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Dedi Mulyadi ◽  
Miftachul Huda ◽  
Islah Gusmian

This paper is attempted to examine the explanatory approach in dealing with SLE by advancing online learning sources. The systematic approach of searching for the relevant articles on SLE in IR 4.0 has been widely identified through two electronic databases, Scopus and Web of Sciences. Through adopting such digitally systematic search program, identification was made on the various elements in terms of online learning resources (OLR). This attempts to propose the SLE framework model with an innovative approach in enhancing the learning through incorporating IR 4.0 platform to utilize the variety of information sources together with knowledge attribution in the higher education (HE). The contribution provides theoretical framework with the guideline of well-adapted performance in the educational activities as the new normal trend. In achieving this attainment, the readiness of both instruction facilities and accessibility procedure is significantly the main basis in ensuring the process flow in enlarging the digital learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 917 (1) ◽  
pp. 012038
S P S Patiro ◽  
K A Hendarto ◽  
R A Hasan ◽  
Yumantoko ◽  
A Nur ◽  

Abstract Good knowledge of the economic value of a tourist location is the main basis for formulating an effective management policy. In the conditions of the Covid 19 pandemic, Aik Nyet Nature Tourism, which covers an area of approximately 9.4 ha, was closed. The new normal era makes it possible to reopen with some conditions that have to be met. Starting from determining the optimal paid entrance fee to some new normal rules that must be implemented, this article aims to provide an overview of what KPHL Rinjani Barat should do. This article investigates this issue by employing a two-phase study: quantitative and qualitative. The first phase used primary data from the visitor survey whose results were analyzed using travel cost methods. The second phase used secondary data from reporting interconnected themes on the new normal era. The data were analyzed using the content analysis method. The results showed that in the new normal period, KPHL Rinjani Barat should reduce the entrance fee to Aik Nyet, which is currently IDR 5,000 to IDR 3,000, and implement COVID-19 health and hygiene protocols properly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (21) ◽  
pp. 11414
Laura Nuñez-Gonzalez ◽  
Noa Carrera ◽  
Miguel A. Garcia-Gonzalez

Gitelman and Bartter syndromes are rare inherited diseases that belong to the category of renal tubulopathies. The genes associated with these pathologies encode electrolyte transport proteins located in the nephron, particularly in the Distal Convoluted Tubule and Ascending Loop of Henle. Therefore, both syndromes are characterized by alterations in the secretion and reabsorption processes that occur in these regions. Patients suffer from deficiencies in the concentration of electrolytes in the blood and urine, which leads to different systemic consequences related to these salt-wasting processes. The main clinical features of both syndromes are hypokalemia, hypochloremia, metabolic alkalosis, hyperreninemia and hyperaldosteronism. Despite having a different molecular etiology, Gitelman and Bartter syndromes share a relevant number of clinical symptoms, and they have similar therapeutic approaches. The main basis of their treatment consists of electrolytes supplements accompanied by dietary changes. Specifically for Bartter syndrome, the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is also strongly supported. This review aims to address the latest diagnostic challenges and therapeutic approaches, as well as relevant recent research on the biology of the proteins involved in disease. Finally, we highlight several objectives to continue advancing in the characterization of both etiologies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 269-302
Khulusiniyah ◽  
Farhatin Masruroh

Parenting education activities are carried out with the theme of realizing an active and fun study from home, as a mentoring activity for teachers and parents of children. Complaints of parents when accompanying their children to study at home, became the main basis for carrying out these parenting activities. Many parents feel overwhelmed to build children's enthusiasm in learning and completing the tasks given by the teacher. This condition bring out the initiative to provide assistance to teachers in providing parenting education activity material to children's parents and also directly provide material about the study from home method in parenting education activities carried out at RA Al Hidayah Kapongan Situbondo, so that even though learning activities were carried out at home , the children are still enthusiastic to do it actively and fun. The most important thing in this mentoring activity is to bring back the essence of parents/mothers as madrasas for their children, so that parents can hone, love, and nurture their children well. In the end, a nation will be born as khaira ummah who is anfauhum linnas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Caiping Shi ◽  
Yanhong Ren ◽  
Jia Feng ◽  
Weizhong Guo ◽  
Xiaoyu Zheng

Abstract Background Granulomatous capillary haemangioma refers to a benign vascular tumour that commonly affects the skin, with occasional involvement of the mucosa. Reports of conjunctival granulomatous capillary haemangioma in children are uncommon. In this article, we present a case of granulomatous capillary haemangioma and a brief review of the relevant literature. Case presentation An 11-year-old girl presented with a conjunctival mass. An excision of the entire lesion was performed. Histopathology showed a granulomatous capillary haemangioma. Conclusions The clinical manifestations of granulomatous capillary haemangioma lack specificity; pathological characteristics and immunohistochemistry are the main basis for diagnosis. We retrospectively analysed the diagnosis and treatment of a patient with conjunctival granulomatous capillary haemangioma to deepen the understanding and facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of this disease.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 1075-1086
XU Liu ◽  
Liping Zhou

Objectives: As one of the mathematical results of the theory of value philosophy, the theory of demand degree can propose a new interpretation model for addiction. The theory of demand degree believes that human demands can be divided into two types, namely, the demand amount and the demand degree, and the equilibrium point of the demand degree constitutes the main basis for people to compare different types of demands and calculate the demand amount. The addiction model based on the theory of demand degree believes that addiction should have two basic conditions: firstly, the unit addictive substance is of great value to the subject, and it is the reason for the brain reward mechanism in the addiction; secondly, an addiction index is constructed, and only when the addiction index is greater than 0, the subject has the possibility for addiction. The construction of addiction index provides a standard for examining whether a certain substance can make people addicted. Converting the relevant formulas of the addiction model into artificial intelligence codes enables artificial intelligence to simulate the phenomenon of addiction. According to the change in the indicator light on the MCU development board, it is possible to judge whether the artificial intelligence chooses to load cigarettes or charge, and simulate the cigarette addiction when the addiction index is 1. The results of simulating addiction through artificial intelligence are generally consistent with the general situation of addiction, especially cigarette addiction. This indicates that the addiction model has great rationality and universality, and further indicates that without considering the harmfulness of the addictive substance, addiction is not necessarily a disease, but may just be a normal response of the human demand system to the addictive substance.

2021 ◽  
pp. 82-92
M. Hutyrya ◽  
M. Kononova

The article is devoted to the problem of features of professional self-actualization of students-psychologists living in crisis of professional readiness. The definition of the term self-actualization and professional self-actualization among the works of domestic, Russian and foreign scientists is considered. In particular, professional self-actualization is defined as a complex multilevel phenomenon, a process of directed activity aimed at progress in one's own professional development, which is conditioned by the disclosure of one's own professional potential. Three approaches to the study of self-actualization in the professional sphere are highlighted: subject-activity, where professional activity is the main basis for self-actualization of the individual, due to difficulties and internal contradictions; personal development, where professional self-actualization leads to profound internal changes and forms and professional maturity; acmeological, in which professional self-actualization is the achievement of the highest level of professionalism, professional and personal maturity ("acme"). The concept of crisis of professional readiness and features of living of crisis by psychology students are analyzed. It is noted that the level of experiences of the crisis of professional readiness is the most intense among other normative crises of professional training. The peculiarities of the crisis development are highlighted: the contradiction between the awareness of the beginning of professional activity and at the same time the lack of readiness. The intra-personal conflict between learning motivations and professional motivation is determined. A number of features of professional self-actualization of students-psychologists and their interrelation with the crisis of professional readiness are considered.

2021 ◽  
pp. 497-506
Xin Zha

This paper combines the image processing and analysis technology of artificial intelligence to realize the function of farmland data acquisition and analysis. The data acquisition function is completed by different types of sensors. The collected information can be divided into two categories: meteorological information and image and GPS information. Based on cloud computing technology, an information collection system for rice regional experiment was established. The information collected by the sensor was analysed by cloud computing technology, which provided a basis for agronomic operation and result evaluation of regional experiment. The test results show that there is no significant difference between the rice data collected by cloud computing and the manually collected rice data. It can replace the manually collected rice information, reduce labour costs and improve experimental quality. Regional test of crop varieties is an intermediate link in the breeding and popularization of new varieties, and the results of regional test are the main basis for the approval of crop varieties. With the popularization and application of network, it brings opportunities for the networking of regional test management, statistics and variety evaluation. At the same time, with the help of network function, it can realize the online transmission of data, solve the delay problem of regional test results, and query the statistical analysis and evaluation results of regional test at any time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-133
Juni Agus Simaremare ◽  
Emelda Thesalonika

The low motivation and student learning outcomes are the main basis for this research to be carried out. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the jigsaw cooperative learning method could increase the motivation and learning outcomes of PGSD students at HKBP Nommensen Pematangsiantar University. This study uses the Classroom Action Research method. Data collection methods in this study were documentation, interviews, questionnaires, and observation. The data analysis technique in this study is a qualitative descriptive technique. Operational steps of research include planning, action, observation, reflection. The results showed that the application of the jigsaw type of cooperative learning method can increase student motivation and learning outcomes. The value of motivation and learning outcomes in learning for the pre-cycle ranged from 2.5%-72.5% or an average indicator of 40.83%. The value of motivation and learning outcomes in the first cycle ranged from 30%-100% or the average percentage of indicators reached 70.42%. The target for the learning motivation questionnaire is the average indicator of each aspect reaches more than or equal to 75%. The value of learning motivation for the second cycle ranged from 75%-79.38%. The average indicator is 76.44%. From the percentage and average value of pre-cycle, cycle I, and cycle II, it can be concluded that the jigsaw type cooperative learning method can improve motivation and learning outcomes of PGSD students at HKBP Nommensen Pematangsiantar University. Abstrak Rendahnya motivasi dan hasil belajar mahasiswa menjadi dasar utama penelitian ini dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah metode pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar mahasiswa PGSD Universitas HKBP Nommensen Pematangsiantar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah dokumentasi, wawancara, angket, dan observasi. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik deskriptif kualitatif. Langkah operasional penelitian meliputi tahap perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan, refleksi. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan penerapan metode pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar mahasiswa. Nilai motivasi dan hasil belajar dalam pembelajaran untuk prasiklus berkisar antara 2,5%-72,5% atau rata-rata indikator sebesar 40,83%. Nilai motivasi dan hasil belajar pada siklus I berkisar antara 30%-100% atau rata-rata persentase indikator yaitu mencapai 70,42%. Target untuk angket motivasi belajar adalah rata-rata indikator tiap aspek mencapai lebih dari atau sama dengan 75%. Nilai motivasi belajar untuk siklus II berkisar antara 75%-79,38%. Rata-rata indikator sebesar 76,44%. Dari persentasi dan rata-rata nilai prasiklus, siklus I, dan siklus II dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar mahasiswa PGSD Universitas HKBP Nommensen Pematangsiantar. Kata kunci : Metode Pembelajaran Kooperatif, Tipe Jigsaw, Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar

Bambuti ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-85
Stevani Konistiawati ◽  
Hin Goan Gunawan, SS, M.TCSOL

The short story text Disappearing with the Wind by Xing Qingjie as a representation of the rural fiction genre in Chinese Literature attempts to refute the grand narratives of modern fiction. For the author of the text, the power of modernity is not eternal, but can be subverted or deconstructed by giving acknowledgment to the small voices represented by Mr Zou, Sha Xiaobao, and the idiot woman in Disappearing with the Wind. This study uses a postmodernism approach to map the elements of disorientation, abnormality and small voices in that short story. Affirmation of the micronarrative is a way of working of postmodern fiction in challenging the power of modernity with the grand narrative as its main basis. For Xing Qingjie, reality does not always depend on big people, famous people, but can also be celebrated by village people, unusual people, including people who are marginalized in modern life. In his lawsuit, the presence of this text will emphasize that there is no central, no peripheral. All can be the center, and all can also be the periphery. Rural fiction pioneered by Lu Xun proves that denial of the power of grand narratives is possible in the same way that Xing Qingjie has done in a number of his works, including the short story Disappearing with the Wind.

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