digital control systems
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В. Б. Бетелин ◽  
Д. А. Моргун

Происходящие в мире события свидетельствуют о возрастании угрозы перехвата управления системами с критической миссией (СКМ). Приводятся конкретные примеры инцидентов, один из них — массовые отключения электроэнергии в Венесуэле. Обосновывается необходимость разработки технологии создания цифровых систем управления, обеспечивающей парирование угрозы перехвата управления и нештатного функционирования систем с критической миссией. В основе этой технологии — концепция цифровых двойников объектов управления цифровых систем управления этими объектами, включая все аппаратные и программные компоненты, а также интеллектуальные средства самоконтроля и самокоррекции функционирования элементной базы, вычислительной и коммуникационной техники, базового и прикладного программного обеспечения. There is an ongoing threat of control interception in mission-critical systems (MCS). Specific examples of such incidents are presented, one of them is the massive power outages in Venezuela. We specify the reasons for creating an approach to developing digital control systems for MCS resistant to control interception and abnormal functioning. This technology is based on the digital twin concept. A twin represents all the hardware and software components, as includes smart tools for the hardware, core and application software self-monitoring and self-correction.  

2021 ◽  
Igor Lepekhin ◽  
Pavel Golubev ◽  
Georgy Promyslov ◽  
Kirill Semenkov

2021 ◽  
Le Li ◽  
Zhihui Zhang ◽  
Chao Gao ◽  
Fei Zhou ◽  
Guangqiang Ma

Abstract With the development of digital instrument and control technology for nuclear power plants in recent decades, communication networks have become an important part of safety digital control systems, which takes charge in data exchange between the various sub-systems, and extremely impact on the reliability and safety of the entire I&C system. Traditional communication systems where some special features, such as reliability, safety, real-time, certainty, and independence are not strictly required are various illustrated. However, how to implement a communication system in a safety I&C system is rarely stated in current research. In this research, a reliable safety communication system applied in nuclear power plants is designed and analyzed. The five key characteristics of nuclear safety communication networks are explained, followed by explanation of how to achieve these characteristics. The analysis and verification of the designed system are also stated in this paper, which contributes to proving that the designed nuclear safety communication system could applied in the nuclear power plants.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (15) ◽  
pp. 1732
Vitaly Promyslov ◽  
Kirill Semenkov

The paper discusses the problem of performance and timing parameters with respect to the validation of digital instrumentation and control systems (I&C). Statistical methods often implicitly assume that the probability distribution law of the estimated parameters is close to normal. Thus, the confidence intervals for the parameter are determined on the grounds of this assumption. However, we encountered cases when the delay distribution law in I&C is not normal. In these cases, we used the non-statistical network calculus method for time parameters estimation. The network calculus method is well elaborated for lossless digital system models with seamless processing algorithm depending only on data volume. We consider the extension of the method to the case of I&C systems with considerable changes in the data flow and content-dependent processing disciplines. The model is restricted to systems with cyclic processing algorithms and fast network connections. Network calculus describes the data flow and system parameters in terms of flow envelopes and service curves that are generally unknown in advance. In this paper, we define equations that allow the calculation of these characteristics from experimental data. The correspondence of the Network Calculus and classical statistical estimation methods is discussed. Additionally, we give an example of model application to a real I&C system.

A.S. Pachin ◽  
S.A. Sergeev

In order to identify the distinctive features of using analog and digital control systems, a comparative analysis of kinematic parameters of movement of two space rockets was carried out. Relying on the external trajectory measurement data, we developed a method for calculating the estimates of statistical characteristics of isochronous variations in the parameters of the state vector of the space rockets. Within the study, we compared and analyzed the kinematic parameters of the movement of Soyuz-FG and Soyuz-2 1a space rockets. Using the external trajectory measurement data, we calculated the spacecraft initial orbit parameters formed by the considered launch vehicles, and estimated their accuracy. Findings of research show that the parameters of the initial orbit formed by Soyuz-2 have smaller deviations from their nominal values, unlike the launch trajectory of the previous generation launch vehicle. Experimental data have confirmed the positive contribution of terminal control to reducing deviations of the implemented trajectory from the nominal one.

2021 ◽  
Vol 73 (03) ◽  
pp. 23-23
Stephen Rassenfoss

Andrew Bruce’s path to building a digital business offers a map of hazards for those selling digital services to oil companies. When he started Data Gumbo, he was thinking about building a business aimed at solving the data quality issues that were a constant headache when he was working on developing digital control systems at NOV. One option was a fee-for-service business that cleaned up drilling data. While he knew that would make the engineers happy, he wondered if accountants would notice. Clean data ultimately can have a large financial impact by facilitating the digital transformation. But, for those doing financial statements, it is easy to miss because it does not have a direct impact on the bottom line, even though it can facilitate digital changes that do. As he searched for a better idea, he began thinking about building around a blockchain network. At the time, blockchain was only associated with keeping a record of virtual currency ownership. But he could see uses for an immutable record of contracts and transactions in the drilling business, where contract disputes, audits, and wrangling over bills are costly, time-consuming rituals. The plans required only specific bits of operational data, such as the volume of product loaded or the time of delivery, to measure performance based on the contract terms. Building a service that minimizes the customer data needed removed a potential sticking point in negotiations. Years passed as he worked to find users willing to work together to create a blockchain network to see if multiple companies could make this idea work in an oil field. Another thing that kills many startups is time. Investments by the venture arms of Equinor and Saudi Aramco gave Data Gumbo the cash to slowly recruit buyers and sellers to create and test whether the network he envisioned, known as GumboNet, actually could deliver on its promise of faster, argument-free billing that saved money. The most public example was the result of a test by a multicompany consortium in 2019 that showed a paperless system for tracking water or any other oilfield commodity can work accurately and deliver results efficiently. That was the prelude to more testing, until the oil price crash forced the industry to accelerate its search for ways to lower the cost of producing a barrel of oil. The crash sped the transition from testing to field uses and helped expand the company’s customer base. Data Gumbo has added locations in the Middle East and South America. One downside of success: It offers a model for potential competitors. “It is always a concern. It would be naive to say it is not. Anyone can use blockchain tomorrow,” Bruce said. What is harder to do is build a network of users, such as GumboNet. Assembling a group of users who understand the rules and trust the system—like a large group of merchants willing to accept a particular credit card—is a hard thing to replicate. To strengthen those ties, Bruce continues to look for new ways to generate value for users. One idea that he said is on the way this year is a service that uses data associated with logistics contracts, such as water truck traffic data, to generate emissions or water use data to help answer tough questions raised by investors requiring environment, safety, and governance reports.

2021 ◽  
Vol 93 ◽  
pp. 172-182
E. P. Grabchak ◽  
E. L. Loginov ◽  

Introduction. The expansion of the range of threats of critical information impacts (attacks), all of which are difficult to foresee in the design and development of digital control systems, has actualized the development of new approaches, the use of which makes it possible to detect attacks, identify them and develop control commands to stabilize equipment operation, increase the resilience of energy facilities to critical information impacts (attacks). The purpose of the study is to solve the problem of protection against unauthorized interference in the operation of automatic and automated systems that control functional units of power equipment to achieve reliability and safety of power supply as an element of ensuring technosphere safety. Research methods. Within the framework of the study, general scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge were used, including analysis, synthesis, generalization, which were based on the main provisions and patterns of behavior of systems and information theory. Research results. It is proposed to create a system for monitoring the stability of energy facilities to critical information impacts (attacks), adapted to work in emergency situations and in a special period. The characteristics of the system, the main functions, components, key modules (subsystems), the main stages of development, implementation and ensuring the efficiency of work are formulated. Conclusion. The advantage of the system is its adaptation to abnormal behavior (including for unknown reasons) of functional units of equipment in order to achieve reliability and safety of power supply as an element of ensuring technospheric safety. The system allows you to reduce the workload and responsibility of operators, especially in situations where there is no, lack of reliable information or the presence of questionable technological information. Keywords: energy, digital control systems, threats, protection, security, intelligent elements, equipment

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