post graduate student
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2021 ◽  
Vol 63 (4) ◽  
pp. 46-47
Tony Proctor

Abstract Tony Proctor CITP, Principal Lecturer at the University of Wolverhampton and Emily Proctor, Post-Graduate Student in International Security, discuss whether green IT and cybersecurity can be mutually beneficial.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1198 (1) ◽  
pp. 011001

Abbreviated name of the seminar conference: NNEP-2021 The purpose of the seminar is to discuss the latest achievements in fundamental and applied science in the development, manufacture, application of new materials and devices based on them. The spectra of the electromagnetic characteristics of materials and the electromagnetic response of structures made of these materials, in a wide frequency range, including THz range, are also considered. Special attention is paid to modern measuring instruments and teaching methods for high school students and graduate students. The first Russian-Belarusian International Seminar was held at the Belarusian State University in 2016 (Minsk), then at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SB RAS named after I. Nikolaeva A.V. in 2017 (Novosibirsk), at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology in 2018 (Skolkovo), at the National Research Tomsk State University (TSU) in 2019 (Tomsk). Notable speakers: Dunaevsky G.E., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, TSU, Tomsk. Kuzhir P.P., Ph.D., Belarusian State University (BSU), Minsk, Institute of Photonics, University of Eastern Finland Maksimenko S.A., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, BSU, Minsk Nasibulin A.G., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Moscow Okotrub A.V., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of Novosibirsk State University (NSU), Novosibirsk Fedorov G.E., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow Minin I.V., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies, Novosibirsk Kuznetsov V.L., Ph.D. Associate Professor, NSU, Institute of Coal of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, Novosibirsk Nomoev A.V., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Institute of Physical Material Science of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, Ulan-Ude, Russia Bashkuev U.B., Professor, Institute of Physical Material Science of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, Ulan-Ude, Russia Suslyaev V.I., Ph.D., Associate Professor of TSU, Tomsk. Members of the Scientific and Organizing Committees: Chairman Suslyaev V.I., Ph.D., Associate Professor, TSU, Tomsk Deputy Chairman Minin O.V., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Novosibirsk Scientific Secretary Dotsenko O.A., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, TSU, Tomsk. Committee members: Kochetkova T.D., Ph.D., associate professor of TSU Badin A.V., Ph.D., associate professor of TSU Zhukov A.A., Ph.D., associate professor of TSU Wagner D.V., Ph.D., associate Professor of TSU Korovin E.Yu., Ph.D., associate professor of TSU Kuleshov G.E., Ph.D., associate professor of TSU Pavlova A.A., post-graduate student of TSU Dorozhkin K.V., post-graduate student of TSU. All materials were reviewed by the editors: Dr. U.L. Mishigdorzhiin from the Institute of Physical Material Science of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, Ulan-Ude, Russia and Prof. S.P. Bardakhanov from the Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia. The conference consisted of plenary presentations for 30 minutes and session reports for 10 minutes. There were 35 oral reports. The organizers have provided 5 minutes for questions that can be asked in person or via the Internet. Topics were: • Synthesis and diagnostics of carbon nanostructures • Hybrid materials • Electrophysical characteristics of carbon nanostructures • Application of THz and GHz radiation for characterization of nanomaterials • Graphene electronics • Magnetic nanomaterials • Theoretical methods and approaches applied to nanoelectromagnetism • Biomedical applications of new materials • Automation of measurements • Modern educational methods The organizers and participants of NNEP-2021 noted the high scientific level of the presented reports.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 126-126
NA ◽  

In the article titled “The role of the bio-psychosocial model in public health” published on pages 252-254, Issue 6, Volume 5 of The Journal of Medical Research, [1] the authors’ affiliation & address were written incorrectly and it should be consider as1. Shiraz Syed- Senior Resident Surgeon, Himalayan Institute of Medical Science, Uttarakhand, Dehradun248140, India 2. Sumbul Syed- Post graduate student, Department of Psychology, Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh- 201313, India 3. Kshitij Bhardwaj- Intern, Sri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical Science, Dehradun, Uttarakhand- 248001, India

М. М. Barna ◽  
L. S. Barna

In 2021, the Chernivtsi publishing house «Bukrek» published a book of memoirs of a famous Ukrainian scientist, physiologist, plant biochemist and ecologist, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of biological sciences, professor, honoured worker of science and technology of Ukraine, honorary doctor of law of the University of Saskatchewan (Canada, 2010), former rector of Yurii Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University – Stepan Stepanovych Kostyshyn – «Stepan Kostyshyn. The melody of the old physharmonica. Life at the turn of centuries.». The book of memoirs is dedicated to the life and creative career of its author, his ups and downs, losses and victories. Stepan Kostyshyn wrote his book to parents, fellow villagers from the village of Zvyniach, Ternopil region, and graduates of Yurii Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University. Young Stepan Kostyshyn dreamed of becoming a geologist, but fate decided otherwise and in 1950 he became a student of the Agrobiology Department of the Faculty of Biology of Chernivtsi University. Work in a student research group, qualified lecturers instilled in the gifted student a thirst for knowledge and scientific research, and six years after graduation from the university Stepan Kostyshyn became a post-graduate student of the Department of Plant Physiology. The scientific supervisor of the young post-graduate student was a well-known scientist, Professor Molotkovskyi H. Kh. After defending his Candidate's dissertation, Stepan Stepanovych began his teaching and research activities at the university, firstly at the Department of Botany, later – Plant Physiology; he headed the problematic research laboratory of plant heterosis, and he worked as Vice Rector for Research for 15 years. In 1987, for the first time on a competitive basis, Kostyshyn S. S. was elected as a rector of Chernivtsi University and headed this famous university for 18 years. The life of two world geniuses of genetic science – Erwin Chargaff and Mykola Vavilov – is connected with the city of Chernivtsi. The world-famous discoverer of the DNA structure – the most outstanding discovery of the twentieth century – Erwin Chargaff was born on August 11, 1905 in the city of Chernivtsi and lived there until the First World War. And Mykola Vavilov, who gave the world the concept of centres of origin of cultivated plants and the law of homologous series of hereditary variability, ended his life in our city. This was his last expedition devoted to the search for relict spelt. From there he was taken directly to the NKVD cell in Lubianka. The author of the book was directly involved in perpetuating the memory of these world-famous scientists. The reviewed book will be extremely interesting for young people as life and the creative career of S. S. Kostyshyn is an example of how one’s hard work can bring great success in science and professional activity. It is of great interest to biologists, lecturers of higher educational establishments, as it contains invaluable information about the development of biological science in Bukovyna, the main milestones of the leading university of Ukraine – Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University. In the book of memoirs, the author successfully interweaves events from his own biography in the outline of the development of Bukovyna University.

Mr. Muthukamatchi M, Et. al.

In an academic institution, the plagiarism is a major part and important issue among the Graduate students. Plagiarism can be a serious crime and danger afflicting publication of research work worldwide. Similarly, Academic integrity (AI) contraventions of plagiarism also increased nowadays among the students, research scholars and academicians. Due to this reason, this study aims to concentrate to relate Academic Integrity related to plagiarism and the seriousness of these issues. The proposed study reveals about the quantitative and qualitative analysis of Academic Integrity and Plagiarism among the Post Graduate student from various Deemed Universities of Chennai City. This study provides the review on AI and Plagiarism based on the category of gender. It is hoped that the outcomes of this analysis may be wont to perceive the problems of educational dishonesty and the ways of development in Plagiarism developed which supports the scholars so as to scale back its occurrences.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 139-146
Olga Mikhailovna Melnikova

The article contains materials for the biography of the archaeologist Sergey Matveev, who in 1926 led the first Soviet archaeological expedition invited to the Votsk Autonomous region on the initiative of The scientific society for the study of the Votsk region. In addition to S. G. Matveev, the expedition was attended by A. P. Smirnov, a post-graduate student of the Institute of archeology and art studies, for whom the Udmurt theme will later become one of the key ones in scientific research. His work has been repeatedly analyzed in the archaeological literature. Unfortunately, biographical information about S. G. Matveev is very sparse: the dates of his life are unknown, and information about his place of work is contradictory. In various sources, Russian archival and museum collections managed to collect as yet little information about the scientist. They need to be systematized in order to get a first approximation of the personality of the archaeologist, who is the author of two scientific research programs on the archaeological study of the territory of Udmurtia. The first of them was set out in a letter to the Votsk regional Executive Committee during the discussion of plans for the work of metropolitan archaeologists in the region in 1926, the second a year later in 1927 when discussing research for subsequent years. Biographical information about S. G. Matveev is of interest for understanding the development of Udmurt archeology. It is significant in the context of the formation of the first Soviet generation of Russian archaeologists, including the fact that S. G. Matveev was a student of the outstanding Russian archaeologist V. A. Gorodtsov.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (66) ◽  
pp. 15328-15334
Karuna H. Sinha

The study was carried out with a sample of 130 student teachers from various colleges of education situated in Mumbai Region. A researcher made environmental depletion scale based on five major aspects of environmental depletion known as Eco-system destruction, Habitat destruction, Extinction of Wildlife, Climate Change, Water Scarcity and Energy shortage and Pollution was used for this research study. The results indicated that there was no Significant difference in the Environmental depletion awareness scores between the male and female student teachers of Mumbai Region. For Graduate and Post Graduate student teachers, there existed a significant difference Environmental depletion awareness score. Further Between the experienced and Inexperienced student teachers, there existed a highly significant difference in the Environmental depletion awareness scores. The results indicated that the environmental depletion awareness differs among student teachers due to experience and educational qualifications and not based on gender revealing that experience and higher educational qualifications definitely play a pivotal role in creating environmental depletion awareness.

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