Prospective Head of Accounts, these are Education, Competence, Health, Physical condition and performance. Then it produced a Candidate Account system in the form of software. Keyword : head of the accountant unit, soft and hard competencies, analytic network process (ANP),hypertext preprocessor (PHP)

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